When the wolves come knocking, Becca [reader novel txt] 📗

- Author: Becca
Book online «When the wolves come knocking, Becca [reader novel txt] 📗». Author Becca
said, trying to hide a smile. "Yes, Im sure you had nouthing to do with that" I said, laughing. Then we're in an akward silence, because neither of us want to talk about Clare. We don't have to though, because some guy openes our door.
"Hey Alice, no school for a while,someone toarched the place" he says, smiling. He seemes firendly, but has that cocky air that most guys have. "I know" Alice says, grinning. The guy steps a little further in. "Wait...oh god, you did it?" he says, full out laughing. When the laughing dies down, he becomes more serious. "You hit John last night? Why?" he asks, a little nervous. "That is for me to know, and for you not to know. Now get out" Alice says, some flash buring in her eyes.
"Ok, I don't need to know that baddly. See ya Al, and Char" he says as he shuts the door. I was suprised he noticed me. "Well, bad luck for you. I couldn't really burn the gym, so you still have to go to basic fighting. And worse, well I think it is, the teacher is helping fix the place, and Nick is taking her spot" Alice says as I stand up. "So get dressed, he'll be here in a couple minuntes" she says, throwing clothes at me.
When Im done, Im wearing dark blue sweats that have aroe on the side, and a grey shirt, that has random words on it. Fine by me. As we're walking down the hall, a thought comes to mind. "Hey Alice,didn't you get in trouble for burning down half the school? No offance, but I doubt you did it without anyone seeing" I say thoughtfully.
"Never doubt me. No one saw me, and I was only there for a short minute, a fire user helpped it spread" Alice said, slightly shaking her head. "So you didn't do it alone" I say, figuring it out. "Nope, but I did however get in trouble for punching John. I have to go help move some things around for some royal, and it happens to be the one I can't stand, but he was the one with the fire" Alice adds as an afterthought.
I nodd my head, slightly understanding. We pass a couple people, some glare at Alice, others say hi. Some smile at me, or give me a warry glance. Well, its an upgrade. We arrive at the gym, and Alice has to go help the guy with the fire. I'll find out more about him later.
"Hey" Nick say, waving me over. As I stand in front of him, I see somthing diffrent. I can't quite place it, but somthing is diffrent. "Okay, so I suck at talking, so lets just get outside to run" he says, leading the way. I surpress a groan.
Its chilly outside, but we warm up as we start to run. "The first thing to do if your ever left by yourself, and in danger, is to run. If there is somewhere to escape, you take it" he says as we run. That seems logical. I feel my musculs streach and warm as I run. It feels good. "Second, is to look for a way to stall. If you do, it would add more time for protectors to find you, or for you to think of a plan" he continues.
"Your not so bad at talking" I comment as were almost done. We were running around the school. He shruggs. Im slowing down now, I haven't run alot lately. "Stop a second" he said, comming to a halt. I gladly stop. "I have to do this again tomarrow, and you won't have to run again if you beat me back" he said, making a deal. I though about the odds, they wern't in my favor, but since when did I back downs from a challange?
"Deal" I say, smirking. He counts down from 3 to 1, then says go. I push myself as fast as I can go, which is matching Nicks, almost. hes beating me by only a foot. "Im small, this isn't fair" I call up to him. "Life isn't fair, and neither are demons" he calls back. Hes right about that. I roll my eyes, and try to legenthen my stride.
Im still behind him, but he slows down, trying to make it unnoticable. I catch up to him now, and pull ahead just before were back. I win. "You let me win" I say, breathlessly. "Of course I did, I said life wasn't fair, and neither were demons, and I am neither" he says, catching his breath.
"I think were done today. Lets go get some food" he declares, already heading twords the door. I jog to catch up. I pull out the cell phone Alice gave to to check the time. 3:42 pm. "You got a phone?" Nick says, taping it. "Yeah, Alice just gave me it" I say. He takes it from me, but waves off my protests, and puts him number in the phone. I glance at it quickly, then put it in my pocket.
As we sit down with our food, the dream pops into my head."Love one, loose the other, love none, loose both, love both, loose yourself". I think about its meaning. Who? Nick and Demetri? Who do I love? After only a seconds thought, I know who I would choose. But what would happen to the other?
We finish eating, and I choose to go back to my room. Nick dosn't argue, and Im still a little spooked by my relization. As we walk back, I drift off, not seeing reality anymore. Im standing in a forest, but I can't see because of the fog. Still, the wind whispers: "Fate has been choosen, fate shall be done. You have choosen the finle one. You will be weak, but he'll keep you strong. Just rember that you could have choosen wrong".
