» Fiction » ForestClan Adventures, Chocolatemeerkat (Echopath) [electric book reader txt] 📗

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and more cats are dying, despite Oakpelt is doing his best. More attacks have occured than ever, with more cats getting injured and joining StarClan."
"Go on." Echopath mewed, sitting down.
"Life is still difficult and Bramblestar thinks the clan needs more cats. Ghostfire and Foxtooth have been good additions, but younger cats are needed." Lionclaw continued, his voice wobbling a bit as he spoke. "I know that you lost your sister and you promised to look after Featherpaw and Chickenpaw, but I was wondering if you were interested in having kits with me. I know you liked my brother and he asked Willowstream rather than you, but I have become rather fond of you, Echopath. You're a great hunter and very caring towards your kin and clanmates, which is why I like you best out of all the cats in this clan."
"But Lionclaw..." Echopath was a bit lost for words. She had not expected Lionclaw to ask her such a huge question at a time of crisis. Finally, she managed to summon the courage to reply. "The clan needs me more than ever, with prey becoming scarce. If the apprentices return, they will need encouragement to continue. I have so many things to do, with raising a family being one of the last things to do." She stepped forward and touched her muzzle towards Lionclaw's. "I know you love me, the whole clan knows. I care about you a lot. You've been really sweet to me and I have enjoyed your company. But I cannot raise a litter of kits at this time. Kits are more likely to survive in newleaf and greenleaf, anyway."
"Please." Lionclaw pleaded, his eyes clouded with emotion. "I would give anything to have the feeling of becoming a parent."
"And so would I." Echopath told him gently. "But not yet. The clan are in a difficult situation. This does not mean that I will not stop caring for you, I still will until death creeps up on us. We have plenty of time."
"I understand." Lionclaw mumbled, turning his head away. "I thought you would refuse."
"Don't put it like that!" Echopath cried, shocked. "You're sounding like Eagletalon!"
"Then it must be good that I am, seeing as you loved him so much!" Lionclaw snapped, rushing off into the bushes.
"Lionclaw..." Echopath's voice could only choke out his name once, nothing else. Her heart felt like it had snapped in half.
What has happened to the friend I knew?


Dawnsong felt a little kick from a kit. She instantly suspected that it was Galekit or Flashkit, but when she opened her eyes, the two kits weren't in her nest. The other kits were either asleep or outside, so Dawnsong came to one conclusion. She could sense it too.
"The kits are coming!" She screamed.
Oakpelt was over instantly, herbs swinging in his jaws. He placed them down and held his paw on Dawnsong's swollen stomach. "Yes, they are." He agreed, picking up a stick and handing it over. "Bite on this when you feel pain, it will help." The young grey queen obeyed him and bit down on the stick, her teeth digging in.
"First one coming." The medicine cat observed. "Push."
The grey she-cat pushed with all her might before she felt a small body beside her. My kit!

She thought excitedly.
"Poppyfoot, please lick this kit's fur the wrong way. It will get the breathing starting." Oakpelt asked the other queen. She nodded and started grooming the firstborn kit.
"There's a few more coming. Keep going." The medicine cat urged. "You're doing great, Dawnsong."
Despite it was painful, the birthing finshed quickly.
"Three beautiful she-kits and one very handsome looking tom!" Oakpelt concluded. "Congrautlations!"
"Thank you." Dawnsong breathed weakly.
"I'll fetch Runningbreeze." Specklenose offered, padding out of the den. She returned a little while later with the young ginger tabby tom. He beamed in delight and purred. "How are they?"
"All fine." Dawnsong told him with a smile. "I've got a few ideas for names." Runningbreeze nodded, and the young queen flicked her tail towards a light ginger she-kit with darker ginger stripes. "Honeykit." She then flicked her tail again towards a slender tortoiseshell and white she-kit. "I like Maplekit for this one."
"The light grey tom with darker grey stripes looks like you." Runningbreeze purred. "What about Stormkit for him?"
"Great name." Dawnsong flicked her tail at the final kit, a small light ginger she-kit with one white paw. "What shall we name this one?"
"Brightkit?" Runningbreeze suggested. "It looks like my mother Brighteyes. She had almost that exact same colour fur, apart from she had white paws and blue eyes. I would love to honour her."
"Of course." Dawnsong purred, wrapping her tail around the four kits. "So we have Honeykit, Maplekit, Stormkit and Brightkit."
Well, not us, but Noblespirit and me.

Dawnsong told herself privately. Strange none of them match their father. Honeykit, Maplekit and Stormkit have strong hauches like Noblespirit, yet Brightkit is very small and has a thick pelt. She is the odd one out. I'll love her all the same, like all of the kits. I have fulfilled Crowpelt's promise, and now it is time to think of my future and the future of my kits.

