» Fiction » Cry Me a Waterfall, E.A. McGrath [rm book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «Cry Me a Waterfall, E.A. McGrath [rm book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author E.A. McGrath

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This Book is for….
My Uncle Ed
Nicole Del Conte
Betsy Ferra
Stephanie Loretta Bepple Stouts
Brittney Cafero
Lauren Thompson
The first people to read Cry Me a Waterfall
Thank you for supporting me in all of my work.

Ronnie, Lily and their mother, Clair, were driving to the mall. Ronnie was texting her friend, and Lily was busy kicking the seat in front of her. Clair was on her cell phone and wasn’t paying much attention to the road.
Without warning, a mini-van slammed into them on the driver's side. The impact threw Clair, who was not wearing her seatbelt, clear through the windshield. Ronnie, dazed and in shock watched her mother's bloody face and body seemingly take flight and land on the asphalt, only to be run over by a Coke-Cola truck speeding in the opposite direction. Just before Ronnie blacked out she heard Lily screaming in pain and excruciating terror.
Thankfully death was instantaneous for Claire. She was gone on a matter of seconds, but for Ronnie and her family, life as they had known it would never be the same.

Chapter 1

It all started the day of the accident. I remember it vividly. That morning I woke up like I always did on a Saturday. Slowly and tiredly. I then picked out my outfit. I was wearing my Zelda top with my ripped black jeans and my black rocker boots. I quickly did my dark brown and kind of frizzy hair up into a loos pony tail.
I stumbled down the stairs into our kitchen. Lily, my little sister, was watching Sponge-Bob, my mom was making what smelled and looked like what were pancakes, but knowing my mother you never knew. My dad was sitting at the table reading the paper with a cup of coffee right next to him.
I got my box of Frosted Flakes and stumbled back upstairs, not wanting to deal with the kayos of the morning. I checked my messages on my iPhone 4s. My zebra case was cracking so I figured I'd get a new one on my way to the mall which I would of course have to deal with my sister and mother drawing unwanted and certainly unneeded attention. In within an hour we were ready to go and my dad was off to work.
Then half way there a small mini-van hit us in the left side of the car, right where my mother was sitting. I was scared to death. I remember the terror I felt, my little sister Lily’s scream, and worst of all my mother’s dark red blood dripping down her face. Little did I know at the time that the next few days would be even worse. We were on our way to the mall For a split second I saw the terror in my mother’s eyes. After that everything went black.
The next thing I remember was waking up in the emergency room to find my bruised and broken sister. Oh Lily, why, why? I thought to myself in pity. Then my father, Hennery rushed over to my side. “Ronnie? Can you hear me?” he asked. I nodded slowly. “Oh Ronnie.” he sobbed. “Your mother, she-” then I realized something was terribly wrong, where the h was my mother? “died. She flew out the windshield at the scene, after you were hit. Do you remember any of this?” I shook my head. No, no mom, no.
Then I saw Lily twisting and turning in the bed next to me. “Lily?” I mumbled I saw my father turn to her and take her hand. “Lily, Lily sweet-heart? Are you ok?” She turned to me and slowly nodded. “Ronnie, where’s mommy?” she said in that angelic voice I couldn’t stand hurting. “She’s um, she’s in a better place but I’m sure she’s ok.” Lily had the puzzled look on her face Oh great, now I’ve done it. I thought Lily got the clue at first but then she asked our dad. “Daddy? Where is mommy?” “Well sweetie she’s um, she’s with GOD now but she’s happy, I’m sure.” “you mean she’s dead?” she whimpered to my father. She started to sob to herself quietly. “Why? Why is she-dead?” “Well sweetie, do you remember the accident?” She shook her head. “Well there was a bad accident. You Ronnie and mommy were in it and she didn’t make it.” My father said.
God someone help us, please. I prayed to myself as I saw my father’s tear triple down his cheek. Lily was crying too. I had to stay in there though or else who knows what would happen.
Suddenly a strange man came into the room. “Hello there.” He said. Acting as if all was right in the world. It made me sick. “You must be Ronnie, and you must be Lily. I’m Doctor Scalia.” I gave him the evil eye that I mastered in sixth grade. I know I shouldn’t have but at the time it seemed like the right thing to do. “I’m so sorry for your loss.” He added, finally. After he explained what was “wrong” with us he took me and my father to the ex-ray room. It was a large room filled with different kinds of machines. I sat down in the chair closest to the big white machines. My father sat more toward the door as if he was waiting to make a run for it. Oh joy the mad scientist’s pushing buttons, can he go any slower? I thought to myself. You know that feeling you get in your gut when you think something’s not right? That’s what I was feeling. That and a sudden sickness that made me feel like I was going to puke. Which I did a few short moments later. “Oh!” Doctor Scalia said as I vomited. Oh great I thought to myself Now I can be known as the vomiting freak-show or queasy! I thought about the horrible names they might call me. Then I realized I wasn’t in school. I was in the hospital. I remembered. I remember the crash. I remember seeing my mother fly. And worse of all the pain I felt. I screamed in spite of myself. My stomach churned. I vomited more. It was revolting.
I was normally good with loss, considering the entire fact the I had lost my grandmother, my aunt, and a cousin. All have different stories. The worst was my cousin. Sean. I remember him vividly. He brought me happiness while I was young and then while he was fooling around with a few friends of his he drowned in a lake not too far from my house. My heart broke but my tears never fell. I was a tough kid. I had to be. I glanced at the window to find rain pouring down and a tree in the midst of it. It swayed with an elegance the danced with the tears of the sky. Thunder broke and I jumped. I was done making a mess. Dr. Scalia was on the wall phone with who seemed to be the matiness man "Oh, ok thank you." He ended the call with that. "ok Ronnie the matiness man will be here soon so I say you go down to room a14 and I'll have Silvia see to your needs." "Um k?" I wanted to ask who the h this 'Silvia' woman was but stopped myself.
Once I was settled in my room Silvia came in. she had dark red hair and green eyes that reminded me of my cat's. "Vello" she said in a german accent. "Hey." I said in reply. "Vell vyou look vood, how do dos fell?" "Um a little queeze and I have a head-ach but other than that good." "Vood now, vould you mind taking van vexular ray for me?" she asked me "I already did." I said Geez, this lady's annoying! I thought"Vell ya I know vat." "Oh so like another one? No." "Vok ven vollow me"
She led me out into the hallway again just this time I was on a gurney. Vee! A freakish German's veeling me down a vallvay! I thought trying to do my best attempt of a German accent I my head. Once we were in the x-ray room (again) she did the same thing Dr. Scalia did. Then since I was bored I decided to make a list of things I was sure of
1-My mother's dead
2-I have no idea where my dad and Lily are
3-I upchucked my breakfast and I'm now hungry

