» Fiction » Turning The Tides, Bugz Rox [the little red hen ebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Turning The Tides, Bugz Rox [the little red hen ebook .txt] 📗». Author Bugz Rox

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twirling around with my arms raised, I stopped and jumped up and down, clapping my hands and laughing a girly laugh.

"Quit playing!" The angry lady yelled. I immediately stopped, filled my eyes with tears, and sniffled. I put my face in my hands, shaking my shoulders as I actually sobbed into my hands. I could be a world winning actress.

"You made her cry! You're an ass!" A voice said from the crowd, I looked up to see a young woman coming to calm me down. I wiped my tear-stained face. Still sniffling, I leaned into the woman's embrace, she was the only one with out a hint of black in her aura.

"I'll be a big girl," I said, still sniffling as I stopped crying, still clinging to the lady, "Why can't I just leave?" I whispered. William, Liam, crawl out a window, do not make a sound. Wait for me in the forest. Disregard my last order to stay. I think I can play them. I said through the chat.



Chapter 19

"What are you doing here child?" The woman asked.

"My mommy grounded me, saying something like 'even though you're slightly autistic that doesn't mean you can watch TV whenever.' I got mad and ran into the forest. It's dark and scary in there, but I didn't want to run back to mommy saying 'I told you so' so I kept running. Then I had to pee and I was lost. I wondered around until I found this place," I twirled around with my arms wide.

"You're autistic?" She asked.

I bit my lip and nodded, cowering a little and whispering, "You aren't going to yell at me, are you?"

"No honey. Leave her be, Margeret," She said, hugging me, protecting me. Goddess, I didn't want to hurt this nice lady.

"An autistic werewolf, fantastic," The angry lady, Margeret, muttered.

"Werewolves are real?" I asked, faking happiness once more.

"Autsistic, stupid, and to top it all off, bipolar as well," Margeret said, taking menacing strides towards me.

"I am NOT stupid!" I yelled, power radiating through the house at my voice as I stomped my foot.

"Yup, that's the girl we need," Margeret motioned to the people behind her to advance on me, most of the auras in the room were brown; confusion or discouragement. Margeret sighed and moved towards me herself, flicking out a switchblade as she came.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you," I warned lowly, taking the woman by my side by the arm and spinning her infront of me.

"She's just a pawn, and a bad one at that," Margeret snarled, more people were advancing now.

"That's not very nice," I said, twirling and throwing the lady out the window, following closely. I spun back around, a smile on my face as I shifted into my white wolf. I howled, letting my wolf show his power. I noticed the hunters flinch at the control evident in my howl, I was the Alpha.

"Come here Fido and I think we can work something out, something where you live," Margeret said lowly advancing slowly. I growled, keeping the woman behind me, I made my way back towards the forest. It looked as if the forest burst with fur as dozens of wolves launched out, answering my howl.

I followed my brothers' still strong auras, untill I found them resting with the girl. I still had the woman with me, I lay down, offering my back to her.

Liam, William, I am glad you guys made it out safe and all but this lady looks exhausted, please tell her that she can get on my back, I thought to my brothers, noticing the lady's dinner plate-sized eyes.

"Pluto says you can lay on her back because you're tired. My name's Liam, by the way," Liam said, his eyes sparkling. The woman looked astounded as she touched a place around my eye.

Li, bro, can I use your shirt? I want to talk to you guys, I shredded my clothes, I whined through the chat.

William chuckled lightly, I narrowed my eyes at his amusement and turned back to Liam. He sighed and stripped his shirt, throwing it to me. I ran behind a tree and came out a second later, shirt covering everything that needed to be covered, but not much else.

"So what's your name and why did you touch my eye? Haven't you ever learned that wolves aren't the nicest animals?" I asked as I put my hands on my hips.

"You had a mark around your eye, it changes color. It amazed me. My name's Camille." She said shyly, "So in the house, all that was a lie?"

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that, but I refuse to harm my pack," I said sheepishly, "Hey what does the mark look like?"

"From what I hear, I'll bet it's a paw around one of your eyes," Alpha Kris said as he walked into the clearing we had situated in, "There's a picture in one of the books, but it's never changed color. The five before you were all named Salvador and have had red, blue, yellow, green, or purple. Also, they were all pure black wolves."

