» Fiction » Destined (To Be Yours), Anaya Phoenix [good books to read for beginners TXT] 📗

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Dragon are you?”


                Thomas was laughing with his kids in his car when his cell phone rang.

“Hello?” There was silence on the other end, too much silence for his liking. He held up a finger, silencing his children and put Alpha in his voice.


“…Is this Thomas Greene?” A male voice asked, he didn’t sound too sure and that just made Tom anxious.

“Yes, this is him.”

“This is Jake, Valerie’s been taken.”



                Jake moved quickly, leaving his beta in charge and taking his third, John, with him. He took Kenna too, much to his annoyance, but he couldn’t leave his Luna defenseless, or with his pack. He wouldn’t want them to suffer. They took the first plane they could to Dakota, he wanted to find his friend as quickly as he could. They’d scoped out Valerie’s apartment, took pieces of her clothing and pictures of everything. He hoped that Thomas and his pack could help. Thomas and Molly were there when they landed and one look at them he could tell they were suffering. He looked to Molly whose eyes watered when she took him in.

“You’ve gotten so grown.” She said, wrapping her arms around his much older body and squeezing. Kenna cleared her throat but he couldn’t bring himself to care, Molly did though.

“Oh, who’s this? Mate to your third?” She asked, separating from him and holding out her hand.

“No, I’m his mate, the Luna.” Kenna said, wanting to throw the title out there, as she took hold of Molly’s hand.

“You’re his what now?” She asked leaning closer, hoping to have heard wrong.

“His mate, Luna of the New York pack.” Molly narrowed her eyes and took her hand back quickly but subtly.

“I’m sure you are.” She said politely then moved back in place next to Thomas.

“I’m Alpha of the Dakota pack, this is my mate.” He said, raising a brow and putting emphasis on mate and looking to Jake.

“I’m John, his third, and this is my son Isaac.” John said, patting his son’s head.

“John, Isaac? Very holy names, you got there.” John dipped his head at Molly’s statement and smiled good- naturedly.

“Let’s get to the house, shall we?”


“More kids?!? You brought more kids into the house?” Jesse asked, bulging his eyes out at Isaac who looked unsure.

“He’s teasing, right Jesse?” Alissa said, sidling up next to her brother and slapping him on the arm. Isaac looked to her and his eyes bulged even more. She cocked her head and took a step closer, then back.

“Strange.” She said, shrugged then walked to where the youngest sat, doodling.

“Kids, please make Isaac comfortable. If you need us… please don’t set the house on fire.” Molly said, then smiled at the youngest and led the way to the den.  Luna elbowed Cara then pointed to Kenna, who looked down her nose at every thing in the house.

“She doesn’t like kids.” Luna whispered, then her and Cara smiled and walked to stand in front of her together.

“Yes?” She asked after they stared at her for a while. Cara punched Luna, then Luna punched Cara until they were in an all out brawl. Kenna stood there, shocked and scared by what was happening.

“Hey! You two! Pack it in!” Anna yelled, jumping over the couch, to break them up, only to be sucked into the madness.

“What the hell is- My god! I can’t even leave you kids alone for five fucking seconds!” Molly growled, then snatched Cara from the fight, Thomas walked over and snatched Luna from the fight. Anna stood, her red hair in disarray, breathing intensely and looking up at them.

“It was her fault!” She said, pointing to Kenna, who widened her eyes.

“What? No.”

“Why are you starting fights amongst the children, Luna.” Molly sneered the title, looking highly angry at the girl.

“But I-“

“Kenna! Dammit, get your ass in here and stop causing problems.” Jake yelled, sounding really ticked off.

“But, but-“

“No damn buts! Get in here, now!” She huffed, threw an angry glare at the children and walked past the Alpha couple. Cara and Luna looked at Anna from their parents arms and smiled.

“You’re not a cunt bitch after all.” Luna said, smirking at the girl who shook her head went back over to where Jesse sat. Molly shook her head and put Cara down, then went to the den, Thomas soon following after her.


                Her mind was groggy when she awoke and she sucked her teeth and growled.

“”How many times are you people going to fucking drug me?” She hissed through her teeth, putting her hand on her head and standing on her unsure feet.

“Why do you say ‘you people’ as if you’re not one of us?” The dragon asked and, though Valerie couldn’t see him, he was smirking.

“I’m not, I wasn’t the one killing innocents and waging wars on whatever species I could… including yours.” She said, rubbing her temples. She felt the cage rattle, but she didn’t jump. She didn’t dare, that would show weakness and in here they ate weakness up and spit it out.

“They’ve never touched my kin, my kin has been loyal to the hunters for ages. Unlike you.” He spat and she looked at him.

“How long have you been here?”

“I was recruited last year.” He puffed up his chest with pride and Valerie snorted, then shook her head.

“Three years ago the hunters attacked the dragons that resided in Romania.”

“For what?”

