» Fiction » Infected Haven Part I, S.K Nuanes [i am reading a book .txt] 📗

Book online «Infected Haven Part I, S.K Nuanes [i am reading a book .txt] 📗». Author S.K Nuanes

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if you haven’t hit the bottom of the ocean. 

“Robert, there is no hope for me. In case you haven’t realized, I am related to Satan! I am a devil, and I am flying off of the damn handlebars as we speak! Its taking all my will power to keep myself from running into the girl’s bedroom and ripping them apart!”






I could just feel the rage inside me, stirring slowly yet surely. My gums felt like they were opening up with knives scraping against them.  How long has it been since you had sex? I’m sure any woman would want even a moment in your arms. Nina, she does have an aura. Just like Miss. Gray did. Maybe we should get in bed with her. She will feel pleasure, her little moans. Will be so exciting, so tempting so release my sperm. Yet it will tear her apart on the inside, she would think its pleasure, but she will die.

I cut him off quickly, even if it painful to admit Ayperos was right. I hadn’t really had sexual intercourse in a long time. It felt as if I didn’t do something, I was going to blow. Demons craved sex, it was something many demons needed. “I’m sorry, but listen to me. You been through a lot, if you are going to let the bastard who started this win? That doesn’t sound like the Brent I know.”

“He didn’t start it. It was my fault.”

“What did you do?”

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it in the air; the air was hot enough you didn’t need your lighter in Hell.

“I killed my biological father, my human father.”

Robert was quiet for few moments, before he responded. “How?”

When Satan took me back in time I regained my childhood memory, I killed my father like he was a deer. Yet he loved me, like I was an infant. A child is so innocent, kind, and loving. Childhood happens so early on, that we barely remember it. Then we can start forming memories, all that purity is gone. Like a wave of the ocean taking our innocence far away.  Never for us to hold it is like a crystal bottle of purity.

“I stabbed him, I thought I saw a demon. I had a mental issue. My real father was able to convince the town, I had an over acted imagination. Back then there was no CIA. I got away with it…”

Robert was silent, I could hear his new human heart, and he was drawing other demons closer. Demons could hear a heart bear miles away. Since he couldn’t shadow Nina anymore, both of them were in danger. “Arthena, we need to get them out of here. Currently all of them are in Town Square. If we hurry, we might make it out alive.”

“Brent, what is your plan? Do you know how big Hell is? We are reaching towards the county line. Few more miles and we will be in Ancient Greece Ridge.” Arthena growled low, I could see the piercing knives in her eyes.

“Well what else are we suppose to do? Wait for this hotel room to be stormed by demons?”

“They’re after you. How about this, you hold them off. I get the potatoes sacks out of here. You using your morbid face, and noisome personality, you will send them running away.” Arthena smirked, as she put on some lip-gloss admiring herself in a mirror.

“Oh witches are just as deceiving, lying, and damned as demons. I know better to trust you with humans. You would seduce both of them, then feed them to the demons. Like bird seeds.” I stood behind her, and whispered into her ear.

“What other choice do you have?” Arthena turned around then grinned then walked to the living room. “I probably should stand and fight.”

“No, Satan is going to slaughter you. We are going to need an army.”

“Who would want to take on Satan’s army?” I whispered, softly.

“I think, you probably know some…fallen angels who are winning to help. I need to help get the girls somewhere safe. But I promise, even though I am human. I am still loyal to you Brent.”

I wasn’t sure if going to the demon version of Greece was a great idea that was where most fallen angels gather. Maybe few weaker demons who are hiding out in exile. “I’ve seen Dmitri training couple hundreds of demons, if we call war, I don’t even see how we can win. Being in Hell, I have witnessed more blood than you could ever imagine. The last civil war, which occurred down here, hm all ended up dead expect one. He is probably hiding out in Greece, but starting another war isn’t going to solve nothing. Satan feeds off of that to him, misery is like ice cream. Which is why he keeps me on surveillance, every impulse of rage. Every moment of agony, fills him up. Out of millions of children in the world, he knew I would have a shitty life. Which is something that is blissful to him.  “He probably has someone acting as his dog, to find me right now.”

A scent filled of blood, smoke and rotting flesh filled the night’s sky, I could feel the demon’s claws sinking into the pavement, like a dog’s prints in the snow. Crushing the ground under him, he was from Hell Capital..

“Ah, I was right.  Hm look’s like he has stepped up his game. Not sending me to fight against, some hellhounds.”

“Ayperos, I must return you back to your father. You may come with me conscious or unconscious.”

“Hm you are acting as his dog, he won’t throw you a bone. It’s just a painting. How many times do I have to tell you idiots! Satan is a liar.”

