» Fiction » Revelations, Susan Evelyn [e reading malayalam books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Revelations, Susan Evelyn [e reading malayalam books .TXT] 📗». Author Susan Evelyn

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when he snarled, lip curled back to remind me of the jagged teeth. I nodded once, understanding I was to stay put.

In two strides of those massive limbs he reached the door then with a warning glance back at me, he was gone.

For long minutes I strained to listen, hearing only the continuing sounds of things being moved.

Suddenly there was a new noise as if someone had thumped into a wall, followed by cursing and a few more bumps. The front door opened, the squeal of its hinges was quite distinct. There were scuffling and dragging sounds and then noises from outside. After the warning I had been given I did not dare leave the bed to look out the window.

I could hear a voice, a male voice, which begged and whimpered in turn. There was more movement outside as several sets of feet ran and stumbled on uneven pavement.

The front door closed with a satisfying click as the lock snapped into place.

I lay perfectly still in bed, not knowing what to expect. The bedroom door rattled and swung open a fraction. Then nothing. I let myself breath. Once. Twice.

The door opened wider then it shut. I saw nothing in the shadows.

Suddenly Pet’s paws and head appeared above the end of the bed. I almost screamed before I recognised him.

He pulled himself onto the bed and slithered up towards me on his belly, his head low as if he was asking permission for something he thought would not be allowed. I patted his head then hugged his neck as he got closer. With a soft yelp he nuzzled my neck and licked my chin before settling down to resume his sleep.

The next thing I remember is Lexie’s arm across my waist as I lay in bed. I must have given some indication I was waking up because he whispered in my ear, his warm breath blew strands of hair across my face. “You’re wearing clothes.” (I wear a long, loose t-shirt style night dress.)

I retorted, “Your fur prickles.” He chortled and pointed out he was no longer furry.

I agreed with the statement. In fact, Alex is particularly hairless apart from head, underarms and groin. There is no hair across his ample chest, or wide shoulders, or broad back. His legs and arms have hardly any either and only a barely perceptible down covers his belly.

He drew me closer as I turned to face him. I barely registered the cool caress of his kisses on my lips. I snuggled into his warmth as he continued to explore my face and back with a feather-like touch. I found sweet oblivion in his arms. I was gentled into a rapture rising from his affections.

There was no soaring temperature or rapid heartbeat, no panting or frantic grasping. Instead, he loved me with a sublime grace and gentleness rarely experienced between two people. I drifted back into sleep and have difficulty separating the intimacy from dream.

He had gone before I roused again.

When I ventured down to the living area I was unsure what evidence would remain of last night’s struggle. I hoped nothing important had been broken.

Dad stood in the doorway to the lounge room, shock and surprise registered on his face. I told him there had been an intruder while I was upstairs but Lexie had dealt with it. Naturally I left out a few things particularly the whole morph-into-a-monster thing which I will have to discuss with Lexie.

There was no time to straighten everything and get to class and work on time so we shut the door on it until we get home tonight.


I did not get to ask the questions filling my head. Alex was in class but took off before I could catch his eye. He must know I want a serious talk. Perhaps college is not the place for it.

Dad and I tidied the lounge room. There had not been too much damage. A few things bumped out of place and turned over but fortunately most of the fallen had not broken. It was late by the time we finished and Dad decided we should eat out and put the whole ordeal behind us.

Needless to say, I did not get a chance to hook up with Lexie and find out what had really happened.

Day 25
Dear Diary,
There was something going on in the gym today so we did not have our usual workout. I had not seen Lexie but I knew he was nearby. I still had a much needed talk on my mind.

I sensed his presence in the canteen before I saw him. Vada was the one who pointed him out at a table of senior boys with Manny. Lexie had taken up the offer to meet the other lads for lunch. I had to quell a touch of jealousy to see him laugh and play up with the boys.

The four of us walked past their table on our way out. Vada managed to snag a hug from Manny and Alex grabbed my arm as I went to walk past him. He pulled me back so hard I had no option but to sit on his knee. He gave me a quick kiss before I fixed him with my icy gaze and whispered my needed to talk with him.

