» Fiction » Endless Memoir, Seraph Wedd [rainbow fish read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «Endless Memoir, Seraph Wedd [rainbow fish read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author Seraph Wedd

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using a summoned being for more than what the user can physically support causing his spirit to take the brunt of the strain. For your case, that would be that wind lance you wielded.”

The lance. If I remember clearly, it is the magic circle I added to my gloves right after reading about some books from the self-proclaimed god. It was a book pertaining the lost magic of summoning that I heard days ago.

“What is that lance?”

With a serious face, Doctor Tessa asked. I too wanted to know what that lance was. I also want to know why I know how to wield it that proficiently.

“…… Who knows?”

I couldn’t say anything as it was just a test in my perspective. I didn’t even exactly know what will come out of that circle. Actually, I was surprised upon suddenly seeing a long lance, or rather, halberd, in my hands. If I had a bit more time before that, I may be able to decipher what that halberd really is.

“But… Before that…” I suddenly said, interrupting the flow of conversation.

“What’s with that letter you left with Nina? If not for that letter… Never mind.”

I wanted to know the truth. That letter, and the meaning behind it. And also, about the truth that was hidden from me by this world, and even by the gods.

Upon hearing my question, Doctor Tessa’s face crumpled into a slight frown. Mary and Nina were both looking worriedly towards her. Blaire was just silently listening on one side of the platform. After a few moments of silence, Doctor Tessa finally let out a loud sigh.

“Haaaa… Okay… Tonight, I’ll properly explain everything to you all. But remember, once you heard of this, there’s no turning back. Better prepare your hearts for this.”

Her sharp eyes scanned all our faces and finally stopped on mine. I stared back, relaying my unwavering will to know the truth. As if finally being convinced about something, she nodded her head lightly.


Suddenly, an old voice interrupted our conversation. Turning to the culprit, we saw the village chief, wearing somewhat gaudy looking clothes, walking towards us slowly.

“The preparation for the festival is about to finish. We elders should head to the table just about now.”

“Festival?” I can’t help but parrot back those words.

“Ah, you were asleep so you didn’t know right?” Nina asked before continuing.

“5 days ago, we decided to hold a festival to commemorate the successful defense of Mujyara. Of course, it was decided that as the highlight of the event we, the heroes of the battle, would give a speech towards everybody!”

Nina proudly announced. Did they time it exactly when I would wake up? I felt somewhat touched and pissed at the same time. I hate being the center of attention and judging from her words, us four would be giving the speech. I want to just skip out on the festival…

“… I still feel a bit lightheaded so maybe I’ll pass on the festival for now…”

I said an excuse as I quickly headed back up. Luckily, nobody stopped me. All I heard before I started climbing the stairs is the synchronized sigh of the three girls.


Suddenly, the feeling of stepping on solid ground was lost and my vision turned towards the sky.

“No skipping~!”

That’s the only thing that the culprit, Nina, said while carrying me above her head like I weighed nothing. The other girls were slightly snickering behind me. Looking closely, she was equipped with her pristine white gauntlets that boosts her strength. I couldn’t recall hearing her chant though…

And like a picked up loot, I was carried that way towards what seemed to be the seat of honor that was right at the middle of the plaza. I was dropped down and made to sit on the one at the middle and the girls took seats beside me. Mary and Nina to both sides and Blaire to Mary’s other side. In front of us, the whole elder council were sitting.

“This is tyranny…”

I muttered sulkily. With a slightly apologetic expression, Mary said that if they didn’t do that, I surely wouldn’t participate in the festival. As a compromise, I was allowed to just sit down and not to give a speech.

Soon, about exactly at noon, the festival started. The elders each gave their speech and thanks to the saviors (us) of the village. After that, the three girls gave their speech just as planned. I was just silently listening to them though.

After their slightly embarrassing speech (which turned to somewhat like an advertisement of my works) the feast started.

Even though it’s just noon, most of the men started drinking with several of the women drinkers. The sound of their loud laughter while exchanging boastful stories set the light mood around.

Some villagers started playing instruments. A lively tune echoed clearly around the plaza. Several kids danced to the music with their family. The smiles on their faces were something priceless.

I, on the other hand, just picked some small parts of the food. A single piece of roasted meat, some sort of soup, salad and fruits. The drinks I took was the lemon like juice that was somewhat popular to the kids.

I ate to my heart’s content while sitting down on my chair. The reluctance to participate was slowly dissipating in my heart.

The celebration continued for quite a while. Some drunkards were already lying face-down on their tables while holding large mugs of beer and wine. Kids were sleeping soundly after playing to their fullest and eating delicious food.

Seeing this scene, nobody would have thought that we had just lost about a couple of dozen of men and women from defending the village. I clenched my fists silently while I strengthened my resolve.

When the sun was almost about to set, a large bonfire was prepared. Looks like the festival would continue until deep into the night.

However, the four of us had other plans.

“Doctor Tessa…”

I muttered silently.

As promised, we paced slowly towards Doctor Tessa’s location. Seeing us coming together, her face turned solemn.

Then, we moved slightly farther away from the bonfire, to where some seats were prepared. Me, Mary and Nina on one side of the table while Blaire and Doctor Tessa on the other.

