» Fiction » Turning The Tides, Bugz Rox [the little red hen ebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Turning The Tides, Bugz Rox [the little red hen ebook .txt] 📗». Author Bugz Rox

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and pitchforks. It is not fun," Alpha Kris was glum by the time he finished. I narrowed my eyes at him and sighed.

"Fine. The only reason I'll listen to you is that you're right; William has been taken and you do have way more experience with those assholes that hunt us. I am the Alpha of the Freedom Runners Pack, I deserve at least some respect. I've practically raised a house of wolves since I was fifteen. THAT is not fun, try doing that and you'll willingly take the mob," I replied.

"I'll take your word for it, as well as William's, however I think it was worse for you because, although he was the first, you had to deal with the bullying because you're a born female Alpha and controlling a bunch of young mourning werewolves," He said as he shuddered. I laughed at his expression.

"Is it uncommon for girls to be Alphas?" My mother asked.

"It is unheard of for female werewolves to be born, not bitten. And their has never been a case of any female alpha. Ever. Your daughter is one-of-a-kind. She must be protected," Kris said, again deathly serious. While my parents are trying not to laugh because for his whole speech about female werewolves I was making faces behind his back, making it nearly impossible not to laugh or pay attention to me. Kris spun around facing me because everyone was laughing at me. I put on a straight face as he spun. "Pluto..." He said warningly.

"Yes Alpha Kristopher?" I asked the perfection mask of innocence on my face. The name Kristopher and my serious expression alerted him that something was off. I never had a straight face, always laughing, smiling, crying, never serious. I also never called him Kristopher, it was always Kris.

"This is serious," he said in that same warning tone, I nearly rolled my eyes, but that would have given me up. Instead I raised one eyebrow.

"Can't you see my face? I am completely serious," I said my face still striaght exept for my eyebrow.

"I know you're an astounding actress, you would have to be, so cut the crap," He growled.

"Thank you, however, I am hurt that you would think that I'd take my demise as a joke," I said seriously.

"You take everything as a joke," He muttered, turning back to my parents as I resumed my face making and wild hand motions. "As I was saying before your daughter decided to make you laugh, it's impossible. None of your children should be werewolves, yet they all are. And one of them has become a powerful Alpha. I can feel her power when she uses her wolf's Alpha voice. It makes me want to obey her."

Alpha Kris swirled around, a complete blur as he grabbed my wrist. Taking me completely by surprise I had a knee-jerk reaction and flipped him onto his back. "Sorry," I said sheepishly, "Knee-jerk reaction, I don't like being taken by surprise."

"Yes, you are definitely William's sister," He said as he brushed himself off, my parents glaring at me.

I walked off, dragging Brandon by the hand as I had a little conversation with my wolf, Yo, my friend, what's a swingin'?

Nothing, Princessa, He replied quickly.

Did you know that your Alpha voice is so strong?

Duh, I am the goddess's own creation. Not like those born pups. I am passed on through genes so somewhere along your family tree, there was a male werewolf that was in the goddess's favor. She granted him a strong wolf, the Alpha's Alpha they call me, as well as certain powers, to protect his pack and their mates. But him and his sons kept mating women before they were changed, eventually the werewolf gene got so over taken by the human gene that it got so small that the only thing these humans have in common with werewolves is their love at first sight and the ability to only have sons. That was the most my wolf had ever said. I had sat done, dragging Bandon done with me, unconsciously.

Chapter 15

 "Hey, what's wrong? You've been staring at nothing for a few minutes," Brandon asked me, getting worried. I squeezed his hand and smiled at him. How did I get such a perfect mate?

"I'm just thinking, I was talking to my wolf. He told me some interesting things that I didn't think were possible. We should get back to the others so I can tell everyone what my wolf just told me," I said as I pulled him up, bouncing at the new information.

We walked in peaceful silence back to my house. When we arrived everyone looked at us. I sighed. Brandon simply said, "Hey! Pluto's wolf told her some news, listen to her for a moment, will ya?"

I stepped forward, "Okay, my wolf says that he was passed down from an ancestor of mine. He told me that one of our ancestors was in the goddess's favor so she gifted him with certain powers. As well as a strong Alpha wolf called 'The Alpha's Alpha'. He said that the werewolf gene got so small that the only thing our dad had in common with the werewolves was the ability to only have sons and their mates. Meaning that mom and dad are actually mates and that they were only supposed to have human sons until the gene got weak enough for their decendants to have baby girls. So my wolf was passed down and I have the Alpha's Alpha in my head."

