» Fiction » William Pitt and the Great War, John Holland Rose [world of reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «William Pitt and the Great War, John Holland Rose [world of reading .TXT] 📗». Author John Holland Rose

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541, 552, 553,

    556, 560.

  _See_ Frederick William II _and_ Frederick William III.


Puisaye, Comte de, Breton leader, 260-263, 274.


Pulteney, Sir James, failure of his attack on Ferrol, 386.


Pulteney, Sir William, 174;

  opposes the taxes of 1797, 329.


Putney, Bowling Green House, 554-557.



Quesnoy, siege of, 138, 141;

  surrendered, 210.


Quiberon Expedition, the, 227, 239, 259-262, 274;

  failure of landing at (1800), 385.


Quigley (O'Coigly), hanged for treason, 350, 354.



Radical, use of the term, 1 _n._, 10, 23.


Rastatt, Congress of, 365, 374.


Redesdale, Lord. _See_ Mitford, Sir John.


Reeves, John, founder of the "Anti-Levelling Society," 68.


Reform, influence of the French Revolution on, in England, 11;

  Flood's motion for, 11, 12;

  Hardy's efforts for, 21;

  Pitt's opposition to, 23-28, 164, 171, 180;

  change of aims, 171, 180.


Regency, threatened, 497.


Reichenbach, Conference of, 3;

  Convention of, 48.


Reinhard, 108, 346.


Reuss, Prince, Austrian envoy at Berlin, 43.


Rewbell, Jean François, 325.


Reynolds, Dr., 554.


Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Pitt's neglect of, 456.


Richmond, Duke of, his charge against Paine, 50;

  Master-General of the Ordnance, 124, 130, 131;

  his incompetence, 137, 140;

  his Reform plan, 168, 179, 192;

  resigns, 273.


Richter, arrested, 190.


Rivoli, battle of, 308.


Robespierre, François Maximilien Joseph Isidore, 42, 116, 180;

  his fall, 192, 212.


Rochester, Bishop of. _See_ Horsley, Samuel.


Roer, River, 126, 213.


Roland, J. Marie, French Minister of Home Affairs, 45, 58, 167.


Roland, Mme., 59, 86.


Rolle, Baron, French royalist agent, 5.


Rom, General, goes to San Domingo, 241.


Romilly, Sir Samuel, 61, 487 _n._, 488, 569.


Romney, Lord, 331.


Romney, George, 167.


Rose, George, Secretary to the Treasury, 6, 38, 119 _n._, 395, 448, 450;

  resigns, 451, 465;

  473, 475, 476, 479-482, 496, 530, 554;

  Paymaster of the Forces, 501, 517.


Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 72, 114, 197.


Roussillon, Spanish campaign in, 197.


Rowan, Hamilton, 180, 402.


Rumbold, Sir Horace, Ambassador at Hamburg, seized by Napoleon, 515.


Russell, Lord William, 294, 422.


Russia, her designs on Poland, 9, 46, 122, 123, 129;

  peace with Turkey, 29, 52;

  treaties with England, 123, 235, 373, 376, 529;

  successes in Italy, 376;

  failure of campaign in Switzerland, 378, 379;

  Dutch campaign, 379-383;

  rupture with England, 388;

  understanding with England, 508, 515;

  compact with Austria (1804), 516;

  treaty of Potsdam, 539.

  _See_ Catharine II, Paul I, _and_ Alexander I.


Rutland, Duke of, 456.


Ryan, James, 442, 518, 519.


Ryder, Dudley. See Harrowby, Earl of.



St. André, André Jeanbon, 167.


St. Asaph, Bishop of. _See_ Horsley, Samuel.


St. Helen's, Lord, Ambassador at Madrid, 150, 154, 156, 228, 230.


St. Januarius, 372.


St. John, Lord, 246.


St. John, Order of, 368, 369, 373, 468, 527.


St. Lucia, 225, 237, 240, 241.


St. Vincent, Sir John Jervis, Earl of, expedition to the West Indies, 137,

    225, 243;

  battle of St. Vincent, 244, 277, 309, 310, 336;

  in the Mediterranean, 366, 367, 420;

  First Lord of the Admiralty, 483, 495, 498, 501.


St. Vincent, revolt in, 239;

  relief of, 241.


St. Vincent, Cape, battle of, 244, 277, 309, 310.


Saldanha Bay, defeat of the Dutch in, 254.


San Domingo, 220, 223 _n._, 225, 233, 235;

  ceded to France, 236, 237, 241, 275, 321.

  _See also_ Hayti.


Santerre, Claude, 58.


"Sant' Iago," the, seizure of, 232, 233.


