X-MAN SCREENPLAY, BRIAN R. LUNDIN [top 5 books to read TXT] 📗

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little walked down the hallway I slowly crawled behind them, believe me I wanted to warn the reverend but I was a coward, I was too afraid. I was terrified that if he saw me he would kill me.
Evetta handed her a tissue and after a moment she took a deep breath and continued.
As they walked down the hall I heard the reverend ask the man’s his name and he said in a high pitched voice, Esau Sneed, but they call me the X-Man the one you called a coward, well here’s to cowards,“ he said and he hit the reverend with something, I don’t know what it was but it knocked the reverend down and then…..
The tears ran freely.
And then I saw him take out a knife it looked like the same one he used on the man in the pew and stabbed the reverend repeatedly and craved an x in his chest. I hurriedly crawled back to my hiding spot and he walked out the hall and carved an x in the chest of the other man, then he left, just as cool as you please, I waited for a long time before I crawled over to the reverend, blood was everywhere; I ran out the church and nearly knocked a woman down who was entering.
INT. Ringo’s office 1 JUNE 2008-MORNING
Ringo, Evetta, Turner and Monique sat in around the table drinking coffee and discussing the case.
Mrs. Woodberry confirmed that our unsub is Esau Sneed now we just got to find him, any ideas?
Apparently he’s never been arrested nor has he any fingerprints or DNA on file.
And apparently his hunting grounds are in the Second Police District and he buys his shit from Bulls boys.
Who is this Bull character?
By night, the area between 31st Street north to 55th Street south is controlled by the 43rd Street Hustlers street gang. After years of drive byes, murders and intimidations the gang had total control of all the drugs sold in the area and made regular payoffs to the 2nd District vice Unit. Ten years ago William “Bull” Jones a governor in the gang was set-up by corrupt 2nd Police District vice Officers because he refused to increase their monthly “nut” or payoff from two thousand a week to five. Two vice-officers planted a quantity of crack cocaine on Bull and charged him with possession and intent to deliver the drug, they knew that if convicted it could result in a long prison term. Me and my partner were not part of the club in the vice unit and we found out about the set-up and broke a golden rule of any police department we ratted out the corrupt officer, We took their information to the FBI because probably the District Commander, Watch Commanders, lieutenants and some sergeants were part of the nut Bull was paying. An FBI investigation led to the arrest of many officers assigned to the district and Bull was released without charging, me and my partner reward for exposing the corruption was to be transferred to other districts miles from their home, but I had made a friend out of William “Bull” Jones.
Evetta cell phone ranged and she removed it from her purse and answered. In a few minutes she hung up.
That was Bull he said he got more information. I’m going to meet him at Sarge’s in twenty minutes.
The bar was full of older men and women looking at a video movie, a short, wore out looking barmaid was behind the bar stirring a pot of Chili, Evetta ordered a glass of white wine and sat across from Bull in a back booth.
What you got Bull?
I recently heard about the babe getting whacked on 43rd Street and one of my associates who work that area said one night awhile back he saw this little dude climbing like a monkey in the building where the shit happened. He said he watched the dude as he climbed up on the first floor rear balcony, tried the door and climb onto the second balcony and entered the apartment. He figured the guy was a burglar or somethin’ and went back to work.
I've got to interview him and the other guy who saw something on 47th Street.
Way ahead of you mama, I keep telling you I know all about this police shit. Come on they’re both in my ride, they’re too young to come in here.
Evetta followed Bull to his 2008 Escalade Cadillac, she noticed Ringo get out his vehicle and she motioned to him to stay back. Ringo got back in car. Two young men were sitting in the back seat playing a video game on a wide screen monitor as Evetta and Bull got in.
Mama, this is MOE and BO.
Evetta looked at the two young boys, Moe looked maybe fifteen and Bo looked younger.
Bo you tell mama what you saw.
I was working in the alley at my spot when I saw this little dude walking in the alley. I was in the shadows so he didn’t see me, anyway he was dressed in all black, and like that outfit my main Shaft was wearing before he flew through the window and killed all of them grease ball motherfuckers….
Get to the fucking point!
