» Fiction » I Breath Her Name, Aaron Bosler [rooftoppers .txt] 📗

Book online «I Breath Her Name, Aaron Bosler [rooftoppers .txt] 📗». Author Aaron Bosler

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Back At school.

Aaron woke up with a jolt. He looked over at the clock, it read 6:08. He got up out of bed.  He walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror, his black hair was messy and he had some stubble. He took off his shirt with one arm and then he took off his boxers and stepped into the shower, the water was cold but it eased into warmth.  He got his axe shampoo and gently scrubbed it into his hair. He washed it out quickly and then scrubbed his body with Old spice. He washed off and got out of the shower, he put on a button up shirt with a clack vest and a tie. He blow dryed his hair and straightened it. He shaved up the bit of stubble he grew over night.  He put on a pair of Vans and grabbed his bag and started heading down the stairs. It was now 7:10. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast off of the plate sitting in the middle of the table. He ate it as he walked out of the front door. He got into his 1987 Chevy Blazer. He started driving to school. He pulled into the parking lot at James K. Polk high school.  He got out of the car and looked over at the entance, he saw Kira Morris standing with her best friend, Maddie Vanbuskirk. Kira had straight brown hair, she was was maybe 5'3. She was beautiful, she had these hazel eyes. Aaron started walking up the giant stairs to the entrance. He opened the door and started walking down the main hallway. People stopped and staired. Aaron had been suspended the year before for pulling a knife on someone in a fight.  People exspected him to move schools or something but he didnt. He walked into his first hour, Which was Mr.Gordan. Mr.Gordan was an 80 year old math teacher who could barely write.

"Well, Look who is back," said Mrs Gordan.

"Yes, Yes. It is I," Said Aaron as he sat in his chair.

Mr.Gordan passed out the first of the year quiz. Aaron stared at it blankly, he didnt remember any of this from last year. They must have covered it while he was suspended. First hour ended in no time. Second hour past and then it was third hour. Aaron had kira in his third hour.  He sat next to her. He spent the whole class watching her play with her hair and chew on her pencil.  She looked over at him and blushed.

"What?" She asked.

Aaron secretely died inside. She was so cute. He couldnt even say anything. He got butterflies in his stomach.

He couldnt let it show.

"Nothing." He said plainly.

Third hour was over and he went to lunch. He spent the whole lunch period staring at kira. He started walking to 5th hour. Girls would wave and smile at him. This whole bad boy act had him popular with the ladies. The day went by pretty fast. He drove home and went up to his room and fell asleep. He had a pretty good first day back.

Kira is Perfect.

Aaron woke up in the morning with a cold sweat.  He didnt feel like showering. He put on a white shirt and a black hoodie.  He walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen. There was a bottle of vodka sitting on the counter. He took it and threw it in the trash, it had been sitting there since last night. Aaron walked out the door and got into his car and started driving towards the school. Ever since yesturday, Kira was all he could think about. He pulled into the school parking lot. He got out and flipped his hair to the side. He saw a girl across the parking lot smile and then turn away. He started walking up the steps. He saw Maddie Vanbuskirk walking up to him.  He turned around and started walking back to his car, he knew what she wanted, and he didnt want to deal with that.  He got into his car and locked his door.  She knocked on the window.  He pretended he didnt hear her or see her. She held up his math book. He unlocked the doors and sighed, Maddie opened the door and sat in the pasengers seat.

"I saw you drooling over kira yesturday," Maddie said with a giggle.

"I dont know what you are talking about," said Aaron as he looked out his window.

"You have no chance, she isnt into freaky emo fags like you," Maddie said.

She dropped the math book into his lap and then left the car.

