» Fiction » The Disney Experiment, B to the S [free reads txt] 📗

Book online «The Disney Experiment, B to the S [free reads txt] 📗». Author B to the S

I stared into his blue eyes, as he approached me from across the room. In a room full of people, he acted if I was the only one.
He said, “You’re the one. It was you the whole time!”
In the background, it was if you could hear Vanessa. She is such a witch.
“Oh Eric,” I replied.
He then leaned in and all I could do what look at his lips, licking my own in the process.
And then…..

UHHHH. Time to get up and I was having such a good dream. I look at the clock on my cluttered nightstand, and the numbers read 7:00 am. I need to hop in the shower and get ready for school. I climb out of bed, knocking off my text books. I stayed up late doing my homework… again. I ran to the bath room, but ofcourse, it is being held up by one of my many sisters! Why do 4 girls have to share a bathroom I will never know. It was wayyy worse when there were 7 of us, but Attina and Alana are both married. Adela is doing this whole hippie, vegan thing where she is living with her boyfriend and running a smoothie bar out in Los Angela’s. That leaves Aquata, Arista, ,Andrina, and me, Ariel, at home. With our dad. He works 3 jobs just trying to keep our large family afloat and tries to be the mother and the father.
After 30 minutes, Adrina (the only one who goes to school with me) finally decides to emerge out the bathroom. Great. Now I only have 15 minutes to get ready, cause I meet my best friend Al at 7:45 at the corner to walk to school every day. I take the world’s quickest shower and just through on some clothes, not caring what I choose. Its not like anyone is gonna give me a second glance anyway. I rush out the door, grabbing a granola bar in the process to shove down my throat on the walk to school.
As soon as leave my drive way, I see Al waiting impatiently. His is wearing is signature purple vest with black AC DC tee under. The purple totally goes with his super dark hair and tan skin. Even though he wears it every day, he still works it. But, the same for him as it is for me, it’s not like anyone is going to notice us.
“Hey Al,” I say as I sneak up behind him, pulling out his earphones to his CD player.
“ARIEL! You look like a mess.”
And this is why, I consider Aladdin my best friend. He is completely honest with me. We start walking and I examine myself in my reflections in one of the cars we pass. He is right. My flaming red hair is stringy looking from not properly being brushed from my shower. My blue eyes are hidden from my thick framed glasses. My jeans have holes all in them (and not the cool, fashionable kind). And my old Ford tshirt has paint all over it. Greattt.
As Al and I walk to school, he scenery changes. In just a few blocks you go from the slums from which Al and I live, to the wealthy gated homes. Once we take a left on to Main Street, you can see the building what we call school. If I didn’t have to go there every day, I describe it of having an enchanted feel to it with its castle like qualities. At the end of Main Street sits the building I have to will myself to go to 8 hours a day, 5 days a week….
Enchanted High.

Chapter 2
As I walked through the front gates Al and I separate. Al goes to the left toward the science wing, as I have to go straight through the front fine arts hallway to get to Chorus. I had to push my way through the crowd the flooded the front door. I looked down at the time on my phone and noticed I had a few minutes before class started, so I decided to go to the bathroom.
“He is so gorgeous. Me and him are so meant for each other. I mean, I am head cheerleader and he is captain of the football team. Eric and Vanessa. It just sounds too perfect,” said some tall, long dark haired girl, wait no woman. No girl is that gorgeous.
“Vanessa, common, you got to have a better reason than that to go after him. Do you at all like his personality?” said the mid-eastern girl next to the girl named Vanessa. They both screamed money.
I run into a stall, and they don’t even notice I am in there.
“Really Jasmine? Who cares that I don’t really know the guy? I just know it is meant to be, and I AM going to have him. No matter what I am to do” I noticed as she said this, her voice got a bit meaner, if that was possible, sounding. “Gosh Jazzy! Sometimes I just don’t get you. You are like uber popular and rich! You don’t need to care as much as you do!”
“Sorry Vanessa I am aware that some people have feelings, unlike yourself!”
“hahaha, I have feelings, I just choose to hid them most day!” Vanessa says as her voice changes into a joking manner. I would not want to cross this chick. She seems a bit psycho.
“Well, anyway, see you at lunch Jazzy. I got to go talk to my councilor about changing my first period to orchestra.”
“Wait! Why in the heck are you changing out of dance for orchestra?”
“Are you really that dumb? And here I thought you were super smart! It’s cause Eric is in there! DUH!”
“Yeah, I am the dumb one….”
Then all I hear is silence, so I decide to take my leave.
I go to the sink and wash my hands when I notice that the mid-eastern girl is standing in the corner texting. Oh crap, now she knows I have been in here.
She looks up just as I look at her, and she, she, she….
She actually smiles at me. Not one of those “What the heck are you doing here, you are so dirt poor and beneath me so I am just gonna awkwardly smile at you” smiles. It was a real smile. Like a “Hello, who are you smiles.”
“Hey, so, did you hear the crazy conversation I was having with Vanessa?”
“um.. no. wait, yes, kinda” I stupidly reply.
She slightly giggles and says “Yeah, she is crazy over Eric, has been for years. She is just now, though, getting the courage to talk to him. She hasn’t always been so…”
“Mean” I suggest.
“Hahah, EXACTLY! She thinks she is queen bee now or something. Ever since she lost all the weight and guys started noticing her, she has changed! But we have been friends for years so I am just going to have to wait for her to get put in her place for the sake of our friendship.”
We stand there in silence for a moment, then the bell rings. Crap, I am late.
“Well anyways, it was nice meeting you…”
“Ariel” I tell her.
“Ariel? Cool. I am Jasmine.” She starts heading to the door and I notice how extremely long and beautiful her hair is. “See you around” she says while leaving.
I gather myself together for a few moments and think about what just happened. I talked to one of them, I mean actually talked to one of the ‘it’ people. And they talked back! This is actually really cool.
I look at my phone and see that I am 4 minutes late! Oh, CRAP!
I rush out the bathroom and smash into something tall and hard. I instantly fall to the ground, throwing my books and bag everywhere, and my vision is clouded up.
“Oh, shit, I am so sorry! I didn’t see you!” I hear some amazing masculine voice say to me.
As my sight clears up, I first see the most amazing shade of blue ever known to mankind. And then I notice that blue is infact the color of the eyes of the person holding me. As more and more of my vision becomes clear I get a face that is so gorgeous, it should be illegal.
“Are you ok?” says this god-like man.
“I.. I…” oh no, I can’t even speak in front of this guy. Breathe Ariel. Breathe.
“Here, let me help you up. I am Eric by the way.”
Eric… Oh no.


Publication Date: 03-13-2012

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