» Fiction » All the beautiful daughters of Mara, Ashok Aatreya [black male authors .TXT] 📗

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of life. She was sad with them too. She closed her eyes for anything but Anand. It was difficult for her to gouge him out now and be faithful to her spouse for all the life as she knew it was only a scriptural advice.
Their love was blind again a matter of heart and gone beyond the mind. Such relations are normally outcome of boredom. There was no feeling of guilt behaviour them. Circumstance changed or once they entered in to this new life, they never wanted to look back or adjust. Compromise was not the word in their dictionary. There titration was being conducted in a laboratory of the love god with infinitely designed burette and pipettes with the intermediate solution of unending lust. Rather it was going more mystical. The fire once kindled became more and more strong day by day as the butter oil of their lust was being added to it. They were in a state of amuck. The amorous sports of different dimensions were being played between them and that once began did not have any indication of the end. Sonal had lot to offer to Anand-- Her curvaceous body… her grace and the voluptuousness. At the time of their love making her transparent apparent displaced by the air of table fan at many occasions. The scratches on her body by his nail and teeth were like impressions of hoops of horses on the war field of epic Mahabharat as described by the great poet Ved Vyas
The relation between Sonal and Anand mostly restricted to the boundaries of house limited to two places. First was Sonal’s own home and the other was the haveli of her grand parents, where they both went as teacher and pupil. In the name of learning and coaching both of them were enjoying the wonderful world of love making. They spared no place for their game and used living rooms, kitchen, bathroom, staircase and even the store houses for their pleasure.
Although initially it started with very awkward encounter mixed with confusion and to be or not to be feeling but later it ran in its full acceptance from both sides. Their frequency of meetings increased. In the beginning, once in a while then twice a weak and ultimately they wanted it everyday. Sonal was a house wife and for Anand, as bachlor, this became a difficult proposal altogather... to some extant temporary insanity.


The rapid decline of his family reputation and emergence of a new society changed values of Aanand. His relations of his adolescent days with Shaheen and house wife Sonal transformed his total self into an adventure seeking youth…that period also spoiled his social image and he also felt depressed at many occasions… At the same time he was preparing for his college examinations and during this time. His Nani’s financial condition was also very rotten him. His maternal uncles were jobless but his youngest uncle was in touch with one rich family and Anand got a part time job in a Railway-canteen run by that family.
Looking at the past, this Canteen boy Anand had come a long way. It was a day of strong dusty wind noon when entire town was covered by darkness and he was busy in counting the money at the counter. Suddenly a group of agitating workers of Northen Railway Union of one faction entered the Canteen mounting slogans against the other party workers and within no time the other group unionists also entered there with hockey-sticks in hands just in a mood to give a tough fight to their opposite group…The situation became very tense and both the parties were almost ready to indulge in physical fight when Anand came forward and rationally separated them and made them to settle their differences peacefully…That was Anand’s first day of mediation and surprisingly his involvement in negotiating the rival groups boldly and diplomatically suggesting them the solutions of their problems perhaps seeded in him the new spirit of a future politician.
On the same evening when he reached home he found three elderly persons waiting for him…His Nani did not like their visit since they belonged to one outfit organization of R.S.S(Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh )and his Nani could very well assess the hidden intentions of those elderly persons who although enjoyed good standing and reputation of gentlemen ,their ultimate goal was to catch young persons like Anand and to indoctrinate them into specific ideology of R.S.S…Their coming home effected Anand’s mind so fast that he started going to evening play centre (Shakhas) of Sangh…the branch behind the Saturn temple of R.S.S became Anand’s new fascination point of life…From the fourth day of his visit to Shakha Anand was made Ghatnaik(Group leader)…soon he became Mukhya Shikhsak(Chief teacher)…and was being considered for the post of Pracharak (Advocate)…but unfortunately his relations with Shaheen were exposed. and under pressures he had to leave his city…that was the turning point of his life..He had gone far away from his loving Nani…away from Shaheen his love…away from the adventures of Sonal…away from the prospective new commitment holding the banner and commitment of Hindutva…in the Broadway .!But from his inner core of heart he also realized that his way of living life…was demanding some rational justification as he almost lived a life of a philander …and his decision of leaving home his people his city was perhaps going to be justified