The frown and hooded eyes meant he was both worried and understanding. He nodded but was uncommitted about a time and place. He playfully put his hand on my knee and I pretended to be mildly annoyed and shake it off. We both laughed as did the others who thought it was a good game. His big brown eyes and slightly pursed lips feigned chastisement and his expression just made my heart melt. I stood up but he still had hold of my arm and pulled me toward him again, this time giving me a much stronger kiss.

“He’s such a puppy dog over you,” Nan said as we walked away. “Those mushy eyes follow you everywhere. I never thought you would fall for such a softie.”

If they only knew! I suppressed a giggle and shrugged while saying something like “Makes a nice change.” Then I distracted them by pointing out someone wearing mismatched shoes and equally un-paired stockings. Nan is such a fashion diva it is easy to distract her with such comments. The difficult part is getting her to stop.

It’s now bedtime and still no word from Lexie. He has to know what I want to talk about. Surely he can’t be embarrassed or worried I will not want to see him. The beast does frighten me, but more because it was so unexpected than what it looked like. How could I not love every part of him?

Day 26
Dear Diary,
Some of the older boys joined us for lunch today. Manny and Alex brought two others with them, Nate and Jerry. We had met the newcomers before and knew them to be good company. By the time we had finished at the canteen, the seniors had invited us to a game of bowls at the local alley. The usual frantic text’ing and phone calls to our parents ensued while we gained permission and all was arranged. The place is not too far from home and Lexie said he would walk with me.


On the way to play 10 Pin Bowls I broached the subject of the discussion we needed to have. Lexie frowned again and put it off until the walk home afterwards. I agreed though I was disappointed.

The game was a lot of good natured fun. The girls declared it would be unfair to split the group by gender so an even division was arranged. Vada is our strongest player and I would have liked to have been in her group but it was not to be. Jem joined me with Alex and Nate to form a team.

Alex admitted he had never played before as the places he had lived with his father had not stretched to such entertainment. It did not take him long to get the hang of it though and I suspect he had to pull back on his strength. More than once his pins exploded into the air before falling noisily to the alley floor.

My best’ies have become used to seeing me paired with Lexie and the romantic jibes have lessened considerably. Everyone behaved admirably and other relationships are in the wind following the good time tonight. Shame to say, I did not pay a lot of attention. My mind was on the postponed talk.

Eventually we were on our way home. I knew the roads and they were well lit giving no reason to fear anything lurking in the dark, less so with Alex by my side.

Out of earshot from anyone else, I could contain the questions no longer. At first he was reluctant to answer but once he saw I was interested and not about to run away he opened up. The bestial form was the secret strength of the werewolf clan. They are the earth’s guardians, nature’s protectors. Some shape shifters never quite make the complete transformation and others need heightened emotions to help. He admitted he had been angry when he had changed but he can also do it at will given the right circumstances. Those conditions more usually relate to misuse of natural resources and destruction but extend to the protection of family particularly a life partner.

It made sense and it is beyond me why I had not drawn the same conclusion on my own. However, in my defence, there is precious little data about werewolves and the romanticised literary versions are quite wrong in many aspects. I was still a little unsure and voiced my concerns about how much the beast retained of the Lexie/Pet link. He assured me it would never hurt me and enough memory remained to know who I was and how important.

He stopped at that point and pulled me hard against his body as if shielding me from the world. His kiss was soft and sweet, a pact sealed between us. His eyes shone in the waning moonlight and his smile warmed me. The future is too uncertain to make any broad statements but I do know I will never be able to resist his charms. Right then I was in danger of needing to be carried the rest of the way home as my knees nearly crumpled beneath me.

Day 27
Dear Diary,
Dreary Saturday. This is the day of the month Dad and I do the grocery shopping. The very definition of tedium.

I know he is anxious about my growing relationship with Alex and kept asking leading questions. I told him as much as I could, as much as was safe to know. That did not include intimacy although I am sure he is aware we do more than hold hands.

The regular housework followed the unpacking of the carful of parcels and ate up the rest of the day.

No sight of Lexie. No doubt he had mundane tasks too. That’s alright. We have an outing planned for tomorrow – a picnic with the group from Friday night.

There is a public area in the nearby reserve including tables, shelter and gas barbeques. There are even rowboats for hire and sometimes a craft market in the parking area.

Dad was happy to learn Lexie and I had not cut
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