Then Im snapped back to reality, and see Nick looking worridly at me. "You okay Char?" he asks. "Yeah" I say, shaking my head. My voice sounds distant.
After convincing Nick Im fine, I go in the room. I let the worry run through me. Whats going to happen to him now? 'Fate shall be done?' What does that mean? I go into the bathroom, and take the head ache pill. Im not risking having another break down while Im trying to figure it all out.
Could the fate mean death? Did I kill him? No, I can't belive that. I repeat the words over to myself. I drift off adventualy, still saying the words.
When I wake up, its 6:32 pm. Alice had woken me up. Her face strong, but I see sorrow and panic hidden in her eyes. "What?" I ask, fearing what I know shes going to say. I was right, and I figured it out. "Im sorry...but hes dead. Demetri is dead. There was a storm, and it was at night when the winds picked up. He was killed in a hurricane" Alice says saddly. I knew it, I had choosen Nick, and killed Demetri. My fault.
I put my head in my hands as I cry, repeating "My fault" over and over again. Alice is confused, but keeps trying to confert me, and telling me its not my fault. "Fate has been choosen, fate shall be done. You have choosen the finle one. You will be weak, but he'll keep you strong. Just rember that you could have choosen wrong" I ghasp out when I could speak. I felt torn, it was my fault, I killed him.
"What?" Alice asks, seeming truly concerned. "I heard it, and I choose. I didn't know. I didn't choose him" I whisper between sobs. Demetri, he had cared for me, loved me. He saved me from myself. "The dream.." Alice says, putting it together. She hugs me tighter as she finally figures it out. "You didn't know, its not your fault" she keeps repeating. But it was my fault.
The words, My fault, apper all over the room. On the walls. They change and swirl, like my emotions. I can't stop them, even if I tried. Alice is lost, and dosn't know what to do. Im sitting up, my arms wrapped around my knees, and my hair moving widly. Im doing this all, I can't stop it. Im out of control, like my emotions.
She finally resaults to calling Nick, since he was the only one who knew about my 'powers'. Im silent, staring at the wall as the words swirl and move, and my hair whips around in the wind. Papers are moving that are around me. Still, the words are in my head. It is my fault. I killed him, when he loved me.
Nick comes adventualy. And shock registers on his face, and Alice quickly fills him in. Its like Im not even watching them, its like a third eye. Im shaking, I didn't notice before, but I am. The words are still on the walls, moving, swirling. Some are elegant, others look crule. All the same jet black.
Nick comes closer to me, saying somthing I can't make out. I can't hear anything, Im blocking it all out. Can't help it. Its my fault. Always my fault. I start to think about how he died, painfully? Tears are rolling down my cheeks, they have been. The wind picks up, and more papers fly through the air. "Char, its okay, stop, its not your fault" I can here Nick say. But it is my fault. I choose, I killed.
"Its my fault" I cry. It is, it always will be. I killed him, he loved me. Did I love him? I dont know. He cared. He died. Painfully maby, proubly. MY fault. Tears flow more freely now. But Im not making any sounds, shaking and crying and destroying. I can't stop, its my fault.
"Char stop. Its not your fault" Nick says, trying to get closer. I won't let him. The wind picks up, and he can't get closer. I don't want to hurt anyone. I kill, I'll hurt him. "Char stop!" he pratically yells. I wonder if anyone hears. I don't think so, because I dont want them to. They don't need to know anything.
Alice is pacing frantically, trying to think of somthing, I think. Nick keeps trying to come. "Go away!" I yell, and the wind is crazy now. The words are changing now, blood red. Still spinning. Im shaking more now, Im cold. I should be, I deserve to be. I killed him. Nick was thrown back aginst the wall when I yelled. More tears flow out, faster. I hurt him. My fault. Always my fault.
Nick is moving twords me still. I don't know why he would, I'll just hurt him. I can't stop. Shaking, crying. My fault. The words apper on my arms, black ink. The wind is joines by water. Its raining. I did that too. My own hurricane. Just like the one Demetri died in. It was my fault. I killed him. He was so nice, he loved me. Why did I choose? Im evil. Im not right.