Aaron got out of the car and then slammed the door. He walked to first hour, He was forced to sit by kira again.  His heart was racing. He couldnt concentrate. He could smell her perfume. Everyone said it smelled like play dough but he secretly loved it. He secretely loved alot of things about her.  Her smile, Her laugh. They drove him crazy. Even her name drove him crazy. Kira Jenae Morris. Perfect. But maybe maddie was right. He is a freaky emo fag. He looked over at kira. She was chewing on her pencil again. He thought it was adorable, other people do it alot, but when she did it, it was fucking adorable. He felt like he was going crazy over a silly girl. She had no idea this whole battle was going on, She has no idea that he thinks about her 24/7. But the sad thing is, she probably wouldnt care, and something like that could destroy him.  The rest of the day flew by.  The bell for 5th hour rang and he left the classroom as fast as he could. He got into his car and drove home.  He sat in the driveway. Thinking about what maddie said. He got home and went up to his room and sat on hi bed. Yet again, kira was all he could think about. He knew it was pathetic, but he couldnt help it.  He threw himself onto his bed. He was asleep in a matter of mintutes.




Aaron woke up and looked over at the clock that was sitting next to his bed, It red 8:54. He was late for first hour. He got out of bed as fast as he could. He was rushing around to find clothes.  He put on his shoes as he was brushing his teeth. He got in his car, and started driving toward the school. He slammed the door shut ang ran into first hour. The whle class including kira was staring at him.

"Uh, sorry im late," He mumbled.

He went and sat down in his chair. Kira looked over at him.

"Why were you late," She asked.

His mind went blank. Its a simple question but he didnt know how to answer it.

"Slept in," Aaron said.

"Nice," She said plainly.

Mr.Gordan turned on the radio. It was an 80's music station.

The song that was on was "Tainted love"

"I love this song," said kira.

"Fan of 80's music?" Aaron Asked.

"Yes. I love 80's music," she said.

"It all Kinda sounds the same tho." Aaron said as he was trying to solve a math problem from the worksheet they had gotten.

'I know,but I love it," she said with a smile.

The bell rang and they all shuffled out of the classroom.

He fell asleep in second hour and third hour was boring. At lunch he listened to music from the 80's. He wasnt a fan of some of it but kira loved it, so he would give it a chance.  He went to fourth and fifth hour. Maddie was in his sixth hour. That should be great, Its the thir day of school and he already made enemies. He cant help his feelings for Kira. god knows he would change them if he could. He walked into sixth hour, Maddie wasnt in her seat she must haved left early or something, He was relieved. Sixth hour ended and he walked down the steps towards his car. There was someone standing by his car, He looked closely, It was the guy he pulled a knife on last year. He walked towards him. The guys name was Robert. Robert Gillevet. 

"Welcome back," Robert said.

Two guys came up Behind Aaron and started dragging him out to the dumpster, Robert hit him in the face, He saw drops of blood hit the ground. Then the two guys threw him in the dumpster.

Aaron was dizzy.  He climbed out. He fell to the ground with a thud. He got up and brushed the dirt of his shirt. He started walking towards his car.  He could feel the blood running out of his nose. He drove home. When he got home, He saw his dads truck in the driveway. His dad is barely home. His mom and dad stared at him when he walked inside.

"Is something wrong?"  He asked as he was trying to cover up the blood.

"We got a call, we heard about what happened after school," His dad said.

"Its nothing," said Aaron as he ran upstairs and closed his door and locked it. They pretend they care and its ridiculous.

 He was already going crazy. Its strange how just one person can effect you so much. They can smile or say something sweet and your gone, you blush and its weird. feelings and emotions make people do crazy things. You miss them, and sometimes you dont even want to talk to them, you just wan to see them, like to observe them, watch them talk to someone or watch them smile and laugh. You love to see them happy.  You listen to music and the lyrics remind you of them. Your not supposed to think about them this much but you do. 

Aaron got up and started walking around his room. He had to shower, maybe if would help him to think.  He got in the shower the water was old.  He felt kinda worthless. Nothing bad had really happened that week, He couldnt figure out why he felt so depressed and trapped. He felt like he had nothing. People can be so blinded sometimes. You have people who care about you, maybe a roof over your head, A family who asks how your day has been, freinds that check in on you, people that ask you just random questions about yourself because they like

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