Sardinia, compact with England, 123, 143, 147, 150, 151, 267, 268;

  growth of Jacobinism in, 197;

  independence of, stipulated by Pitt, 371.


Saumur, capture of, 136.


Saurin, Capt. William, 404, 405 _n._


Savoy, annexed by France, 68, 72, 113, 276.


Saxony, Elector of, King-elect of Poland, 54.


Scheldt, the, opening of, 47, 71, 72, 75, 79, 80, 82, 84, 86, 91, 97, 105,

    114, 117, 119;

  French gunboats in, 76, 107.


Schönbrunn, Convention of, 553.


Scotland, waking of political life in, 13, 22, 173;

  failure of motion to repeal the Test Act in, 13, 14;

  Radical movement in, 77, 173 _et seq._


Scott, Sir John. _See_ Eldon, Lord.


Scully, Denys, 442, 518, 519.


Sebastiani, Colonel, 483.


Secrecy, Parliamentary committee of, 167, 191, 316, 351.


"Secret Committee of England," the, 349.


Seditious Meetings Bill, 285-287.


Seditious writings, proclamation against, 24, 25, 50.


Ségur, Comte de, his mission to Berlin, 42-44.


September Massacres, the, 57, 59-62.


Seringapatam, capture of, 461, 462.


Servan, Joseph, 58.


Shannon, Lord, 341, 393, 402.


Sheares, Henry and John, United Irishmen, 354;

  arrested, 355, 356.


Sheffield, disorder in, 62;

  victory of Jermappes celebrated in, 70;

  riots at, 166;

  arrests at, 185, 186;

  mass meeting at, 189, 193.


Sheffield Association, the, 21, 22, 25, 181.


Sheffield, Earl of, on French emissaries, 69, 70;

  on the Corn Trade, 290;

  on Pitt's redemption of Land Tax, 290, 332;

  on Irish affairs, 395, 404, 421.


Shepherd, John, of Faversham, his report on shortage of corn, 289.


Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, his breach with Canning, 39, 41;

  warns Chauvelin of Whig patriotism, 87;

  suggests an appeal to France to spare Louis, 91, 92, 94 _n._;

  on the massacre of royalists at Quiberon, 262;

  and the mutinies in the fleet, 312, 313, 316, 318;

  on the new taxes (1797), 329;

  and Arthur O'Connor, 350;

  opposes the Act of Union, 412, 413, 421, 422, 427;

  on Pitt's speech on the war (1803), 488;

  on the danger of a standing army, 510;

  as an orator, compared with Pitt, 567;

  mentioned, 23, 24, 165, 179, 188, 191, 238, 241, 286, 290, 293, 309,

    352 _n._, 383, 497, 498, 517, 518.


Sicily, policy of defence of, 525, 526.


Sidmouth, Viscount. _See_ Addington, Henry.


Sieyès, Abbé, 233.


Silesia, rising of the weavers in, 201.


Simcoe, Major-General, Governor of Hayti, 245, 246.


Sinclair, Charles, delegate to the British Convention, 181, 182;

  turns informer, 182.


Sinclair, Sir John, President of the Board of Agriculture, 293-295;

  loses his seat, 295;

  his correspondence with Pitt, 296;

  his General Enclosure Bill, 297;

  his financial suggestions, 305, 308 _n._, 309, 332;

  withdraws amendment hostile to Pitt, 328;

  on Spencer Perceval, 466.


Sinking Fund, the, 31, 32, 568.


Sistova, Congress of, 3.


Skirving, William, 177;

  his trial and transportation, 182-184.


Slavery question, in the West Indies, 238, 239.


Slave Trade, Wilberforce's proposals for abolition of, defeated, 502-503;

  abolished in Guiana, 503.


Sluysken, Governor of the Cape, 251-253.


Smith, Adam, his "Wealth of Nations," 30, 567.


Smith, James, 175.


Smith, Joseph, Pitt's private secretary, 475, 476, 557.


Smith, Captain (afterwards Sir Sidney), at Toulon, 160.


Smith, General, M.P., 68;

  opposes erection of barracks, 169, 170.


Smith, William, M.P., 79, 457.


Smugglers, their intercourse with France, 165.


Snettisham, result of enclosures at, 292.


"Soldiers' Friend," the, 169.


Sombreuil, de, surrenders at Quiberon, 262.


Somerset, Lord Charles, Paymaster of the Forces, 501.


Somerville, Lord, President of the Board of Agriculture, 296.


Sorel, Albert, mis-statements by, refuted, 277 _n._


Soult, Marshal, 379, 505, 508.


