» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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guards or notifying you mother and I?" My dad questioned. "What were you thinking Alice? Anything could have happened out there."

"Alice, we are both very disappointed in you." My mother said softly. "What in the right mind would give you the idea to sneak out in the first place?"

I walked over to my bed where my parents were sitting, looking my parents in the eye. "I never have any freedom it is always school, going out to boring dinners, traveling to places I don’t want to go and do things I don’t like doing, so I asked Holly to take me out." I said, lying in order to protect Holly from my dad's wrath. "All I want to do is be able to go to school have friends and enjoy my teenage years, but it seems like I can't do that because your my father and I know you think that you're protecting me but you’re not." I said, softly.

My father jumped from my bed, slammed his hand down on my desk. "I am just doing what's best for you!" He roared.

"Best for me or for you?" I asked, chuckling in disbelief. Normally I would never talk to my father like this but if I did not say what was on my mind now I never would later on.

"You know what. What is this really all about? School? Because if that’s what you want, that is what you will get.” 

I looked at my dad in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"I am talking about you sneaking out. You think I am holding you hostage, so starting Monday I am enrolling you in Holly's school," My dad stated, looking at my mother in approval.

I smiled, "Really?" I squealed. He nodded his head, his expression blank. "Thank you, daddy." I said, rushing over to give him a hug. I then did the same to my mom, "I am sorry for sneaking out, it won't happen again. I promise." I promised.

"Good to hear that, well goodnight." He said, walking out my room.

A few seconds later, he stuck his head back in. "Oh, I forgot to mention one little detail." He said, chuckling to himself. "You're grounded," With that he left my room with mom following in tow. Chapter Two: A Makeover

"Morning,” I said, walking into the dining room for breakfast.

I got a chorus of Good Morning's back, except from my younger brother, Thomas, who was too busy stuffing his face with pancakes. I rolled my eyes at his disgusting etiquette and took a seat in my spot.

"So sweetheart," My mother began as I sat down. "Since you’re going back to school, we decided it would be best to give you a makeover."

My jaw dropped, as I coughed out the milk that I had choked on, upon hearing my mother’s suggestion. "What? Why?" I heard Thomas snort, so I gave him my evil eye before looking back at my mother.

"Would you rather have a makeover or a bodyguard? Your choice," She asked, leaning back in her chair.

"Makeover it is," I grumbled.

It wasn't that I had anything against makeovers, in fact I was quite use to it, from all of the times that I had had to get pampered for dinners and balls, that we had to go to as a family. It was just that sometimes my mother could go to extreme measures, and I had a feeling she was looking for an excuse to dress me up as a Barbie doll.

A couple of minutes later a plate of fresh pancakes were placed in front of me. I licked my lips in hunger. I would love to just devour them like a pig, like how Thomas was, but I had better manners than that. So instead, I just began to drench my pancakes in syrup, and that was when my father spoke up.

"Alice, adding on to what your mother said about you getting a makeover, it does also seem like a good idea however, to get you a bodyguard. Someone to watch over you during school and class, make sure you’re safe and all.” My dad said, his eyes glued to today’s paper.

I spit out my pancake, "Excuse me? But mom just said that if I get this stupid makeover-" He glared at me for my word choice, "I mean this interesting makeover, that I wouldn't need a bodyguard. And anyways it’s not like I am the President, no one cares about me enough to kidnap me.”

My dad gave me a look, "This particular bodyguard is still in high school-"

"You hired a guy who's still in high school?” I blurted out.

"If you would let me finish," He said, now glaring at me. "The boy’s parents actually work for me, so I talked to the parents, and they said that he would be happy to do it. And since his parents work here, they are bringing him over later on so you can meet him,” My dad said in a calm voice.

“You’re acting like you guys are setting me up for a play date,” I grumbled to my parents cutting up my pancakes and shoving them into my mouth.

I took a few more bites of my food, before I decided I wasn’t so hungry anymore. It didn’t really look that appetizing anymore, "I am not so hungry anymore." I muttered, pushing my plate out in front of me.

"I'll have it!" Exclaimed Thomas, grabbing my pancakes, piling them onto his already stacked plate and stuffing them in his mouth. I really do wonder about him and what goes on in that ten-year-old mind of his.

