» Fiction » Hildegarde's Neighbors, Laura E Richards [ebook reader 7 inch .TXT] 📗

Book online «Hildegarde's Neighbors, Laura E Richards [ebook reader 7 inch .TXT] 📗». Author Laura E Richards

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their pretty feathers, cocking their

pretty heads; and they peck, and chatter, and peck again, wholly

unconscious of the two monsters who are drifting nearer and

nearer. Suddenly one of them catches sight of a moving shadow,

hears some faint lapping of water against the side of the canoe,

inaudible to ears less fine; and the three princesses are up and

away, fluttering, hopping, fairly flying at last, to hide

themselves in the deeps of the bog-land.


Neither of the two had spoken during all this time. Both felt the

magic of the place so strong upon them that speech seemed

profanation. The flight of the little birds, however, loosened the

spell. Hildegarde spoke, but softly, almost under her breath.

"Captain! Do you see the lizard? Look at him, on the log there!

The greenness of him! soul of an emerald!"


"I was looking at the fish," said Roger.


"What for a fish?" Hilda leaned over the side, and looked into the

clear shallow water. A bream was hovering over her wide, shallow

nest, fanning the water slowly with wide-spread wings. "Why does

she do that?"


"To protect the eggs; they are there in the sand, and she is

keeping off all the water-people who like eggs for breakfast."


They drifted on again in silence: what was there good enough to

say in such a place?


Hildegarde pulled the transparent stems of jewel-weed, with their

glowing, pitcher-shaped blossoms, and twined them into a garland,

which she hung over the bow of the canoe. "Dear Cheemaun!" she

said. "She shall be decorated as Hiawatha's was. She deserves to

be hung with real jewels."


"Are there any more real than these?" said Roger. "And--you really

like the Cheemaun, do you, Miss Hilda? and the place? I thought

you would like the place."


"Oh!" said Hilda, and her voice said enough. "How did you find it?

How strange that I have never heard of it before! There is nothing

so beautiful in the world, I am sure! Have the others been here?"


"N--no," answered Roger, slowly. "I don't think they have been

here. I--I found it one morning, when I was shooting, two or three

years ago; and I am afraid I have been greedy, and kept it to



"How good of you to bring me!" cried Hilda. "I like it all the

better because no one--that is, because it is so lonely and still.

You--you don't shoot now much, do you, Captain Roger?"


"No. I used to be very fond of it when I was a boy; but now, well,

I would rather see them alive, don't you know?"


Hildegarde nodded her wise little head, and knew very well indeed,

and thought the Captain was very right.


"I do not see how a sportsman can really love creatures," she

said. "If you love them, you want them to live, as you say. Oh!

oh, Captain Roger, please quickly stop! Look! What wonder is



Hilda's voice sank to a whisper, thrilled with excitement. There,

a few yards away from them, ashen grey against the silver-grey of

a dead tree, was a great bird. To Hilda's excited fancy, it seemed

the spirit of the place, changed by some wizardry into bird form,

crouching there amid the ruins of the forest where once it had

flitted and frolicked, a gauze-winged sprite.


Roger, less imaginative, and more skilled in wood-lore, saw a

great blue heron, sitting huddled together on a stump, its head

drawn in, its yellow eyes glaring wild with fright.


"It must be wounded!" he said softly. "Keep very still, and I will

see if we can come nearer."


Softly, slowly, the birch canoe stole through the water. It

scarcely seemed to move, yet every moment brought them nearer to

the wild creature of the woods. It made no attempt to fly, only

crouched lower, and tried to flatten itself against the stump.


"Oh, poor, poor thing!" whispered Hilda. "Can you do anything for

it, Captain Roger?"


"Only one thing, I fear," said Roger, gently. "Its leg is broken,

and we must not leave it in misery."


"You must kill it? Oh, it seems too pitiful! No, I am not going to

be silly, only I will turn my head away, please, Captain Roger."


Now she could have put her hand on the wounded bird, as it sat

motionless, only the wide eyes of terror telling that it was

alive. The bow of the boat passed close against the log, and on

beyond. Hilda thought she should never forget the dumb agony of

those eyes. They should not be here at all, she thought. It was

not decent for human beings to thrust themselves into the sorrows

and mysteries of the woods and water. She could not--


Roger leaned forward, paddle in hand; a moment, and all was over.

Something slid into the water, and there was a little plashing

murmur among the reeds; then stillness again.


The canoe began to move backward, and Hilda opened her eyes, which

had been tightly closed. Neither of the two spoke until they were

in open water again, and the swamp left behind.


"I am sorry!" said Roger then, almost apologetically. "I am sorry

that happened. The poor creature had been shot, and was badly

wounded; it would only have lingered in pain."


"Oh yes, I know; I am so glad you were there, to help it out of

the suffering."


"But now you will never want to come here again, I fear."


"Oh, but I shall!" cried Hilda. "I am not so silly as that, truly

I am not. I shall always think of this as the loveliest place I

know; and--"


"Well, and--what?" asked Roger.


"Oh, nothing! Only--well, it is your own place," said Hilda

frankly, "and I shall always think of you here, in the dear

Cheemaun, with the enchanted princesses--I mean the sandpipers--and the fish-hawk, and all the rest of it."


"If it is mine, I may do what I like with it, and I give it to

you. Will you have it?"


