» Fiction » Hadassah's Watchman Trilogy, Evangheline Farcas [red scrolls of magic .txt] 📗

Book online «Hadassah's Watchman Trilogy, Evangheline Farcas [red scrolls of magic .txt] 📗». Author Evangheline Farcas

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was Damon doubting this?
“You know the answer to that.” at which he just silently nodded.
“Where are we meeting Seraph?” He finally asked.
“At the Palatul Victoria, he waits for us there as agreed.”


Matthew 18:10 See that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.

"I believe in the sun even if it isn't shining. I believe in love even when I am alone. I believe in God even when He is silent." ---Source Unknown

Palatul Victoria stood grand and ancient in Victory Square in Bucharest, the traffic whizzed by with it’s determined hectic pace, pedestrians, cyclists and the like walked at a brisk pace. It was already mid afternoon as I saw Seraph standing besides a fancy blue Volvo, I breathed a sigh of relief, at least this trip would not be as cramped.
Damon parked the car next to Seraph’s, turned off the car then stepped out amazingly fast, standing ready to assist Hadassah, I smiled, I loved to see my brother at his best, yet a tinge of jealousy surged through me. Hadassah was my charge and I had come to love her like a sister or a daughter, and seeing Damon acting as such gave me an odd feeling that I tried to ignore.
She graciously accepted his hand as she stepped out and for a moment their eyes locked then broke away, but in that flicker of a moment something of a struggle flashed across Damon’s face.
“This then it seems is where we part my fair lady of the people, and if it means anything I’d just like to say I wish you weren’t here, times are to dangerous, even for those favored by royalty.” said Damon in a somber voice.
Before I could respond he got back in his Dacia, not even waiting to greet Seraph, leaving us with our bags besides us, his tires squealing.
“What was that about?” asked Seraph.
I just shook my head in dismay, “My brother seems to have run from another lecture from you, my friend.”
Seraph smiled his mischievous smile, “No one seems to be able to take my lectures in this age, perhaps I should quit teaching altogether.”
“Never, and besides Hadassah here needs to hear your wisdom.”
Hadassah stepped forward timidly and extended her hand, “Pleased to meet you, Raphael tells me you’re a great scholar.”
“Watchmen should always be knowledgeable,” Seraph stated, “otherwise you will fail to understand your enemy.” He continued as he looked in the direction Damon had taken.
“What’s to understand, except that there are enemies?” asked Hadassah.
“Because dear Hadassah, they have become enemies for a reason, it was not always so. Anger causes great potential friends to be the greatest of enemies, but what we fail to remember is that behind every anger there is a pain, if we can heal the pain we could loose and enemy, and perhaps if we are blessed in the process we can gain a friend.” replied Seraph speaking not only with his moth but also with his hands to drive home the point.
I laughed softly, “Leave it to you Seraph, to win over a girl with your fountain of philosophical knowledge.” I said, at which he grinned.
“So where do we go next? And why the secrecy?” I asked.
But before we could answer there was a tug on Hadassah’s sleeve, she turned and looked down to look into dark brown eyes of a beautiful dirty street child.
She got down on one knee to be on eye level with the child, “Ce doresti copile? What do you want child?” She asked in perfect Romanian, yet her Swedish accent made it hard for the child to understand.
“Tu esti printesa Hadassah?” asked the child.
Hadassah giggled as a child herself, “I am not princess Hadassah, I am just Hadassah, though some have called me a princess of the poor.” she explained.
“Tu esti printesa mea atunci, you are my princess then.” stated the child.
We were all left speechless and looked around at the passing crowds, quickly we formed a hedge around Hadassah and the child, so as no one would here these words that could be considered very easily treason, though spoken quite innocently by a child. Hadassah was speechless for a long time, she took the child’s hand and ran her hands through her tangled dark hair, perhaps she was seeing herself when she looked at her, what she could have been.
“Tu o sa ne salvez, eu stiu asta.” Continued the child determined that her words be true.
Hadassah turned to me, “I did not understand this phrase, what did she say?”
“She said, ‘You will save us, I know this.’” I translated and Hadassah gasped.
She turned back to the child, “What is your name?”
“What a beautiful name, where are your parents?”
“They were taken a few days ago by some very bad men, I think to Jilava.” she said trying to keep a brave face, “I ran after they left, they didn’t see me, so I just ran.”
“Taken? Why?”
Angelica just looked at her as if she should know, and indeed the reason became clear without need for words.
“Why is it wrong to believe in Jesus?” she asked, “El m-a pazit, He kept me safe.”
The look in her eyes were beyond her years, but her faith was as simple as math basic facts, it was beautiful, even now I could see heaven looking down upon this child and I remembered how Jesus had said ‘See that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.’
“And He will continue to keep you safe Angelica, that is why we are here, it’s clear that He has directed your footsteps to safety, you are safe now.” I assured her, taking her in my arms then looking up at Seraph.
He nodded and got out his cell phone, speaking urgently clear instructions.
“What are your parent’s name?” asked Hadassah gently, continuing to stroke her smooth yet dirty face.
“Adelina and Adrian Negrescu, please save them, you can do it, I know you can, they did nothing wrong except what they always did before.” begged Angelica.
“What do they do sweetheart?”
“Predica, they preach.” she said. “And they provide shelter and clothing and food and comfort for the poor.” she wept.
“Shh, shh,” Hadassah said, and I began to hum a song I knew would soothe the child. In my arms she fell asleep as if she were but a baby, but her exhaustion had been tremendous.
“Seraph?” I asked.
“Yes the guardians are on their way.”
I got up and moved towards Seraph’s Volvo, one of the guards escorting us quickly moved to open the door, and I saw such compassion in his eyes as he looked at Angelica., a new determination also seemed to take root, I could feel it in his heart, and in my mind I whispered a prayer of thankfulness and praise, for indeed we were not alone. I laid the child on the back seat to rest and Seraph turned on the car and the heater so she would be warm.
“The guardians?” asked Hadassah.
Seraph and I looked at each other then he answered, “Yes, there are watchmen, guardians, angels, warriors, and each is essential in the army of God, you for example are an intercessor, your family has been that for many generations. Your family has stood when others have fled, always with your choice of standing you have saved many.” “So where do we go from here?” she asked.
“Once Aurora comes and takes the child, we will set out for Timisoara, it turns out history is repeating itself once more, after all there is nothing new under the sun.” answered Seraph.
So there we waited, surrounding the Volvo like we were some sort of sentinels, shivering in the cold, and looking at Hadassah I could tell that many questions were being born in that head of hers, and I for one couldn’t wait to hear them. Yet we each remained in a solemn silence as the weight of this mission became more real to each of us.
“Raphael? Seraph?” asked Hadassah penetrating the silence, startling us.
“Yes?” we answered in unison.
“Promise, no matter what we will get them out, Ionatan, Adelina, Adrian, and Angelica, they must be free no matter what.” It was not so much a question as it was a demand, a demand of one who knew so well that she must stand in the gap, that she must intercede or else so much would be lost.
We both nodded, and wondered what the cost of keeping this promise would be.


