» Fiction » The Secretary, Jeiana Airen [bts books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «The Secretary, Jeiana Airen [bts books to read TXT] 📗». Author Jeiana Airen

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"Everything will be alright honey, I will take care of you".        


"Don't you understand because of this, they would want to have him back" as Margaret rummage to fix her things.   They need to live as soon as possible in order to have a peaceful family with her husband and first born son.       


"What are you saying? I can protect you.  They need to accept that you are no longer connected with them.  Our children will live a normal life."       


"I hope so dear.  We still need to go.  Now please hurry, i don't want to encounter any road blocks" as she tried to fake a smile.  Margeret was still worried but she needs to rely on the man she loves.        


After 10 years, Ample was able to raised an empire headed by one of the richest man Dara Lyle.  He did everything he could to protect Margaret from the dark world but there seems to be no escape.  A man came into his office looking for her wife.  At first he was polite but there seems to be something out of is personality that Dara cannot put his mind to ease.  At that moment when Dara was about to answer Margaret entered the room with little Raine beside her.  She was shocked but did not dare to run or walk back.  The man looked at her with intense eyes saying "You know you can't hide especially with that blood of yours.  We may have overlooked some things but HE needs to be with the society" pointing at Raine.       


Margaret immediately cried falling beside Raine with hands folding into a fist.  Dara stood to protect but he was stopped by some force.  He was pale trying to reach his wife but no matter how he willed himself to move, it was no use.  Margaret looked at him in the eye "Don't worry they won't hurt him he is much more important" then looking back to the man with her cheeks wet with tears.       


"I'm glad you understand.  We would still allow him to be with you but he will always be under the council's supervision as his family"      


"Yes, father i understand"  Margaret submitting to His will.  




My name is Elizabeth, this is the last month of school and i am very excited.  The fact that i am graduating and soon be a secretary, i am a little bit closer to my dream.       


"Hey mom! i need to be early today i need to submit and arange my last report for Mr. Herrera" as i shout  while i put on my dr. martens and jog down the stairs to the kitchen.  I  grab my favorite toast as i saw my mom placed it on the table.       




"See that's what you get when you are always in hurry" my mom said.        


"No mom i can't i need to leave early" as i chew on my toast.           


"Liz i need you to pick up our food i ordered at Pete's tonight. Honey, I will be late again later so be sure you eat dinner ok".  She is so hardworking that she always comes home late.  I know i can't blame her, you see she loves me so much and we only have each other so i give her all the understanding and love.  Taking care of me since my father died is a lot of work.      


"Sure mom" as i smiled.  "Please don't be stressed at work.  Soon you will stay at home and i will be the one to take care of you".  She just smiled and touch my cheek by her palm.  "I love you!" and kissed her as i ran out the door grabbing my keys and jog all the way to school.        


It's like a bee hive at school, everybody was busy with all the exams and paperworks.  Some are for graduation and some busy for finals to pass this school year.  I went to my locker to put my things in and grab some of my books and some paper to write on.  I looked at my watch, closed my locker, turned and i bumped on a hard wall.  I closed my eyes and expect for my butt to hit the ground anytime soon "aaawww".  Then I open my eyes and tried to get up and a hand appeared in front of my face.  Then i looked up, it was a man not a wall i bumped into.  He was wearing a three piece suit without the tie and the top of his polo was unbutton.  He raised his eyebrow waving his hand in front of me as if to say 'hey can you grab my hand so i can help you up'.  I grab his hand with my mouth open and stand up.       


He was smiling at me with those dark brown eyes but he did not say anything.  Instead after he helped me pick up my things he side stepped and walked away.  I stared at him until he disappear and i think i was drooling.  "Hey! Liz" Terrence tap my shoulder calling my name taking me out of my reverie.  When i did not answer he snap his finger on my face to get attention.  "Oh! Hi!" with a huge grin on my face just like an idiot.        