"You’re eating like a pig." I said to him, wiping my mouth on my napkin.

“Well,” Thomas said, swallowing his food before speaking. “I’ll have you know that the pig is the sixth smartest animal on the planet.” He said to me, grinning.

“Well, I’ll have you know that I really don’t care.” I said smirking back at my brother. I then quickly got up from the table, walking out of the kitchen before I could be lectured by my parents.

I walked down the hall, nodding my head in acknowledgement to the guards as I walked past them, towards the stairs. Once I arrived into my room, I flopped down on my bed, grabbed my phone from my side table and called Holly to tell her the news.

My eyes scanned my room, it was a fairly big room, with white walls and a queen sized bed located in the middle of the room. It was nice and simple, just like how I liked it. My dressers were off to the side of the room, but most of them were empty, since I basically had a closet big enough to store another queen sized bed.

After two rings, Holly picked up, "How bad did they punish you?" She asked, not bothering to say hello.

"Not too bad-" I stopped mid-sentence, as I realized something. "Wait a minute, how did you know I was punished?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

"Oh come on Ali, we snuck away from the White House and there are cameras located on every inch of it. I knew from the beginning that we were going to get caught. I just wanted you to start living a normal life." She said.

"So you knew I was going to get caught, yet you still forced me out of the house?” I asked her, “Well thanks to you, I am grounded for a month." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Well, some good must've come out of sneaking out."

"Yeah something good did, and you’re going to be excited for this.” I said, to Holly.

“What? Is it food related?” She asked.

I chuckled, “If saying I finally get to go to school, is food related than yes, it is.” I said sarcastically

I heard a scream come from the other end, and as I pulled the phone away from my ear, I heard a thud, assuming Holly dropped her phone. "No way! You’re coming back to school? Or are you just messing with me? Cause I did hear some sarcasm in your voice."

"No Holls, I am dead serious. I spoke with my dad, and I think it is time I finally get to be a normal teenager for once in my life, so mom is taking me to get some stupid makeover."

I heard another scream on the other end of the line. I pulled the phone away from my ear. If Holly keeps screaming like this, I am bound to start going deaf. "A makeover? I'll be over in ten," With that she hung up, leaving me with only a dial tone.

I let out a sigh, burying my head in my pillow and wondered if school was how movies and books portrayed it to be.

What if I don’t fit in?

"No Alice don't think about that. You'll do fine." I said, trying to convince myself. After eight years of not going to school you start to forget what normal is. My thoughts were then interrupted when I heard the intercom in my room buzz. I got up from my bed, walking over to it. As I held the talk button, my mom’s voice rang out of the speakers.

"Alice, will you please make your way downstairs. Your new bodyguard is here."

I groaned, smoothing out the plaid skirt I was wearing, making my way out of the door and towards the stairs. Once I reached the bottom, I did not see my parents or my new bodyguard so I assumed they were still at the front door and made my way over there.

I was looking at my feet when I arrived at the front door. I was silently praying that my bodyguard was cute or nice, but mostly cute.

"Alice, this is your new bodyguard. His name is-" I heard my mom speak, but I cut her off when I realized who he was.

“You!" We shouted at the same time. It was the guy that I had met at the bar. Even though it was a little bit dark at the bar, I clearly remembered his voice. He was the same person who kind of flirted with me, and who had basically shut me out when I asked about Holly.

"Do you guys know each other?" My mom asked, clearly amused.

"Yeah," I heard Ben mutter.

"And how do you guys know each other?" My dad asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh, I met Ben at the bar." I said, looking over at my parents whose eyes were widened at what I said. "No, Ben just made my drink." My parent’s jaws dropped as I continued to talk. I looked over at Ben who seemed to be watching me in amusement, "Wait! No, not a drink. A drink of water.” I said, trying to explain myself. I let out a few swear words under my breath as I felt my cheeks flush.

I was no good under pressure.

"Um, okay.” My mom said, looking confused. “Since you, guys already know each other. I'll leave you two alone." My mother said, grabbing my dad’s arm and walking away, leaving me and Ben to socialize, but all I did was glare at him.

We stared at each other for a couple of minutes, until the front door swung open, hitting Ben in the process. I stifled a laugh

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