» Fiction » Fallen Wolves #1: Dark Stars, Katie Radgowski [classic books for 12 year olds .txt] 📗

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Chapter 23: "It Must Be Told"

Fang padded into hollow with the patrol. Fang managed to find a sandstone tunnel that led from the cave and to the creek bed. The patrol was surprised that he survived the fall, but Fang told them it was pure luck. Feather and Twig were the happiest to see him alright. 

 Everyone greeted him with nudges and barks when they saw him. Misty licked his muzzle joyfully as Seed nuzzled his ear. Storm stayed behind the crowd, avoiding Fang's gaze. He didn't care. 

 "He survived the fall down to the cave." Tiger described to the others. "It was puzzling, really, that one wolf can survive that." 

 "How'd you do it, sir?" One Pup named Silver asked as she padded forward. Silver was Dusk's Pup. Her littermates padded after her. 

 "It was called luck, young one." Fang replied as he nudged Silver's soft, fluffy coat. 

 "Hey, your not to young yourself." Sand rasped as she walked up. "Good job." 

 Leaf and Black followed. Leaf nipped his ear in affection as Black gave him an approving and strong nod. Rare from him. 

 "Fang, I need to talk to you. In private." It was Acorn. 

 Acorn was standing next to him. Her ginger fur was spiked out as her eyes were wider then ususal. Her scent was unbearable. 

 Fang nodded. "Ok." 

 Fang let Twig settle down the impatient crowd as he followed Acorn into the forest. It was almost night, the shadows lengthing over the forest floor as the branches swayed in the soft wind. Fang felt cold being out under the trees. 

 Acorn led him near the creek. It was calmer, the water sliding down the shore in ease. 

 Acorn sat in the sand as Fang did the same. Acorn hesitated slightly before she barked. 

 "I had a dream from Spirit Valley. It wasn't good, I'm afraid. I must speak with you about it right now, before time runs out." 

 Fang's ears pricked. If any Healer dreamed a dream from Spirit Valley, they would tell the leader right away and not some regular Hunter wolf. 

 "Why ask me?" Fang asked. 

 "Because, it involves you." She replied matter-of-factly. "No other wolf. It's about Dark Shadows." 

 Fang's neck fur bristled. He hated the word. It made him feel cold and empty. Fang didn't like the feeling, and he already had enough problem with the word. 

"What about it?"

 "He's growing, Fang. He ruled over one small Pack, Pack of Yellow Sun. I saw their Healer in the Valley. He told me he was killed when he refused to join Dark Shadows. The poor soul." She paused before going on, "you must stop him. He killed many and turned many lives upside down. Soon, he'll get to our Pack and do the same." 

 "But he'll never cross the mountains. It's impossible. They'll starve, go thristy to death, freeze or get eaten by bears." Fang pointed out. He remembered what Foot had said and he knew it was true. 

 "No. No, they won't. Dark Shadows has his ways and can freeze or heat things to over the top degrees. We'll have to get ready. You must defeat him, Fang. You were born with powers to defeat the dark. You must.." 

 Fang sighed. Acorn was right. He had the power but what WAS his power? 

"I don't even know my power. How will I defeat Dark Shadows when I have no clue?" Fang growled dimly. 

 "You'll find out soon enough." Acorn mumured. "But you must tell the Pack about this." 

 Fang stiffened. Tell the Pack? Acorn had mud in her brain! They would freak out about it, or just ask too much questions. Could it be done without chaos?


 Acorn's eyes darkened as she whispered. "Just tell them. Explain it. Be filled with details. All must know the danger. No one can live in sunshine with so much dark is near." 

Chapter 24: For Every Wolf To Hear

Fang padded up the hill as he towered over the Pack. They all crowded below, pelts brushing as their eyes grew weary. The Pups even came out, their Carers thinking of this announcement as important. They were right.

