» Fiction » somewhere on my way, Anna N. Schnieden [best summer reads TXT] 📗

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sorry. It’s ok. I am glad that you’re here helping my people and those with needs. Most doctors, especially a pretty face…sweet like you would want to be bloody rich. Shit, don’t tell me, you’re Hannibal Lecter!” Me.


“Ha ha. Well. I just finished my practices and I want to see the world. Of course, I would like to help, if I can.” Joshy.


“Well, Pretty Head. Don’t just…can...make it in your heart! You have the power to make differences. Hey, do you have a girlfriend?” Me.


“No, why?” Joshy.



“Oh, how come? Aha, you’re…a kind of…love hits your head and runs through your throat, aren’t you?” Me. (Joshy was lost in the conversation.)


“HAA, she meant, gay…dude!” Moonlight.



I think that day was driving Joshy to wherever he ate shit and slept with buggies, oh, and having mosquitos as best friends…later, he was curious about Moonlight and…my... relationship.


“You know girls, I thought you guys hate each other. The way you two are talking, I’ve never seen anything like that before.” Joshy.


“Don’t you dare look at me, I have to be like…her. Trust me, you don’t want to meet another one of her!” Moonlight.


“Moony, I know you enjoy it.” Me.



“Oh, you guys are…” Joshy.



“I thought, you’re supposed to be smart…Doc!” Moonlight.



“Ha ha ha. No Joshy, we’re best friends. Well, it started when we were in high school. We technically wanted to know who was crazy like us. So, we were making experiments. It was my idea. Now it’s become our bad behaviour.” Me.


“The experiments gave you…?” Joshy.



“Understanding of human behaviour! One time, I pretended to be blind and deaf, and Moonlight pretended to be deaf at one of biggest shopping centers in Bangkok…he he…fun.” Me.


I had learnt a lot of differences about…humans and many things from the places he had been. Moonlight and he became best friends after she decided to follow him, save the world…Oh, and he became my brother, a correct-definition one. I like telling people about my un-bio brother because it makes me feel smart!


Four months later, Mr. Clean told me that he had a university scholarship to offer. The scholarships were handled by Australia’s universities, which had education businesses in Thailand. There were 4 scholarships and in order to be one of the 4 scholarship students, I had to...write an essay about…me!!!…along it with my work profiles and interview. When he finished telling me, I had to…really ask him.


“Mr. Clean, sir, I’m thankful for the opportunity. But, are you sure I’m the right person for the job? I mean…me as a representative? Are you feeling alright…Sir?” Me.


“Ha ha. I’m sure, you’ll do well behind these…(with gesturing) odd. First things first, I need your graduate certification and we’ll go from there.” Mr. Clean.


“Ok. Just so you know, I’m very much an imbecile!” Me.



Blimey, someone gave me the scholarship! I did not think I would be one of the four horsemen; more importantly, I did not want to leave Moonlight alone that far distant, but she insisted!




“Come on Aye, for once. Show me that you’re smarter than you look.” Moonlight.



“I’m not smarter than I look…already proved. Who is going to be with you when your ghosts are out?” Me.


“So, you don’t want to go because of my shithead? Professor Daddy was right about you…doll’s head. Don’t worry about me. I’m more worried about you. But, you have Mr. Lunatic, I’m sure he’ll protect you.” Moonlight.


“Nice, very nice. Now my safety depends on my craziness. What a wonderful world.” Me.


Before I left Thailand, I went back to Bangkok, visiting Ms. Goody, Professor Daddy, and my previous bosses. They gave me some Australian dollars and all of them gave me…speeches.


“Kick some farang students’ assess, would you? Make our country proud. Keep your impulses in check.” Ms. Goody.


“Don’t use the F word too much. You might get beaten. Study hard and remember…everything needs examining. Be yourself!” Professor Daddy.


“Farangs like privacy. Don’t ask personal questions unless they talk about it. And don’t open their refrigerators like you did mine, even though they’re your friends. Farang boys fuck before love. So be careful.” Mr. Cute.


“Be careful. Go as far as you can. You’re a smart girl with a pretty face. Use it wisely. Remember, one day when the time of your choices and decisions comes, it always comes with consequences. I hope you find yourself a place you can call home, one day. Home isn’t a large or a small house, but it is love, a place you miss when you have to be away. And that you find a place you feel safe, so you won’t live in fear anymore. I know you don’t have parents to run back to, but Aye, no one can give us what we want unless we make it so. Go get them, little one!” Mr. Ok.




There I was, listening to speeches, which made me drunk after they were done. I did not fully understand what Mr. Ok was talking about, as I was still young, but somehow, some way, I had the ability to feel shit. And from his speeches, I knew more shit would come and it was going to be full of shits. A week before I left for Australia, farang friends came over to say good luck. Joshy came early, but I did not get back home, as I should have. Professor Daddy was not feeling well, so I stayed in Bangkok longer. Moonlight said Joshy was moody because he had no one to play word games with (by all means, arguing).


“Hey, Doc. I heard you miss me terribly. What’s up?” Me.



“Ah…yes, I did. Did I? I heard you were visiting your teachers and your…hmmm old bosses?” Joshy.


“Ahuh. You have a problem….Doc?” Me.



“No. Actually yes, who the hell visits their old boss for a school trip? Is that a tradition?” Joshy.


