» Fiction » True Blood, hima [audio ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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an attack on the palace in a few days.” He said grimly.

Em gasped. “They want Ilene at any cost so they wanted to check every nook and cranny of the palace, dad didn’t allow that so they are trying to break in.”

“Ilene isn’t there; Tristan should have allowed them to check.” Conan replied. “Once they knew she isn’t in the palace, they would trace out her soon enough. That’s whyTtristan wanted to give them a false notion that Ilene is still in the palace.”

“They need us…”Mitrik slumped on to the chair catching his hand.

“We should go…” I replied. “You’ll be caught easily if they saw you…” Mitrik added. “I’ll stay here then, you should go and help them.”

“You wouldn’t be left unprotected. One of us will stay here.” Keetes said. I knew exactly what he was thinking. “No, they need your help more than me.” I whispered.

“She can’t stay here… I won’t be here to tell her when someone was planning to attack. It’s not a safe place anymore.” He said.

“I’ll take her to the woods.” Conan replied grimly. “Even in your pack some people think she should be killed.” Keetes pointed.

“I know some hide outs in woods and I’ll contact with my loyal supporters only.” He said convincingly.

“That’s not a bad idea.” Mitrik thought. I could see Keetes begging him to not to agree with the plan.

Mitrik packed his backpack with bottles of blood and made arrangements to leave. Keetes was unwilling to leave me behind but he had to.

“Take good care of her. Even if I see a scratch on her on my return, I swear that I’ll kill you.” He warned Conan.

I gave him a hug and a kiss, I know Conan would be hurt by this but I couldn’t think of staying away from Keetes even for a day or two. I have also seen glimpses of Conan realizing how much I love Keetes sometimes he would feel disappointed that he lost his chance but sometimes he would hope not. He thought that this was the time for him to make me love him as Keetes won’t be there.

“Leave as soon as we left.” Mitrik suggested before he left. Conan nodded.

“How do we reach there now?” I asked. “Pack your things and be ready.” He said and left.

When he came back, I packed my backpack with what ever clothes I had and some supply of blood. Though I was a part vampire, my apetite is like a vampire, I smiled at the thought. How I was so different from even vampires. I never fit in a place.

“Let’s go.” We travelled by a boat into the nearby town. We stayed hidden until the way is clear and then crossed into the forest ignoring the ‘dangerous’ sign. We walked for miles and miles. I was excited of seeing the other part of night world. We spoke very less, at frequent intervals, I asked whether we were anywhere near to the place. He smiled at my eagerness.

The trees grew thicker and denser, he stopped after sometime. I found two tall trees forming like an arch in the sky.The creepers hung lossely like a curtain as if hiding the things behind these trees.

“Outers are’t allowed into this place…” “Then how will I come?” I asked. “Catch my hand and I’ll take you in.” he said. I caught hold of his hands and he scooped me up and walked in through the thick curtain of creepers. Everything changed at once as if I walked right through the television screen into a beautiful world. I forgot how beautiful the night world used to look. The moon shone brightly over the trees illuminating everything with it’s silvery light.The green grass mat that lie below my feet is soft and cold.

“There is a hide out few kilometres away. We can go there.” He said. “I can’t walk.” I said complaining like a pampered child, sitting on the grass.

He scooped me up and carried me away. His ears and eyes were alert straining to hear any unnecessary noise but my eyes weregazing at his well built body and the perfect features of his.

He put me down as soon as we reached the mouth of a cave. He walked me in, the cave was clearly visible how could this be a hide out? We walked until we reached the other end of the cave. “Where do we go now?” I took a step back as he groped across the wall of the cave and then he pushed it at a particular point and then lifted the huge stone easily like a cotton fur ball, the wall stone revealed another cave inside well lit and well furnitured. Even the tiny rays of moon filtered in through the roof of the cave.

“Won’t anyone see us from the roof?” I asked as I found a small hole on the roof. “Our pack never come this far from the land as this place is sitting right on the border of your world and my world.” He assured. I nodded.

“Just give me a second.” He moved the stone aside and replaced it. As the stone began to cover my view from him, I felt nervous of staying alone here. I wanted to cry,”Don’t leave me alone.” But I’m not going to be seen as a coward.

After sometime I heard piercing howl and every nerve in my body failed at the sound. I trembled with fear. As soon as the howl died down, I began to search for Conan’s thoughts. I felt him close to the cave and unknown comfort spread through me and I knew I would be safe no matter what.

