» Fiction » Hadassah's Watchman Trilogy, Evangheline Farcas [red scrolls of magic .txt] 📗

Book online «Hadassah's Watchman Trilogy, Evangheline Farcas [red scrolls of magic .txt] 📗». Author Evangheline Farcas

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devour. But take courage, if our God is for us, who then can stand against us?” Even as I spoke, again there was a thought that did not fully form, a thought clothed with a feeling of loss.
“Also, I can’t fully disclose the plan, except that there are uniforms waiting for us and also keys,” I continued then added reluctantly, “And also weapons.”
Liviu’s head shot up in surprise, but then he smiled in relief, “Good, we’ll not be completely helpless.”
Taking my last gulp I stood up and each followed suit.
The drive to Jilava was silent, but the silence screamed fear, the silence was filled with unspoken prayer, and I saw the heavens open. A song began to form, it was one well known by a young artist but the words were monumental, as I began the bold harmony became stronger as each voice joined in. If Toby Mac would hear us now these words would have been more clear to him, if he knew how heaven responded to these he would indeed fall to his knees in humble awe.
“If you gotta start somewhere why not here
If you gotta start sometime why not now
If we gotta start somewhere I say here
If we gotta start sometime I say now
Through the fog there is hope in the distance
From cathedrals to third world missions
Love will fall to the earth like a crashing wave”

Between lines Hadassah whispered incomprehensible pettitions and a familiar angel watched her and I gasped. Still I continued not knowing the meaning of this appearance.

“Tonight’s the night
For the sinners and the saints
Two worlds collide in a beautiful display
It’s all up tonight
When we step across the line
We can sail across the sea
To a city with one king
A city on our knees”

I couldn’t continue as the being’s wings wrapped around her and kissed her bent forehead, but I said nothing, what must be done must be done, all I knew is heaven had a plan, one that I might not fully like.


Zipphorah strode into the auditorium of the enormous Methodist church in Denver, it had been chosen as the site for WinterFest. She studied the large banner that hung above the stage, it was in bold vivid letters, displaying this year’s theme: An Awakening. Scanning the already thickening crowd she tried to find the pastor, things were changing fast, and the time was now, they must be ready, she thought.
There he was, at the very front speaking with Alin and Daniel. Good, they were here.
As she reached them they met her eyes, the pastor a bit doubtful, this was a woman he was talking to after all.
“Pastor Petran, Daniel, Alin, it is beginning as we speak.” she stated.
“What is?” asked the Pastor.
“The Battle, as soon as possible start the program, intercession must begin. All of heaven is needed in your home country.”
He wanted to question, she could tell, yet it was wonderful to see that God had worked at his heart, he was ready, he was monumental.
The auditorium filled to capacity, on each face was an expectancy, but most did not yet understand.
Music began to play, words began to form:
“Tonight’s the night
For the sinners and the saints
Two worlds collide in a beautiful display
It’s all up tonight
When we step across the line
We can sail across the sea
To a city with one king
A city on our knees”

As the song continued, it became bolder, like a battle hymn, and as one the Holy Spirit touched them, and indeed this city of zealous youth fell to their knees, tears streaming down the hardest faces, as one they lifted up their hands towards heaven. Then like a crashing wave each began to clasp hands, they were one, they were bound in unity.
Perhaps they did not see but as each hand took hold of the other, a gold chain intertwined and bound them. Angels were ministering to them, receiving the command and soaring, as if they had received their orders, their mandate, they traveled over the deep seas, to the country where good and evil was now colliding.


Matthew 13: 43 Then THE RIGHTEOUS WILL SHINE FORTH AS THE SUN in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.


Acts 9:4-6 and he fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”
And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And He said, “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting,
But get up and enter the city, and it will be told you what you must do.”

There would be death, he saw that. How he saw it when his eyes were closed he didn’t know. His hands were lifted up, interlinked with Alin’s hands on one side and Zipphorah on the other. Yet he could see, clear as day. Faces, many faces. Some of them were bruised, some of them with hollow tired eyes, some of them young, some of them old, and one face that looked like the face of a queen, a redeeming queen. He didn’t recognize them, they seemed far away, in a dark place where he could almost feel the damp cold. He didn’t know much, but one thing he knew they were depending on him, on his prayers. He couldn’t understand how the prayers would actually help anyone since he was doing nothing more then mumbling words, sometimes incoherent words. But these pettitions on their behalf to heaven, would help, he was sure, as sure as…well as sure as breathing. It took only a moment to form a plan he would concentrate on the queen, because if the queen fell, all would end.


