» Fiction » Hildegarde's Neighbors, Laura E Richards [ebook reader 7 inch .TXT] 📗

Book online «Hildegarde's Neighbors, Laura E Richards [ebook reader 7 inch .TXT] 📗». Author Laura E Richards

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cry so

hearty, so full of distress, of affectionate concern, that it

brought the quick tears to Hilda's eyes. She smiled through the

tears at Bell, who already had her in her arms, and declared she

could not let her go; while Will and Kitty pulled at her gown, and

cried frantically that Hilda was theirs, and should never go away,

never at all. Mrs. Merryweather smoothed her hair, and murmured

kind, understanding words in a low tone; and Gertrude sat down on

the ground and wept piteously.


"Oh," said Hilda to all these good friends, "you know it is not

because I don't want to go to my blessed mother; of course you all

know that--"


"Of course we do, dear!" cried Bell and her mother, soothingly.

"Of course you want to go, and we ought to want you to go; but we

don't; and it has come so quickly, and all."


"And we were going to the Painted Rocks to-morrow!" cried Phil.


Gerald began to mutter something under his breath about


   "Little Gerald was my brudder,

     Merry Mater was my mudder,

     Nebber heard ob any udder."


But his adaptation was checked by a look from his mother, and he

relapsed into gloom. "It's a horrid, atrocious shame!" he said. "I

can't help it, and Hilda needn't speak to me again if she doesn't

want to; but I cannot tell a lie, and I am NOT glad that Mrs.

Grahame has come home, and I never shall be."


"Dear Jerry!" said Hilda. "We have had such good times, haven't

we? And you will be coming back, you know, to town some day, and I

shall hear all about the merrymakings--"


But here her voice broke, and deeply ashamed of herself, she

hurried into the house to put her things together. The kind

Merryweathers went with her, and vied with each other in helping

her make her preparations. Since it must be, it should be as

cheerfully done as possible; so Bell packed her trunk, and

Gertrude buttered bread with ardour, that Hilda might have

luncheon before she went; a good many tears fell into the butter,

but Hilda said she did not mind that.


Soon, too soon, alas! all was ready; the little trunk packed and

strapped, and Hilda in jacket and hat--the first time in a month

that she had worn either--smiling as well as she could, and

kissing and shaking hands, almost in silence.


Mr. Merryweather had just come up from the boathouse, and joined

his regrets to the general chorus.


"And who is the captain of this black-sailed ship that carries our

little girl away from us?" he asked. "Are you going to drive her

in, Gerald?"


"No, father," said Gerald, hastily. "I think Roger is going in."


"Yes," said Roger; "I am going in, Miles."


"Oh!" said Mr. Merryweather. "Is there anything special you want

to see to in town, Roger?"


"Why--no; I am going for--"


"Then, if it's all the same, suppose you let Phil drive Hilda in.

I want your help this afternoon, very much, on the Keewaydin. The

boys aren't quite strong enough to tackle her. What do you say,

Hilda? You would just as lief have Phil, I dare say, and it will

be a treat to him."


What could our poor dear Hilda say? What could she do but smile

her assent, when she saw Phil's honest face radiant with pleasure?


Gerald, after looking round in vain for his mother and Bell, who

had gone into the house to get something, did indeed mutter that

he wanted Phil dreadfully, to do something of great importance, it

did not appear precisely what; but he was promptly set down by his



Roger Merryweather stood silent. The habit of giving way to

others, of letting the youngsters have all the pleasure possible,

and taking the workaday parts of life for himself, was strong upon

him. And when had he refused his brother Miles anything?


Miles Merryweather nodded in satisfaction, and went into the house

to get his letters.


"I am going to send Phil in with Hilda, instead of Roger," he

announced, cheerfully. "Is there anything--"


"Oh, father, how could you?" cried Bell, springing to her feet.


"How could I what?" asked her father. "Miranda, have you any

errands for Phil to do?"


He looked at his wife, and opened his eyes wide; for the placid

woman was ruffling all over, like an angry partridge.


"Don't speak to me, Miles Merryweather!" she cried. "Don't dare to

say a word to me! You are a great stupid, stupid,--and Roger is

another! Why I ever married into such a family--"


She ruffled away out of the house; Bell hurried after her without

a word, only casting a reproachful glance at her father as she

went. Mr. Merryweather stood still in utter bewilderment.


"Are these people mad?" he said. "What on earth is the matter?

Gerald, will you give these letters to Phil, and tell him--now

what is the matter with you, I should like to know?"


For Gerald's bright face was clouded over with unmistakable ill-humour,--a circumstance so amazing that one might well wonder. He

actually scowled at his father, whom he adored.


"Donki foolumque cano!" he said. "No disrespect to anybody, sir,

but I am thinking of emigrating. This family is too much for me."


He stalked out again, leaving Mr. Merryweather more puzzled than



"Decidedly, they are mad!" he murmured. "Thank goodness, there is

one sensible head among all these feathertops! Oh, here you are,

Roger! Give these letters to Phil, will you, please, and tell him

not to forget the mail."


Roger took the letters, and laughed. His cheek was slightly

flushed, and his eyes danced with something very unlike their

usual calm intelligence. "All right!" he said. "Give me the

letters, Miles. They shall be mailed." He took the packet, and

started to leave the room, but turned back for a moment, to lay

his hand affectionately on his brother's shoulder. "I am a codger,

Miles," he said, "but--do you know--I think you are a bit of a

codger, too. It runs in the blood, I suppose. Good-by, old fellow!

and let the Keewaydin wait until to-morrow, will you?"


He ran out. His brother, now speechless, followed him: saw him put

Phil aside with a word and a smile; saw him lift Hildegarde

lightly into the wagon, and take his seat beside her; saw the

girl, her face bright as a flower, leaning forward to say

farewell, and the other faces crowding round her, eager, loving,

sorrowful; saw handkerchiefs and caps waving, and heard the cries

of "Good-by, dear Hilda! Come again! Oh, come back to us soon!"


Then the woods closed in behind the carriage and it was gone.


Gerald looked long after it; then he advanced to the middle of the

piazza, and deliberately turned three back somersaults.


"Would anybody like to tread on the tail of my coat?" he said,

joyously. "Phil, you are a double-barrelled, self-revolving idiot,

but I love you. Join me, then, in three cheers for the Codger.

Long may he wave! Now, then, hip, hip, hurrah!"


"Hurrah!" cried Phil, who had received enlightenment in some way,

and was beaming like his brother.


"Hurrah!" cried Mrs. Merryweather and Bell in concert, fixing eyes

of triumph on their husband and father.


"Hurrah it is, doubtless," said Mr. Merryweather, looking slightly

nettled,--a rare thing in the most cheerful of men. "But MAY I ask

why my arrangements are changed without a word to me? I intended

that Phil should--"


"Dear Miles!" said his wife. "I am sorry I called you names."


"DEAR papa!" said the Merryweathers in chorus; "we all love you SO



"And were you ever young?" asked Mrs. Merryweather, no longer

swelling, partridge-like, but taking her husband's arm with her

sweetest smile.


"And did you ever see a girl you liked, Miles Merryweather? and if

you ever had, would you have let another boy drive her in town

while the breath was in you? Would you?"


"Oh!" said Miles Merryweather.





Publication Date: 04-16-2015

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