» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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about you but I am hungry and my stomach seems to keep making dying whale sounds." She said, sticking out her flat belly and patting it.

I nodded and together we made our way inside of the cafeteria. We were walking towards an empty table, when they were people whispering and staring at us, well mostly me.

"I feel so bad for her."

"She's not even that pretty, why would Gavin pick her?"

"Hey, isn't she Ben's girlfriend?"

I felt Holly's arm tighten at the mention of me being Ben's girlfriend. We finally made it to the empty cafeteria table. I took out my lunch from my book bag.

It was a grilled cheese sandwich, I dug deeper into my lunch bag, but there was nothing else.

"Where are you going?" I heard her call, but I ignored her and kept walking towards the lunch line.

I grabbed a water bottle and paid for it. The lunch lady looked at me weirdly, it was either because she has never seen me before, or she also heard the news about the encounter with Gavin. And judging by the way everybody is looking at me, I was not surprised. I soon began to make my way back over to where Holly was sitting.

I heard laughter from the table I was passing by, turning my head, I noticed how the table was filled with students wearing uniform. It was either a football one or a cheerleader outfit. But, what stood out the most was the boy who was wearing ordinary clothes but had a cheerleader on his lap. 

Must be the popular table.

My eyes wandered as I looked at the boy more clearly. It took me a few seconds but I finally realized it was the same person I ran into the halls, Gavin. I quickly turned around, because his head snapped in my direction, probably noticing my stares.

“Of course he's looking at me. After all, he did just threaten me for smack talking him in the hallway a couple of minutes ago.” I muttered, under my breath.

I looked back at Gavin who was too busy sucking the face of the blonde on his lap not paying attention to the world around him. I rolled my eyes as I walked back to Holly, who was sitting alone.

"You do know I was calling you? But you ignored me, great cousin I got there." She said, sarcastically. I shrugged taking a bite out of my sandwich, "How is your first day of school in nearly eight years going?" Holly asked changing the subject.

"Okay I guess considering I got that playboy on my tail, but it'll blow off soon."

"Who's the playboy?" A voice said, dumping there tray and taking a seat next to me.

My head snapped at the source of the voice. I looked up to see Ben, "Your friend Gavin, here is apparently out to get me.” I said, between bites.

"Wait, that was you?" He exclaimed.

I raised my eyebrows, "What was me?"

"There's this rumor going around the school that some girl stood up to Gavin." I shrugged, not knowing how to respond to that.

I turned to Holly who was very quiet ever since Ben arrived. "Well it looks like I am now the topic of the rumor mill. Woop dee doo." I said, sarcastically.

I looked at Holly with curiosity, her face seemed pale and her eyes seemed trained on something behind me. Her hazel eyes widened she opened her mouth to say something but it was too late. I felt a warm substance being poured on top of my head.

I let out a shriek, jumping up from my seat. I knew I had a murderous expression on my face, slowly turning around about to strangle the person behind me, but when I saw who it was it only made me more mad.

"Oops," He said, shrugging. "My bad."

My jaw dropped at what Gavin had just done. I clenched my jaw trying to control my anger that was going to burst at any moment.

He started to walk away happily. I turned around grabbing the spaghetti that was on Ben's plate with my bare hands, "Hey, I was eating-"

"Gavin," I called him sweetly. When he turned around very slowly I took that chance to throw spaghetti at his face, I let out chuckles as his jaw was dropped open.

I smiled as he started wiping the spaghetti off, "Oops." I said, mimicking him, "My bad."

He was now glaring at me, "No one messes with me and I really thought I made that clear to you, nerd." He said, through his clenched teeth.

I looked around the cafeteria I saw some of his many worshipers sending me death glares. I swear they way there were glaring at me I am surprised I am not six feet under right now. I looked back at Gavin who had some food in his hand, he aimed it at me, but I ducked before it could hit me.

"What the heck," I heard someone say. "Who threw that?"

I was about to speak up but someone beat me to it, "Food fight!" My eyes widened in frighten.

What the hell did I just do?

Sounds of chair scrapping against the floor, shrills of screams from the girls as they got pelted with food. I ran over to Ben and Holly grabbing both their arms pulling them under the cafeteria table. "We've got to get out of here, I said.

"You do realize you are part of the cause why the entire school is throwing food at each other, don't you?" Ben asked.

"It sounds cliché when you kind of think about it." I told him, truthfully.

Holly and Ben nodded their heads in agreement, "So what are we going to do?" Holly asked changing the topic.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"Well you did cause this so you fix this." She said, simply.

"I am not fixing this," I asked bewildered by her idea. "Why don't we just get out of here?" 

"No Alice, you do realize you can get suspended? So just fix this problem while I get Holly and myself out of here."