 Fang felt his belly flutter. What would they all do? Panic? Howl? Be scared? It was all the things that they should be feeling after the announcement. Fang was scared himself to think of him battling the most powerful wolf in history of Graymarsh. Fang forced himself not to go butter-flied (stomach ace and vomit) on his crowding Packmates.

 Acorn was a little way off, watching him intently. Acorn was just as nervous as he was. But she was trying to keep in and look bold in front of the others, like another Healer would do. 

 "Packmates," Fang began as they hushed down, "I have an announcement to make. T-There's been rumors of one wolf and his horde traveling across Graymarsh. One powerful, evil wolf. He want's to rule over us, kill whoever refuses, and let dark control over the land. We must step up and save our homeland, before this evil, cruel wolf comes and takes it all with bloodshed and evil." 

 "Why should we join you?" Flint snarled from below. His shaggy pelt stood out from the others as his teeth were bared. 

 "Because if you don't, we all will die." Fang replied rather sharply. "Don't you get it? This wolf is powerful and will kill all of us, even the Pups. He wants slaves to him and Death Wolf. Don't you guys get it?" 

 They were silent for a couple of moments, looking at each other wearily. 

 "I am stepping up with my son." Storm announced after a moment. "I believe him, and I have faith in him also." 

Fang flashed his father a glance. He was still outraged with him, but he was grateful for his support. Fang nodded at him. Storm nodded back. 

 Slowly, more wolves joined in. Misty joined, with Seed, Feather, Twig, some blackies and finally Flint. 

 "We will join you, Fang." Moon Leader murmured as she padded up and locked her gaze into his.  

 "To get ready, double up hunting patrols, double up defending patrols, make the thorn shield stronger and make the dens more natural!" Moon Leader barked to her Pack. "We will be ready when he comes!" 

 The wolves joined in her howls. Pups scampered around their Carers paws excitedly, while Trainees tussled each other. The Seniors howled in with the rest. Storm barked the loudest. 

 Fang felt his heart soar as he gazed over the wolves. It was time. They would be ready for Dark Shadows. 

They were ready. 


About The Author

Katie Radgowski is inspired by the natural world of valleys and forests and the ways of wolves survival and history. She created a fictional, bold tale of a wolf battling the lost of his loved one and the truth that he's the only one who can stop a growing dark threat from looming above his Pack. Katie lives in Leesburg, Florida with her mother, father and older sister in their small, old house. 

Sneak Preview of Fallen Wolves #2: Everlasting Shadows Introduction

Fang and his Pack are ready. Bolted up, they believe they can withstand Dark Shadows's powerful, killing grasp. But they are wrong. 

 His horde is even bigger. With bears and panthers, their making their way across the mountain. Fang know's that his Pack wouldn't stand a chance. That's why he's given a omen to find the Second One to help him. Fang first must go beyond his mind, to another dimension. 



 See more in the next book, Fallen Wolves #2: Everlasting Shadows! 

 Coming to Bookrix soon in Summer, 2013. 

Sneak Peek at Two New Series Made By Katie Radgowski!

Check out the two new series coming to BookRix in 2013, Mice of the Forest and The Isolated Diares. Here are some sneak previews at the two new series! 


Mice of the Forest 1#: Soft Murmurs: 


One mouse, Solo, must save his Clan from a vicous cat, who is looking for mice flesh in the dark wilderness. (Short story, working on) 


The Isolated Diares: The Holocaust of 1941: 


Emma Blackclover is one 12 year old Jewish girl who has nothing to worry about. She has warm clothes, fresh food on the table, a loving family and her endless imagination. She has friends, small amounts of money and books to read at night. But that changed when the Holocaust happened. Many Jews were dieing. Nazis were marching into towns, dividing families and killing Jews right in their houses. Tim Blackclover, Emma's father, tries to get his family into hiding. Too late. Emma is taken away on November 2, 1941. Her parents were killed, as her younger brother was taken away. Emma is sended to a concentration camp. Only with

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