That was all my confused and sad mind could think of, at the time.
Once we were dine with I was allowed some time alone. I wished I wasn't as tiered as I was, but I couldn’t go to sleep, yet. I sat and sat then decided that now would be a some-what appropriate time to watch the small TV. I went straight to the news where I only found more disappointment. I was front and center of the screen. Across the bottom it read "
What? How? Why? These short questions were running through my head as I saw some more pictures flash across the screen. They must have been in the mini-van, but all of them were dead. I pushed the button that sent for a nurse and in within 3 minutes one came in
"Can I help you?" she said Must be another student nurse, shocker! I thought to myself vilely. "Um ya it says my sister Lily is in an undetermined state!" "Why yes she is." Note to self-ALWAYS ask for a real for a real nurse or doctor. "Well that’s just lovely but um-" I paused for a dramatic effect "WHY?!?!" "Oh I'm sorry miss but I'm unsure." She giggled a little and I gave her my evil eye, which I must admit I kind of mastered when I was five. Why does the "chick" giggle when I ask her serious questions like- "Is my sister alive??!!??" Ughhhhhh! I thought to myself.
After blondie left me confused and depressed I thought of my house. My bright apple green room, my dog, Sunny, my bed with the zebra comforter and cheetah sheet set. All the times I cried in there. My best friends "Hammy" and "Sparky" (nicknames we gave each other) A tear trickled down my cheek slowly and solemnly as I thought of it all. Would anything be the same between all of us ever again? Why, why did my mother have to die? Why did the car hit us? Why won't anyone tell me what's up with my sister? As I thought of all of these things I remember a girl named Bethany Hamilton who lost her arm in a shark attack, now she's famous and ok so does that mean I'll be famous after this? I quickly removed that thought out of my head. I didn’t want to be famous yet, I didn’t want to come home to papparatizee freaks with cameras all in my face. I then thought of the song my mother sang to me when I was sad or alone.
What happens next, when all the little things that make you second guess come back?
Take a step away from the truths you know
Birds will always sing
And you will never be alone.
What happens next we'll never know for sure
But if you second

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