» Fiction » A Whisper In The Dark, Rose E. Watson [red white and royal blue hardcover .TXT] 📗

Book online «A Whisper In The Dark, Rose E. Watson [red white and royal blue hardcover .TXT] 📗». Author Rose E. Watson

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A Whisper In the
Chapter 1 Surprise
“ Miss Ashton! I would like it if you could please pay attention!” my History teacher stated coldly. I rolled my eyes and stared back at the white board, he was briskly writing on. Ever since I was 12 years old I knew there was something different about me, not that my stubbornness has anything to do with it. When I was 7 years old I started seeing things, but I thought ever since then that it was a dream. But I would creepily find out on my summer vacation.

“SCHOOLS OUT!” yelled everyone in my class, I just rolled my eyes and smiled. I skipped down the steps then started spinning around and around looking for my mom. Suddenly she was right in front of me so I stopped and smiled.
“ Hi, mom!..I..was just looking for you..and here you are!”
“ Well I’m glad your in such a good mood. Maybe that will.........”
“ Will what? Is something goin on?”
“ Well, yeah. I mean yes! Well...honey..we’re Jersey.”

I was silent completely, I didn’t move, I hardly breathed, I couldn’t think, I didn’t even know completely what was going on.
“Are you ok? Honey? Hello? I know you must be really shocked but this is so we can live in a house and I can have a better job...I just need to sort of start over. Do you understand?"
I didn’t say anything I just nodded my head and looked out the window. My body stiffened I clenched my teeth and squeezed my hands into fists. The ride home was silent, I glanced at my my mom and saw her face it was sad and a little pale. I pictured my face, hard, cold, and mean. I wish I didn’t feel this way but I really like it here, in Ohio. All my friends live here and I have a great apartment, I mean I would love a house, but an apartment is fine by me.

For a long while I thought I was selfish for thinking that I didn't want to move (don’t kids move everyday?). But then I thought isn’t this my life to live, to make decisions and screw up. It does sound prejudice! But am I wrong?

I just rolled my eyes and looked out the window but with a softened look. I looked over at my mom again and words started coming from my mouth (but the sound of them wasn’t me...ok not half of me).
“ Hey... Mom, I’m sorry I said those things and gave my “I-really-don’t-want-to-leave-and-I-mean-it” look. It’s just that I don’t really want to leave I mean I’ve lived here for about twelve years. I mean you can't expect me to be excited...but if it helps us still be a family then I’m all for it.”
“ I’m glad you agree...somewhat, anyway and I didn’t really want to move, even though I was excited to hear we could. We’re going to New Jersey, to live in a house, a real house...”
“ Jersey?! could be fun.”
I looked at my mom with an I-have-no-clue-what-it-will-be-like look. At least we drove home a little happier.

“ So what color do you want your bedroom?”
I was shocked into surprise (even though moving to Jersey was more than enough).
“ I get to paint my bedroom?”
“ Of course silly! I mean shocking you with the move, I owe you something.”
“ Well..any color?”
“ Sure!”
“ Could I do it...”
“ Waiting.”
“ Could I do it blue with rainbow paint splatter?”
“ That sounds creative...I think I like it! We can do it together!”
That shocked me even more, because the 101 with my mom is that she’s really busy.

“ So we’re really moving because of your job?”
“ Not just my job.”
“ But mostly your job...right?”
“...Yes, I’m getting promoted and they wanted me to move to a permanent location.”
“ Hey, mom don’t you love painting?”
“ Why do you ask?”
“ Well one night I went into your room to ask you something and saw your closet door open a crack. Then I saw you starting to paint with a focused but joyful smile.”
“ You should quit your job!”
“ I can’t just quit my job how would we buy groceries? Or, improve our new house?”
“ Well you should work with something you love like painting! I know you love painting and I think your really good at it!”
“ Thank you! And can you keep my painting a secret? I would love to paint for a job but well I don’t think I could...if you know what I mean.”
“ Not really...but that’s ok, I think you’d be an awesome artist!”

After the last statement the conversation went to utter silence and was almost awkward till we finally pulled into the paved driveway of the apartment-complex. I went up stairs with a smile on my face, but anger and disappointment in my heart. Everything was happening so fast I really needed to get out. So, I told my mom I was walking over to Brittany's house. She hugged me as soon as she opened the door.
" Hello, best friend." I said with a smiling face.
" Ello, I really missed you today!"
" But I saw you at school."
" I know but I still missed you."

