» Fiction » William Pitt and the Great War, John Holland Rose [world of reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «William Pitt and the Great War, John Holland Rose [world of reading .TXT] 📗». Author John Holland Rose

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of, 256.


Camage, W., of Sheffield, arrested, 186, 191.


Cambacérès, J. J. Régis de, 233.


Camden, Charles Pratt, 1st Earl, 33, 44.


Camden, John Jeffreys Pratt, 2nd Earl (afterwards Marquis), Lord Lieutenant

    of Ireland, 342-348, 352-364, 391, 392, 393, 395, 402, 406, 409, 422;

  his friendship with Pitt, 475, 476, 481, 491;

  Secretary at War, etc., 501, 507, 514;

  President of the Council, 530, 557.


Camelford, Lord (Thomas Pitt), 37;

  on Pitt's duel with Tierney, 336.


Campbell, Thomas, at the trial of Gerrald, 183.


Camperdown, battle of, 328, 347.


Campo Formio, Treaty of, 327, 328, 365.


Canada, Upper, establishment of Government of, 31.


Canning, George, 39;

  his interview with Pitt, 40, 41;

  the "Anti-Jacobin," 327, 336, 337, 464;

  on conditions of peace with France, 383, 384;

  resigns the Under-Secretaryship, 376, 421;

  strongly supports the Union, 421, 422;

  on Catholic Emancipation, 442;

  resigns office (1801), 451, 465;

  on Pitt's generosity, 457;

  his relations with Pitt, 459, 464-466, 567;

  his marriage, 464;

  opposed to peace (1801), 469, 470;

  on Pitt's position, 471;

  his poems, 474, 518;

  urges Pitt to action, 481, 482;

  Treasurer of the Navy, 501;

  falls out with Hawkesbury, 518;

  defends Melville, 520;

  his sympathy with Spanish patriots, 524;

  disapproves of the expedition to Hanover, 542, 547;

  anxious for Pitt's health, 547;

  with Pitt at Bath, 549, 550, 553;

  mentioned, 286, 325, 375, 390, 450, 488.


Canterbury, Archbishop of. _See_ Moore, John, and Sutton, Charles Manners.


Cape of Good Hope, the, 216, 250;

  British conquest of, 251-255, 274, 276, 323, 325, 371, 469, 470, 478,

    480, 565;

  Baird's expedition to, 532, 539.


Cape Town, capture of, 252-254;

  population of, 253.


Carew, 294.


Carles, John, of Birmingham, 18, 186.


Carlisle, Earl of, 322, 350;

  on Irish affairs, 391, 392, 394.


Carlyle, Thomas, on the September massacres, 61.


Carmarthen, Marquis of. _See_ Leeds, Duke of.


Carnot, L. N. M., French general and Minister of War, 125, 135, 138, 141,

    208, 212, 217, 266, 272, 279, 280.


Caroline, Princess, of Brunswick, 214, 216;

  as Princess of Wales, 508.


Carrington, Lord, 330, 476, 489, 557.


Carteaux, Jean François, 145.


Cartwright, Major John, 23;

  his "Commonwealth in Danger," 280.


Carver, Edward, of Birmingham, 189.


Carysfort, Lord, 412, 495.


Castiglione, battle of, 243.


"Castlebar Races," the, 362.


Castlereagh, Viscount, 370, 569;

  account of, 398, 399;

  Irish Chief Secretary, 399, 402, 408, 410-412, 416, 423-425, 435-437,

    441, 446, 449, 486;

  resigns, 440;

  President of the India Board, 501;

  defends Melville, 520;

  Minister at War, 530;

  letters to Pitt, 531, 532, 549-551;

  interview with Pitt at Bath, 551, 552;

  at Putney, 555.


Catalonia, French invasion of, 197;

  Republican rising in, 231, 233, 234.


Catharine II, Czarina, 4, 6, 7, 231;

  her designs on Poland, 9, 46, 122;

  encourages Polish malcontents, 52;

  invades Poland, 53, 54;

  her success, 55;

  offers alliance to England, 99;

  treaty with England and Austria (1795), 235;

  her death, 258, 321.


Cathelineau, Jacques, 136.


Catholic Emancipation, question of, 396-401, 414, 418, 426, 428, 431, 433,

    452, 486, 487;

  opposed by the King, 433-439, 564;

  division in the Cabinet on, 443-445;

  motion for, rejected, 518, 519.