Sorry boss, anyway this guy was dressed in all black and had a backpack on his back. He jumped and grabbed the bottom of the first floor patio and pulled himself up. Flipped over the rail and moved to the side of the patio window. He peeped into the apartment, but all the lights were out. I watched him as he tried the door, but it musta been locked. Next thing I know he climbing from the first floor balcony to the second floor balcony, just like them monkeys you see in the movies, reminded me of an old Tarzan movie, I saw where……
Goddamn it, get to the point, will you!
Oops, sorry boss., anyway I watched this guy as he got to the second floor balcony, tried the door and went in, I had some bizness to conduct so I forgot about him, figured he was a burglar or somein’. About an hour later I saw him climbing back down from the second floor to the first floor and then he jumped into the ally. The muthafuka passed right by me, but didn’t see me and it looked like there was blood on his clothes. I watched him as he walked down the alley and turn right at 44th Street.
Did you see his face?
No, I think he had a mask or something over his face, but as he walked passed he said “shit,” in a fucked up accent.
Bull looked at Moe.
Like I told you boss, me and this little guy done bizness before, he usually coped weed, but this night he wanted some white powder, bought one bill worth. He went deeper into the alley snorted and came back smoking a blunt. The broad was in full view now in the window, naked as a muthafuka, you could see the hair around that snatch. Ole boy was feeling no pain and whipped it out and started jackin’ off. We both laughed and he said I’m going to get some of that pussy. I thought he was bullshitting until I saw him muscle his way through the gangway window and I saw him in the room with the broad, she was still naked, they went somewhere and I lost sight of them.
Did you see him leave?
No, but about two hours later, he came back and copped some more weed.
Did he have an accent or speak funny?
Yeah, he talked real funny; sometimes I would have to ask him what he said.
Ever see him again?
Yeah, Saturday about two months ago I saw him and a broad walking down 43rd Street, all lovey-dovey and shit, I asked if he wanted to cop but he shook his head. I watched them left the Arab joint, and then I got busy and didn’t see them anymore.
What did the woman look like?
She was a young broad, maybe twenty-one or twenty-two, not bad looking, just looked poor.
What did he look like?
A little dude maybe five feet or so, but a strong lookin’ little fucker.
Could you identify the guy?
Yeah, I believe so, I only saw him at night, but I’ll try.
Evetta and Bull exited the vehicle and stood on the sidewalk.
Hope it can help you catch this cocksucker; he’s bringing to much heat to the hood and besides he killing all that young pussy.
(hugging Bull)
Thanks Bull, you might just have save some other young pussy.
Anything for you, mama.
Bull heading back to his all black and shining Cadillac. Evetta walked to Ringo’s car and told him of the conversation.
Ringo’s office 2 JUNE 2008-MORNING
We’ve got maybe a week before Esau strikes again, suggestions?
Ringo’s cell phone ring, he answers and in a few minutes hangs up.
That was Julie at the Melony Fitness Center in Dolton who said that a guy we asked about was a member of the center and named Esau Sneed, based on what Mariah told us and we’ve found a common connection between at least three of the Vics, the Melony Fitness Center. Louise Johnson, Cynthia White and Peggy Smith were all members, but we need more, we’ve got to catch him in the act.
What about sending in an undercover to get Esau’s attention?
Who you got in mind?
The perfect officer.
Who is she?
Her name is DETECTIVE FIRST GRADE CHRISTINE “CHRISTY” GUERRA; she’s twenty-nine and has eight years on the department, five of them as a detective in the Vice Control Division-Prostitution Unit. Her father Ralph was a retired police captain and a good friend of Ist Deputy Superintendent Dennis Gult who had arranged for her to be transferred into the unit two months ago. Christy as she is called is half black and half Mexican. She is a beautiful young woman I’m sure lover-boy will e attracted to. I kinda took her under my wings she’s smart, sure of herself yet maintained her femininity, something sometimes unusual in the once all boys fraternity of a police department. I send her in.
A half hour later Cristy was in Ringo’s office.
We believe that the X-man chose his victims at the Melony Fitness Center. Remember he’s a good-looking guy, he gives his intended victims the eye a few times from across the workout room and he keeps giving them the eye until they bites and becomes interested, then he make his move; it could a dinner date, a drink at the fitness center’s bar or maybe she even invites him over to her place or he finds were see lives and just show up, rings her bell, flash that brilliant smile and is invited in. Each time could be a little bit different; maybe he kills her right away or rapes her first. See if you can challenge his ego, put his over inflated ego on the defensive, this is strictly a voluntary assignment
Evetta handed her a tissue and after a moment she took a deep breath and continued.