"A color for each element; red for fire, blue for water, yellow for air, green for earth, and purple for spirit," I said, hoping I was right.

"Correct, they each had complete control over the element of their tattoo and they got their tattoo at the first time they took their wolf's full power in. That was when you howled, by the way. We were coming over to tell you that this morning, but your parents met us at the door, crying over your note," Alpha Kris said with a unapproving look.

"I wasn't going to sit by while my older brother was being tortured. I just debased myself saving him because of a fight we had, I will not stand by while the people around me suffer Alpha Kris," I said.

"Not much of an Alpha anymore, am I?" He mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not understanding.

"This mark means I'm in your pack, I read that all the Alphas get them when you get yours. We'll feel a pull to bring our packs to you, and you'll have to okay the pack. If the Alpha resists, then he'll get sick and will get the engraving 'An Alpha who does not obey the pull, does not obey life's rule' entwined with their mark. If their pack cares at all, they'll bring their Alpha to you," Alpha Kris said as he showed me a small paw mark with an eternity sign entwined with it on the skin between his thumb and pointer finger.

"Oh, well then you should bring me to your whole pack," I said, worrying about Alpha Kris's safety.

Chapter 20



"Yeah, sorry 'bout that, but I refuse to harm my pack," Pluto said to the lady, "Hey what does the mark look like?"

"From what I hear, I'll bet it's a paw around one of your eyes," I heard Alpha Kris say, I was still glaring at the girl that had led us to William, "There's a picture in one of the books, but it's never changed color. The five before you were all named Salvador and have had red, blue, yellow, green, or purple. Also, they were all pure black wolves."

"A color for each element; red for fire, blue for water, yellow for air, green for earth, and purple for spirit," Pluto said.

"Correct, they each had complete control over the element of their tattoo and they got their tattoo at the first time they took their wolf's full power in. That was when you howled, by the way. We were coming over to tell you that this morning, but your parents met us at the door, crying over your note," Alpha Kris recounted.

"I wasn't going to sit by while my older brother was being tortured. I just debased myself saving him because of a fight we had, I will not stand by while the people around me suffer Alpha Kris," I heard Pluto reply, I glanced over, surprised, but my attention went back to the girl.

"Not much of an Alpha anymore, am I?" Alpha Kris asked under his breath.

"What do you mean?" Pluto asked, even I was listening for the answer.

"This mark means I'm in your pack, I read that all the Alphas get them when you get yours. We'll feel a pull to bring our packs to you, and you'll have to okay the pack. If the Alpha resists, then he'll get sick and will get the engraving 'An Alpha who does not obey the pull, does not obey life's rule' entwined with their mark. If their pack cares at all, they'll bring their Alpha to you," Alpha Kris said as he showed PLuto a small mark on his hand.

"Oh, well then you should bring me to your whole pack," Pluto said, obviously worrying about something.

"Yeah, I guess," Alpha Kris said, looking anywhere but at Pluto. His eyes landed on the girl, Flower, "Who's she?"

"Yeah, who exactly is she, William?" I asked, anger and mistrust in my voice.

William sighed, "Not exactly sure, but she was just as much a prisoner as me."

"What does that mean?" Pluto asked, moving closer. She apparently trusted the girl.

"I was taken into their care as a child, they murdered my mother. I am the only fae left in this hemisphere. They starve me and beat me. I have new scars on my back from talking to William," She flinched at William's expression of anguish.

Mates, My wolf told me. Everything clicked, the nickname, the care, the closeness. It all made since now.

"Poor girl, what's your name?" Pluto asked, though the 'girl' was older than both of us.

"My mother used to call me Calla Lily James when she was angry. I guess that's my full name," She replied, probably thinking about her mother. I softened a bit and so did William.

"So my name of Little Flower wasn't that far off, was it?" He asked in a joking manner. Stupid family joking tendency.

"No I suppose it wasn't. Can I ask who you guys are?" She spoke hesitantly, like we would hit her. I was softening to her because of her obvious abuse, plus both William and Pluto trusted her.

"My name's Pluto, that's Alpha Kris, this ass is my brother, Liam, and I believe you've already met Will?" Pluto said, ruffling my hair when she got to my name.

"And you're the Alpha?" She asked, looking at Pluto and practically hiding behind William.

"Yeah, speaking of which, to your pack Alpha Kris!" Pluto said as she marched off in

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