» Fiction » The Play Book, Ben Lev [ebook smartphone TXT] 📗

Book online «The Play Book, Ben Lev [ebook smartphone TXT] 📗». Author Ben Lev

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Happy Day

Setting:Home and School

At rise, Billy wakes up and has a really happy day

Mom: Billy wake up. Happy before-your birthday day!After school how about going to do the Adventure Dome.

Billy:What?Yes,Yes,Yes mom!

Mom:Wonderful!Now how about going to school.


Mom:Let's go!


Narrator:An hour later.....

Billy:Yes!I get to go to the next grade because I'm so smart.And I get to skip my annoying class.[to himself]

Mom: Home back so early?

Billy: I get to skip my grade .


Billy:I know!

Mom:Now we can go to the amusement park early.


Narrator: Billy lived happily ever after . Filled with excitment to do things. That doesn't include school.He has a happy day. He had so much sucess in life. He had a happy life . He had no problems in his life.That he even started his on business and was even a professer. He lived happily .

All:The End

Weird Family

Setting:Weekend in home

At rise, Freddy checks in his family to see how it's doing . He thinks hes the only one normal home.

Freddy:Hi,Aunt Verma!

Aunt Verma:Hi! I'm just trimming my dirty toenails.

Freddy:That's pretty gross!

Aunt Verma :Whatever! Talk to your Uncle Bill.


Freddy:Hi,Uncle Bill!

Uncle Bill : Hi, Fred! I'm just taking a bath and trimming my fingernail.Then, I'm going to draw a picture of me.


Freddy:Am I the only person who's normal in this family.[softly]

Uncle Bill: What? Why don't you talk to Mom?


Freddy:Hi, Mom!
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