I came inside and we hung out all day till almost dinner time.
" Well, if you want to do something tomorrow that would be cool." I said not meaning to show my hidden feelings about moving.
" Are you ok?"
" Ya...Why wouldn't I be?"
" You look really down. I'm your best friend!...Come on you can tell me."
" Well........I can tell you...but...your not gonna like it."
" Just tell."
" Well.......I'm...I...I'm...moving."
" Are you gonna say something?"
" How the hell are you moving?"
" My mom's job."
" ............Where to?"
" Jersey."
" Please don't be mad."
" The only reason why I'd be mad is because we hung out all day, pretty much, and then you tell me right when your going back to your house for dinner..that your moving!?"
"Woha! Slow down. I mean I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I didn't want you to get all sad and mad and stuff."
" To late for that."
" I'm really could come visit." I said finally smiling again.
" But, it's not the same having me be in Ohio while your in Jersey."
" What?"
" I have an idea!"
" What is it?"
" Maybe if your mom would let you you could come with us then fly back to Ohio when you're ready."
" But what if I'm never ready?"
" I know it'll be hard...but come on. Can't you see it? Me, you, and my mom all going to Jersey."
" I guess I could ask...I've never been to Jersey...Alright, you go home to dinner, I'll ask my mom if I could go-"
" And I'll ask my mom."
" And then I'll call you."
" Or I'll call you?"
" Well lets just do whoever calls first."
" Sounds good! See you later best buddy."
" Bye best friend!"

I ran back home as fast as I could and found my mom in the kitchen cooking dinner ( which was a shock (haven't seen her there in a long time)).
" You have a very telepathic mind." She said while stirring some mashed potatoes.
" What? Oh, dinner. Mom, can I ask you something?"
" Sure, go right ahead."
" Ok you know how we're going to Jersey, and all my friends are here including my best friend on the planet. And she and I apart equals pure aloneness and well....could Brittany come with us only for the summer to Jersey!" I blurted out super fast.
My mom just kind of stopped what she was doing and turned her back to me. Then she turned around slowly and faced me. At first her face had no expression then it broke into a smile.
" If Brittany comes with us for the summer will you be ok with the move?"
" I'll be more than happy to be ok with the move."
Then the phone rang. I slapped my leg (hard (because Brittany beat me to it)) and then picked up the phone.
" Hello, Brittany."
" This isn't who you think. I'm coming to kill you." Said a rough deep breathing voice. I instantly hung up the phone. It rung again but I did't pick it up.
" Honey, could you pick up the phone?" My mom shouted across the room, still busy in the kitchen. I didn't pick it up, instead just stood there. Then it felt like something gave me a slap in the face Snap out of it!

I screamed in my head and then picked up the phone.
" Hello?" I said cautiously
" Hi buddy!"
" Oh, hi!"
" You ok?"
" Ya! My mom said you could come!!!"
" Shut up! My parents said I could go too!!!"
" Well I guess I should start packing soon and dinners' almost ready, so I'll see you whenever."
" Alright buddy, bye-bye."
" Bye!"
" Bye!"
She hung up the phone first( she always likes to say "BYE!" last) and then I did while heading back into the kitchen.
" So, can she come?"
" YES!"
" Well that's exciting. Come help me with dinner!"
So I put on a black apron and got to work, all the while that voice, those words were creeping into my head.

Dinner was awesome and afterwards we started going through our stuff and I packed one box all that time. So much was on my mind I couldn't help but focus on it and not packing. My mom packed three boxes and then said we'd finish up through out the week.
" Yes?"
" When exactly are we leaving?"
She poked here head out from her room and started walking towards me with two of her boxes. Placing them down on the floor she sat on one.
" Well...I was possibly thinking by the end of this week."
" Oh, wow! Ok, we better start packing."
" How many boxes?"
" One."
" In all that time?! What were you doing?"
" I kind of got mind."
" Aw, I see. Well how bout we clear it with some nice hot tea and maybe a couple rounds of DDR?"
" That sounds pretty awesome."
It was strange that my mom was home since she was pretty much always working, but I

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