Confronted with the Dilemma, during the years of his making, Anand had a chance meeting with the maharaja Kishansingh of erstwhile princely state, Bikampur who was the leading light of Indian shootings sports, the ace-sheet shooter. A true blue royal maharaja was invited to inaugurate the newly elated students union of his college and in his honor a cricket-match was also conducted. In the match Anand’s performance was fantastic. As an opener bowler he took seven wickets including a headtric. He not only scored a century but also impressed by his batting and bowling. It was also a chance that the crowning personality of that time Indian cricket team, the captain Veenu Mankad was maharaja’s guest and he invited Anand for a cup of tea at Lalgirh Palace, the residence of Maharaja and after tea he was immediately offered a scholarship of Rs. 250 monthly for his further studies from Maharaja's personal fund. He was also told by him to be in touch with him whenever he was in town.
Anand in a very short time came close to Maharaja’s family and almost became an intimate member of his house, even to the extent that he was made incharge of Public Relations during the campaign for his Member of Parliamentary seat. It was true that he was the youngest member of his election contest which Maharaja won with brilliant margins of votes. He remained MP for 17 years.
Anand later on became interested in the shooting also since many a time he was also invited to practice the shooting skill and used to travel alloy with maharaja or her daughter for national meets, he developed deep- rooted passion for the sport. Although he never participated in any of the shooting competitions except once… he specialized in pigeon trap and skeet while practicing regularly with the Maharaja as an aid.
At that time his age was just twenty and he came out of his teens. He had developed such a strong tie with the Maharaja’s family that he was sent to participate in the 14th. All India Shooting Selection Trials held at Ahemadabad along with the Princes who set a new record of 358/400 in Air Rifle Shooting by beating her nearest rival an army man by a big margin of 33 points…and that way Anand’s performance in the selection trial was beyond anybody’s imagination, since he was behind 40 points from the royal princess…
On return to his city he was given a warm welcome…and Maharaja himself invited him for a special dinner to honor him, as a new emerging star in the Shooting Sport…but most unfortunately his this meteoric rise and fame suddenly collapsed and eclipsed by what became a big scandal and talk of the town burning sensational story…for everyone….Anand’s becoming an illegitimate father of a prospective child from a Moslem girl, his class fellow Shaheen…It was really a big blow to his career and life...his image was shattered…that doom’s day thrown him away from the scene..
Anand's next destination was Bomay.It was almost forced upon him.Actually it was his Nani's decision that he should leave his studies and go for a diploma course in J.J school of Arts in Bombay. That was the safest place for him and would also divert his attention from Shaheen.The situation in the city of Bikampur was worsening day by day and communal tension was also mounting.On the other side his one distant relation maternal uncle, who was more of a fanetic type Arya Samaji was ready to go against the stream to the extend that he was ready to marry Anand and Shaheen by 'Arya Samaji way .For that he had already made arrangemts, cotacted the chief of his organization fo changing the religion of Shaheen. He even told his cousin that Shaheen and Anand would be taken to Udaipur and they wil be taken to the fold of Arya Samaj after purifying Shaheen she will live a secured and happy married life.Both of thaem would also get a job of teaching in some school. In those days many persons and families from Muslim community had adopted Arya Samaj as they were the earlier convert to Muslim religion by the 'invaders'. So in the openion of Anand's uncle his case was not difficult.For few days his house bacame the acive center for Arya Samajis and top local leaders had easy access with prined liteature, copy of Satyarth Prakash and Swmi Dayanand's fiery discourses. For the new ideas and enlightenment of society 'they' encouraged this bold step to be taken without deay before it it is too late.But his Nani ultimately used her 'veto' and decided to send Anand to Bomay.All hectic activities of Samajis came to hault as she had bitter experiences of life...'Doodha ka jala chhachha ko bhi phoonk phoonkar peeta hai'.She did not want her home to became another seat of experiment although she had high openion and regards for Arya Samajis and had no doubt in their capabilities and commitments.
Anand had to abondon his loving people.He had his cardboard satchel of his belongings ready, Haldol, some money in pocket, rail ticket and two letters in the name of close relatives living in Bombay given to him for reference etc.He also wanted to carry his newly purchaged parchment cricket bat with him but since he had another links of memories attached to it and his going was also not a happy affair so he had to leave his 'cricket' at the back foot and gave his bat to his close friend
Gomati, the washerlady used to bring every forth day his clothes after washing. She was a very confident lady of his Nani and shared heavy moments of his departure, expressing concern silently but blessing him for his happy future .Perhaps she brought his last 'washed white pant and shirt' and gave to him by her both hands very lightly as if a child is being given with total care. Her eyes would shine with extra emotion as if serving her own son. Gomati's Gathari (bundle of clothes ) was like a lottery- ticket for every member of the home( At that time there was no existence of lotteries )She was the true replica of 'Barahman ki dhoban' which Anand had seen many time as child in two paisa( A real three panny opera of his memories ) in the biscope came every sunday to entertain people
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