"What was that about? Who is he?! Hey Mr herrera is already looking for you, he said you seem a bit late so he asked me to try and find you.  We still need to finish some of the other application."      


"Oh shit i totally forgot sorry.  Hurry let's go or Mr. Herrera won't help us anymore and you know how much i need to go into a good company".  Grabbing his hand running towards the room as we dodge the other student.  Terrence was one of my friends who was helping me out whenever mom will be late.  He accompany, and help me in almost everything that is why i was very happy to have him as a friend.  Some would think that it may be more than friendship but me and Terrence did not bother about it as long as we are together.  The three of us were busy submitting all the applications and report to almost all of the company within the city wishing we could land on a good company with a lot of benefits.  By just that i forget the man that somehow made me feel it won't be the last time we see each other.       


At last graduation day!  Mother filed her leave to be with me today.  We were busy fixing our dress for graduation and making sure not to forget anything.  We both woke up early as we are excited.  I wore my beautiful dress which mom gave me last week.  It was a blue one shoulder dress with beads accross from my right shoulder going to my waist.  It was just a little bit below my knee and was very beautiful.  Mom already made breakfast and we ate at the table with her serving me my favorite toast and poached egg. 


"Congratulations honey.  You were abe to finish study after everything.  I am so blessed to have a daughter like you" mom in teary eyes.       


"No crying mom or else you are gonna ruined the mascara i put on you."  i teased.  "Now once i get a job i would want you to quit so you can rest ok?"        


"Honey you know i can't.  We still need to pay our debt and you don't need to worry i can still work.  I know you are all grown up now but i'm still your mother, so as long as i can i will work."  It is really hard for her to think about herself every once in a while.  Even at that i love my mother so much.       


The graduation ceremony was a typical boring ceremony but i kept myself from dosing because of the man seating right beside the principal.  It was him, the man i bumped into and he seems to be looking at me. those dark brown eyes seems to search me, i just avert my eyes and try to focus on mom who was on the other side of the chairs.  His name was Raine Lyle, he was invited to be a spoke person at our graduation being the second son of the owner of Ample.  Most of the girls sigh when he stepped into the microphone for his speech and everybody seemed to be mesmerized by the way he speak.  After that the ceremony ends with a loud applause and bow.


    I was alone at home, as i watched tv waiting for phone calls from any of the company i passed my application to.  I was so lazy to get out of bed and my mom usually let me be lazy once in a while.  Rolling on my bed from left to right and right to left as some guy from the tv explains how make a frozen cake.  Suddenly the phone rang, at first i thought i was just hearing things but there it was again.  I immediately jump out of the bed and run towards the phone "Hello, this is Mint residence how can i help you?" i answered.  My heart almost got out of my body out of my nervousness and running to it but hopefully the caller cannot hear my heart thumping loudly.       


"I'm looking for Ms Elizabeth Mint"  said the girl on the other side.       


"This is Elizabeth"       


"Ms. Mint, this is Sarah from Bryants company and you are scheduled for interview tomorrow morning at 9am.  You can inform the receptionist that you are scheduled by me so they will give you an authorization to enter."       


"Yes, thank you." i answered courtly.  Sarah might have taken note then bid good bye and disconnected the call.  I received 3 other calls after that for scheduled interview lucky for me that none of them was scheduled at the same time.  Some are on the same day but different time.  I was excited and asked my mom about some other pointers and of course how to look for the interview.  Everyday she served me my favorite breakfast for good luck and prepare my dress for me.  I had 5 interview  for the whole week and most feedback was negative but i did not loose hope.  Everytime i get rejected i somehow get some ideas on some things that i need to change or improved which really helped me a lot on the other interviews.       


It was saturday now after all the busy interview day but seems no luck.  My mother accompany me in the living room to watch tv and she sit beside me. "You know honey you don't need to work right away.  Mommy can still manage.  Why don't you relax a bit and enjoy, let's think this as a vacation instead."       


"I can't mom, i have

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