Catholics, the, in Ireland, 390, 395-401;

  in favour of the Union, 412, 417-419;

  courted by Cornwallis, 422, 423;

  question of promises made to them, 441-446.


Cazalès, Jacques Antoine Marie de, 43.


Ceylon, 323, 325, 371, 468-470, 565.


Chalk Farm, mass meeting at, 188, 193.


Chandermagore, 198.


Charette, François, 261-263.


Charlemont, Lord, 408.


Charleroi, surrender of, 209, 210.


Charles, Archduke of Austria, 126, 205, 206, 377, 378.


Charles IV, of Spain, appeals to France on behalf of Louis, 93;

  his weakness and extravagance, 197, 230, 231, 513, 560;

  his policy, 231, 233.


Charles X, 2.


Charles Emmanuel IV, King of Sardinia (1796-8), his abdication, 373, 378.


Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria, 122, 123.


Charlotte, Queen, her relations with the King, 506, 507.


Charmilly, de, delegate from Hayti, 220, 227, 229, 239.


Chatham, John Pitt, Earl of, First Lord of the Admiralty, 68, 125,

    145, 268;

  his incompetence, 137, 140, 215;

  made Lord Privy Seal, 216, 273, 299;

  borrows money of Pitt, 302, 303, 476;

  engaged in Holland, 382;

  Lord President, 440, 446;

  letter to Pitt on his resignation, 440;

  Master of the Ordnance, 501, 557.


Chatham, William Pitt, 1st Lord, and Pitt compared, 320, 474, 490,

   562, 565.


Chatham, Lady, 68.


Chatham, Dowager Lady, Pitt's mother, 299, 302, 476;

  her death, 488, 490.


Chaumont, Treaty of (1814), 523.


Chauvelin, Marquis de, French Ambassador in London, 48, 84;

  his cold reception, 49, 50;

  account of, 59, 60;

  tries to stir up discontent, 69;

  interview with Grenville, 78, 79;

  piqued at Pitt's interview with Maret, 80, 82, 116, 117;

  refused official recognition, 84, 98, 101, 115;

  conversation with Sheridan, 87;

  Lebrun's instructions to, 96;

  note to Grenville, 97, 98;

  protests against the Aliens Bill, 101, 103;

  interview with Grenville, 104, 105;

  ordered to leave England, 108-111, 117;

  his responsibility for the war, 115-117.


China, British embassy to, 32.


Chouans, the, 260-264, 284, 326.


Christie, William, his "Catechism of the French Constitution," 22;



"Church and King Club," 13, 185.


Churchill, Charles, on Lord Loughborough, 432.


Cinque Ports Volunteers, Pitt and the, 474, 477, 488-490.


Cisalpine Republic, the, 470.


Clare, Earl of (Baron Fitzgibbon), Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 340, 342,

    393, 406, 410;

  interviews with Pitt, 397-400;

  opposes Catholic Emancipation, 437.


Clarence, Duke of, 31.


Clarke, Major-General Alured, his expedition to the Cape, 251, 253.


Clarke, General, agrees to send a French expedition to Ireland, 345, 346.


Clarkson, Thomas, 502.


Clavière, Etienne, French Minister of Finance, 45, 58.


Clerfait, Field Marshal, 209, 213-215.


Clifden, Lord, 346, 402.


Clubs, political, growth of, 12, 13, 16, 21-23;

  their aims, 25, 26;

  accused of foreign connections, 51;

  their rejoicings at the Revolution, 61;

  addresses to French National Convention, 65-67, 70, 71, 73, 76, 77, 86,

    114, 115, 164, 172;

  growth of, in 1793, 167;

  their organization, 168, 169.

  _See_ Chap. VII.


Coalition, the First, 123, 125, 132;

  weakness of, 195, 196, 278;

  the Second, _see_ Chap. XVII;

  the Third, 529, 534 _et seq._


Cobenzl, Count Ludwig, 373, 375.


Cobenzl, Count Philip, Austrian Chancellor, 75, 120 _n._, 560;

  his fall, 129.


Coblentz, Royalist leaders at, 2, 3, 20.


Coburg, Duke of, his campaign in Flanders, 121, 126, 127, 130-133, 138-141,

    205, 206, 209, 210, 267.


Cochrane, Admiral, 514.


Cockburn, Lord, on the Scots, 173.


Coke of Norfolk, 188, 294.


Colchester, Lord. _See_ Abbot, Charles.


Colpoys, Vice-Admiral, 311, 312.