"Oh, we will share it together!" cried Hilda eagerly; and then

bethought herself, and blushed in her usual ridiculous way, and

wondered if the back of her neck were blushing too. It was, and

Roger saw the crimson mounting to the pretty ears and losing

itself in the fair hair; and he wondered--and wondered again, and

then remembered that people sometimes blushed when they were

angry. He was a very, very stupid Roger, in some ways; but in a

moment Hilda began to talk as cheerfully as possible, and to ask

about all the birds they had seen, so Roger was relieved, and they

paddled home to breakfast in a very pleasant way.



The golden morning passed all too quickly; the mornings always

did, out at camp. There was the merry dish-washing, the sweeping

and setting to rights, and then all separated to their different

tasks,--fishing, boat-mending, cooking, photographing or

surveying, till the hour of noon brought them together again for

the swimming. Roger departed on his wheel, having business in the



The three girls sat down before a huge basket of mending, "Three

against Thebes," as Bell said, and plied their needles diligently.

Hildegarde felt as if she were sewing in a dream; her fingers

flew, for she could almost sew in her sleep, but her thoughts were

away in the Lonely Cove, with the wild creatures and the

stillness. She would like to go back there, she thought, with--well, she would like to go back there, and stay, long hours, till

the spirit of the place had sunk deep into her heart. She had felt

it, the touch of its hand in passing, the brushing of its robe,

but that only showed her how little she knew, how infinitely more

there was to learn, to see, to love. She shut her eyes and tried

to call back the scene, all grey and silver, glimmering in the

faint early light.


Was not this really life, the life of nature, of the woods and

fields? Would not one grow better, purer, to stay always in this

lovely wilderness, where every leaf had a voice, every stone

showed forth its steadfast lesson, every morning and evening was

full of joy and peace? Why should one ever go back to places where

people talked and gossiped and made formal calls?


Such new worlds, too, were opening before her! Not only this great

one of nature, but the sister world of science, which till now had

been only a name. She had always thought of "scientific people"

much as she would of the inhabitants of Mars, never having been

thrown with any in this short life, which seemed to her so long,

so full. As she said to her friend here, she had had many lives

already, all beautiful, joyful beyond measure; but this strange

world, where they spoke a language of their own, where all the men

wore spectacles and long beards, and all the women short hair and

spectacles,--this world she had never thought even to peep into.

And now--behold! the magic door had been opened by friendly hands;

opened only a little way, it was true, but wide enough for her to

see at least beyond the threshold,--and it was fairy-land! As for

the long beards and the spectacles,--Hildegarde laughed to

herself, a little soft, happy laugh.


Gerald, who was lying at her feet, looked up, and laughed too, for

pure good-will.


"Good joke!" he said; "excellent joke! See here, Miss Hilda--"


"Do leave off that tiresome 'Miss,' Jerry! You know I told you to,

ages ago."


"I know! but my manners are so superlative. Well, Hilda, then,

just listen to this! I have been improving a little on one of your

old ballads--"


"Improving? sacrilegious wretch!"


"Oh, but listen! Why should a ballad be too old to be improved?

This goes beautifully.


   "Our lads are to the fishing gane,

       A-fishing with a line and float,

     And they hae grippet Hilda the Grahame,

       For stealing o' the Codger's boat."


"I didn't steal it!" cried Hilda, aiming a neatly folded stocking-ball at the boy's head; but Gerald avoided it, and went on.


   "And they hae tied her hand and foot,

       And brought her to the camp, wuss luck!

     The lads and lasses met her there,

       Cried 'Hilda Grahame, thou art a duck!'"


"Obadiah, you are a very impudent boy. Wait till Monday week,

that's all! But go on; let me hear all this villainy."


 "Up then spake the brave Gerald,

       As he sat by the Codger's knee,

   'Fifteen horned pouts I'll give to you,

       If you'll let Hilda the Grahame go free.'


   "'Oh haud your tongue,' says Roger the Codger,

       'And wie your pleading let me be;

     For though-'"




"What is the matter?" asked Bell, who had been listening with high

approval to the ballad. "Why, here is the Codger himself, back

again. I thought he was not coming till night. What's up, Codger?"


Bell and Hildegarde rose, with a vague feeling of uneasiness, and

as they did so, Roger advanced to meet them. Hilda fancied he

looked grave, and her heart leaped into quick alarm. "You have no

bad news, Captain Roger?" she cried. "My mother--Cousin Wealthy--!"


"Both well, quite well!" said Roger, hastily. "I called at the

house as I came by, and found Mrs. Grahame there, looking

extremely well, I thought."


"Mamma there!" cried Hilda. "Why--when did she come? Why did she

not write that she was coming? I ought to have been there to meet

her. You are sure you have nothing bad to tell me, Captain Roger?

You looked so grave as you came up. I would rather know at once,

please, if anything is wrong."


Roger smiled, and his honest eyes reassured the startled girl.


"You may believe me," he said, simply. "If I looked grave, it was

not on your account, Miss Hilda, but on our own. A letter must

have gone astray, your mother thinks. You should have heard from

her several days ago; and--and she is expecting visitors to-morrow, and--well, if I must tell the truth, the carriage is here,

and I am to drive you home as soon as you are ready."


A cry of dismay broke from the lips of the whole family; a

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