Alin drew in a startled breath as the music continued and images, sharp images filled his vision, but then he knew, because he saw. He believed because he saw. So now, knowing that each image was real he finally understood he must intercede, for the one in the cold cell, for the one who was even now joining them in song. Who are you, his mind asked. But no answer, he didn’t need an answer. This young man looked so much like him, like he had years ago, full of zeal with no doubts even though it was clear his body was weak. Alin had been full of zeal once, he trusted everything, and everyone and most important, he trusted Him. Slowly, faith was being reborn as he began mumbling at first his petition to heaven, then demanding to be heard, pounding on heaven’s gates… he needed to be heard this young man had to live, there could be no death.


The Pastor looked across the sea of youth on their knees in bewilderment, he hadn’t seen the Holy Spirit at work like this in such a long time. Over time He had begun to think that the Holy Spirit no longer spoke, no longer comforted, no longer interceded. But the proof was now being slammed in his face at this moment, and he couldn’t deny that this was real. Even the worship leaders, they were overcome with heaven. Long ago he had seen this before, it was a faded memory that was now coming back. In Romania, in Cugir, the night of the revolution, there was this kind of unity. This was even more. He looked at his wife and their eyes met, they both nodded, and fell on their knees, taking hold at the same time of their already kneeling daughter’s hand. As soon as they lifted up their voices to heaven the images burst their vision, and they gasped in shock. The Pastor saw a man, holding the hand of his scared yet brave wife, they were going on a mission, it was life and death, it was a redeeming mission. The Pastor’s daughter smiled briefly as she saw the couple’s son, he was also brave, and eager to show that he would take a stand. The groans were lifted up to heaven with desperation to be heard. They must be heard, many lives hung in the balance.


Zipphorah knew fear in that moment as in the vision she saw her fellow watchman, his face was drawn back in horror. She let out a cry that pierced the heart of heaven. There was a burst there at the Gates, all of heaven it burst fourth.


Over the ocean, in the small troubled country the war was beginning. It was first silent, most didn’t even realize it was starting. But it was real, it was a war both in heaven and on earth, intertwined, dependant on the other.
Damian stood face to face with Pastor Lucas. Though long ago he had not seen the face of heaven, he could still feel human emotions cutting through his mind as if someone had spoken and put a name to it. This old pathetic pastor was on the verge of betrayal, he knew it, but he smiled to him.
“You must be Damian, the other Watchman.” said the Pastor.
Damian tried to hide his smirk, indeed the other Watchman, how little this pastor knew. But this pathetic fool would serve a good purpose, his purpose. “I am, and I see you have some doubts, why did you remain behind?”
“I have no doubts.” he insisted.
“Don’t lie.” I said icily.
His eyes widened. “Yes I have my doubts, but I will serve my country and my people, these fools need someone to intercede for them when they come for them.” He spat out.
The smile broadened on Damian’s face, this man truly thought he was doing good. So it was true then, that the road to hell was paved with good intentions. Good.
Damian patted Lucas on the back comfortingly, “Don’t worry, you are doing good, they just don’t realize it yet.”
Both of them looked at the horrific scene around them, the securitate was here, and in handcuffs they were taking many who had remained behind. They were traitors to this country the moment they didn’t report the ones who left.
One resisted, trying to reach out for his young daughter, shots rang out, they echoed through the mercilessly cold night, followed by a thud. After that no one struggled, they just resigned.


Taking hold of each parcel of clothing I distributed them to each of our small army. Each took it as a gift and proceeded to change in the car. For Hadassah there was none and she looked up with eyebrows raised.
“No, you do not go in, they will know you for sure. You will wait.” I explained.
She shook her head, “No, no I have to go with you, you can’t leave me alone, I must help, I’m not as helpless as you think.” she insisted.
“No.” I said firmly, but I took out the package I had for her.
She took hold of it, unwrapped it and gasped, dropping its contents.
Again she shook her head vehemently, “No, I won’t need that.” she pointed in disgust to the black weapon on the ground.
“I hope not, but you will keep it near you
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