Condé, captured by the Allies, 134, 136;

  surrendered, 210.


Conolly, Captain, 159.


Conscription, in France, 266.


Consols, great rise in (1783-1792), 31;

  rise in (1796), 305;

  fall after the Nore mutiny, 315.


Constitutional Information, London Society for, 12 _n._, 21, 22, 65, 66,

    70, 167, 181, 184, 190.


Cooke, Edward, his letters to Auckland and Castlereagh on the Irish

    question, 355, 356, 362 _n._, 395, 396, 404, 405, 418-420, 422,

    424, 425, 435-437;

  his pamphlet on the Union, 405, 408;

  his conduct during the debate on the Union, 412.


Coote, General, 379.


Copenhagen, battle of, 388, 450.


Cork, despatch of troops from, 146, 152 _n._, 153;

  sentiments of the Grand Jury on the Union, 416, 417.


Corn Laws, 288, 289.


Cornwall, representation of, 173.


Cornwallis, Admiral, 514, 532.


Cornwallis, Marquis, suggested as Commander-in-Chief in Flanders, 205,

    214, 272;

  Master-General of the Ordnance, 273;

  Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, 359, 362, 363, 389, 391-412, 417, 418,

    421-426, 435, 436, 441, 443, 449;

  resigns, 440;

  Viceroy of India, 463;

  negotiates the Treaty of Amiens, 470, 477.


Corporation Act, the, efforts to repeal, 10, 11.


Corresponding Society for Reform of Parliamentary Representation, 21, 26,

    65, 66, 167, 168, 184, 186-190, 193;

  monster meeting at Islington, 283, 286;

  supposed connection with the mutiny at the Nore, 316-318;

  becomes a revolutionary body, 349, 350;

  its papers seized, 351.


Corsica, 143, 144, 150 _n._, 155, 156, 158, 210, 228, 232, 233, 235,

    244, 267;

  British occupation of, 255-257, 269;

  evacuated, 258, 275.


County Reform Associations, the, 23.


"Courier," the, 67.


Courtenay, John, M.P., 238.


Couthon, Georges, 134, 135.


Coutts, Thomas, 306 _n._, 308 _n._, 475-477.


Cowper, W., his pension, 455 _n._, 456.


Craig, Major-General Sir James, in command at the Cape, 251-254;

  his expedition to Malta, 368, 524, 525;

  Mornington's opinion of, 461.


Crancé, Dubois, 266.


Craufurd, Major-General Robert, 510.


Creevey, Thomas, 497, 521.


Crossfield, Secretary of the London Corresponding Society, 349.


Cumberland, Duke of, 448.


Curragh, affair on the, 357, 358.


Curt, delegate from Guadeloupe, 221.


Custine, General, Comte de, 73, 85, 121, 133.


Czartoryski, Prince, 522, 526.



Daer, Lord, 174.


Dalrymple, Colonel William, 173, 174.


Daly, Denis, 341.


Danton, George Jacques, Minister of Justice, 58;

  his alleged offer to save Louis, 94 _n._;

  his decree annexing Belgium, 111, 112, 116, 121.


D'Arçon, 135.


Davison, Richard, of Sheffield, 189, 191, 193.


De Clifford, Lord, 420, 422.


Delacroix, Jacques Vincent, French Foreign Minister, 322.


Del Campo, Marquis, 233.


Delessart, A. de Valdec, French Foreign Minister, 43, 44;

  arrested, 45.


Demerara, Dutch, 241.


Democracy, new birth of, 23;

  progress of, 62-68;

  opposition to, 68.


Derby, Society for Constitutional Information at, 70.


Despard, Colonel, arrested, 350.


"Devil's Own," the, 489.


Devonshire, Duke of, 402, 497.


Devonshire, Duchess of, 497.


Dibdin, Charles, 337.


Dillon, General Theobald, murdered by his troops, 49.


Dissenters. _See_ Nonconformists.


Dominica, revolt in, 239.


Don, General, 542, 545.


Donegal, Lord, 420, 422.


Dover Loyal Association, address to Pitt, 86.


Downes, Sir William, 395.


Downshire, Lord, 398;

  his opposition to the Union, 402, 418, 420, 422-424.


Doyle, General, expedition to la Vendée, 237, 262, 263.


Drake, Francis, British agent at Genoa, 155.


Drane, Mr., Mayor of Reading, 180.


Duckworth, Sir James, 532 _n._


Duff, General, 357, 358.


