» Fiction » Boken, Gabby [short novels in english txt] 📗

Book online «Boken, Gabby [short novels in english txt] 📗». Author Gabby

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*Katie three years old*

I walked into the kitchen. “Mommy, look what I made!” I said to emptiness. Realizing she wasn’t there I ran to the basement. “Mommy!” I screamed. No Answer. I ran all over the house yelling for her. Then I remembered her bedroom. Racing up the stairs I went to my mother’s room. I looked up at the ceiling, tracing the cracks with my eyes. “Mommy! Are you in there?” I yelled. I heard the sound of someone moving around inside the room. “Can I come in??!!” I shouted. I didn’t hear a reply so I walked in anyways. Everything was dark. All the lights were off and the curtains drawn closed. “Mommy?” I whispered. “Are you taking a nap?” I still didn’t hear anything. I walked over to the light switch. “Mommy, time to get up!” I half yelled, half giggled. Standing on my tip-toes I flicked the switch on. Then turned around, to see my mother laying in a big puddle of blood. Her Blood. I screamed as loud as I could. Something moved at the corner of my eye. Turning as fast as I could I saw a blur, then…nothing.

*Katie 13 years later*

So now I live in an orphanage after that horrid day. They distance themselves from me, the other kids. Unlike them my parents didn’t give me away, die in a car accident, or was sent to a life time in prison. No, my mother died in our home due to murder. My father, I never knew him. As a child my mother always told me he was away on business, but then one day disappeared. Weird, I know. My other family members were non-existent to me. My grandparents shunned their daughter and refused to take me along with the rest of the family. My dad’s family, well let’s just say that when it comes to knowing each other exist, they’re as clueless as me. So, I couldn’t go there, according to the authorities. So they just stuck me here with the other kids. I’ve been a loner no matter how hard I tried to play with the other children. They kept on moving away from me. Every step I took towards them, they took 10 steps away. They think I’m dangerous. They think I killed my mom, and she knocked me unconscious before she died. Well anyways I woke up screaming again. This was the fifth time this week. I keep remembering that day. Nut I can’t seem to remember who else was in that room, the day my mom died. Oh yeah I forgot the only thing that I saw was a blur.
Well since I just started my story with my past might as well tell you some things about my present life. Also I told you I now live in an orphanage and have no family. Well none that would take me in my time of need. So I guess that means I have none in technicality. Whatever. As you probably know by now my name is Katie. Well actually it’s Katherine Isabella Blake, but everyone calls me Katie or Kat. Though, the only one who ever called me Kat was my mom. I am completely average. Average height. Average brown hair. Even average body structure. I mean if god is really our creator, then why couldn’t He give me some feature to help me stand out. Okay, so He did give me one, but it’s not like it matters any. My one and only special feature is my eyes. I don’t know what it is about them but their…just...special. They’re a dull brown, obviously. What can you say, average. It’s like they can see anything and everything. Well you don’t really want to hear about how average I am so we’ll get on with this.

I got up and dressed in plain blue jeans, which I had cut holes into, and a lime green t-shirt. Then grabbed my bag and slipped into my black converses. Heading off to the local high school. My school’s name is Evergreen High. It’s a small school that contains 500 students maximum. The only excitement we ever get here is when the mathletes make it to finals. Very exciting. (Note the sarcasm) Which considering that this school is made up of mainly brainiacs, we do every year. And we win. This means that I can’t tell guys were I go to school. Which has been generously re-nick-named by others Ever-Geek High. I just happened to go to this school because it was the closest to the orphanage, and after the kindergarten stunt I pulled they wanted to keep a close eye on me. Or maybe 4 eyes.

*Flash Back*

-6 year old Katie-
“Where’s Tawny, she’s suppose to be here?” I asked Ms. Kin, the woman who runs the orphanage. Ms. Kin was a kind, middle aged woman. I like her. I don’t know what it is but she’s got this motherly appearance. Ms. Kin is a little plump and has red wild hair that she is always trying to tame. Tawny was a little girl of 4. She had been there since birth. So technically Ms. Kin was a mother to her. Tawny had been my best friend for the few months I had been there. She was a sweet girl that was friends with everyone. No matter what. Anyways Tawny and I had a routine where every morning we would meet at the bottom of the stairs for each other then walk to the bus stop for kindergarten. This morning though she wasn’t there though. “Honey, I didn’t tell you? She got adopted last night by a wonderful family." Ms. Kin said smiling.

