» Fiction » PATSY, Kenneth L. Ehrenthal [brene brown rising strong txt] 📗

Book online «PATSY, Kenneth L. Ehrenthal [brene brown rising strong txt] 📗». Author Kenneth L. Ehrenthal

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a perfect lady all night and I was glad that I could get you back to you room in once piece."
The next day, McGinty went to his tournament and got back to the hotel at about 5pm.  He had showered there at the golf club, so when he got to his room her dressed for dinner.  He would go to see the concierge for a recommendation for dinner.  Some of the "boys" wanted to go to Mama's that was supposed to have great food and a great show.  Walter wasn't interested.  His mind was on Sarah.  When he entered the lobby as he passed the registration desk, the clerk called and told him he had a message and handed it to him.  The note read; please call me and phone #, SA.  He asked the clerk for a phone, and he was directed to a white phone at one end of the reception desk.  She answered on the first ring.  She thanked him for calling and, after a pause; she asked if he would like to have dinner upstairs in her room.  She said that she had several things she wanted to talk to him about.  "I'll be right up," he said.
Sarah was dressed in sweats, not the chic cloths he has seen her in before. She offered him a drink which he took.  "Good scotch I see".  She seemed very serious.  "There are two things I want to talk to you about", she said.  First, I can tell you love this place and if you do, the best way to really appreciate St. Croix is to spend more time here.  I know of someone who owns a beautiful Villa condominium at the other end of the island.  They really want to sell very badly.  Not because of any problems with the place, but they have had some financial reverses and are try to liquidate as much property as they can.  You can probably get it for at least half of what it costs them."  Walter was intrigued.  This would be a great get away place especially since he really abhorred New York winters.  He said, "When can I look at it".  She said, "I have the key and we can go any time."  And what was there about a second thing?  Let's talk about that after dinner.  
They sipped white wine and Sarah told him a little about herself.  She was from Akron and loved New York.  Her job was interesting and all that but she was getting tired of so much travel.  And the travel itself was becoming more and more complicated.  They both nibbled on some salad and picked at the island spiced fish.  Sarah rose and gestured for Walter to come with her to the window.  It looked out over the ocean and the moon was bright and high in the sky.  She took his hand and began to caress it.  I want to thank you for the way you treated me last night.  Someone else could have easily taken advantage of me in the state I was in.  I'm not usually that way, but I guess the trip down and the drinks..... Well you know".  There was a doorway out to a balcony and they went out.  There was a warm breeze blowing off the water and they could hear the sound of the waves breaking on the beach below.  She moved close to McGinty and standing on tip toes kissed him.  Walter had not spoken for some time, the girl, kept moving, and kissing and talking about her feelings and he didn't know what to do.  Here he was the big macho man and this little girl was coming on to him.  Lots of thoughts flew through his mind.  What to do, and if he decided who would know.  He was 2000 miles away from home, and nobody here really knew who he was.  To those he had spent the days with, he was a lawyer golfer on a vacation.  "For a mature man, you're something else", she said.  "And for a little girl, you have some moves."   She lay across his body gently kissing his face, lips, ears, chest and he giggled.  "Are you ticklish", she laughed.  "I didn't think I was, he said.  For someone as old as you, she said, you have lots of energy.  We've been at this for hours."  And I have another round of golf in the morning, and oops it’s almost morning."  "Oh goody" she said, "lets shower together", as she flew out of the bed directly into the shower.

Chapter 22

The next Friday meeting of the crew began to get deeper into the case.  George reported on his meeting at the ME's and the information he had gleaned.  Mary went through her information from here trip.  Lewis Swinger reported on Sarah Albert’s financials.  At her death she was still working at her travel agency job and was making $45,000.  She was taking home about $2,800 a month and the rent on her apartment was $2,500 a month.  Margaret Alpert was being subsidized.  Well said Mary it wasn't from her parents.  We're going to have to go deeper into the life of Ms. Alpert.  Frank Carroll, interjected,” I’ve been giving the DNA stuff a lot of thought.  Stop me if I'm wrong...I don't think we should waste our time on how the samples got switched or replaced or even obtained.  I think we should focus on who did it.  If we find who, the how will become clear not that we even need the how."  The all answered, "Yes!"
Sid, summarized, “OK, we know the DNA was phony, and we know Sarah Alpert had a friend who was paying for her apartment."  Heidi, who had been at all the meetings of the crew and had remained relatively silent, interrupted. "Let's get back to basics.  Let's consider MOM.  You know means, opportunity and motive.  We know that she was smothered with a pillow after having sex.  Even though, as I can read, there was no physical indication about force-able entry (part of the rape).  That means that she probably knew the killer.  No evidence of a struggle.  If she knew the killer, and well enough to engage in consensual sex, we have the opportunity, then now we have to really focus on the motive.  Why would someone she knew and having sex with, kill her?"  I'll bet if we find her boy friend, whoever he is, we'll then be able also to answer the DNA problem!  The meeting adjourned and each went their separate ways with a weekend to consider their problem.  Sid, looked at Heidi, "the more I get to know you, the more I love you mind."  Oh, yes, and your body too!"

