» Fiction » Be Careful What You Wish For, Nicholas Catron [ebook reader with highlighter .TXT] 📗

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Be Careful What You Wish For

Merick leaned against a low, crumbling cinder block wall; just out of reach of the dirty yellow light cast about by the street lamp down from him. Heavy, dark clouds slowly crept in, bringing a light sprinkle of rain with them. As he breathed, he could see the mist of his breathe escape from his lips, disappearing into the night as it crawled out of him. Checking his watch, Merick shook his head. This is going to be a damned long night, he thought.
As the rain got heavier, Merick pulled the hood of his jacket over his head and crossed his arms, trying his best to keep warm. After a while a pair of headlights turned onto the road and headed towards him. Pressing back into the wall, he could feel a knot growing in his stomach as his nervousness got worse. The car slowed as it approached him and finally stopped right in front of him. The rear door opened up and revealed nothing but utter darkness which seemed to pour out and into the night.
“Get in.” a hollow voice let out.

Prying himself from the wall, Merick forced his wobbly legs to carry him to the car. Hesitating as he bent down to get in, his mind screamed at him to turn and run. A thousand reasons raced through his mind as to why he shouldn’t get in the car. A thousand solid excuses came up as to why he should just walk away and yet something stronger than his mind compelled him to get in, as if he was being dragged.
“Get in.” that empty voice said again.

His feet felt attached to the road, as if he was part of it and yet he lifted one foot and stepped in. As he sat back, Merick was in complete darkness. The seat felt soft and plush, like he was sitting on a feather bed. The whole car smelled overwhelmingly of sulfur and it rushed deep into his nostrils, straight to his brain and threatened to crowd out all other senses. The few short seconds before the car started moving felt like an eternity. The nervousness in his stomach had spread to every fiber of his being, every cell of his body.

As the car started to move, Merick knew now that he was committed. He had no choice. He was stuck in his decision and it would be something he’d have to live with forever. He knew the consequences but he was desperate. What was life without happiness anyways? Why not be happy now, while he still had the chance. After tonight, nothing would be the same. After tonight, he wouldn’t be the same.

“What is it you want from me?” the voice in the darkness spoke, seeming to come from everywhere in the car and intensifying the smell of sulfur.

“I..I uhh…I…” Merick stammered, unable to think properly.

“Speak or get out.” Merick heard as he felt the vehicle speed up even faster.

“I…I…I’m tired of being alone. I’m tired of being a loser. No one notices me, it’s like I’m invisible…I want to change all of that.” Merick softly said.

“I can fix that but when I come for you, you are mine.”

“I don’t care. This needs to change! I can’t do this anymore!!” he let out with, practically screaming.

“Sign this.” Hissed the voice as a paper and pen appeared on Mericks lap. Hastily taking up the pen and signing on the line, he could feel something strange inside him, a weight being lifted; self-loathing starting to dissolve.

The car stopped and his door opened. Without saying anything, Merick stepped out. The rain was coming down even harder and the dark of night had deepened, seeming to choke out the light from the streetlamps. As he stepped onto the sidewalk and turned to look at the car, it sped away. He swore he could hear someone laughing in the distance. Merick walked home.

Reaching his door, he turned the knob and walked in. Heading into his kitchen, he turned on the light and almost screamed; the sound catching in his throat. In front of him were three of his coworkers, tied up and gagged, lying on the ground. All of them stared at him, eyes wide with fear. One of them, a man who constantly embarrassed Merick in front of others, had blood steadily seeping out from his mouth, his gag soaked with it. On the kitchen table was a handgun, a bloody knife and a severed tongue. Merick almost fainted.

Out of nowhere flashing red and blue lights jumped through his windows and painted the inside of his house. Adrenaline and fear saturated his body as his heart attempted to claw its way out of his chest. Without realizing it he picked up the gun and ran to one of the windows by his front door. A gang of police were posted up on the street in front of his house, guns drawn. A slew of people gathered behind them along with news crews setting up. It seemed that more and more police and random people gathered, all focused on him.

Merick ran back into the kitchen and could see the three people on the floor crying. Someone had started speaking through a bullhorn to him and his cell phone was ringing but he couldn’t get his brain to think straight enough to respond. He was dizzy, confused and felt nauseous. Trembling, he pulled his cell phone from his pocket and clicked the button to answer it. Putting it to his ear and listening, he was unable to speak. Someone on the other end was saying something but he still couldn’t understand.

A buzzing had crept into his ears and seemed to almost drown out all other noises, making it harder to think as the sound got louder. Setting the gun down on the kitchen table he covered his ears with his hands and let out a monstrous scream, trying to kill off the sound coming from his head. It seemed like the world was spinning and Merick lost his balance, falling forward onto the table. He could hear a faint banging sound that seemed to slowly grow in volume. Regaining his senses he stood back, gun in one hand and piece of paper in the other.

Looking at the paper, was scrawled in his handwriting, what he told the voice in the car he wanted. Merick didn’t remember writing it, he knew he didn’t. The banging had gotten louder and he realized it was his front door; someone was trying to break in. Turning with the gun out in front of him the door exploded open and men rushed in, guns trained on him and screaming something he couldn’t quite make out. Without realizing it he started shooting at them. The men were better shots.

Merick saw himself lying on the ground, blood all around his body…the note still in his hand. He just wanted to be liked; he was tired of being alone. He just wanted people to think of him, he was tired of being invisible. As darkness encompassed him he could hear an empty, hollow voice softly laugh and saying “Careful what you wish for.”


Text: Nicholas Catron
Publication Date: 12-29-2012

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