» Fiction » Hildegarde's Neighbors, Laura E Richards [ebook reader 7 inch .TXT] 📗

Book online «Hildegarde's Neighbors, Laura E Richards [ebook reader 7 inch .TXT] 📗». Author Laura E Richards

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I said, it was clear moonlight when the girls went to bed; but

somewhere in the middle of the night Hildegarde was waked by a

rustle and a roar. Visions of lions ramped before her still-dreaming eyes; she shuddered awake, to find a gale raging round

the camp. Outside was one continuous roar of waves on the shore,

while overhead the wind clutched and tore at the branches, and

shook the frail hut to its foundations. Hildegarde lay still and

listened, with a luxurious sense of safety amid the wild tumult.


"But I am safe, and live at home!" she said softly. Then suddenly

a thought came, like a cold hand laid on her heart, and she sat up

in bed, her breath coming quickly.


"Bell!" she said, under breath, that she might not wake little

Kitty, "Bell, wake up!"


"What is it?" asked Bell, turning drowsily on her side. "Not our

turn to get breakfast, you know."


"There is a storm! Hear it raging outside. Oh, Bell! the birch

canoe! Can you remember whether we put her in the boat-house when

we came in from paddling?"


Bell was wide awake now, and on her feet in an instant.


"We did not!" she said, searching frantically for her clothes. "My

dear, we left her; don't you remember? The boys were just cutting

wood, and we thought we would wait till they finished, and then,--what a wretch I am! What IS happening to this skirt?"


"I am putting it on too," said Hildegarde. "It is mine. Here is

yours. Now a jacket; there, we are all right. Is any one sleeping

on the piazza?"


"No, they all went up to the pine grove to-night, or last night,

or whenever it was. Have you any idea what time it is? Carefully

now, Hilda. I will open the door, and you must be ready to help me

shut it."


The two girls stepped out into the black night, and the wind

clutched them. They were thrown violently against the wall of the

hut, but contrived to shut the door and make it fast; then,

bending low and holding by each other, they crept along toward the

boat-house. The waves were dashing against the rocks, the spray

flew in their faces, half blinding them; but it was not very dark,

as there was a moon behind the clouds, and they could see their

way dimly.


"Do you think we shall find her?" asked Hildegarde under her



"I can't hear!" shouted Bell.


"Do you think we shall find her?"


Hildegarde thought she was shrieking, but her friend only shook

her head.


"That comes of asking stupid questions," said Hildegarde to

herself; and she lowered her head and fought her way on in



Now, groping with their hands, they found the wall of the

boathouse, and crept along in its lee, sheltered somewhat from the

blast; but when they stepped out on the wharf, the wind seized

them with such fury that Hildegarde tottered, staggered back a

step, and felt the ground slip from under her. Another moment, and

she would have been in the wild water; but Bell held her with a

grasp of steel, and with one strong heave lifted her bodily to the

wharf again. Then she shook her gently, "to bring back your

nerve!" she shouted in explanation; and the next moment recoiled

herself with a shriek that rang above the roar of wind and wave.

Up from the wharf rose two forms, blacker than the blackness of

night and storm, and confronted them. The two girls clung close



"What is it?" cried Bell, faintly.


Now Hildegarde was in mortal terror of the storm, but she did not

fear anything that had human shape. "Who are you?" she asked,

sternly. "What are you doing on this wharf?"


"We are playing on the jewsharp!" replied a familiar voice. "What

are YOU doing, if it comes to that?"


"Oh, Jerry! oh, Phil! how could you frighten us so? We thought,--I

don't know what we didn't think. We came to see if the canoe was

safe. We forgot to see that you put her up after tea."


"Just what we came for," said Phil. "She isn't here; I'm afraid

she's gone."


The girls uttered a cry of dismay.


"Oh, it can't be! Look in the boathouse, boys; it is possible--"


"It is highly possible," said Jerry, "that she got up on end and

walked in, as soon as she saw that the weather looked squally.

She's a very sensible boat, but weak in the legs, if you follow

I think she's gone; and a very pretty kettle of fish she makes

to seethe two tender bodies in. I wouldn't be us, Fergs, my boy,

when the Cap'n finds it out to-morrow."


"Wait," said Hildegarde, "oh, wait! Don't let us give up hope. It

will do no harm to look, Jerry."


"No harm in life," said Jerry. "Just hold on to this wind, will

you, while I get in."


With some difficulty he opened the boat-house door; then,

sheltered behind it, he struck a match, while all pressed eagerly

forward. There in her place, high and dry, lay the birch canoe.

Nobody said anything for a moment; the relief was too great.

Hildegarde felt the tears come to her eyes, she could not tell

why; but she found herself saying under her breath, "We might have

known he would do it; he always takes care of everything."


"Roger is a tedious person," said Gerald, turning off his

satisfaction with a laugh. "The amount of virtue that he staggers

under is enough to swamp anybody. He will come to the gallows yet,

you'll see! Human nature must assert itself some time. Whew! there

goes my head! Catch it, Bell, will you?"


"I am very, VERY hungry!" Phil announced with mournful emphasis.

"It makes me starved to play this kind of game in the middle of

the night. Can't we have some food, to celebrate the safety of the



"Me, too!" cried Gerald. "I am dying, Egypt, dying! a corpse among

the alders dank---"


"Oh, do stop, boys!" cried Bell. "I'll push you off the wharf if

you go on so."