Spain, compact with England, 123;

  her co-operation at Toulon, 144, 145, 150, 151, 153, 160;

  disputes with the English, 153, 154, 156, 157, 197;

  her action in Hayti, 224, 227-229, 239, 241, 245;

  state of under Charles IV, 230, 231;

  hostility to England, 232, 233;

  peace with France, 236, 237, 244, 257;

  declares war against England, 241, 244, 275 (1804), 513, 514;

  Pitt and, 524, 560.


Spanish treasure-ships, seizure of, 514.


Spencer, Rev. Dr., of Birmingham, 18, 186.


Spencer, Earl, special envoy to Vienna, 211;

  First Lord of the Admiralty, 273, 341, 342, 366, 367, 421, 436;

  and the mutinies in the fleet, 311, 312, 314, 316;

  opposes negotiations for peace, 322;

  resigns, 440, 500.


Spitalfields weavers, their grievances, 166.


Spithead, mutiny at, 310-314.


Stadion, Johann Philipp Karl Joseph, Austrian Ambassador in London, 84.


Staël, Mme. de, at Juniper Hall, 64.


Stahremberg, Count, 205;

  Austrian Ambassador in London, 366.


Stanhope, Earl, 87, 179, 188, 490, 502.


Stanhope, Lady Hester, on Pitt and women, 299, 300, 303, 454, 455,

    477, 531;

  at Walmer, 490-495;

  at Putney, 549, 554;

  her parting with Pitt, 557.


Stanhope, Lord Charles, 491.


Stanhope, Lord James, 557, 558.


Stanislaus, King, of Poland, 54.


"Star," the, 66.


Steele, Robert, Secretary to the Treasury, 412, 451, 454, 476, 557.


Stein, Baron vom, 392, 535, 560.


Stockport, "Friends of Universal Peace" at, 65.


Stofflet, Nicolas, 136.


Stralsund, Russians and Swedes at, 539.


Stratton, Mr., British _chargé d'affaires_ at Vienna, 75.


Stuart, General Sir Charles, in Corsica, 256, 257.


Sutton, Charles Manners, Bishop of Norwich, made Archbishop of

    Canterbury, 477.


Sweden, refuses to aid the expedition to Holland, 380;

  convention with England (1804), 516.


Swellendam, settlement of, 252.


Switzerland, 371;

  importance of her position, 374;

  Pitt's policy with regard to, 375, 377;

  failure of campaign in, 378, 379.


"Sun," the, 67.


Suvóroff, Prince, 376, 378, 379.


Sydney, Muir at, 177.



Tainville, French envoy at The Hague, 82.


Talleyrand, Périgord Charles Maurice de, 11;

  his mission to London, 41-44;

  second mission, 47-51;

  intimacy with the Opposition, 51;

  again in London, 60;

  at Juniper Hall, 64;

  his "Mémoire" on a Franco-British understanding, 83;

  doubts of his loyalty, 83;

  expelled from England, 103;

  and the peace negotiations, 325, 326.


Tallien, Jean Lambert, 262.


Talon, M., 93, 94.


Tara Hill, fight at, 357.


Targowicz, Confederation of, 53.


Tarleton, Mr., Mayor of Liverpool, 167.


Tate, Colonel, 309.


Teschen, Treaty of (1779), 365.


Test Act, the, efforts to repeal, 10, 11;

  in Scotland, 13, 14.


Thanet, Lord, opposes the Act of Union, 421.


Thatched House Tavern, 25.


Thelwall, John, 167, 184, 285;

  his trial, 193;

  letter to Hardy, 352 _n._


Thornton, Edward, British envoy at Hamburg, 549.


Thornton, Henry, opposes the taxes of 1797, 329.


Thugut, Baron Franz von, Austrian diplomatic agent at Brussels, 46;

  Chancellor, 129, 143, 148, 153 _n._, 197 _n._, 203, 204, 206, 209, 211,

    212, 366, 372, 373, 378, 380, 383, 560;

  his character and aims, 199, 200.


Thurlow, Lord, Lord Chancellor, his character, 33;

  dismissed, 34, 35;

  hostile to France, 44;

  on Lord Loughborough's death, 451, 452.


Tierney, George, 316, 328, 352 _n._, 385, 427, 520;

  his duel with Pitt, 334-336;

  satirized by Canning, 337;

  Treasurer of the Navy, 498;

  refuses to serve under Pitt, 501.


"Times," the, 67.


Tippoo Sahib, 44, 250, 336, 461.


Titchfield, Marquis of, 559.


Tobago, 49;

  captured by Great Britain, 198, 221.