“Nothing. There was no clause, whatsoever, they just attacked. When the Romanian dragons fought back the hunters then wrote in the records that they’d killed thousands of humans. They only killed three, and that was because those three pushed the boundaries and tried to steal members.”

“No, you’re lying.” He snarled, she rolled her eyes and focused on rubbing her aching temples.

“The Romanian dragons are the calmest of all the dragons, they’ve got their own land, their own time, they’ve got their own magick. They’ve never killed a human before, ever, so why would they suddenly star now? Doesn’t make sense, right? Your precious hunters killed them off, there are only three alive to my knowledge, and their all here.”

“No, their not! I’ve seen every fucking inch of this place!”

“Have you? Then you’ve seen level D, where they keep your kind under strict and torturous watch. I believe they keep them in cells just like this, if not stronger and smaller.”

“There’s no such thing as a level D.” She smirked and shook her head, approaching the gate and putting magic in the palm of her hand.

“Take this, go to the elevator and glide your hand over the surface without touching it, levels you’ve probably never even heard of will pop up. My magick isn’t strong enough to help you see them all, but this will help you see level D.” She held her hand out to him and he looked to her with big brown dragon eyes. He took it cautiously and she blinked,, then pulled her hand back in the cage.

“Good luck Dragon.”


                Jesse had turned on the Xbox and popped in Just Dance, and just like that the Greene’s were whole. Luna, Cara, Alissa and Jesse all had sensors on and they danced just like, if not better, than the people on the screen. After their one dance the youngest went and danced awkwardly but it was pretty to watch. Lina gave her sensor to Ander, Libby gave hers to Anna and Aubrey gave hers to Isaac. They latched it on and picked a song, a relatively easy one, then got ready. As the twins and Isaac moved in time with the dancers on the screen Luna sat up and gulped.

“Ho-ly shit.” Jesse frowned and looked at her, then back to the twins and Isaac.

“What?” She looked to him, then back to the screen, then back to him.

“Well… at least it isn’t only me who she hates in this family.” She said and sat back, crossing her legs and waiting for her turn. With an even deeper frown he looked to his twin who merely shrugged and paid attention to the dancers.

Chapter 20

“Who’d want to take her?” Molly asked, running her fingers through her hair and blowing air through her teeth.

“We don’t know, I don’t know. I’ve tried to look at it from every angle but I just don’t see it.” Jake said, rubbing his temples and squeezing his eyes closed.

“Name them.”                                                       


“Name the angles you’ve looked at them from.” Thomas said, standing up and pacing. Molly frowned but said nothing.

“It can’t be dragons, she’s got nothing to do with them. Wolves would never touch her after the help, even rogues wouldn’t dare to. Fey don’t necessarily like halflings, but to go as far as kidnapping her? I don’t think so.”

“Hunters.” John said, his face clearing up for the slightest amount of time.

“Why would they want her?”

“She was on our team. That’s the only reason I can think of. They see her as a traitor because se fought with us and not against us.” John said, putting his elbows on his knees.

“But they threw her to us, hoping we’d kill her on sight.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t. Think about it, their plans didn’t go the right way. Instead of getting rid of a problem, they intensified it. This, them taking her, is their way of righting it.” John said, peering into Molly’s eyes.

“They don’t like to be wronged.” Thomas muttered from experience.

“But to-“

“Grandma, I’m hungry and I have to ask your permission to go to the kitchen.” JJ said, the door bursting open, with Cara on his back and her hands over his eyes.

“And would somebody please get this crazy female off of me!!” He said, growling and twisting and turning to try and get her off.

“A little help here would be nice.” Cara growled as she fought to stay on. Molly rushed to him, blocking Jake from seeing JJ and vice versa.

“Yes, baby, you can get anything you want from the kitchen.” She said, pulling Cara off of him and sending the girl on her way.

“Thanks Grandma-“

“What’d I say about that name JJ?” She asked, sitting on her haunches in front of the boy and fixing his messy black hair.

“You said not to call you Grandma because it makes you sound older than for-“

“Yeah, let’s not say how old I am. Ok?” She said jokingly poking him in the belly. He smiled then looked up, then his face cleared. Everything happened so fast she barely had time to catch her breath before the boy zoomed past her and towards his father, his claws out and his eyes feral and amber.

“Oldest!” She yelled, standing up, just as they came piling in, tearing the boy off of his father.

“Let me go!!” He growled as his body bucked to try and attack his father, who had his hands over his throat.

“Not until you calm the fuck down!” Cara growled, putting more pressure on his pressure point. He whined and whimpered, then growled and tried to lunge for his father again.

“Somebody get that boy out of here!” Kenna shrieked, running to her mate and checking his neck. Thomas sighed and grabbed the fighting boy by his shirt and lifted him up. He still fought, even though the shirt limited his attacks.

“Calm down.” He said slowly, putting Alpha I his voice. The boy stilled for a moment then snarled and fought

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