» Fiction » Revelations, Susan Evelyn [e reading malayalam books .TXT] 📗

Book online «Revelations, Susan Evelyn [e reading malayalam books .TXT] 📗». Author Susan Evelyn

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establishes a behavior pattern of recognition and attraction to another animal of its own kind or to a substitute or an object identified as the parent.’

‘A learning process in early life whereby species specific patterns of behavior are established.’

It sort of fits but in the absence of specific texts on shape-shifters I guess it will have to do.

The moon light is flooding my room again. What has always been so lovely has taken a slightly sinister turn. This is the cost of their inheritance and she is a hard task mistress.

Day 21
Dear Diary,
Last night was scary.

I was starting to settle into a light sleep courtesy of the afternoon nap when I heard a strange noise outside. It was an animal noise but not like any I had heard before and it didn’t go away.

I checked the window and there was something in the front yard, in the shadow of the tree, exactly where Alex stands to get my attention. I peered some more and figured it could be Pet, the grown up version. But there was something wrong. He uttered a most unusual howl.

Against better judgement, I went downstairs. As soon as I opened the door, Pet hobbled over. There was something wrong with his right hind leg. He dipped his head and nudged my hand. He looked so miserable my heart went out to him.

When he came in, I saw why he limped. He had a nasty gash in the heavy muscle of his right flank. To my untrained eye, it looked like a gunshot wound and I hoped there was not a bullet or pellets buried beneath his fur.

He hung his head lower than his shoulders and looked up at me with big golden eyes. There was pain and shame on his face and I could almost see Lexie’s expressions in the wolf features. He held the injured leg off the floor even though his balance teetered.

I did not know what to do. I can barely put a bandaid on a blister let alone have any idea about animal biology. I was afraid I might do the wrong thing and debated finding the first aid kit. Pet sidled over to me, put his muzzle in my hand and whimpered. I had to do something.

I signalled him to stay put while I ran to find the things I assumed I needed, and a wash cloth and spare blanket. With effort, he followed me up the stairs to my room and into my ensuite. The bright light gave me a better chance to assess the damage. He winced and whimpered as I blunderingly poked the injured flesh but I could not feel any projectile. With luck, it had skimmed along his side leaving a seared gash which looked a lot worse than it was.

I convinced him to climb up onto my bed after I spread the spare blanket over one side. His eyes followed every movement I made, the wild animal in him still wary of human contact. If the imprinting had not happened I doubt he would have come to me. Something of the juvenile Pet, and Lexie, must have stayed with him in the changeover.

I have no idea how human medication works on a wolf. I have heard all sorts of urban myths about dogs and cats reacting strangely so I decided to use only natural things. After I patted away most of the fresh blood with a gauze pad, I cleaned up the wound area with a cloth and warm water. It had to have stung a bit. Every now and then he would lift his head off the bed and make a guttural growling noise which frightened me.

One blood clot was particularly hard to move and must have tugged on the sensitised skin. He almost sat upright and the lip curled back to reveal big sharp teeth. The earlier snarl became a howl and I was sure Dad would hear. I jumped back in shock before he sank back to the bed with a whimper.

I talked to him, my voice soft and even, and my hands lightly stroked the long fur at his neck and shoulders. I soothed him until he relaxed waiting until his breathing had calmed before I resumed my work. Eventually it was done and I could inspect the damage properly. It was a nasty gouge and still wept blood. Apart from needing to rig a bandage, the wound appeared sanitary now and should heal. The fur will grow back, but I have no idea whether the human form will scar. In the meantime though, it will hurt a lot and impede movement.

He let me tie a bandage so the absorbent pad would take up the seeping blood and keep the wound clean and dry. Every now and then he would lift his shoulders and bend over double to sniff at what I was doing. Once it was all done I entertained the thoughts buzzing around in my head. Why had he come to me when I have no experience in these things? Why had he not gone to his father? Unless... Unless the answer also solved another riddle, perhaps his father had transformed too.

I put everything away and crawled back into bed. Pet had stretched out as best he could on the other side, with his head near the pillow. I patted him until I could not raise my arm any more and rested it across his neck instead. He burrowed closer so his spine nestled against me. Spooning with a wolf! Who would have thought!

Sometime before I woke, he changed back into human. The bandage no longer fitted but he had begun to heal so it was unnecessary. By the time I opened my eyes, he had discretely wrapped himself in the blanket.