Dumouriez, General, French Foreign Minister, 45, 46, 72;

  his "Reflections on Negotiations with England," 47, 48;

  appeals to England to prevent war with Prussia, 51;

  his resignation, 59;

  Campaign in the Low Countries, 69, 73, 74, 76, 80, 82, 83, 85, 106,

    107, 267;

  his proposed mission to London, 109-111, 118;

  his self-confidence, 117;

  correspondence with Pache, 121;

  failure of his campaign in Belgium, 121, 126;

  his treason, 126, 131-132;

  Memoir on the defence of England, 509.


Duncan, Admiral Lord, 315, 328, 336, 347.


Duncombe, C. S., M.P., 12.


Dundas, Major-General Sir David, at Toulon, 157, 159, 160;

  in Corsica, 256, 257;

  his scheme of coast defence, 277, 287;

  and the Volunteers, 491, 492, 512.


Dundas, Henry (afterwards Lord Melville), Home Secretary, 34, 35, 63, 64,

    89, 186, 190;

  opposes repeal of the Test Act in Scotland, 14;

  puts down the Birmingham riots, 18, 79;

  on the proclamation against seditious writings, 25;

  anxious for union with the Old Whigs, 36, 38;

  friendly to France, 44;

  on sedition in Scotland, 77;

  his scheme for rearranging the Cabinet, 124, 125;

  his many offices, 124, 125, 270, 271;

  his conduct of the war, 125, 137, 140, 147, 157, 158;

  ignorant of military affairs, 128;

  his influence in Scotland, 173, 409;

  and the Scottish prosecutions, 176, 178-180, 182, 184;

  burnt in effigy at Dundee, 177;

  Secretary of State for War, 191, 205, 210, 213, 216, 221, 224, 225,

    238-240, 241, 243, 245-248, 257, 260, 267, 268, 325, 326, 331, 362,

    363, 381, 384, 386;

  President of the India Board, 251, 254;

  letter to Pitt on the idea of a War Minister, 271, 272;

  his friendship with Pitt, 299, 454, 476;

  urges the Egyptian expedition, 387, 388;

  his conversations with the King on Catholic Emancipation, 433, 436,

    444, 449;

  resigns, 440;

  on Pitt's resignation, 440, 441, 450;

  created Lord Melville, 483;

  his mission to Pitt at Walmer, 483, 484;

  on the Volunteers, 494;

  on the King's illness, 497;

  First Lord of the Admiralty, 501, 511, 514;

  his impeachment, 519-521;

  acquitted, 521;

  on India, 565.


Dundas, General Ralph, 357, 358, 361.


Dundas, Robert, Lord Advocate for Scotland, 14, 174, 176, 178, 179,



Dundas, William, Secretary at War, 501.


Dundee, political agitation in, 77, 173, 174, 177, 178.


Dungannon, Ulster Volunteers in, 78.


Dunkirk, siege of, 127, 130, 131, 138-141, 147, 267;

  Napoleon at, 349.


Dunlop, John, Lord Provost of Glasgow, 175 _n._, 178.


Duroc, General, Duc de Frioul, his mission to Berlin, 535, 537.


Dutch, the, their rights over the Scheldt, 71, 72;

  their apathy, 213, 216, 274;

  at the Cape, 250-255;

  defeated at battle of Camperdown, 328, 347.


Dutch East India Company, 250, 252.


Dutch Republic, the, 47;

  treaty with England (1788), 72;

  threatened by France, 73-76, 80, 82, 84, 107;

  English assurances to, 74, 114;

  plots of the "Patriots," 74, 75;

  appeals to England for help, 77;

  unprepared for war, 98, 107;

  France declares war on, 112;

  French conquest of, 213-216, 250;

  peace with Spain, 236;

  alliance with France (1795), 251, 261, 274;

  Anglo-Russian expedition to, 379-383;

  remodelled by Bonaparte, 470;

  proposal to offer it to Prussia, 552.



East India Company, renewal of Charter, 165.


Eaton, Daniel Isaac, prosecution of, 184.


Eden, Eleanor, Pitt's relations with, 300-303, 465, 491;

  her marriage, 462 _n._


Eden, Morton, Ambassador at Vienna, 129, 161, 199, 200, 202-204, 235,

    331, 380.


Edge, Captain, 160.


Edinburgh, Conventions of Friends of the People at, 174, 179, 180;

  Radical club at, 178;

  British Convention at, 181, 182.


Egypt, Napoleon's

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