It felt like my world had ended then. Tawny was my everything. Now, though, she was gone. She was the air that I breathed, the ground I walked on. My life was over, knowing that she was gone. I swore to myself that day. I swore that I’d never let someone become important to me.
That night I entered the kitchen after everyone went to bed. It took me almost all night but I had finally reached my goal. A knife. Not just any knife though, the sharpest one in the orphanage. I’ve seen the older kids at the orphanage do it all the time. I once asked them about it and they said that it made you feel good. Well at this moment that’s all I wanted to do. I wanted to feel whole again. I looked at the clock. It was 5:00 A.M. They would be up soon. I had to do this quickly and clean up my mess before they awoke. So I did it. Holding my arm straight and pointing the soft flesh of my forearm upwards, I brought they knife down and sliced. The blood came fast. Too fast. I have watched the older kids for years and this has never happened to them. I started to become dizzy, and spots started to appear in my vision. All that I knew was that life sucks period. Next thing I knew I was unconscious. A week later I woke up and everyone thought I was suicidal.

*End of Flash Back*

Well anyways today seemed like a normal day, but you could feel the excitement in the air. Apparently there was going to be a new kid. At our school it was a VERY rare thing. I went to my locker, and grabbed my books for my first two subjects, Algebra II and World History. Something suddenly slammed into my back causing me to hit my head on my locker shelf. "Oh God. I'm really sorry," Said a male voice. Something in the back of my mind was telling me to run. I turned around to see a guy with white hair. Not dyed white or bleached, but natural. He had forest green eyes and looked to be about 6 ft. He was wearing a blue t-shirt that brought out his eyes and a pair of black jeans. "Um...hey?" I said 'Great Katie. Just great. Now he thinks your unsociable' He just stood there smiling like a little kid on Christmas morning. Anyways, he just stood there and kept standing. " Um...Oh yeah. I'm Kathrine. But you can call me Katie" 'Oh smooth. Just walk away, Katie, before you make a bigger fool of yourself in front of the new kid.' I turned away to close my locker, and was just about to head towards my first class when a hand touched my shoulder. “I’m Zane.” The new kid said quickly. “Zane. Got it. I got to get to class. So bye.” I told him. Looked a little disappointed that I didn’t want to stay and talk. “How about this, what are your first classes?” Zane pulled out his schedule and showed it to me, along with his locker number. I looked over his schedule. “Okay, so it looks like you have the same schedule as me. So I’ll show there. Oh, wait! We don’t have the same 5th hour.”‘Katie just take him to his class. AND SHUT THE HECK UP!!!’ “So I guess I should you to your classes. Follow me.” I said and headed down the hall toward Algebra II. There was an awkward silence between us. ‘Wow, Katie. What’s wrong with you? You’re treating the new kid like an alien. Okay maybe not an alien. Worse.’ I side glanced him. He looked like he was in a day dream. Lucky him that we were in school or else I would've laughed as he walked into a tree or i might've possibly pushed him in front of a bus. ' You are so NICE Katie.' "What's so funny?" A voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I didn't realize that I was laughing out loud. So I suddenly stopped myself getting a weird look from Zane. "Um...Nothing!" I said quickly, too quickly. Zane laughed ," You sure about that? You don't seem like you are." Yes, I"m sure" I said too quickly, again. 'Katie stop lying you're horrible at it.' We got to the class room and I went to take my usual spot in the back of the classroom
room.Ever since they didn't assign seats to us, I've satin the the back every one else the front.I put my things in they're spot. Under my chair. Leaving out my notebook and a couple pens. I took a couple notes that our teacher had wrote on the the chalk board. Yes our school still has those. i think its because they feel that they have to be cheap, like some other schools. Any ways, well I was writing down the notes I felt a hand tap on my shoulder. I ignored it. Then they tapped again so I turned around annoyed, practically yelling at them " do you mind? I'm doing something here." 'Could these people be any more annoying.' "Sorry. I just thought-well maybe-never mind." A voice said.I caught a glimpse of his white hair. 'Oh God! Zane?' I looked at him and Flushed with embarrassment.

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