» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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By now, Ben's car was long gone. I just stood out in the cold wondering what he wanted to ask me. A few seconds I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I turned my head to the side and saw it was a guard. "I think it's time to go in now Miss Alice." He spoke in a soft tone.

I reluctantly nodded looking back once more where Ben's car was moments ago, I sighed turning back and following the guard inside the house.

I turned to the guard who brought me inside, "Where's my father?"

He gave me a small smile, "He's in his office."

I whispered small thanks and made my way towards the oval office. I turned down the hall way and saw that they were two more guards standing outside my father's door.

I sighed walking up to the door when one of the two guards stopped me, "You can't go I there Miss." He said looking down upon me.

"Why is that?" I asked annoyed.

"Your father is in a meeting right now." The other guard spoke.

I stepped away from the two guards and placed my hands on my hips trying to look intimidating, when that did not work. I stared at the guards who were now standing in front of the door blocking my access to go inside. I sighed, "Can't I just go ask him something and I promise I'll be on my merry way."

The guards looked at each other than back at me and shook their heads in unison. I ran my fingers through my brown hair desperate time's call for desperate measures. "Well then I'll just go but for the record there's someone down the hall touching the priceless furniture." I whispered.

They both looked at each other and in seconds, they both took off down the hallway. "Suckers," I muttered laughing.

I opened the door to the office and my dad's back was facing me but what caught my eye was the person on the screen of my father's laptop. My father must have noticed the person's gaze on the screen was directed behind him because when he turned he looked surprised.

"Alice? What are you doing here?" My father said in a hard tone. However, I knew that was not what he meant he really wanted to say was 'Alice I am on a business call who in the world allowed you in here?'

I smiled politely at my father. "I am sorry but I wanted to ask you a quick question but I can see you're busy at the moment so I'll come back later."

The person on the screen eyes were darting back and forth from my father and I. My dad noticed my attention was somewhere else because he spoke up. "Alice this is the Prime Minister of China."

My eyes widened in embarrassment. I then bowed to the screen and spoke in Chinese a quick apology and hello, and then directed my attention back to my dad.

"We will talk about this later." He said in a strict tone.

I sighed nevertheless nodded. I headed to the door when two frazzled security guards burst through, "We are so sorry Mr. President we don't know how she even got in here"

"But, we will find the two idiot guards who allowed her in and report back to you immediately." Added the other guard.

"Can you please all just leave I am on an important meeting at the moment." My father said through his gritted teeth.

"Right away Sir, our sincerest apologies."

I snorted, "Kiss ups."

They both glared at me grabbing one of my arms and hauling me out the door. When they closed the door they both turned to me an angry expression evident on both of their faces.

"Do you guys mind? You’re kind of leaving a bruise." I said looking in the direction of where they were both gripping my arms forcefully.

Reluctantly they let go of my arms. "You almost got us fired," One of them yelled in a whisper tone.

I looked at them more closely they both seemed to be in there thirties. "Well I am sorry but I really needed to talk to my dad."

"We don't care, because you almost got us fired," He repeated in a duh tone.

"It's not my fault you two are gullible," I said chuckling. They glared at me in return. "Fine I am sorry."

"What did you have to ask him that was so important that you almost-"

I cut him off. "Yeah, I know almost getting you two fired you only mentioned it a gazillion times." They crossed their arms over there chest giving me a look.

"So what did you want to tell him?"

"I don't see how it is your problem." I spat at the two guards, their eyes widened at my harsh tone. I sighed running my hands through my brown hair. "It was a boy problem.”

"Ah, boy problems tell Uncle Ricky." He said leaning against the wall.

I raised my eyebrows at his sudden change of mood, "Uncle Ricky?" I questioned.

He gave me a small smile. "My name's Ricky and this is Anthony." He said nodding his head to his partner. "We both have daughters your age and they never come to us for advice so maybe we can actually help."

I stared at them Ricky had black hair and a dark complexion, while Anthony was already bald. "Well you know Ben James?"

Anthony nodded his head. "Yeah, isn't he your bodyguard or something?"

I nodded. "Well he picked me up from a friend's house and he honestly seemed like he wanted to tell me something but I didn't know what he wanted to say because he changed his mind before he could say anything."

Ricky and Anthony both looked at each other giving each other knowing looks. "What did he say exactly?" Ricky asked. I sighed explaining the odd looks Ben gave me, then his sudden change of mind then how he took off.

Anthony gave me a small smile, "It means he wanted to ask you out."