Everyone stared at me until I fidgeted. My father piped up with, "Does the gene get so small in every werewolf family?"

"No our, or rather your, family had a problem with having children with their mates before they went through the changing process. So, if they had waited then the gene wouldn't have died at all. However it did. Until now. That means something happened to this generation to make the gene come out again," I said it as calmly as I could, while inside I was freaking out.

"Well how do you know it's my side of the family that the gene's on?"  Dad asked, now on the defensive.

"Weren't you listening? There. Are. No. Female. Werewolves. Meaning the gene would have to be on your side, you used to tell us about how as far as the record books went, there was only males in your family. Until me. So I was your miracle girl," I said slowly.

"Wait, if your father has the werewolf gene, then we should be able to make him a werewolf if he wants," Alpha Kris suddenly said. "But I have only heard of one Alpha's Alpha and if there were only men in your family than the Alpha's name would have traveled to you guys. His name was not Alpha Johanson, either."

My father fiddled with his shirt hem, "Yeah, that's not my original name. My parents thought it would be funny to name their kid Salvador because our last name was Shadowwood."

"Yes, your parents chose well on your name, the original Alpha's Alpha was named Salvador Shadowwood from the Shadowwood pack. I do not think it a coincident that your parents named you after the original Alpha that you get your genes from," Alpha Kris said, nodding his head slightly.

"So can we change our pack name back to the original name?" I asked, hoping for a yes.

"Of course, your tattoos will change when you decide what the name is changed to. Converting to that pack. If you choose the Shadowwood Pack you will have the tattoos of the original members because, although the pack died out, you carry the pack's genes in you," Alpha Kris told me, still absorbed in the fact that I truly was the Alpha's Alpha.

"M'kay, so if you rents still aren't believing it, then here you go for more proof. As Alpha of the Freedom Runners Pack, I change the name back to the original name of our ancestors. The Shadowwood Pack will arise again, under a new Alpha's Alpha." I said in the formal way of changing a pack name, raising my arms to point at the now raising moon. I learned it when I was little, I changed a few words though, make it fit with what's happening now.

I watched my raised arms as the colorful tattoos that covered my body moved. I could hear the Littles squealing as they felt their tattoos move. What humans don't understand is that the tattoos are a part of us, even the ones we got by humans. And when I use my Alpha voice to change them, we feel them obeying. My parents gasped as they saw yet another impossible thing happen to their children.

When the process was over, I looked down at the final result having closed my eyes when I saw my tattoos wriggling. I gasped at the scenes taking place over my body, they were mainly of wolves fighting and killing. Pillaging and taking over other packs. In a different color there were werewolves running in wolf shape, human shape, and a shape midway between. I groaned as I realized that the tattoos were so different from my last ones, thank the goddess no one got a good look at mine.

"Ugh, my wolf's howling with joy at the tattoos. Does that mean that he likes the scenes or the feeling of something familiar?" I asked to no one in particular as I stroked the tattoos. They felt right. Like they belonged there.

"I think it reminds him or is your wolf a her? Well, I think it reminds them of home and there first half," Alpha Kris said as he studied me like a specimen.

"Quit looking at me like that," I snapped. I don't like being studied like a lab would, especially by someone that's a werewolf like me.

"Sorry, I was looking and those definitely are the tattoos from the book that I learned about the Alpha's Alpha, you truly are the Alpha's Alpha of today," He said, backing off.

"Huh, I've never really appreciated your knowledge Alpha Kris, I guess I'm the one who should be apologizing, Sorry," I smiled meekly at him.

"Okay, wolfie parts aside, I'm still your mother and I say bed time," My mom spoke up.

"Good point, we have school tomorrow. Liam grab him!" I had started off calm, but Sammy darted off towards the woods. Liam grabbed Sammy at the same time that I wrapped my arms around the Twins waistes. "Bed time."

"So this is the reason that they never listen to me anymore?" My mother asked as I struggled to hold two half-wolf, half-boy kids.

"Yup, damn beast form," I muttered as I grabbed the waisteband of the their pants. Bad thing about beast form, no scruff so I couldn't grabb their scruffs. "Okay I do not want to order you around, so you either go willingly or I will end up ordering you to bed." They went limp and changed back to their human forms. Liam and I jogged up the stairs a whole procession following us as we tucked in the kids.

"Okay, one rule for knowing about us; tell no one," Alpha Kris said, Alpha lacing his voice as I rolled my eyes. He turned to me, "And there will be wolves about your house all night. You need at least one other wolf

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