» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

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dad pushed him down the stairs? And how Gavin’s face darkened something told me that Gavin was hiding something and I was itching to find out. Chapter Twelve: Confessions & Dinners

"Where were you?” Was the first thing my mom asked when I entered the house.

“Out.” I replied, brushing past her and heading for the stairs.

“Out?” She repeated.

“Yes mother, outside as in away from this prison.” I muttered, under my breath.

“Alice, you do realize that the dinner is today and you aren’t even close to being ready.” She yelled throwing her arms up in frustration.

I opened my mouth to speak, but the corner of my eye detected a small figure trying to see around the corner. “Thomas!” I yelled out.

He came out of the corner shyly facing me his face flushed with embarrassment. “I thought you were going to cover for me!”  I exclaimed, exasperated.

“I said, I was going to cover for you. I never said, I was going to do a good job.”

I scowled in return at my brothers smart antics. “Both of you, enough!”  My mother exclaimed rubbing her temples. “Thomas, upstairs and take a shower.” Thomas opened his mouth to complain but my mother shot her a ‘don’t mess with me face.' He let out a sigh, trudging upstairs to take the shower.

She then turned to me and pointed her finger. “You. Are coming with me we have less than three hours and you don’t even look half presentable.” She spoke grabbing my wrist and hailing me up the stairs.


Three hours, six minutes and God knows how many seconds but after a whole lot of arguing, screaming, snack breaks and a whole lot of hair pulling I looked completely transformed.

“Woah.” I said, completely breathless as I stared at myself in the full length mirror. I ran my hand through my brown hair was curled and pinned to the left side of my head. “Don’t touch.” My mother said swatting my hand away from my hair.

I tilted my head to the side as I saw not a seventeen year old girl in the mirror but an eight year old me staring back. I smiled as I saw all the times I dressed up as a princess as a little girl flash before my eyes.

I then ran my hands over my strapless ball gown, it was silver and had many sparkles and when it reached my waist it flowed down to my feet a nice light blue color. “Ready to make our big entrance?” My mother whispered breaking me from my thoughts.

I nodded turning around to face her. My mom had on a strapless purple ball gown with her hair put in a neat bun, she smiled lovingly at me.

“Oh before I forget.” She said, turning around and grabbing a necklace out of a blue satin box. “I wanted to give this to you.” She said, holding out a silver necklace with a key in the middle. A big smile made its way onto my face as I started chuckling.

“What?” She asked, confused. “Don’t you like it?”

I shook my head. “Of course, I love it! But it’s so cheesy.” I said, chuckling once more. “But thank you so much.” I told her, my laughter dying out wrapping my mom in a hug.

“No problem, sweetie. Now we better get going we are already as late as it is.”

I quickly put on the necklace my mother gave me giving myself one last look in the mirror before following her outside. We walked to the stairs my mom leading as I followed her silently behind. Once we made it downstairs we went down the west hall towards the dinner room.

It was a huge room that had a lot of empty space and a room that led to the kitchen. It was usually only held for balls and dinners.

Once we entered the ball/dinner room my eyes roamed at all the couples dancing and mingling with each other. “You look beautiful sweetheart.” I heard, someone say.

I turned my head to see my dad giving my mom a quick peck. I faked gagged in my mouth as my mom started to blush. “Thanks pumpkin.” She said, giggling like a fifteen year old school girl.

I let out a fake cough trying to grab there attention. My dad’s eyes finally left my mom noticing me standing awkwardly to the side.

“You look beautiful, Alice.” He said, looking at me for a quick second then his eyes returning to my mother.

They were acting like love-sick teenagers. I let out an inwardly groan inside my head. I was about to walk away when my father called me back. “Alice I want you too meet a few people.” He told me, finally looking at me. He gave my mom another quick peck on the lips before nodding to me, to follow him.

“Mr. President.” A few people said acknowelding my father as we walked over to them.

“Oh President Montclair, didn’t see you there.” An old lady said, faking a laugh trying to fill in the awkward air.

“Lucielle.” My dad said, “I would like you and everyone else to meet my daughter Alice.”

They waved hello at me as Lucielle spoke looking directly at me in distaste. “Alice you look lovely, a little bit too much skin showing don’t you think?” She asked, cocking an eyebrow.

I was taken aback by her question. “I am jut saying Alice, boys are only after one thing and you are showing it to them.” She replied simply taking a sip of her wine.

My jaw dropped at Lucielle's attitude. My mouth opened and closed repeatedly as I held back from attacking the old woman. I turned my head over to my dad who seemed deep in conversation with an old Chinese man. I then looked back at Lucielle who seemed pleased with herself.