I waited hours for him but still there is no sign of him, I could feel his thoughts but not close enough. I slept on the chair waiting for him. I woke up on the rock bed and in front of me a girl about 18 sat staring at me, I panicked and jumpstarted to go out. She laughed merrily, I heard her thinking that I’m cute and I would make a nice meal for her… My legs shook , keeping my eyes trained on her. I started to walk to the mouth of the cave even if I did I don’t know how I would open that huge door. I just wanted to keep away from her, Her thoughts were filled with how Yummy I am…

“Are you trying to escape,huh?”she asked laughing. In one pounce she is standing above me. “Joy… that’s enough.” I heard familiar voice. My nerves calmed down a bit. “You are scaring her…” he snapped at her. He picked me up and sat me on the chair.

“Ilene, this is my sister Joy…” he said. She extended her hands but I looked at him thinking whether I should give or not. “She was just playing with you…I told her that you can read mind and I also mentioned that you’re still a human through only first stage in your vampire cycle. So she was just messing with you…”he assured.

“I’m sorry…”she said still laughing. I smiled and shook her hand. “Did you receive any information about Keetes?” I asked him.

The war is still going on, I mean vampires get never tired and they cannot be wounded, so the war must go on until one of them gives up or one of them kills the other. I nodded. “I’m bored…” I said after sitting idle for many hours. “Let’s play something indoor since we can’t go out…” joy said. We played memory game, words building,tic-tac-toe until we got tired. Joy enjoyed like a child, she is funny and childish which doesn’t go with her appearance. She looks bulky,tall and fierce so much like her brother.

I don’t know how many days passed like this, I enjoyed their companion very much, They used to go out when I was asleep. They used to take turns watching over me. Each day I asked Conan about the war, he always said that it was still going on… I missed Keetes very much. Conan was always likea crying shoulder for me whenever I was worried about them, he was there soothing me and assuring that everything is going to be okay.

“Ilene, do you think I’ll ever have chance?” Conan asked pulling my hair away from face. He must have thought I was asleep. I shifted to the other side and he jumped back away from me. I’m not doing him any good by keeping my choice secret. I decided I would tell him tomorrow that I have chosen but what if he leaves me in this place? I shouldn’t tell him maybe… But I can’t cheat him anymore. He is a good guy and I can’t do that to him.

Next time when I woke up, Joy is staring at me smiling. “You sleep a lot…” she teased. She was so much like Em… I liked her companion very much. She taught me different ways to protect ourselves from attackers. This was a recent way we found to spend our time.

She left when he heard Conan coming, I thought about last night and decided to take my chances. He sat silently staring at me as if he knew that I wanted to talk to him.

“Conan…” I didn’t know how to start… Conan waited expectantly…I shifted uncomfortably. “Um… you know…I mean… I made a choice…” I blurted out… His eyes went wide. I could feel his mind begging that it should be him… I could feel his joy and at the same time he is worried about me chosing Keetes over him. I waited to hear his thoughts completely, I don’t want him to go mad and leave him, I mean I don’t want to miss a good friend. When I was completely sure that he wasn’t going to do anything drastic.

“Keetes…” I mumbled in barely audible voice. That did it, I felt a blast of emotions in his mind, anger, fury, betrayal, he stared at me with his deep eyes and I saw tears escaping through his eyes. He faced away from me and he shifted into wolf at once and broke through the cave walls and ran into the forest. He left me… I shouldn’t have said it. I slumped onto the floor, looking through the hole into the forest. After sometime I heard a loud howl, I knew it was him and I could feel the pain in that howl. My heart felt like a lead heavy, I did this to him. I could hear his continous howling, Each time I heard it, it felt like someone was punching a hole right through my heart.

I cried sitting there… I curled up into a ball on the ground. I never gave happiness to anyone, my parents they loved me and I left them nothing but pain. Tristan and Flora they always loved me but I gave them nothing but trouble. Now…Conan, he just wanted to be loved back which I denied ballatantly. I was nothing but a heart breaker. I sobbed.

“You are here,princess… Glad! That I stumbled upon you on the way…” I heard a rough voice. I turned to see him, another vampire. I tried to see a way to get out but he was covering my way to the exit. Why do you want to live? When you are giving everyone nothing but pain, my mind scolded me.
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