As they walked down the hall I heard the reverend ask the man’s his name and he said in a high pitched voice, Esau Sneed, but they call me the X-Man the one you called a coward, well here’s to cowards,“ he said and he hit the reverend with something, I don’t know what it was but it knocked the reverend down and then…..
The tears ran freely.
And then I saw him take out a knife it looked like the same one he used on the man in the pew and stabbed the reverend repeatedly and craved an x in his chest. I hurriedly crawled back to my hiding spot and he walked out the hall and carved an x in the chest of the other man, then he left, just as cool as you please, I waited for a long time before I crawled over to the reverend, blood was everywhere; I ran out the church and nearly knocked a woman down who was entering.
INT. Ringo’s office 1 JUNE 2008-MORNING
Ringo, Evetta, Turner and Monique sat in around the table drinking coffee and discussing the case.
Mrs. Woodberry confirmed that our unsub is Esau Sneed now we just got to find him, any ideas?
Apparently he’s never been arrested nor has he any fingerprints or DNA on file.
And apparently his hunting grounds are in the Second Police District and he buys his shit from Bulls boys.
Who is this Bull character?
By night, the area between 31st Street north to 55th Street south is controlled by the 43rd Street Hustlers street gang. After years of drive byes, murders and intimidations the gang had total control of all the drugs sold in the area and made regular payoffs to the 2nd District vice Unit. Ten years ago William “Bull” Jones a governor in the gang was set-up by corrupt 2nd Police District vice Officers because he refused to increase their monthly “nut” or payoff from two thousand a week to five. Two vice-officers planted a quantity of crack cocaine on Bull and charged him with possession and intent to deliver the drug, they knew that if convicted it could result in a long prison term. Me and my partner were not part of the club in the vice unit and we found out about the set-up and broke a golden rule of any police department we ratted out the corrupt officer, We took their information to the FBI because probably the District Commander, Watch Commanders, lieutenants and some sergeants were part of the nut Bull was paying. An FBI investigation led to the arrest of many officers assigned to the district and Bull was released without charging, me and my partner reward for exposing the corruption was to be transferred to other districts miles from their home, but I had made a friend out of William “Bull” Jones.
Evetta cell phone ranged and she removed it from her purse and answered. In a few minutes she hung up.
That was Bull he said he got more information. I’m going to meet him at Sarge’s in twenty minutes.
The bar was full of older men and women looking at a video movie, a short, wore out looking barmaid was behind the bar stirring a pot of Chili, Evetta ordered a glass of white wine and sat across from Bull in a back booth.
What you got Bull?
I recently heard about the babe getting whacked on 43rd Street and one of my associates who work that area said one night awhile back he saw this little dude climbing like a monkey in the building where the shit happened. He said he watched the dude as he climbed up on the first floor rear balcony, tried the door and climb onto the second balcony and entered the apartment. He figured the guy was a burglar or somethin’ and went back to work.
I've got to interview him and the other guy who saw something on 47th Street.
Way ahead of you mama, I keep telling you I know all about this police shit. Come on they’re both in my ride, they’re too young to come in here.
Evetta followed Bull to his 2008 Escalade Cadillac, she noticed Ringo get out his vehicle and she motioned to him to stay back. Ringo got back in car. Two young men were sitting in the back seat playing a video game on a wide screen monitor as Evetta and Bull got in.
Mama, this is MOE and BO.
Evetta looked at the two young boys, Moe looked maybe fifteen and Bo looked younger.
Bo you tell mama what you saw.
I was working in the alley at my spot when I saw this little dude walking in the alley. I was in the shadows so he didn’t see me, anyway he was dressed in all black, and like that outfit my main Shaft was wearing before he flew through the window and killed all of them grease ball motherfuckers….
Get to the fucking point!
Sorry boss, anyway this guy was dressed in all black and had a backpack on his back. He jumped and grabbed the bottom of the first floor patio and pulled himself up. Flipped over the rail and moved to the side of the patio window. He peeped into the apartment, but all the lights were out. I watched him as he tried the door, but it musta been locked. Next thing I know he climbing from the first floor balcony to the second floor balcony, just like them monkeys you see in the movies, reminded me of an old Tarzan movie, I saw where……
Goddamn it, get to the point, will you!