I raised my eyebrows at him suspiciously. "You’re supposed to be guarding me not Holly. Is there something I should know about, Benjamin?" Ben looked a little uncomfortable by my question, while Holly's face went red with embarrassment. 

"Just go, Alice," Holly said glaring at me, probably for embarrassing her and Ben. I shrugged and began to crawl out from under the table.

Once I got out from under the table, I looked around and it looked like a full out war zone, but instead of guns and tanks it was food and instead of dead bodies lying around people were slipping and sliding.

I got pelted with food as I tried to make my way out the door, however Gavin came In front of me before I could make my great escape.

"Going somewhere, nerd?" He said, holding some gross combination of food in his hand.

"Yeah, away from jerks like you!" I said, trying to dodge as much food was coming my way. "Now would you excuse me I do not enjoy your presence."

"Okay I'll let you go but let me just leave you with a gift."

"What the heck are-"

He smirked taking the gross food and dumping it on my head for the second time today.

"You inconsiderate jerk!" I shrieked.

All he did was smirk, “Hair is very important to girls so why not go for the hair?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. I was beyond furious right now. My white shirt was now filled with a bunch of stains, my jeans were just gross and don't even get me started on my hair.

He looked pleased with himself, "Oh that's it." I said, lunging at him.

However, due to the mess on the floor, Gavin lost balance and fell down causing me to go down with him. In other terms, it looked like I was straddling him.

"You know a quite like this position. Maybe we can try some other positions in bed," He said, winking at me.

I took the food on the floor and started shoving it on his face and down his shirt. "You inconsiderate jerk. I will freaking kill you!" I said, hitting him all over his face and body.

Gavin opened up to say something but there was a piercing scream cutting him off, "Stop!" I heard a man's voice boom throughout the cafeteria.

My head whipped to the source of the scream. Soon students froze dropping their food they were holding. The small bald man eyes scanned the cafeteria.

"You two," The small bald man came charging at Gavin and me. "My office. Now!" He shouted, I silently got off Gavin and followed behind the chubby old man. I heard footsteps behind me so I assumed Gavin was following. I ignored all the stares that we seemed to be getting and kept my eyes trained on the floor in front of me.

The chubby old man walked us into the office. I was pretty sure we were leaving a trail of food behind us. After all we just had a food fight. We walked into the principal’s office and the chubby old man went behind the desk and sat down.

Oh so he’s the principal.

He pointed his chubby finger at us then the chair. I was going to go and sit down but Gavin pulled me back. I looked at him with a mixture off annoyed and curiosity.

"What?" I asked, him angrily.

"That's my chair," He said, pointing to the chair I was about to sit in.

"Who said?"

"Me," He said simply, grabbing my arm and pushing me out of the way so he could sit.

I was about to retort when Mr. Chubby here slammed his fist onto his desk. "Will you two just take a seat?" His face was growing red with anger.

Instead of arguing with Gavin, I took a seat in the other chair finding no point in arguing with this beast anymore.

Mr. Chubby rubbed his temples closing his eyes. "Oh lord help me," I heard him mutter.

He opened his eyes caustically as if he was praying for a wish that never came true. "I could suspend you two if I wanted but I won't and you want to know why?" He asked, questioning us. "Because I am a good person, so I will only give you troublemakers two weeks of detention."

My eyes widened as I jumped from my seat. "Two weeks?" I exclaimed, "It wasn't even me who started the food fight, it was this manwhore." I said, accusing Gavin.

Mr. Chubby looked baffled at my outburst, "Miss Clair, I would watch you language if I was you."

"I would watch my language but even you know it's true." I muttered to him.

I am not sure if he heard what I said but if he did he chose to ignore it, "So what will it be?" He asked, us.

"I would rather you suspend us." I heard, Gavin mutter.

My head snapped to him. "What do you mean us? I would rather do the two weeks, maybe because I have common sense." I said, in annoyance.

"I do have common sense nerd and you want to know why? Because I don't want to spend two weeks with a psycho."

"I am the psycho? Says the one who loves to pour soup on innocent bystanders."

"There's nothing innocent about you, you’re the one who wanted to run your big mouth by bumping into me!" He said, sharply.

"That's enough you two," Mr. Chubby said, his face growing red once again. "What will it be?"

"Detention." I said, the same time Gavin said suspension. I sighed sinking into my seat.

"Since you two can't agree on anything, I will choose for the both of you. You’ll each get two weeks of cafeteria duty which means cleaning the cafeteria every day after school. Do I make myself clear?"

"I still don't understand why you can't just suspend us?" Gavin mumbled.

"Well, I could but your file or should I say files is already big enough Mr. Storm, and if you don't believe me why don't we take a look?" He said, getting up from behind his desk
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