» Fiction » Guy Mannering; or, The Astrologer — Complete, Walter Scott [rainbow fish read aloud .txt] 📗

Book online «Guy Mannering; or, The Astrologer — Complete, Walter Scott [rainbow fish read aloud .txt] 📗». Author Walter Scott

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inspection of Mac-Guffog, who, since the destruction of the bridewell of Portanferry by the mob, had acted here as an under-turnkey. When Glossin was enclosed within this room, and had solitude and leisure to calculate all the chances against him and in his favour, he could not prevail upon himself to consider the game as desperate.

‘The estate is lost,’ he said, ‘that must go; and, between Pleydell and Mac-Morlan, they’ll cut down my claim on it to a trifle. My character--but if I get off with life and liberty I’ll win money yet and varnish that over again. I knew not of the gauger’s job until the rascal had done the deed, and, though I had some advantage by the contraband, that is no felony. But the kidnapping of the boy--there they touch me closer. Let me see. This Bertram was a child at the time; his evidence must be imperfect. The other fellow is a deserter, a gipsy, and an outlaw. Meg Merrilies, d-n her, is dead. These infernal bills! Hatteraick brought them with him, I suppose, to have the means of threatening me or extorting money from me. I must endeavour to see the rascal; must get him to stand steady; must persuade him to put some other colour upon the business.’

His mind teeming with schemes of future deceit to cover former villainy, he spent the time in arranging and combining them until the hour of supper. Mac-Guffog attended as turnkey on this occasion. He was, as we know, the old and special acquaintance of the prisoner who was now under his charge. After giving the turnkey a glass of brandy, and sounding him with one or two cajoling speeches, Glossin made it his request that he would help him to an interview with Dirk Hatteraick. ‘Impossible! utterly impossible! it’s contrary to the express orders of Mr. Mac-Morlan, and the captain (as the head jailor of a county jail is called in Scotland) would never forgie me.’

‘But why should he know of it?’ said Glossin, slipping a couple of guineas into Mac-Guffog’s hand.

The turnkey weighed the gold and looked sharp at Glossin. ‘Ay, ay, Mr. Glossin, ye ken the ways o’ this place. Lookee, at lock-up hour I’ll return and bring ye upstairs to him. But ye must stay a’ night in his cell, for I am under needcessity to carry the keys to the captain for the night, and I cannot let you out again until morning; then I’ll visit the wards half an hour earlier than usual, and ye may get out and be snug in your ain birth when the captain gangs his rounds.’

When the hour of ten had pealed from the neighbouring steeple Mac-Guffog came prepared with a small dark lantern. He said softly to Glossin, ‘Slip your shoes off and follow me.’ When Glossin was out of the door, Mac-Guffog, as if in the execution of his ordinary duty, and speaking to a prisoner within, called aloud, ‘Good-night to you, sir,’ and locked the door, clattering the bolts with much ostentatious noise. He then guided Glossin up a steep and narrow stair, at the top of which was the door of the condemned ward; he unbarred and unlocked it, and, giving Glossin the lantern, made a sign to him to enter, and locked the door behind him with the same affected accuracy.

In the large dark cell into which he was thus introduced Glossin’s feeble light for some time enabled him to discover nothing. At length he could dimly distinguish the pallet-bed stretched on the floor beside the great iron bar which traversed the room, and on that pallet reposed the figure of a man. Glossin approached him. ‘Dirk Hatteraick!’

‘Donner and hagel! it is his voice,’ said the prisoner, sitting up and clashing his fetters as he rose; ‘then my dream is true! Begone, and leave me to myself; it will be your best.’

‘What! my good friend,’ said Glossin, ‘will you allow the prospect of a few weeks’ confinement to depress your spirit?’

‘Yes,’ answered the ruffian, sullenly, ‘when I am only to be released by a halter! Let me alone; go about your business, and turn the lamp from my face!’

‘Psha! my dear Dirk, don’t be afraid,’ said Glossin; ‘I have a glorious plan to make all right.’

‘To the bottomless pit with your plans!’ replied his accomplice; ‘you have planned me out of ship, cargo, and life; and I dreamt this moment that Meg Merrilies dragged you here by the hair and gave me the long clasped knife she used to wear; you don’t know what she said. Sturmwetter! it will be your wisdom not to tempt me!’

‘But, Hatteraick, my good friend, do but rise and speak to me,’ said Glossin.

‘I will not!’ answered the savage, doggedly. ‘You have caused all the mischief; you would not let Meg keep the boy; she would have returned him after he had forgot all.’

‘Why, Hatteraick, you are turned driveller!’

‘Wetter! will you deny that all that cursed attempt at Portanferry, which lost both sloop and crew, was your device for your own job?’

‘But the goods, you know--’

‘Curse the goods!’ said the smuggler, ‘we could have got plenty more; but, der deyvil! to lose the ship and the fine fellows, and my own life, for a cursed coward villain, that always works his own mischief with other people’s hands! Speak to me no more; I’m dangerous.’

‘But, Dirk--but, Hatteraick, hear me only a few words.’

‘Hagel! nein.’

‘Only one sentence.’

‘Tousand curses! nein.’

‘At least get up, for an obstinate Dutch brute!’ said Glossin, losing his temper and pushing Hatteraick with his foot.

‘Donner and blitzen!’ said Hatteraick, springing up and grappling with him; ‘you WILL have it then?’

Glossin struggled and resisted; but, owing to his surprise at the fury of the assault, so ineffectually that he fell under Hatteraick, the back part of his neck coming full upon the iron bar with stunning violence. The death-grapple continued. The room immediately below the condemned ward, being that of Glossin, was, of course, empty; but the inmates of the second apartment beneath felt the shock of Glossin’s heavy fall, and heard a noise as of struggling and of groans. But all sounds of horror were too congenial to this place to excite much curiosity or interest.

In the morning, faithful to his promise, Mac-Guffog came. ‘Mr. Glossin,’ said he, in a whispering voice.

‘Call louder,’ answered Dirk Hatteraick.

‘Mr. Glossin, for God’s sake come away!’

‘He’ll hardly do that without help,’ said Hatteraick.

‘What are you chattering there for, Mac-Guffog?’ called out the captain from below.

‘Come away, for God’s sake, Mr. Glossin!’ repeated the turnkey.

At this moment the jailor made his appearance with a light. Great was his surprise, and even horror, to observe Glossin’s body lying doubled across the iron bar, in a posture that excluded all idea of his being alive. Hatteraick was quietly stretched upon his pallet within a yard of his victim. On lifting Glossin it was found he had been dead for some hours. His body bore uncommon marks of violence. The spine where it joins the skull had

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