My fault. There are more words on the walls. The clock is flipping backwards, backing up its time, the sink in the bathroom is turned on. I can't stop. If I try, it hurts. They feel my emotions, and they want to help me show it. I can't hurt them. I breathing hard, My fault. I think Im saying it outlound. Nick keeps saying its not my fault.
Alice is holding her phone.
"Hey Alice, no school for a while,someone toarched the place" he says, smiling. He seemes firendly, but has that cocky air that most guys have. "I know" Alice says, grinning. The guy steps a little further in. "Wait...oh god, you did it?" he says, full out laughing. When the laughing dies down, he becomes more serious. "You hit John last night? Why?" he asks, a little nervous. "That is for me to know, and for you not to know. Now get out" Alice says, some flash buring in her eyes.
"Ok, I don't need to know that baddly. See ya Al, and Char" he says as he shuts the door. I was suprised he noticed me. "Well, bad luck for you. I couldn't really burn the gym, so you still have to go to basic fighting. And worse, well I think it is, the teacher is helping fix the place, and Nick is taking her spot" Alice says as I stand up. "So get dressed, he'll be here in a couple minuntes" she says, throwing clothes at me.
When Im done, Im wearing dark blue sweats that have aroe on the side, and a grey shirt, that has random words on it. Fine by me. As we're walking down the hall, a thought comes to mind. "Hey Alice,didn't you get in trouble for burning down half the school? No offance, but I doubt you did it without anyone seeing" I say thoughtfully.
"Never doubt me. No one saw me, and I was only there for a short minute, a fire user helpped it spread" Alice said, slightly shaking her head. "So you didn't do it alone" I say, figuring it out. "Nope, but I did however get in trouble for punching John. I have to go help move some things around for some royal, and it happens to be the one I can't stand, but he was the one with the fire" Alice adds as an afterthought.
I nodd my head, slightly understanding. We pass a couple people, some glare at Alice, others say hi. Some smile at me, or give me a warry glance. Well, its an upgrade. We arrive at the gym, and Alice has to go help the guy with the fire. I'll find out more about him later.
"Hey" Nick say, waving me over. As I stand in front of him, I see somthing diffrent. I can't quite place it, but somthing is diffrent. "Okay, so I suck at talking, so lets just get outside to run" he says, leading the way. I surpress a groan.
Its chilly outside, but we warm up as we start to run. "The first thing to do if your ever left by yourself, and in danger, is to run. If there is somewhere to escape, you take it" he says as we run. That seems logical. I feel my musculs streach and warm as I run. It feels good. "Second, is to look for a way to stall. If you do, it would add more time for protectors to find you, or for you to think of a plan" he continues.
"Your not so bad at talking" I comment as were almost done. We were running around the school. He shruggs. Im slowing down now, I haven't run alot lately. "Stop a second" he said, comming to a halt. I gladly stop. "I have to do this again tomarrow, and you won't have to run again if you beat me back" he said, making a deal. I though about the odds, they wern't in my favor, but since when did I back downs from a challange?
"Deal" I say, smirking. He counts down from 3 to 1, then says go. I push myself as fast as I can go, which is matching Nicks, almost. hes beating me by only a foot. "Im small, this isn't fair" I call up to him. "Life isn't fair, and neither are demons" he calls back. Hes right about that. I roll my eyes, and try to legenthen my stride.
Im still behind him, but he slows down, trying to make it unnoticable. I catch up to him now, and pull ahead just before were back. I win. "You let me win" I say, breathlessly. "Of course I did, I said life wasn't fair, and neither were demons, and I am neither" he says, catching his breath.
"I think were done today. Lets go get some food" he declares, already heading twords the door. I jog to catch up. I pull out the cell phone Alice gave to to check the time. 3:42 pm. "You got a phone?" Nick says, taping it. "Yeah, Alice just gave me it" I say. He takes it from me, but waves off my protests, and puts him number in the phone. I glance at it quickly, then put it in my pocket.
As we sit down with our food, the dream pops into my head."Love one, loose the other, love none, loose both, love both, loose yourself". I think about its meaning. Who? Nick and Demetri? Who do I love? After only a seconds thought, I know who I would choose. But what would happen to the other?
We finish eating, and I choose to go back to my room. Nick dosn't argue, and Im still a little spooked by my relization. As we walk back, I drift off, not seeing reality anymore. Im standing in a forest, but I can't see because of the fog. Still, the wind whispers: "Fate has been choosen, fate shall be done. You have choosen the finle one. You will be weak, but he'll keep you strong. Just rember that you could have choosen wrong".