“Luceille?” I spoke up, gaining her attention. “I am sorry if you think I am that kind of girl, but I will most definitely take your opinion into consideration.” I said, through my gritted teeth. “It was nice meeting you but I really have to go.” I said, lying through my clenched teeth.

“Nonsense! I want you to meet my grandson, before you leave.” I opened my mouth to protest but she already waved at a boy who looked my age making his way over to us.

“Yes Grandma?” The boy said in a polite manner.

“Jonathan, I would like you to meet the first daughter Alice.” Lucielle spoke. “I am sure she would enjoy your company.”

“It’s alright, I was actually going to-" I was cut of my Jonathan grabbing my hand and kissing it.

“It is nice too meet you Alice.” He spoke is a smooth voice. “My name is Jonathan Freda.”

“Um...” I began to stutter to the good looking boy, he had black hair that was slicked back and blue eyes that seemed to stand out. “It is nice too meet you, Jonathan.” I said, retrieving my hand from his grasp.

“Well it looks like you both are well acquainted, so it looks like I will be on my way.” Linda said walking away.

I turned to Jonathan. “Well it is really nice meeting you and all but I have to get back to my brother-" I said, Jonathan cutting me off by putting his arm around me. “Um, can you please get your hand off?” I said, trying to shrug of his arm that was draped around my shoulders.

“Aw, don’t be like that Alice.” Jonathan said, tugging me over one of the vacant tables.

“Jonathan get your hands of me.” I spoke, through my clenched teeth. My biggest pet peeve was when people touched me.

“Come on Alice loosen up.” He replied.

“I believe she said to get your arm of her. And if I was you I would before I do something that you will regret.” I heard a voice speak. We turned around to come face to face with Ben.

“Mind you own business dude, the lady was just joking around.” Jonathan replied, hugging me even closer to him.

“I am giving you five seconds to get your hands off her.” Ben spoke, menacingly. “Five… four… three… two….”

“Jonathan, just get your hands off me.” I spoke, quickly trying to refrain from a fight breaking out in less than a second.

“I am not scared of him.” Jonathan chuckled, humorously.

“One.” I heard, Ben growl, watching him as he grabbed the collar of Jonathan’s shirt and pinned him against the wall.

“Ben!” I said, letting out a shriek, as I wrapped my arms around his triceps. I pulled him away from Jonathan who seemed to be breathing heavily. “What is wrong with you?”

“Me? I was helping trying to help you!” Ben huffed, as he sent dirty looks to Jonathan.

I turned to look at Jonathan who seemed to be looking at Ben in amusement. “Maybe it would be best if you just leave.” I said, to Jonathan.

“Whatever, it’s no fun here anymore.” He muttered to himself, as he walked away disappearing into the crowd of people.

“What the heck is wrong with you?” I yelled, becoming frustrated. “This is a ball room not cage fighting arena.”

Ben tilted his head at me, examining me. “I’m sorry.”

I wanted to scream at him for doing something stupid but instead I just nodded casting my gaze onto the floor. “It’s okay.” I whispered, the memories of him and Holly appeared making me feel stupid and a bit queasy.

“No Alice, I am not apologizing for almost beating Jonathan to pulp.” He said, sincerity in his eyes. “But, I am apologizing for the whole thing with Holly and for not being a caring friend and for everything I’ve done. I was stupid and it has been killing me and Holly having you mad at us. “ Ben said, casting his hazel eyes to the ground. “All I am asking for is for you to forgive me.” He told me, his big hazel eyes looking at me through his bangs.

“I don’t know Ben.” I said, quietly. “I want to forgive you, I really do. B-but I can't not right now.” I told, him. “I'm sorry.” I added, quietly.

I felt caught in the middle between wanting to forgive him but at the same time something was telling me not to.

He was quiet for a few seconds probably processing my answer then nodding shoving his hands into his tuxedo pockets. “I understand if I was in your place I wouldn’t forgive myself to easily as well.”

I gave him a small smile. “Thanks Ben, now if you would excuse me I have a family to go and bore.” I said, trying to lighten up the mood.

He chuckled. “Yeah, I should get back to my parents as well.” He said, looking at the people who were now being seated at there tables. “But, Alice before can I ask you something? It’s kind of important.”

I nodded. “Sure.”

He took a deep breath. “Remember when I wanted to ask you something but then I didn’t, and you asked me if I was going to ask you out?” He rushed, out.

I nodded my head, trying to process his words. “Yeah.” I began, slowly remembering the scene. It was awkward for the rest of the week because I never actually got my answer. “Wait, why are you asking me this now?”

He took a deep

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