» Fiction » Hadassah's Watchman Trilogy, Evangheline Farcas [red scrolls of magic .txt] 📗

Book online «Hadassah's Watchman Trilogy, Evangheline Farcas [red scrolls of magic .txt] 📗». Author Evangheline Farcas

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of inciting ethnic hatred, they had come to take him away as they had so many before him. But what they could not have predicted was the devotion his congregation, his Hungarian congregation had towards him, for he had been devoted to them. They had surrounded his apartment not only in show of support but as a hedge of protection around him, they would not let them have him.” The way Seraph recounted the story was as if he was speaking of his own children of whom he was so proud of.
“But they took him in the end?” asked Hadassah completely taken by the flood of this story.
Again Seraph shook his head, “No they did not, they could not, for heaven was on their side. There were students who saw the demonstration, they didn’t really know why there was a demonstration they must have thought it was a riot against the government, so they joined, and the crowds swelled. On December 17, 1989 the shots began firing from the police, the securitate and also from the regular military forces. They thought they would stop the riot, but the riot had already spread to other cities by word of mouth and also radio stations such as Voice of America and Radio Free Europe. There was no stopping what God had started, for God had heard the cry of His children.” he concluded triumphantly.
“So then, this is why we go to Timisoara? To let the Negrescu’s congregation know of what has taken place? Do you think they will do the same as Laszlo’s congregation?” she asked, her eyes reflecting both fear and boldness, a contradiction in itself but I knew that she had conquered her fear so many times and she would conquer it now, I hoped.
I reached from the front seat and squeezed her hands, “Yes we go there to inform them, but it is their choice whether they stand or cower. Do not be afraid, whatever the end of this is, you are in good hands.”
She fell silent and into deep thought and so the questions ceased.


She wondered if the letter had been delivered to him yet, if so, had he read it? Did he hate her? Did he forget her already? As illogical as the thought was, even though only a day had barely passed, she was certain in a few days he would forget their friendship.
Her eyes became heavy and she began to lean on the guard to her right who’s name turned out to be Matthew, the American version of Matthew he had insisted not the Swedish at which Hadassah had laughed, but suddenly her eyes flew open and it felt as if the air had been taken out of her. Looking from side to side she saw both of the guards force her to duck and create a shield out of their own bodies. There were loud popping noises coming from behind and it sounded and felt as if something was hitting the car from behind with breathtaking force.
But she didn’t scream she was far too terrified for that, her wide eyes locked with Raphael’s for a moment but no more as he motioned for her to stay down. She couldn’t breathe, and before the world around her turned to a starless night, all she could see was the one who her heart had left behind.



Luke 10:2-3 He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.”

Blurs of blue and green of trees swirled as the car swerved and swirled. The popping sounds continued only louder this time seeming to come from both sides of Hadassah. Wind caused her hair to blur her vision further and she realized the windows were down, or shattered. Both her body guards were either ducking to avoid bullets or shooting trying to hit their deadly target.
God protect us, she let her mind scream a prayer to heaven hoping that it would be heard. Seraph tried to control the car at the same time trying not to be an easy target, Raphael was holding on to her hand once more, his eyes were squeezed shut, he looked like he was begging for their life at heaven’s gates.
The next shot sounded like thunder. It felt so close that Hadassah could feel the guards tremble and heard one whisper under his breath, “Heaven help us.” before he shot the next round.
“Take the next right! Take the next right!” roared Raphael, and Serpah responded by jerking the wheel, they were driving down a two lane road now. Then he made another sharp right into a crowded street, and another right and another. There was another roll of thunder and hot liquid spurted, through the car. She could feel it and she grunted, not having any way to escape it.
Seraph continued driving, kept taking right hand turns and then one left turn that left them in an open country side. It seemed as though only seconds had passed but she realized that she hadn’t heard the constant popping sounds for quite a while now, but instead her own heart was thundering, and her breath came out in painful gasps. Her jeans were completely covered in blood.
He kept on driving until he reached a thicket of woods then stopped under the thick cover of many trees. Jumping out of the car he swung open the backseat door to the right of the car. The sight that met him froze him in terror and utter defeat.


