» Fiction » STONED, mrmarion [best biographies to read TXT] 📗

Book online «STONED, mrmarion [best biographies to read TXT] 📗». Author mrmarion


I can feel the euphoric high as the drug does its magic. My body doesn’t hurt anymore. The pain is going away. What I see is getting grayish and blurred and my peripheral vision is black. My speech is slurred but I am happy and feeling wonderful. My body tingles as the drug takes effect. I am at peace with the world; no longer do I hate anyone. I am full of love and compassion. I feel like talking and I do so. I am intelligent and wish to share my vast amount of knowledge with anyone who will listen. As I talk I am unaware if anyone is in the room with me or not but that doesn’t matter. I am espousing on a plane equal to that of Einstein. Perhaps I am talking way too deep for my listeners to comprehend what I say. They don’t have the capacity to think like I do.
My vision is getting darker and it is getting harder for me to see even the shadows of people and objects in my surroundings. Blackness engulfs me and I sleep the slumber of the peaceful. Is this how it is when you die?
I am awakening now. How long have I been asleep? I should have looked at the clock. There is a metallic taste in my mouth. I don’t like it. My body still feels at ease and I don’t hurt. My vision is returning to full range and I can see that I am in my bedroom at my apartment. Wonder what time it is? How long did I sleep? I try to get up and I feel dizzy and weak. When did I eat last? Perhaps I will get something to eat and I will feel better.
Let’s see now. Some milk in the refrigerator and some cereal on the counter. The sound of the milk mixing with the cereal makes me sick at my stomach. The thought of eating makes me nauseous. Maybe I will eat something later when I feel better.
I turn on the TV. The news is about Iraq and the Arabs killing themselves and the Americans when they can. Nothing is new here. Who is that idiot screaming about getting out of Iraq immediately? Probably someone wanting to run for President and trying to get his name known. What else is on? Local news is about Jackson and all the robbing, shootings and other crimes. I don’t need this. I am beginning to feel like I need a pick-me-up. What do I have left in my stash?
I take the crystal mixture and place it on a piece of aluminum foil. Applying heat from the bottom, the drug starts to smoke. I quickly inhale the smoke and feel the effects as the drug enters my lungs. My mouth has a nasty taste and I want to cough from the smoke but I hold it back. A feeling of exhilaration comes over me as the drug takes hold of my body and starts to work.
My movements feel like I am wading in syrup and are in slow motion to me. But I know from experience that I am moving faster than I think. I feel no pain as I bump into things around the room. My mind is at ease and I feel like I can leap tall buildings in a single bound. I am stronger than anyone else I know. I have more energy than I know what to do with. Perhaps I will take a stroll around this little town and see what I can see.
I have been walking around for awhile now and I am beginning to feel tired. My buzz is wearing off. I will return to the room and see what I have left for a jump start.
There is nothing left but a half bottle of some kind of wine. Let’s see how it tastes. It goes down easy and does not burn my throat. I can feel it as it hits my empty stomach and begins to course through my veins. The feeling is one of ecstatic dizziness and I can hardly walk. Better sit down and see what is on TV. I will just close my eyes for a few minutes and this spinning around will leave me and I will feel well again. The last thing I remember is trying to visualize what the announcer is saying on the TV about a wreck on Highway 49 near Florence.
I awake and it is dark. How long have I been sleeping? What time is it? I should have looked at the clock. My buzz is completely gone and all I have left is a throbbing headache. But I know that in a few minutes my body will be aching for another hit. And the pain will only get worse as time goes by if I don’t get it. It will start in my gut and travel from there to every pore in my body. Perhaps I better get a fix to avoid all the pain. I don’t like pain.
There is nothing left in my room to appease my body in its craving. I will have to go out and get something. But I have no money. I need money to get my medicine. Better get started trying to get some.
There is the mall. Maybe I can get the desired funds from there. I move around the rows of parked cars looking for something I can steal and sell for money. How long have I been at this? I can’t do it very long without someone calling the cops. What is this; a purse on the front seat of that car? And the door is not locked. I take the purse quickly and move quietly down a row of cars to hide my departure. I hold my hand up near my face in case the outside cameras are working. I stop behind the dumpster and inventory my take. The wallet has sixty three dollars in it, three twenties and three ones. I take the money and throw the rest into the dumpster. I go up through the alley and make my get away free and easy.
I must find my candy man. I know well where he is staking out his territory. With this haul, I will be able to get a lot of stuff for my stash. There is my dealer at his normal place. I place my order, give him the sixty dollars and turn towards home. My body is starting to hurt now. The pain is like a hot knife in my stomach and the hurt makes me bend over. I feel like throwing up but there is nothing to regurgitate. I just cough from the exertion of the effort. My body feels like there are a thousand needles sticking me all through my very being. I need a fix bad and real soon.
My room is just around the corner and relief is only a short time away. I reach my room and prepare the portion that I know will help me make it through the rest of the night and halfway through tomorrow.
I can feel the euphoric high as the drug does its magic in my body.


Publication Date: 11-21-2009

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