My jaw dropped I stared at Anthony and Ricky in disbelief. "Ha-ha." I burst out in uncontrollable laughter’s. "You guys crack me up." I said between laughs.

"We weren't joking," Ricky said slowly.

"It honestly does mean that Ben wants to ask you out."

"But he can't." I told them panicking. "He's my best friends ex and if she finds out that he likes me we might as well call me the worst cousin and best friend ever." I said rambling. "I don't even like Ben that way, he's more of a brother a good one he could be annoying at times but not as much as Thomas." I said rambling.

"Hey, don't stress yourself out. It was just a suggestion." Anthony said. "You're going hysterical," He added.

I breathed in deeply. "I am just going to head off to bed." I said turning around. "Thanks guys and sorry I almost got you fired." I added walking down the hall.

I ran my both my hands through my hair yanking on my brown locks trying to digest the information Anthony and Ricky had told me. Once I entered my room, I stripped from my evening clothes into a pair of long sleeve pajama top and bottom. It was the beginning of February and the weather was transitioning from winter to spring, so it was still a little chilly outside.

I headed to the bathroom putting my hair into a messy bun and brushing my teeth once I finished I made my way over to my bed and laid down trying to fall asleep.

"Ahh," I said sitting up on my bed. It's been half an hour and I still could not fall asleep, not after what the guards had told me downstairs it overwhelmed me to think that Ben my only guy friend likes me more than a friend.

I sighed, laying my head back down onto my pillow. My dad always told me when I was younger when I could not fall asleep to empty my head and think of nothing. My eyes started to close and soon I was out like a light.


"Most people consider Shakespeare as one of the greatest play writers and poem artists to ever walk this earth." Mrs. Moore said. "Due to his famous play Romeo and Juliet, seeing to it that this is drama class we will be studying the art of this play."

My head was rested on my desk as I tried to keep my eyes open, my eyelids were getting heavier by the minute.

"Miss Clair, am I putting you to sleep?" My eyes snapped open as I saw the entire class looking my way.

I quickly shook my head sitting up. "No sir. I mean ma'am." I quickly corrected myself, ignoring the snickers and muffled laughs from my classmates.

"Well since you can't seem to tell whether I am a lady or man." She said. "Why don't you take a walk to clear your head." She said handing me a hall pass.

I slowly got up from my desk and made my way to the front of the class where Mrs. Moore was patiently waiting. "Thanks," I told her walking out of the room.

Last night I woke up twice and my mind kept leading back to what Ben wanted to ask me, what the guards had told me resulting in me staying up half the night.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard soft screams coming out of the janitor closet.

"What the heck?" I muttered my hand reaching out to the doorknob to see what is going on in there.

'Are you crazy?' A voice in my head said. 'Why the hell would you want to see what going on in there?'

'Maybe someone is getting hurt?' Another voice said.

I nodded listening to the second voice. "I guess there's only one way to find out." I muttered trusting my instincts and opening the door.

My hazel eyes widened at the scene before me. I shrieked dropping my hall pass onto the floor and slapping my hands over my now scarred eyes.

"Don't you knock?" The girl screamed.

"Oh, I am sorry I didn't know that I had to knock to be able to enter the janitor's closet?" I told her sarcastically.

"Nerd? What the fuck are you doing here?" Another voice said. There was only one person in this whole school who called me nerd.

I slowly dropped my hands from my eyes praying silently that there were both dressed. I sighed when I realized that they both had their clothes on. I looked at the person who called me nerd a few seconds ago and my guess was correct it was Gavin.

"I thought someone was getting hurt, due to Blondie's screams, but when I opened the door I realized she was screaming willingly." I spoke sarcastically.

"Oh, bitch please. You're just jealous," She said flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder.

I snorted. "Yeah I am so jealous, of someone who wears clothes way too small for her." I said addressing her outfit, which consisted of a tight strapless crop top that made her boobs were falling out and high waisted jeans. The outfit was screaming 'slut.’

She scoffed ignoring my comment. "We'll continue this later, okay babe?" She purred to Gavin running her fake manicured nails on his chest.

"I don't know Ash, maybe nerd wants to join us for a little three some?" He said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"No, thanks I'll pass on the opportunity." I told him honestly. I then looked at Blondie who was glaring at me, "Well I can take a hint when I am not wanted, I'll just go." I said closing the janitor's closet and making my way back to drama class.

When I opened the door, Mrs. Moore turned to me. "I hope that walk woke you up Miss Clair," She said looking at me.

"Oh it woke me up all right." I shuddered thinking about Gavin and Blondie doing it in the closet.

Once I sat down in my chair,

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