I scrambled out of the car as soon as it came to a halt, and coughed at the dirt that filled the air and blurred my vision momentarily. Then I saw him and I cried out “No, no, no, no! It’s not time.” I begged as I saw from behind Seraph the guard still covering Hadassah with his body, both were covered in blood, both had their eyes closed.
Breathing hard I looked at the even more terrifying sight of the One I knew so well, saw so many countless times before. “No.” I said once more.
The complete white of his garment and his immense wings spanning what looked to be at least five feet above the Angel, he blinded me. His sword was sheaved. So there was no more battle, it was finished. The Angel of Death was here to collect and take the souls to their appointed place and none, not even I could change that.
He places a powerful hand on me, “Be still.” Then he gently moved me aside as if I was as light as a feather.
He walked, and the earth beneath him seemed to shake. He kneeled so he could see inside the car and touched the guard’s shoulder, and I could see the soul depart, taken in the Angel’s arms.
The Angel turned to ascend, but before he left I called out, “What of Hadassah?” I asked confused, her soul was surely just as important as the guard’s.
It was ironic in that moment to see the Angel of Death smile, he had a beautiful smile, it was a smile that dispelled all fear. “It is not yet her time, she is only sleeping.”
“Sleeping?” I almost squeaked.
“Or as you humans call it, she fainted dear Raphael, it is not her time.” with that he turned and with the precious soul of the guard he ascended to heaven, perhaps directly to the throne of God.
Seraph and the remaining guard were already attending to Hadassah, both of their eyes wide with awe, relief, grief all mixed into one. Seraph smoothed Hadassah’s hair out of her face in a gentle manner, at which she took a breath so deep and then her eyes snapped open.
As she surveyed the scene around her tears and sobs escaped from her as she took the guard in her arms and rocked him as if he were a child.
“He saved me.” she kept repeating.
The remaining guard placed a hand around her as well, “He saved you, he died doing what he wanted to do, he was your hero, it’s what he wanted .”
She nodded over and over, “He is my hero, I will always remember him.”
We helped her out of the car as she was still trembling.
Silence engulfed us for so long that it felt it would not end, it was as if we would speak it would destroy something sacred.
“What do we do now?” it was Hadassah who broke the silence in her practical yet sensitive way.
Seraph got out his cell phone, “We call for reinforcement.”
And there we sat, in the middle of a thick forest, waiting and at times sobbing as we knew this war had just begun.


His pacing resounded against the marble floors of the large office. He tried to calm himself, but he was overwhelmed with anger and betrayal. He turned back to his parents and eyed them with contempt.
“How could you! Do you even realize how dangerous it is there now? Have you read any of the reports?” he demanded.
It was true, reports were streaming in every day now, petitions for sanctuary for those who were likely to be persecuted. Every day, something new came in, a family being imprisoned, homes taken away, sure the country was far away enough that none should care, but that’s now how Sweden was.
“Why did you allow her to leave?” Philip demanded once more.
His parents were not intimidated, yet his mother answered him with a voice filled with understanding, “It is her home country son, her people have heard of her, they may yet listen to reason through her.”
“That’s absurd! She has no experience in politics, and why for heaven’s sake hasn’t anyone told me?” He paused and his voice softened, “Why did she not tell me?” he concluded.
His father stood and faced his son, placed a firm hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eye, “The obvious answer is your reaction at this very moment, you would have stood in her way.”
Anger swelled in him, at her, at everyone, and also worry he had found her and he was desperate not to loose her.
“So you let her go alone? Do you realize that if something happens to her this country will question us? The people love her.” he argued.
“Of course not, don’t be ridiculous Philip, she has guards with her as well as Raphael, and in Romania there are others set in place at her disposal, we are not fools and we love her too, must we remind you?” said Queen Silvia.
“Fine, then arrange for me to meet her there.”
“Most defiantly not, she insisted and we promised, we do not break promises.” Queen Silvia replied.
Philip was at a loss for words, trapped is what he was, how could he not go? But how could he go? His own spirit was dueling within him.
“There is one more thing, she gave Victor this to give you.” The
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