I flicked my arm in a fast downward motion, I felt the claws come out I wasn’t sure what but I could feel something in the claws.  I didn’t care what it is…as long it killed this guy.

“Rob, since you only got one life…run.”

“No, we are a team.”

I didn’t want to argue. Suddenly, a blurry wave came over my eyes like the ocean taking me under. Everything was a blood red, and rotting from the inside out. I could see little maggots inside of the demon. Swimming around in his blood, as if he was some community pool. I looked down to see if I had any inside of me, no. Not a single leech trying to suck me of any strength. Maybe leeches were in my mind, sucking my sanity away. Mocking me as I suffer as they take every human memory away and feeding it to the demon, which was inside my body.

It wouldn’t be a shocker; everyday something crumbles off of and falls down. 

“Just let me out, this guy is nothing. He is filled with maggots; they taste like vanilla ice cream. Come on, I can help. Us working together, we will rip apart his meaningless existence.”

I ignored his comment, something Ayperos and me could come to an agreement on was, and all demons are maggots and leeches. He even considers himself to be one.





I was holding the demon head in my metal claw, as it slowly decayed in my hand it became more human-like. Showing under every cruel creature is an infant. We all start out as a child, helpless and a target. Skin crawls onto us, covering us in itself. I crushed the bone.


We sat around a campfire; the evening sky was a dark red the fire crackled and let few embers flying up in the air. I noticed few fire sirens were dancing around their eyes burned into mine. They appeared to be dressed into gypsy attire, giggling calling me to come to the Lake of Fire. I closed my eyes, and looked away from the flame. I wasn’t going anywhere near that lake. “Brent, you should check on Robert he isn’t well.”

It was Nina, I stood up and walked past her but stopped to whisper in her ear, “Miss. Carter don’t lie. It will only make it worse for you. Helping a demon, I am sure Mr. Perfect up there would be ashamed of you.”

“I didn’t become a Hunter to serve Jesus, but I became one to protect the innocent.”

She sat against a tree watching the fire, there was Robert across the camp. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts. I am sure all of us, were lost and confused. I am sure when all of us were young growing up seemed exciting. We couldn’t wait to have freedom and do whatever we wanted. I see why Peter Pan didn’t want to grow up. He had the right idea, to escape and stay a young boy forever. Immortality isn’t the same as magic. When someone is given immortality, there is a deal between the lines. No one bothers to read the hidden font, and signs their name on the contract. Magic on the other hand, is in all those fairy tales, how it can fix anything and it costs nothing.

“You alright Robert? Nina told me you weren’t feeling good.”

“What are we going to do? You are loosing your sanity and control. All the gates are closed, and this is Nina’s first time in Hell. She is going to---“

I cut him off with a low growl, staring into his human eyes. Although something was in his eyes, it wasn’t human or devilish.  I knew what he was going to say, but I didn’t want to listen to it. Even though it was reality, we will deny every bit of and try to ignore the obvious.

“We aren’t going to allow that to happen. No one is going to die down here.” I whispered under a growl.

“Chill out, if you act like this. Nina is going to wonder what is wrong with you. Do you think there might be something….to slow down the process.”

“Maybe but what I need is in Lord’s Burg. That town has been wiped out, I doubt anything survived there.”

“How far is it from here?”

I was figuring out, the real Lord’s Burg was down in New Mexico. There was a mirrored one in Hell. Rarely those portals would open the main gates are closed there were many ways in and out. Those have to stay open all the time, when the main gates are closed.

“In each ‘world’ of Hell, we can jump around to that area you could say.”

“How does that effect human bodies? You and Arthena would be live through it.”

I wasn’t sure but I would assume the portals wouldn’t harm the human souls that existed in two of our group members.

“It shouldn’t harm you two, now we need to use a spell to cast ourselves into that part of Hell.”

“What do we need to create a portal?”

“Female blood, a drop of demon blood, handful of black grass, and any bone from a dead demon.” I was trying to recall from one of the classes I took a while ago. Actually none of these indigents were rare, I didn’t want to use Nina’s blood, if someone tracked the portal, and Arthena was the way to go. It was harder to trace witch blood. She still had the female hormones in the blood that the spell required.

“If we use Nina…she is already a pastry, inside I hate to say. The devil inside, wants to kill her. It’s another hormone you can say. A desire to bring the Hunter inside her to its knees. Never thought I would say that, but Hunter’s soul, they are intoxicating yet addicting. Using Arthena is our past course of action. No defying me…”

As I took a walk through the woods, trees seemed to come alive; using their branches and roots to holds me back. I felt as if they grew eyes and just watched me, judging on what I just spoke. Hm classic words a royal demon would use. I suppose my speech and Ayperos is binding together…

A demon and a schizophrenic psycho share the same body. Maybe that is

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