Then Im snapped back to reality, and see Nick looking worridly at me. "You okay Char?" he asks. "Yeah" I say, shaking my head. My voice sounds distant.
After convincing Nick Im fine, I go in the room. I let the worry run through me. Whats going to happen to him now? 'Fate shall be done?' What does that mean? I go into the bathroom, and take the head ache pill. Im not risking having another break down while Im trying to figure it all out.
Could the fate mean death? Did I kill him? No, I can't belive that. I repeat the words over to myself. I drift off adventualy, still saying the words.
When I wake up, its 6:32 pm. Alice had woken me up. Her face strong, but I see sorrow and panic hidden in her eyes. "What?" I ask, fearing what I know shes going to say. I was right, and I figured it out. "Im sorry...but hes dead. Demetri is dead. There was a storm, and it was at night when the winds picked up. He was killed in a hurricane" Alice says saddly. I knew it, I had choosen Nick, and killed Demetri. My fault.
I put my head in my hands as I cry, repeating "My fault" over and over again. Alice is confused, but keeps trying to confert me, and telling me its not my fault. "Fate has been choosen, fate shall be done. You have choosen the finle one. You will be weak, but he'll keep you strong. Just rember that you could have choosen wrong" I ghasp out when I could speak. I felt torn, it was my fault, I killed him.
"What?" Alice asks, seeming truly concerned. "I heard it, and I choose. I didn't know. I didn't choose him" I whisper between sobs. Demetri, he had cared for me, loved me. He saved me from myself. "The dream.." Alice says, putting it together. She hugs me tighter as she finally figures it out. "You didn't know, its not your fault" she keeps repeating. But it was my fault.
The words, My fault, apper all over the room. On the walls. They change and swirl, like my emotions. I can't stop them, even if I tried. Alice is lost, and dosn't know what to do. Im sitting up, my arms wrapped around my knees, and my hair moving widly. Im doing this all, I can't stop it. Im out of control, like my emotions.
She finally resaults to calling Nick, since he was the only one who knew about my 'powers'. Im silent, staring at the wall as the words swirl and move, and my hair whips around in the wind. Papers are moving that are around me. Still, the words are in my head. It is my fault. I killed him, when he loved me.
Nick comes adventualy. And shock registers on his face, and Alice quickly fills him in. Its like Im not even watching them, its like a third eye. Im shaking, I didn't notice before, but I am. The words are still on the walls, moving, swirling. Some are elegant, others look crule. All the same jet black.
Nick comes closer to me, saying somthing I can't make out. I can't hear anything, Im blocking it all out. Can't help it. Its my fault. Always my fault. I start to think about how he died, painfully? Tears are rolling down my cheeks, they have been. The wind picks up, and more papers fly through the air. "Char, its okay, stop, its not your fault" I can here Nick say. But it is my fault. I choose, I killed.
"Its my fault" I cry. It is, it always will be. I killed him, he loved me. Did I love him? I dont know. He cared. He died. Painfully maby, proubly. MY fault. Tears flow more freely now. But Im not making any sounds, shaking and crying and destroying. I can't stop, its my fault.
"Char stop. Its not your fault" Nick says, trying to get closer. I won't let him. The wind picks up, and he can't get closer. I don't want to hurt anyone. I kill, I'll hurt him. "Char stop!" he pratically yells. I wonder if anyone hears. I don't think so, because I dont want them to. They don't need to know anything.
Alice is pacing frantically, trying to think of somthing, I think. Nick keeps trying to come. "Go away!" I yell, and the wind is crazy now. The words are changing now, blood red. Still spinning. Im shaking more now, Im cold. I should be, I deserve to be. I killed him. Nick was thrown back aginst the wall when I yelled. More tears flow out, faster. I hurt him. My fault. Always my fault.
Nick is moving twords me still. I don't know why he would, I'll just hurt him. I can't stop. Shaking, crying. My fault. The words apper on my arms, black ink. The wind is joines by water. Its raining. I did that too. My own hurricane. Just like the one Demetri died in. It was my fault. I killed him. He was so nice, he loved me. Why did I choose? Im evil. Im not right.
My fault. There are more words on the walls. The clock is flipping backwards, backing up its time, the sink in the bathroom is turned on. I can't stop. If I try, it hurts. They feel my emotions, and they want to help me show it. I can't hurt them. I breathing hard, My fault. I think Im saying it outlound. Nick keeps saying its not my fault.
Alice is holding her phone.
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