Tomline, George Pretyman, Bishop of Lincoln, 300, 456 _n._, 473, 475-477,

    495, 496;

  on Pitt's resignation, 442-444, 450, 480;

  on the King's illness, 447, 448;

  at Putney, 554-557.


Tone, Wolfe, 78, 177, 340, 344;

  goes to Paris, 345, 346;

  his capture and death, 363.


Tooke, Horne, intimate with Talleyrand, 51, 167;

  his speech, 190;

  arrested, 190;

  acquitted, 192, 193.


Tortuga, island of, 246.


Toulon, _see_ Chap. VI;

  occupied by Hood, 134, 145, 267;

  British aims at, 154-156;

  evacuated, 160;

  destruction of French navy at, 160, 161, 198;

  Napoleon's preparations at, 336, 349.


Toussaint l'Ouverture, 221, 224, 239, 241, 247, 248.


Trafalgar, battle of, 521, 533, 534.


Traitorous Correspondence Bill, 164, 165.


Treasonable Practices Bill, 285-287.


Trevor, J. H. (afterwards Viscount Hampden), British Minister at

    Turin, 153 _n._


Trincomalee, capture of, 254.


Trinidad, capture of, 246, 248;

  valued highly by Pitt, 323, 325, 468-470.


Trotter, Deputy-Treasurer of the Navy, 519, 521.


Troy, Archbishop, 412, 417, 425 _n._


"True Briton," the, 67.


Turcoing, battle of, 208, 270.


Turin, captured by the allies, 376;



Turkey, makes peace with Russia, 29, 52.


Tuscany, attitude of, 150 _n._


Twiss, Colonel, 513.



Ulm, battle of, 524, 534, 536, 537, 556.


Union, the, with Ireland, _see_ Chs. XVIII, XIX;



Unitarians, Pitt opposes removal of disabilities of, 24.


United Britons, 349.


United Constitutional Societies, meeting at Norwich (1792), 26.


United Englishmen, 349, 350.


United Irishmen, Society of, 78, 174, 175, 316, 327, 340, 344;

  turn to France, 345, 346, 349, 351, 357, 391.


United Provinces. _See_ Dutch Republic.


United Scotsmen, 349.


United States, treaty with England (1794), 291.


Utrecht, Treaty of (1713), 48, 72.



Valdez, Don, Spanish Minister of Marine, 232.


Valenciennes, 122, 123, 127, 129;

  siege and fall of, 133, 134, 136;

  surrendered, 210, 212, 460, 461.


Valmy, battle of, 56, 57, 61, 66, 114, 200.


Vancouver, Captain, 92;

  ill-treated in California, 232.


Vandamme, General, 382.


Varennes, the flight to, 1, 2, 4;

  receipt of the news in London, 10.


Vauban, Count, 262, 263.


Vendée, la, insurrection in, 135, 136;

  expedition to, 237, 240, 262, 263.


Venice, suggested partition of, 129 _n._, 200.


Vereker, Colonel, 395.


Victor Amadeus, King of Sardinia, 231.


Victor Emmanuel I, King of Sardinia, 522, 523, 539.


Villeneuve, Admiral, 532, 533.


Villiers, George, 506, 507.


Vinegar Hill, fight at, 360, 361.


Volunteer Bill (1804), 497, 498.


Volunteers, the, 124, 188, 278, 279, 337, 363;

  Pitt's encouragement of, 474, 477, 488-494.


Volunteers, the Ulster, 78.


Vorontzoff, Count, Russian Ambassador in London, 9, 99, 123, 315, 478,

    487 _n._, 527, 529, 541, 543, 550, 563.



Walcheren, Isle of, 547.


Wales, George, Prince of (afterwards George IV), his first speech at

    Westminster, 51;

  and the Princess Caroline, 214;

  and the King's illness, 448, 449, 497;

  interviews with Pitt, 449;

  Lord Mornington and, 460, 461;

  his relations with the King, 507, 508;

  and with the Princess, 508.


Wales, Princess of, her extravagant conduct, 508.


Walker, Thomas, his "Review of Political Events in Manchester," 11;

  founds the Manchester Constitutional Society, 11, 12, 17;

  prosecution of, 185.


Walpole, General, acts as Tierney's second, 335.


Walpole, Horace, and the French refugees, 64.


Walter, John, of "The Times," 67.


Ward, Robert Plumer, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 550;

  Pitt's care for, 557.


Wardle, Colonel, 520.


Warren, Admiral Sir John, 262, 363, 532 _n._;

  Ambassador at St. Petersburg, 508.


Washington, George, 291.


Watson, Dr., Bishop of Llandaff, his speech

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