» Fiction » Is This Right?, Kasia A. Napierkowski [best motivational books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Is This Right?, Kasia A. Napierkowski [best motivational books .TXT] 📗». Author Kasia A. Napierkowski

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Waking up to find everything dark, Mira wondered if today was Saturday. She silently hoped it wasn’t, for that would mean that today was the day of the dance. She sat up in her bed and felt pain shoot up her back. She winced and frowned as she stretched. She sighed wishing that she had been smarter yesterday.

"Oh come on Mira! It'll be fun!" Kathy said waving her arms around in the air. "No! You know I'm afraid of heights!" Mira yelled at Kathy as she tried to get away from the edge of the bridge. "Oh come on! I will go if you go!” Kathy yelled back from the other side of the bridge. "You are nuts!” Mira yelled. "But you are already dressed for it! You even have the halter on! Please will you just jump?” Kathy pleaded. "No. The only way I'm jumping off this thing is if someone pushes me!” Mira said looking at Tom knowing that he would love to push her off.

Next thing she knew the wind blew and she had no choice but to jump. She screamed and flailed her arms around as if trying to fly. All she succeeded in doing was a front flip, which she didn’t appreciate very much. Just before she hit the ground the bungee pulled her back up. When she had stopped going up and down she disconnected the halter for the people to pull back up.

Felling shaky she tried to walk away from the landing site only to fall backward. She closed her eyes as fell, waiting for the ground to smack her in her rear-end. Instead of the ground catching her something else did. She opened her eyes and found that she was face to face with a man. She couldn’t help but blushed. "Sorry." She said. The man looked at her as if trying to see if he knew her. He helped her up and gave a light shrug. He smiled kindly at her. "Thanks.” Mira said blushing a deeper red. She stumbled away to find her friends.

"Well... that’s the last time I am ever going bungee jumping." Mira said to herself. She looked around at the clock. "Oh no! I'm going to be late!" She pause "How many times had Kathy and Tom been late? How many times had they not shown up at all? Huh. I think I will give them a taste of their own medicine." She continued nodding contently. As she got ready for another "Great" day, she took her time.

When she was all done she went out and to Kathy and Tom's room. They weren't there. She went to the other rooms that were for the three of them, and they still were missing. "What time is it... really?" Mira asked the empty room. She raced back to her room and the clock said that she still had time before the crowd formed outside. Then she raced back to Kathy and Tom's room and it showed about two hours after the crowd normally formed. She was going to kill her so called friends! They had tricked her again! She sighed. Oh well, I should be used to this already, she thought.

She went outside and saw the huge mass of people, after a pause, She bravely headed in. Walking through the crowd she looked for Kathy knowing that she would be the easiest to find since she was wearing a bright pink tank top. Not looking where she was going she ran into someone. "Oh, sorry!" She said looking up. She blushed it was the man that had caught her when she almost fell yesterday. "Looking for someone?" He asked. "Uh yeah, have you seen a girl in a bright pink tank top?” Mira asked titling her head to the right slightly. "Oh. Yes she is over there.” He said pointing to the far side of the crowd. "Oh. Thanks!” Mira said looking back at him.

Just as she was beginning to think that she was lost she saw a bright pink tank top briefly flash through the sea of people. Finally, she thought. "Oh there you are!” Kathy exclaimed. "So now what do you have planned today?” Mira asked deciding to not bring up the whole clock thing. "Go do whatever you want!” Kathy exclaimed. "Oh really, so I could go back to my room and read or write or even go back to sleep?” Mira asked with a little bit of anger in her voice. "Yes.” Kathy said as if she didn't even notice the anger. "Ok then bye.” Mira said fuming going back to her room. Once in her room she decided to read a book to calm down. After a few pages she started to get really into it.

(Five Hours Later)
She stretched. When had she fallen asleep? Yawning she got up to find that it was almost time for the dance. Oh great, she thought sarcastically, Dancing, my favorite. Well maybe I can just dance on the side. I know that if I don't dance the spotlight will be on me. Why did they even do the spotlight thing anyway? She wondered. Sighing she gets up and dressed.

Walking out side she finds Kathy and Tom making out. "Oh get a room.” Mira said smacking both of their arms until they stopped kissing. "We have one already.” Kathy said looking at Mira as if she was confused. "Really Mira, when are you going to try to find someone hmm?" Kathy asked. "When I feel like it.” Mira snapped back at her. "Come on. You've been alone for seven years now. When are you going to try reaching out? Try being a human hmm?” Kathy asked with a sad look in her eyes. "Let me live my own life! Sheesh I'm 20! You would think that you are my parents!” Mira yelled. Flinching Mira wished she hadn't said that. "Come on the dance is starting.” Kathy said trying to change the subject as she walked to where everyone was. Mira sighed and looked at the ground. She followed Kathy trying to not get separated from her by the mass of people.