After the loud cheer of the surrounding villagers when the bonfire was lit, the story began.

Chapter 20: Oracle of the Gods

The heat of the large bonfire in one corner of the plaza not only pushed away the cold night wind, it even sent the spirit of the villagers aflame. The sound of cheers, interweaving with the light and lively music really does show a festive mood.

In a place far enough to not be bothered by the noise and heat, but not far enough to be bothered by the cold, we are seated while facing each other.

Doctor Tessa. The village’s only doctor. Though she was old enough to be around five-times my age, her face still retains a slightly youthful trace.

And now, only solemnity surrounds her.

“… Where should I start…?”

She muttered with a sigh in a small voice. Then, she fixed her stance and stared straight into my eyes.

“Nazo, you already know about the Gods right?”

Upon hearing the sudden question, I wavered. It is not because I know the answer to her question, in fact, I don’t know a thing about the Gods of this world. What bothered me was the hidden hint in her words that “I” have met the “Gods”.

I nodded ever so slightly in response. Doctor Tessa breaks into a small mocking smile after seeing my reaction.

“The mission you received is something very important to this world.”

She spoke fluently. As if knowing about it right from the start. Even though I haven’t told anyone about the mission I was given aside from the girls who didn’t really believed me. All of us were just staring straight at her, listening to every words she says.

“The mission you received is actually a mission given to someone that is destined to become a Hero that will save this world. Though heroes appears only once in every hundreds of years, their mission never changes.”

The other girls nods slightly. Looks like that was common sense to the residents of this world. Still, was she saying that I am a Hero selected by the Gods?

“… The last hero to appear was approximately 60 years ago. He was a man named Yuushiro, son of a farmer and a certain eastern village chief’s daughter. Before him, the last hero was recorder from 280 years ago and the one before that was from 570 years ago…”

There are quite large gaps on the timing of heroes’ appearances... Wait. Then…

“Right. Nazo is surely not a Hero. That is because not even a hundred years passed since the last one’s time.”

She said it in a sharp voice that pierces straight to my soul. So I’m not a hero… I felt relief for a short moment. But then, a question appeared in my mind.

“… If I’m not a Hero then why am I given a mission?”

Right. It was said that heroes are given that mission. The mission of liberating the world from monsters.

To my question, Doctor Tessa only shook her head slightly.

“I don’t know… Originally, heroes are assigned after being given that job from the adventurer’s guild or by the oracles passed from the Gods. And neither of the two happened. So you are certainly not a Hero.”

After taking a deep breath, waiting for us to digest her words, she continued with a grave voice.

“Though, I am sure of one thing. Nazo, you are an Irregular.”

I was shocked from her words for a moment. But then, she continued and explained.

“You are neither summoned by the gods nor the people of this world but instead came through your own will and power. In other words, you are an existence that is out of this world. Though this world isn’t rejecting you, it isn’t accepting you fully too.”

Being neither rejected nor accepted… I don’t know what to think of that… But now that I heard this much from Doctor Tessa, a new question popped. Why does she know this much about me?


Doctor Tessa silently stood up and paced towards the side of the table with the light from the bonfire against her back.

“Let me introduce myself fully. I am Tessa Evergreen Pendragon the wife of the last hero Arthur Oliver Pendragon. I am an oracle under the Goddess of Life Sapphire, the one whom have spoken to you inside your dreams.”


The three girls, together with me, muttered in surprise. For me, the part I was confused of was the name. Wasn’t the name of the last Hero supposed to be Yuushiro? Also, an oracle of the goddess that spoke to me? There were too many things that bothers me that I couldn’t think straight anymore…

“The name Arthur Oliver Pendragon was originally a name bestowed by the goddess through me, the hero’s designated oracle. And as most of the time, the hero and the oracle marries each other, just like how we did, I succeeded his bestowed name.”

“S-So Doctor Tessa is actually a great person?!”

Nina shouted as she regained her senses. With a wry, painful smile, Doctor Tessa shook her head.

“Though we were hero and his oracle, we didn’t achieve much. Just like the previous heroes, we couldn’t even reach the nearest dungeon. So I am not that great of a person.”

Slowly, everything made sense. How Doctor Tessa knows my background, how she believed I’m from another world easily, and even that letter.

“Right. That letter is something that the goddess told me to write. Then, I passed it to Nina and gave the conditions that the goddess told me, which is when you decide to go on your own. Though I didn’t think that it would be for that moment…”

She said as if reading my mind. That said letter contains brief but meaningful words. I took out the said letter from my pocket, unfolded it, and read its contents.

Nanami Kamizo,

Right before the sun sets this day, all of the residents will die. Make haste and decide your own path.

That’s what was written on it.

What’s more, it was written in English and in cursive, which was far different from this country’s letters (Japanese).

That, and the fact that the goddess just spoke to me made me think and act at the same time, leading to us making it in time though a little late.

“… Are you satisfied already?”

Doctor Tessa then asked me a question. I just closed my eyes and leaned back on my chair in response.

In summary, she is an oracle of the goddess of life named Sapphire that was the one who spoke to me in my

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