“Hmm…It’s not a tradition. Seriously Doc, what country has that tradition, are you dull or dumb?” Me.


“Really, Aye, I’m curious.” Joshy.



“Ok, chick. They help me, they care for me, and more importantly they are wonderful people.” Me.


“I’m going to miss you. I promise I’ll keep 2 eyes on Moonlight. I’ll leave in 2 months, but I’ll come back. You’ll probably finish school by then.” Joshy.


“Yes, if I’m not completely mad before that day! Hey, I’ll miss you too, Doc. You’re my friend…remember that! Joshy, how do I know which one is the right choice when I have to choose something or do something?” Me.




“Don’t choose the one you don’t know or understand. Pick the one where you can see the possibility.” Joshy.


“What if I chose the wrong one even though I could see the possibility, then what?” Me.



“That’s called being mistaken. Everyone is allowed to do that. The cure for stupidity is experiences and experiences come from mistakes. We learn from it sophisticatedly.” Joshy.


I took all the speeches and what Joshy had said…with me...there I was, Australia, the country of my new everything.


According to historical people, in the late 18th century Australia was inhabited by Indigenous Australians, who in documented times have spoken languages classifiable into roughly 250 groups. After the European discovery of the continent

by Dutch explorers in 1606, Australia’s eastern half was claimed by Great Britain in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation to the colony of New South Wales. The population grew steadily in subsequent decades, and by 1850 most of the continent had been explored and an additional five self-governing crown

colonies established. On 1 January 1901, the six colonies federated, forming the Commonwealth of Australia. Australia has since maintained a stable liberal democratic political system that functions as a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy comprising six states and several territories.


The city, the people, and the architecture are artistic, and Australians love traditions. I think the penal were very smart, forming such a beautiful place to call home. I loved the traffic laws, everyone was waiting for a traffic light at every crosswalk and if someone crossed to the other side before the light allowed, they got the best yelling…shitty, dumb-ass, dumb-shit, asshole, mother fucker, cunt? I did not dare, I got a lot of that yelling already. And if a car struck someone’s ass when they were crossing legally, I had been told that they would be rich. But if someone was crossing illegally and lay on the side or middle of a street hit by a car, they had to pay for the damage of the car, which had crashed into them….Cool…Like It.




It was windy…a lot of the time, and sometimes I had to hold on something because I was going to fly…away. It was raining frequently; people always carried umbrellas when they went out and it was very clean.


Sydney was a merry city, people seemed to be happy; of course, there were some neck-heads who looked at me like, “What the fuck are you doing here?” but most Australians were ordinary respectful people, and I hope everything is as it was.


To maintain my scholarship, my GPA needed to be at the level of exceptional genius, which was far away from my ability; imagine how far it is between the G and the S. However, there I was, studying like I never got smarter. My first home was a homestay; I did not pick the place…the university’s bus kicked me out. The owner was an Australian single mother of an 8-year-old daughter. I was living with them for only 2 weeks because I had to move out ASAP! It was something to do with shit and piss after 10 pm. Ms. Homestay gave me a grocery shopping bag for use as a chamber pot, because the only bathroom was next to her bedroom. Therefore, the wall between the bathroom and Ms. Homestay’s bedroom was screaming when I pissed…I assume.


My scholarly probation officer told me that I could find another place to stay, my scholarship was given a monthly fund and it was up to me to manage it…Cool. I found an apartment from the student messages, which were posted at the student service centre; an Australian nursing student was looking for a roommate, the apartment was outside the city and it was very close to a beach…Awesome!


“Hmm...You look like…you need food!” Lyli.



“I’m not hungry. Thanks. Can we get to the point? How much for the rental and can I piss in the night?” Me.


“What the…Yes, you can piss in the night. AUD$100/week, we share hydro and water bills. I already have one roommate. Her name is Cat. Before I decide to take you in, I need to know about you…chicken!” Lyli.



I told her…Hmm basic statements. Didn’t want to terrorize her with a long exclamation.


“And they gave you the scholarship? Oh, God help them.” Lyli.



“More like, God helps me...I told them the same as your expression. Here I am, so far no luck yet! Am I gonna have a place to stay or not…Miss?” Me.


“Lyli. That was a joke, you dumb-ass. Why are you in so much of a hurry? I might be a rapist or a psychopath. And what the hell is going on with…piss in the night?” Lyli.


“Well, if you’re a rapist or a psychopath, can I move in like…now? I’ll take my chances with you. It’s better than the grocery shopping bags my homestay gives me nightly for a chamber pot after 10 pm. Please, it’s an emergency of shit and piss problems!!” Me.


“You've got to be kidding me. What the fuck! Ok little one, you can stay. I have a car. I can drive you now.” Lyli.


“Whooo, you’re not a bitch like I thought. Thanks! How about I pay for gas. Hmm…but I can’t pay rent this week coz my probation officer told me that he already paid Ms. Homestay. Can I pay you next week and with this 3-day week?” Me.


“Hey, you know what, little one. You pay me next week. This week...let’s just say customer appreciation.” Lyli.


“Hmm. Thanks. Are you sure? I understand how things work. You have to pay the landlord too.” Me.


“Hey, I’m sorry for what your homestay did to you. I feel ashamed. I’m sorry that

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