(The Dance)
On the sidelines Mira slowly twirled around, enjoying just dancing. It reminded her of the Mardi Gras. In a way it was. As she turned around she stopped and blushed. The man was there looking at her with a friendly smile on his face. He walked up to Mira and asked if he could dance with her. Taking his hand Mira let him lead her closer to the center of the crowd.

After a couple of dances she began to relax. Suddenly the guy who was in-charge of the stage said over the microphone, "Everone turn to te one you are dancin with and give them a nice big kissss!" OH NO!!! She thought, I HAVE TO KISS HIM? Looking up at him she saw a look of surprise on his face. "If ya don't have a dance partner then turn to te nearesst pershon and kissh tem." The man said in a slurred voice." Oh ya an one more thing if ya don't kisss tem sthen we will sshpotlight ya until ya do." He said with an evil drunken laugh. Ok, she thought, this is fixed and I'm going to kill whoever it was that decided to play the joke. Looking around she saw everyone shrug and kiss each other. Oh no!!, she thought panicking slightly, this is real!! She looked up at the man and was caught by his gaze. She briefly wondered what he was thinking as he looked down at her.

Next thing they knew the spotlight was on them. Instantly she blushed. Ok, she thought, let’s just get this over with. Just as she stood up on her tippy toes he leaned down and they kissed. It was better then she thought it would be. She was actually surprised by that fact. Once the spotlight was off them they stopped and looked around awkwardly. Hesitantly they started to dance again when the music turned back on. After the dance she left the crowd to find a nice quiet place to think. Not getting anywhere with her thoughts, Mira headed back to her room. She got out of her dance clothes and into nice more relaxed outfit. She went straight to bed.

(The Next Day)
The next day Mira was going to go hang gliding. "Why do I let you talk me into this?" Mira asked with fear evident in her voice. "Because we are your friends." Kathy and Tom said together. "Right you are my friends and for some reason always get me in a situation that might kill me! Great that makes things so much easier." Mira said looking at them with wide eyes. "Go!" the instructor said. Instructor was not the correct name because he just sent you off whether you had experience or not. Just as he said that the wind picked up and Mira was pulled off the cliff. Sshe began to hate the wind for all the things it made her do.

Soaring through the air Mira felt as if she was flying. Well in a way she was, sort of. As she was nearing the ground she realized that she didn't know how to land. That is a life or death mistake! She saw someone gliding toward her. It was the man. "Do you need any help?" He asked. "Umm. Yeah. How do you land?" Mira asked. As he explained it to her she knew that she needed a visual else she would get it wrong. "Umm can you show me?" She asked. "Yes" he answered. He glided down gracefully and without trouble. She tried to do what he did and landed, not as gracefully but she still landed.

The force of the impact knocked her out the glider and she stumbled backwards into his arms. Looking up into his face she couldn’t help but wondered if the glider broke. He leaned down and kissed her. She was startled but happy. Is this right, she asked herself, Should you fall in love with him? You don't even know his name, yet you kiss him.

He helped her to her feet and put an arm around her shoulders. He quickly looked her over for any injuries. Seeing none he looked up into her eyes and smiled. Mira smiled back shyly and looked down. Walking back to the resort Mira leaned on him for support. "So are you all right?" He asked her. "Yeah I'm fine." She answered. Once they got to her door they stopped. “Are you sure?” He asked looking deep into her eyes. She smiled kindly and nodded her head. After that simple gesture they went their opposite ways hesitantly. She walked into her room to find Kathy and Tom sitting on her bed looking worried. She sighed quietly knowing that she was going to have to tell them the whole story.

(In Her Room)
"So, you have fallen in love?" Kathy asked with an excited gleam in her eyes. "No! It was just a small kiss that’s all!" Mira said defensively. "Right." Kathy said not believing her. "So what was it like? How did it feel? Wha-" Mira cut Kathy off angrily, "Get out of my room." "Oh come on this is the last day here!” Kathy whined. "So get out of my room!" Mira said trying to calm herself. "Fine." Kathy and Tom said together.

Once they had left Mira she tried to sort her thoughts. Is he like the rest of them, liars and fakers? Who

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