» Fiction » lies and intricate little secrets secrets, dark falls [learn to read activity book .TXT] 📗

Book online «lies and intricate little secrets secrets, dark falls [learn to read activity book .TXT] 📗». Author dark falls

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font;vahika> preface ~*~*~*~*~
As a baby My mom abandoned me in a cardboard box in front of a hospital. Realy I cant blame her though: Iwas stuck in my half bangal tiger morph.
Most of the nurses were afraid of me,but one felt sorry for me and fead me.
As 2 years went by I found myself in an orphanage and was now able to control morph and looked entirely human. I had long red fiery hair and a long lith body. I was also much stronger than everyone else, too, but I tried to look as normal as I could.
Then one year when I was three a boy who was maby eight or nine was taunting me and not giving my coat back.
"Give my jacket back!" I growled from the pit of my stomach, and even though it sounded like a kitten's. The boy laughed at me and bounced on his toes getting ready for a chase as fur was bristiling and i was shaking from the force of control it took to control my self.
Finaly a woman hearing the commotion rushed to me to hold me backas I felt a cold touch on the back of my arm and whipped my head around to see a boy I'd never seen befor shaking his head.
"No," he said to me. Then an odd sence of calm came over me.
I blinked several times trying to keep conshious as a sweep of vertigo overcame me. Finaly I passed out.

I woke up in my bed. I was slowly becoming aware of somone standing over me. It was that boy.
"You're not supposed to be here. The night world association for lost night children has been looking for you for three years now. My name is Jason. Be Quiet, you need to come with me," he said.
"How do I know you're not a kid napper?" I asked.
"Because I know your mother's name was Kathrine. She was Killed and you were stolen then to make your father suffer they left you in a card board box to be found by the opisite species that feared you."
How could he know this? How did I know he wasn't lying?
He grabbed my arm and I became dizzy and felt his arms go around me. Then his body grew until he seemed twenty years old or so I fought to keep my eyes open as I heard the voice of one of the ladies panniced and high screach telling him to put me down.

15 years later

I was sitting on the roof of my house in tiger form basking in the sun. When I smelled a werewolf had never liked werewolves as I had found out that my kid napper was one.
I stood up and looked down...
He...he's beautiful..., But then I realised he was my kid napper. I was intranced by his eyes when he realised I was up here.
'She's beautiful...' I had found that I could read minds when I turned ten. He stopped dead in his tracks and starred dumbfounded at me. i snapped out of it first and turned tail and ran for the woods as fast as my paws would carry me.
I ran and ran untill I couldn't run any more. My lungs burned and my ankles ached, but i was away from him. I couldnt smell him any more. Maby he was up wind? I started to go back to human form almost reluclantly
I about jumped out of my skin as I turned around to see the human that had fallen out of the tree. Had he seen me morphing?!
He slowly stood up as I finished as fast as I could. Suddenly I smelled the man again .
"Run." My voice was just a silent whisper on the wind. He didn't run though.
Suddenly somthing hit me from the side. I snarled and kicked up wards changing into a tiger. Soon I was a big orange ball of raging fury. The wolf now had a bunch of deep scratches and bites that were oozing blood... But this wasnt the same man as the one who killed my mother.
He fainted towards the human and I viciously gruwled at him. He raised his hackles and lunged at the petrified boy. I launched my self at the wolf. I seconds the wolf lay dead on the ground in a heap. He was dead.
I turned to the boy with pleading eyes. He gaspedlooking from me to the heapof fur on the ground understanding that I had protected him from the wolf when he was hunting him.
"Thanks," He said.
That was when I realised that this was my best friend's at school boy friend Aaron! I compleatly fased back to human.
"Lilly" he gasped.
Guiltily, I put my head down.
"You must not tell any one... If my true identity get's out then I will be exiled from the united states. please..."
"I...I wont't tell"
"Don't even tell Jennifer-"
"Don't tell jenifer what" a tall short haired male 'shifter looked at me.
"Jason.What do you want?"
"Oh nothing just checking up on you. No one knew you were having a visiter over."
"Um. Um, he was just about to leave,wern't you, Aaron?"
"Yeh, bye ,lil." he stuttered then started off threw the woods.
"Lil... what does he know?" he turned the intencity of his big brown eyes on me and I had to tell him the truth"
"He was in one of the trees and ...I had sighted...him... the one who killed my parents. I high-tailed it out and was carless enough to move into human form..."I felt a tear in my eye and looked away"
"Sssh... it wasn't your fault..."he let me wrap my arms around him. He was looking off into the woods, probably scanning it for dangers. he is a vampire so you never can realy tell what he's doing.