Aurora was a sweet natured woman who gave an impression of a loving grandmother, though she looked older in years with a cover of white silvery hair crowning her head, her skin was still smooth, her green eyes still vibrant with life. Her arms had encircled Angelica in a loving and protective manner almost immediately. Angelica’s protective barriers each fell like scales as soon as she met her and I could tell she loved her just as quickly. She helped her get into her stylish BMW and drove away to the undisclosed safe house.
Soon after we also got into our Volvo and began our journey towards Timisoara. The first part of the journey was filled with numerous questions from Hadassah.
“What did you mean about nothing being new under the sun?” she asked Seraph.
In reply he gave a sad far away smile.
“This is how the revolution of 1989 began also in the same city Angelica and her parents are from.” He started.
“No, her parents were brought from Timisoara to Bucharest, to Jilava.” he explained.
“But why not just place them in a prison around that area, would that not have been easier?”
He shook his head, “Easier maybe, but more complicated in so many ways, the people of Timisoara know the parents very well, they have always been clear about their faith, and even more so about walking the walk of that very faith. Their house was always a house of refuge, comfort, rest for the weary, a place where the poor could be fed, where the widow could find loving arms to hold her as she weeps, where the orphan could find a parent figure. No, Hadassah, no, if they kept them there soon there would have been an uprising as none could stop. As it remains now, no one knows they have been taken, it has only been a few days.” he explained.
“So how is history repeating itself?” she persisted.
With patience he recalled the events to her, but Seraph still had that far away look in his eyes with each word he spoke, “In 1989 there was a pastor named Laszlo Tokes, he was Hungarian, and at that time on top of the fact that he was Christian, the fact that he was Hungarian also added to the government’s hatred. He was very dedicated, and not shy, or afraid, or even ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Laszlo was accused by the government
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