As soon as I focussed, I called out his name and folded my arms around him. I was almost in tears. It had not all been a dream. Was this going to happen regularly?

He said not and added his side of the story. He had been roaming the field near our trysting spot in the glade when spotted by a farmer who was where he should not have been. The man had fired instinctively and no doubt there would be another report of a big animal sighting. Lexie shrugged off the incident but I suspect he made light of it to stop me worrying.

Of course, he still had to leave, and being spotted by my father carried similar possible reprisals as with the farmer. The injury still pained him despite the outer healing so he could not clamber out of the window. I found some uni-sex track pants and t-shirt which only just fitted him before we went down to breakfast.

Dad’s eyes registered the shock of seeing Alex limp into the kitchen but I rapidly explained what had happened. He eased back a lot when I emphasised it had been Pet, not Lexie, who had shared my bed. With half joking jibes of hoping this incident will not be a regular event, he insisted Alex stay for a much needed, hearty breakfast.

Later Dad quizzed me about my choice and whether I had thought it all through. Last night was only the beginning and there would be similar concerns every month. I obviously had been caught unawares on some aspects, but I am prepared and willing to work through the rough spots.

Day 22
Dear Diary,
Monday. I hate Mondays.

I was not surprised Alex did not attend today. I suspect he may miss the odd day of formal schooling on moon cycles. He would certainly not be feeling too wonderful right now.

The day was exceptionally ordinary without Lexie. I wonder if he will be in better shape tomorrow. I did not have a good enough excuse to visit him at home to find out.

I scoured all the local news reports for the last few days but there was no reference to another beastly sighting. I was relieved, much more so than anticipated.

Day 23
Dear Diary,
Lexie was back in class today, all’s right with the world. He tried not to limp but I could see it strained him. Apart from that, he has relaxed into our Creative Writing class and now participates in discussions as vigorously as the rest of us.

Come to think of it, I don’t know if he is doing this diary writing exercise. It was given out the day before he arrived and I have never mentioned it. What would his be like?

I checked with Dad then arranged for Lexie to come over tonight, it being Dad’s night out and all. I may have a vested interest but I think he seemed happier I would have company too.

Ever since that night after the movies, I have not enjoyed being on my own quite so much. It is also nice to have a study buddy and Lexie doesn’t get distracted by idle chatter.

I haven’t written much in the past day or so with classes and worrying about Lexie but I will catch up tomorrow. Right now I have to tidy up a bit before he gets here.

Maybe Pet will stay over. It was real cosy the other night, even if he was injured

Day 24
Dear Diary,
All hell broke loose last night or early this morning.

Something woke me out of a deep sleep. Animal-Alex was already alert, his head upright and ears pricked. Then I heard something downstairs. My stomach gave a sickening lurch. We were the only ones in the house, or we were supposed to be. The noises sounded very much like someone stumbling in the dark in an unknown room. A prowler? Furniture scraped as it was nudged or pushed out of position; things on top of tables and shelves shifted and knocked against each other.

I exchanged looks with the wolf lying beside me, my eyes wide in alarm. Instinctively I reached out for him, burying my fingers in his long fur, looking for comfort in the familiar touch. He growled from behind a closed jaw and jumped off the bed.

Throwing aside the bed covers, I began to get up to investigate. Without warning I was pushed back down. Animal-Alex had jumped on top of me, caging my body between his legs, his muzzle only inches from my face.

Then he changed into something quite different in front of my eyes. I had never seen him like this.

His wolf muzzle shortened a little but his teeth grew larger, longer, and sharper. His eyes blazed with the fire of molten metal. His legs lengthened and thickened and the bones of each joint protruded sharply through flesh like armour. Paws had extruded into a hand-like shape with finger length claws. In moments the change was complete and he had morphed into a horrific hybrid of man and wolf but larger and more ferocious than either.

My body trembled uncontrollably, my heart raced and breathing came in ragged gulps. Fear must have shown on my face as my head pushed harder into the pillows.

I was frightened. Those teeth just inches from my face could easily crush bone and the long claws slice flesh to ribbons.

The man-beast sniffed. Did he recognise me? I had not imprinted on this form. His eyes cooled a fraction and then he licked my face before leaping off the bed. My shaking stopped... mostly.

I began to pull myself up but stopped abruptly
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