» Fiction » Faith In Fate, Val [best value ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Faith In Fate, Val [best value ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Val

Dedicated To The Powers That Be

Celebration is a magical place where two people mingle and dance away under the rotating stars as she twirls on her tip toes of her high heels, dips, and falls into a friend's lap. They left in the carriage they came in, black horses with silvery bridles, and her batch of red roses she left on the seat. She will not save these for they belong in the trash. This man is not the man she was waiting for. But he followed her as they both sat together as the carriage rattled along the freshly blown street. Clickety-Clack they go as she buds as an angel with high charismatic voice and much animated arms, hands, and face. Despite the man not being the handsome Prince that belonged to herself she desired to seduce him with her laughs and gay merrimaking speech that ultimately gave him the time of his life. She is more comedy than he could handle while he folded his arms over his waist and tilted his head back in a chuckle of unbelievability at what he was hearing! Yes she conjures up many stories of the sort for it actually happened she made sure to say. She was now in her cottage as he clacked back up where he belonged. She did not give him a kiss goodnight but a hug and a "I gotta go quickly or mother would get like you know-anyway, bye!" I mean you know how she would get. Everybody did. She'd barge into her classroom and yell at her right then and there. She'd show up at a practice and in front of everybody said, "what are you doing here? Did I TELL you that you could go?" Of course there is no pleading because once Mother makes a decision anything the poor girl can say in her defense turns into "talk back" or is "manipulating" her.
Sunlight first began to shine on the childhood chipped crystal ballerina ornament that hung glinting alongside the mirror as Andrea gathered a few precious petal hair clips. With her slender fingers she tenderly buckled it above her bangs. Her bouncy wavy tresses of dark tint framed her neck and floated up and down on the tops of her shoulders. But enough about that. What interested Andrea more than her looks is her experience of the world around her. She had wonder and was fascinated by the smallest detail that she was completely overwhelmed when she saw just how many details there are to see. She would place her hand on a beautiful railing and glide it up the staircase with the fear of falling backwards if she trips and misses a step. Her fear of heights would pervade even when up in the highest rooms of buildings with a railing or window. She would flatten herself against the floor and crawl to the railing overlooking the scenery because she felt she bends or falls forward if standing up to it. Especially looking down she would lose sense of how far her body is leaning or if only her head is tilted down.
Tresses fell upon her boyfriend's face when she lied down on his chest. He didn't mind and he just left it there for minutes and she wondered why he was not speaking. When she got up and looked at him and forcefully said, "Talk to me! I need entertainment!" then he apologized that he did not want to eat her hair although it's sure to be tasty he assured her.


Publication Date: 08-13-2009

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