Chapter 23
McGinty walked around the golf course in a daze.  He finished the
Round, and didn't even blanch when he saw high score had ballooned to 105.   He showered quickly at the club and jumped on the bus to take him back to the hotel.  He was meeting Sarah at 2pm to go and see the "villa".  Standing out on the veranda of the "villa" he was able to see the broad sweep of the white sandy beach and the clear blue of the water in the ocean.  This really could be paradise.  And with this girl, here, to would be.  He looked at her asking if she would gain anything from his buying, you know, finders fee?  "Well, she said “they told me they would give me something."  "I have just two conditions and if you agree, I'll buy the place."  First, I want you to have complete access and to be here when I came down, alone!"  The second is that if I do come with my family, and I'll make that perfectly clear, you won't be here.  "I'd be a fool, not to agree with that proposal, it seems like we have a bargain."  She looked at McGinty, took his hand and led him into the master bedroom.  She sat on the bed saying to him, why don't we inaugurate our partnership, right now."

On the plane ride back to New York, McGinty reviewed the past week.  He thought, "I've been a good and faithful husband.” I consider myself a great farther.  I am a good wage earner and my family lives in high style. I have a very important job enforcing the law which is good for society.  I did not coerce or threaten this "girl".  We just connected.  I deserve this.

Chapter 24
Sid and Heidi were now deep into their domestic "dance."  Heidi wanted Sid to go food shopping with her, so that she could prepare food that Sid liked.  She ignored his insistence that he liked everything she prepared.  She even hijacked him one afternoon to meet her at Bloomingdale’s to help her pick out some new dishes. Both remained busy with their normal everyday legal businesses, but the Mohammed case, for both, began to take up a lot of psychic energy.  Whenever Sid came back from visiting Sing Sing, it took him a day to get over his depression.  This poor man was trapped in a situation that was not in any way his doing.

The Friday meetings were gathering a lot of information.  Apparently Sarah Alpert traveled a lot for her job.  From the time she came to New York to her death, she had accumulated millions of air miles.  It was Denise that noticed a pattern in some of her activities.  It seems that at least three times in the three years previous to her death she flew, for inspections, to St. Croix.  Denise had been to St. Croix and she didn't think there were enough places to require nine visits in three years.  That seemed strange.  Sid, asked her to follow up with Sarah's boss and see what he could tell us about that.  Lewis indicated that he was having some trouble finding out who was paying for her apartment.  The rental agent said that a check arrived each month as part of some accumulated payment, so that there was no individual indication of who paid.   The check was drawn on a "blind" account from the New York Bank and Trust.  Frank asked Lewis, "who would have or need a "blind" account?"  It was obvious that who ever set up the account wanted to make it very difficult for anyone to assess the nature of the account.  Heidi opined, "Sometimes when we work with the Federal courts, and they have certain witnesses to protect and hide away they fund the cost out of non-traceable accounts to make sure no one can pierce their security."  So these "blind", non-pierce able accounts could be the FBI, the US Marshall's and probably many other Federal agencies."  Hay Sid, said Frank, aren't we interested in someone in the DA's office.  The DA must have places where they can stash their witnesses.  Maybe that's the answer here.  And even more importantly, the rental people told us that it was an accumulated check.  I bet they have another apartment or even two in that building and someone was using that to cover the payments for Sarah's apartment.  Now all we have to do is narrow down who has the responsible of directing the use and therefore access to those apartments.  Sid enthusiastically jumps and cries, "I think we've had a break through."  George, that's you department. Let's get that information!"

                                                    Chapter 25
George Hyman knew or certainly knew of everybody who was to know in the New York police department.  Especially
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