"Oh, wouldn't us lorf, if she pushed us off the wharf!" cried



"I am cross!" said Bell. "My hair is wound all round my neck, and

I am half strangled. You boys think of nothing but eating from

morning till night. But I am hungry myself, so come along!"


The four buffeted their way back to the house, and Phil climbed in

at the pantry window and opened the kitchen door for the dripping

party. They lighted a lantern, and judicious rummaging produced

crackers and cheese, gingerbread, and some bottles of root beer.

Merrily the four adventurers gathered round the table, dripping,

rosy and breathless; the girls' long locks hung down over their

shoulders, the boys' short curls were plastered close to their



"We must be a lovely sight!" said Bell. "What a pity there is no

one to see us! What do you want, Jerry?"


"I want raspberry jam, chiefly," said Gerald, "but first I want to

make a speech. I propose a sentiment. Pledging the assembled

company in this beaker of rich wine--. Let go that bottle,

Ferguson, or I'll have your life! that's my beaker, I tell you!

There! now you've upset it. Attendez seulement bis ich dein tete



"Take the butter-dish," said Bell. "That will do just as well."


"I pledge the assembled company in this rich butter," Gerald

continued with dignity, "though it is not so comfortable to drink,

and I propose, first, the confusion of Ferguson, who is a

pettifogger and an armadillo, and, secondly, the health of our

captain, Roger, the Codger, who saved the Cheemaun. Three cheers

for the well-bred captain of the--"


"Thank you so much!" said Roger, looking in through the window.

"Empty compliments are all very well, but I think I might have

been asked to supper."


He was hailed with a chorus of shouts, and stepping in through the

window, drew up a stool and sat down by Hildegarde.


"What HAVE you been doing, children?" he asked, looking round at

the four, who had now arrived at the smoking stage of dampness,

each sending up his little pillar of cloud.


Four eager voices told him of the search and the finding, and he

smiled quietly as he helped himself to jam.


"I wonder what you took me for!" he said, "I truly wonder. The

boat went to bed at nine o'clock, with the rest of the children. I

beg your pardon, Miss Grahame," he added, turning to Hildegarde

with his kind, grave smile, "for naming you in company with this

lawless crew of mine."


"Oh, please," cried Hildegarde, "I like to--I wish I were--" She

stammered, and felt herself blushing in the furious way that makes

a girl the most helpless creature in the world. She would have

given her hand, she thought, to keep back the tide that surged up

over throat and cheek and brow. "When there is nothing earthly to

blush about, ninny!" she almost cried aloud.


But Bell came to the rescue. "She wishes she were much wiser than

the rest of us, Roger, but she doesn't think she is, and I am

really not so sure about it myself. That is the best part of her:

she's just a girl."


"Just a girl!" said Roger, looking at Hildegarde; and he looked so

kindly that poor Hildegarde blushed again.



"Friends," said Mrs. Merryweather, "the day is before us. What is

the plan of action?"


"I go a-fishing," said Roger; "and with me Willy, to take his

first lesson in bass-fishing."


"I tinker the wharf," said Phil; "and with me Obadiah, to take his

first lesson in useful occupation."


"Verily and in good sooth," put in Gerald, "the most useful

occupation I can think of, my peripatetic food-absorber, would be

to heave thee into the glassy deep."


"Like to see you try it!" said Ferguson.


"Anything to oblige!" replied Obadiah, rising with, alacrity.


"Don't booby, boys!" said Roger, with quiet authority. "Let other

people have a chance to speak."


"Hilda and I will make a pie!" said Bell; "'which is werse,' said

Mr. Peggotty, 'though sich were not my intentions.'"


"And I have gingerbread to make, and raspberries to pick," said

Gertrude, "so Kitty must help me."


"But what do I see?" cried Gerald, in tragic tones. "A vessel in

the offing, headed in this direction. Now who do you suppose has

the cheek to come here?"


"Probably some lunatic is thirsty," said Phil, "and wants a glass

of water. You know, Miss Hilda, they come here by the boatload,

asking for water, and we show them the lake and tell 'em to help

themselves. It makes them hop with rage. They say, 'What! do you

drink THIS?' Then, when we tell them that all their water supply

comes from this lake, they grin like a dog and go about the city,--I mean depart on their imbecile way. But these people are all

dressed up. Oh, Momus and Comus! There are girls on board! Come

on, Obadiah!"


The twins vanished, and the others looked curiously at the

approaching craft. It was a small steam launch, gayly adorned with

paint and streamers; in the bow stood a light, girlish figure,

waving a handkerchief and gesticulating with fervour.


"Who can it be?" asked Mrs. Merryweather. "The boat is from

Pollock's Cove, isn't it, Roger?"


"Yes; but I see no one on board that I know. That young lady

evidently thinks she is coming among friends, however. Look! they

are putting out a boat. I will go and see what is wanted."


He went to the wharf, and the rest waited in some amusement,

thinking that a mistake had been made. To their amazement they saw

Roger, after a moment's parley, help the young lady out of the

boat, which straight-way returned to the launch; before they had

time to exchange wonderments, she was advancing toward them with

outstretched arms.


"My dearest, dearest Hildegarde! Do I see you again, after so many

years? Quel plaisir! what joy!"


The young lady was dressed in the extreme of fashion, with little

boots, and little gloves, and a dotted veil, and a chiffon

parasol, and Hildegarde was folded in a perfumed embrace before

she had

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