chapter 1 tennant houses and awsome chillie *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

ugh! not again. this is the fourth time this week. jessica put my cloths on the roof and locked me out of my room! I threw my cloths on the ground and searched threw my pants pockets for my room key... no luck at all.
"Hey do you need help?" a girl was walking my way.
No, i thought. I'll rip it off it's hinges my self.
"Please." I said. she pulled a lock picking kit out of her pocket and searched for the correct tool. She has long red hair that flows to her sholder and a tall wiery frame.
With a sudden click the door opens.
"Thanks." I say as I pick up my cloths and she walks in.

Beep!!! Beep!!! BEEP!!! I hit the off button on my alarm clock and remember it's saturday. I pick up the paper and look threw the personals.
the first ad I see

tennant houses for students as follow;

Abbigale Dayley 734 Bann st. ph# 274-876-6643
Dean Hale, Garren Thompson, & Arcadia Grant 932 Gale St. ph# 274-415-9978
Dianne Cross 553 Bann St. ph# 274-584-4857

The second one sounded better and was the only one I could get ahold of.
"Yes?" a voice ashed. it was very high and fiminine.
"My name is Lillian karall I was calling about the tennant house."
"Oh. well you can still rent it if that's what you're asking."
"Oh. Thanks! Um When can I move in?"
"Tonight if you want."
"Thanks." I said then hung up silently rejoicing to finaly be away from here.
I fill my suit case with my few posessions that I have then walk down the stairs to the lobby and out the door. It didn't take long to find the house, but when I did it was twilight.
A man opened the door and automaticaly looked down at me raising an eyebrow.
"I know I'm short but you dont have to gawk" another fact most female shape shifters are short. I'm about 5' 3".
"You look too young to be a collage student"A male voice said as a man apeared around the corner."Are you Lillian?"
"You look different then I imagened" The woman who's voice I heard on the phone.
As Dean stepped aside I stepped in and automaticly felt an uncomfortable prickly feeling all over my skin.
The floors were all a deep red cherie wood. The drapes were lacy black.
"Dean, can you show her to her room?"Asked Arcadia
"Sure thing." Said Dean.
I followed him around the corner into the hall with a few of ancient-looking pictures then up a stair case. My room was the second to last down the hall.
"Thanks" I said as I layed my suit case on the bed and Dean closes the door.
After I'm done I go back to the living room. as I walk into the kitchen I smell chilly.
"Hope you like chilly." Dean said as he spotted me. "It's about all I know how to make."
"Yeah. Chilly is one of my favorite foods" I say.

It actualy was good and it's a shame he didn't know how to make chicken alfrado.
"This is realy good." I say looking around the table.
"Thanks" said Dean and got up when he was done and took his dish to the sink rinsed it off and put it in the dish washer followed by Garren then Arcadia and me.
"I stayed up watching three Inuyasha episodes with Dean then went to my room.
I couldn't sleep so I wen't to explore the town. When I climbed onto the roof I half way morphed. I lashed my tail a few times then shook out my long orange hair. Then I took my shoes off and partialy morphed my feet and legs so that I had the stregnth and ballance of a cat.
The rush

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