Oops, sorry boss., anyway I watched this guy as he got to the second floor balcony, tried the door and went in, I had some bizness to conduct so I forgot about him, figured he was a burglar or somein’. About an hour later I saw him climbing back down from the second floor to the first floor and then he jumped into the ally. The muthafuka passed right by me, but didn’t see me and it looked like there was blood on his clothes. I watched him as he walked down the alley and turn right at 44th Street.
Did you see his face?
No, I think he had a mask or something over his face, but as he walked passed he said “shit,” in a fucked up accent.
Bull looked at Moe.
Like I told you boss, me and this little guy done bizness before, he usually coped weed, but this night he wanted some white powder, bought one bill worth. He went deeper into the alley snorted and came back smoking a blunt. The broad was in full view now in the window, naked as a muthafuka, you could see the hair around that snatch. Ole boy was feeling no pain and whipped it out and started jackin’ off. We both laughed and he said I’m going to get some of that pussy. I thought he was bullshitting until I saw him muscle his way through the gangway window and I saw him in the room with the broad, she was still naked, they went somewhere and I lost sight of them.
Did you see him leave?
No, but about two hours later, he came back and copped some more weed.
Did he have an accent or speak funny?
Yeah, he talked real funny; sometimes I would have to ask him what he said.
Ever see him again?
Yeah, Saturday about two months ago I saw him and a broad walking down 43rd Street, all lovey-dovey and shit, I asked if he wanted to cop but he shook his head. I watched them left the Arab joint, and then I got busy and didn’t see them anymore.
What did the woman look like?
She was a young broad, maybe twenty-one or twenty-two, not bad looking, just looked poor.
What did he look like?
A little dude maybe five feet or so, but a strong lookin’ little fucker.
Could you identify the guy?
Yeah, I believe so, I only saw him at night, but I’ll try.
Evetta and Bull exited the vehicle and stood on the sidewalk.
Hope it can help you catch this cocksucker; he’s bringing to much heat to the hood and besides he killing all that young pussy.
(hugging Bull)
Thanks Bull, you might just have save some other young pussy.
Anything for you, mama.
Bull heading back to his all black and shining Cadillac. Evetta walked to Ringo’s car and told him of the conversation.
Ringo’s office 2 JUNE 2008-MORNING
We’ve got maybe a week before Esau strikes again, suggestions?
Ringo’s cell phone ring, he answers and in a few minutes hangs up.
That was Julie at the Melony Fitness Center in Dolton who said that a guy we asked about was a member of the center and named Esau Sneed, based on what Mariah told us and we’ve found a common connection between at least three of the Vics, the Melony Fitness Center. Louise Johnson, Cynthia White and Peggy Smith were all members, but we need more, we’ve got to catch him in the act.
What about sending in an undercover to get Esau’s attention?
Who you got in mind?
The perfect officer.
Who is she?
Her name is DETECTIVE FIRST GRADE CHRISTINE “CHRISTY” GUERRA; she’s twenty-nine and has eight years on the department, five of them as a detective in the Vice Control Division-Prostitution Unit. Her father Ralph was a retired police captain and a good friend of Ist Deputy Superintendent Dennis Gult who had arranged for her to be transferred into the unit two months ago. Christy as she is called is half black and half Mexican. She is a beautiful young woman I’m sure lover-boy will e attracted to. I kinda took her under my wings she’s smart, sure of herself yet maintained her femininity, something sometimes unusual in the once all boys fraternity of a police department. I send her in.
A half hour later Cristy was in Ringo’s office.
We believe that the X-man chose his victims at the Melony Fitness Center. Remember he’s a good-looking guy, he gives his intended victims the eye a few times from across the workout room and he keeps giving them the eye until they bites and becomes interested, then he make his move; it could a dinner date, a drink at the fitness center’s bar or maybe she even invites him over to her place or he finds were see lives and just show up, rings her bell, flash that brilliant smile and is invited in. Each time could be a little bit different; maybe he kills her right away or rapes her first. See if you can challenge his ego, put his over inflated ego on the defensive, this is strictly a voluntary assignment
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