"Yay! New friends!" Galekit exclaimed, bouncing around. "When can we play with them?"
"As soon as their eyes open." Dawnsong told him. "It will be soon, don't worry." Galekit nodded and rushed out, announcing at the top of his voice about the new kits. Dawnsong pulled the kits closer to her gently, watching as they suckled.
"I heard about ForestClan's newest members." Sandtail exclaimed with a purr, poking her head in. "Congratulations, Dawnsong. I think you'll make a wonderful mother."
"Thank you, Sandtail." The grey queen meowed, dipping her head respectfully.
News about the kits had spread quickly. Many more cats came in and congratulated Dawnsong, as she was popular within the clan, despite the whole clan was unaware of her mate.
I'm going to raise these kits as pure ForestClan.

Dawnsong decided in her mind. News about being half-clan crushes any cat, it hurt me a bit to find out the truth about my parents. I want my kits to be loyal to their clan without knowing about their CourageClan bloodlines.


A silence surrounded all cats, ForestClan and Outcast alike.
After the news of the wild dogs rampaging near the territory, Joy decided that they had no choice but to fight the dogs. Swiftpaw had been shocked to hear the news, so he decided to spend the last moments of his time with his friends and a few Outcast members.
"Have you ever had trouble like this before?" Featherpaw asked, settling down beside Swiftpaw and breaking the silence.
"Not for a while, no." Future told her. "I've been a Outcast for a little while, not had much trouble because we are stronger than most cats."
"It would be great if we had Outcast cats within our clan." Clawedpaw suggested. "Then no ReedClan or CourageClan cat would dare set one paw over our border!" Future chuckled mildly in amusement. "There is more to life than defending your friends, little one."
"Future is right." Legend added, giving his fur a quick groom. "Bloodshed brings nothing but trouble."
Joy then padded over, her eyes clouded with anxiety and fear. "It is time to leave." She announced gravely. "I would like each Outcast to be assigned to an apprentice from ForestClan. These cats will have never seen a battle like this before, and they will need guidence."
"I'll take Clawedpaw!" Future declared, but then she shrunk down. Swiftpaw instantly realised that the Outcast she-cat had taken a liking to the young dark ginger tabby. He tried not to blurt it out, but it was getting to him.
"I will go with Leopardpaw." Legend offered.
"I'll pick the rest." Joy decided with a sigh. "Arrow with Featherpaw, Wolf with Moonpaw, Faith with Rainpaw, Vulture with Swiftpaw and if you don't mind Brokenheart, I'll put you with Whisper. Everyone else will help me attack in front. If a apprentice needs help, go to them."
The cats then started to leave, Joy in front.
I've got Vulture!

Swiftpaw thought, trying not to moan. He despises of me!

"Hey," Swiftpaw lost track of thought when Arrow nudged him with her paw. "Don't worry about Vulture. He can be a bit of a grump sometimes, but he's very loyal and an excellent fighter. I saw your expression when Joy mentioned that he would be looking after you."
"I guess so." Swiftpaw mumbled.
"Also, don't worry about Featherpaw." Arrow added. "I'll look after her well."
"Thank you." Swiftpaw meowed, quickly dipping his head to the older she-cat.
Joy then raised her tail for silence, her yellow eyes full of guilt. "I will go on ahead with the other Outcasts who were not assigned to a ForestClan cat. The rest of you will be our backup. Good luck to you all." She announced. She led the other cats away into the bushes, while the others waited paitently. Swiftpaw decided to eavesdrop on Future and Clawedpaw's conversation to see if any signs of affection were noticable.
"Have you been in a battle yet?" The white she-cat asked. Clawedpaw shook his head. "I haven't been an apprentice very long." He admitted with a sigh. "I'm one of the youngest apprentices."
"Well, just follow my lead. Have you learnt any battle moves yet?" Future questioned, her eyes now serious.
"Tigerpelt has taught me a bit, more than hunting. He wants me to become the best warrior the clans have ever seen!" The apprentice boasted.
He hasn't seen the ambitious side to Tigerpelt.

Swiftpaw realised. Clawedpaw is just a inoccent apprentice with only his father to look after him. And Tigerpelt is a senior warrior with a ambition to rule. He doesn't like Eagletalon much, so maybe this is his revenge: Making Eagletalon's son into a killer.

"I'm sure one day, your clan will be proud of you." Future reassured him with a gentle purr. "Your sister commented the other day that you are a talented hunter, especially with that owl." She then stepped forward and touched her nose to his ear. "I bet you'll become a mighty warrior soon."
"They're worse than Echopath and Lionclaw!" Featherpaw hissed to Swiftpaw with a groan. "Clawedpaw is younger than us, yet the Outcasts are treating him like leader!"

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