» Fiction » The Play Book, Ben Lev [ebook smartphone TXT] 📗

Book online «The Play Book, Ben Lev [ebook smartphone TXT] 📗». Author Ben Lev

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Mom:Let me just finish building a fort .

Freddy:Ain't men suppose to do that?

Mom:Women also can,too .


Mom:Why don't you talk to Dad?He's outside.

Freddy:Hi! Dad!

Freddy:Wow, I'm fast . [ to himself silenty]

Dad:Hi,Freddy!Why don't you help me rub my back with sunlotion?


Dad: Thanks!

Narrator:Freddy thought his family was weird.So he got used to it and lived happily.

All:The End

Revenge in School

Setting:Present day in school

In school, Danny was mad, bothered, annoyed, and more . So he had revenge. He was even pushed .......


Chase: What am I doing pushing you?Ha,Ha,Ha!

Danny: If you keep doing that I'll......


Danny:I'll tell on the teacher you bothered most of the class,did annoyed me, even most of the class.You punched me and do you know what my friend said,"If somebody hurts you on purpose. You get to punch them back" Ha ya!


Jim:Hi,Danny!Can I do this ?

Narrator:He was making silly faces and annoying him. So payback time!

Danny: Did you know that what I heard if somebody annoys you can annoy them back.Ha!


Narrator :He did annoying things . Then he walked and Lanny bothered and touched him.

Danny:You bothered so that means I can bother you.Ha!


Narrator : He got in big trouble and never did it again.

Danny:I heard you can do payback if somebody does mean things on purpose.

Teacher : I know ,but that's revenge.

Danny:Sorry,I'll never do it again.

Teacher: And be sure of it.

All:The End

The secrets that I've been told today

Setting:Present at school
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