» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

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to give up on me.

“Alice, I am really sorry if I hurt you in anyway. You know the whole making out on your bed and how I accused you slept with Gavin. It was wrong of me to assume, and invade your private life.” She said looking at me with sincere apology in her eyes. “I am really sorry.”

I gave her a small smile, “I am sorry too. I should have let you explain, instead of kicking you out of my room before you even had a chance.”

Holly let out a small chuckle. “Thanks, I am just glad things will finally be able to go back to normal.”

I nodded my head. “I should get going the guards have been looking at the car for the last five minutes, like it’s from another planet.” I said, motioning my head to the two guards who were by the main entrance staring at the car.

She nodded understanding “I better get going too. I’ll see you tomorrow Ali-Cat!” Holly said as I got out of the car.

I laughed at her childish nickname she made for me, when we were seven. “Aright see you tomorrow Holly-Bear!” I said, chuckling. I was about to close the door, when I suddenly remembered something.

“Holly? Who else knew about the divorce?” I asked, unsure of her answer.

“If you are trying to ask me if your parents knew, then yes. They were the first people to know.” She answered.

“Exactly how long ago?”

“A week or two.” She said, shrugging her shoulders.

I raised my eyebrows, my parents had known for a week that Aunt Teddy and Uncle Jerry were getting divorced, why didn't they mention it to me?

“Thanks Holls, see you tomorrow!” I said, finally shutting the door and making my way to the front entrance.

I waved as Holly backed out and drove toward the gates. She honked a couple of times, when she finally crossed the gates, I opened the front door on a search to find my parents.

“Afternoon Miss Alice," A guard spoke, looking at me as I approached him.

“Afternoon.” I replied, “Do you happen to know where my parents are?”

He nodded his head, “They both went into the Oval Office a few minutes ago.”

I nodded my head in gratitude. “Thanks.”

“I am sorry Miss Alice, but you can’t go in there.” Spoke someone from behind me.

“I’ll be quick I promise.” I responded to the guard standing a few meters away from me. I didn't give him a chance to respond because I had already opened the door and entered.

“Alice?” I heard someone say. I looked up from my shoes to see my mom looking at me with confused eyes. “Why are you here?”

“I had something to ask you.” I replied, glancing at my dad who was seated on one of the couches in his office. His eyes fixated on his computer.

“What is it sweetheart? Did something happen to you?” She asked, worriedly.

I shook my head. “No mom, nothing happened to me. But, something did happen to Holly.”

“You found out about the divorce, didn't you?"

I nodded. “Why didn't you tell me?”

“I- we thought that you knew already.”

“Well, I do now.” I muttered.

“I honestly think we should stay out of this, after all it’s there family problem to deal with anyways.” My dad spoke, for the first time since I arrived.

My eyes widened. How could he say something like that? We are family, aren't we supposed to stick together when the going gets tough? 

“Dad, it’s your sister! How could you say such a thing?” I questioned, my voice beginning to rise.

“Alice. Don’t raise your voice at me.” My dad warned, “I am in charge of a country. I have many duties Alice and Aunt Teddy isn't one of them anymore, she is a grown woman."

“So if I ever get a divorce is this how you are going to act? Like a country is more important than your own blood?” I questioned.

“Alice.” He warned. “You are not going to get a divorce because you will marry, a well respected man who will take care of you in the future.” He said looking back at his laptop.

“I am not five, dad. I can take care of my self. I don’t need a rich snob ‘taking care of me’” I said throwing his words back at him.

I looked at my dad waiting for him to reply, to what I said but he didn't he just stared at his laptop like me talking back to him, did not even affect him in the slightest bit.

“Honey, why don’t you go take your brother out to the park or for a treat or something” My mom suggested, cutting into the conversation, probably because she didn't want it to start into a yelling match in a few minutes or something.

I nodded only because if I didn't I knew this conversation with my dad would end up even worse than it already was. “Alright.” I agreed, looking straight at my father who paid no attention.

“Remember to take one of the guards with you and be home by six, Thomas should be in his room.” She said, taking a seat next to my father and rubbing her hand on his leg, probably to comfort him or something.

I nodded my head, walking out of the room. “Have fun!” I heard, my mom shout as I closed the door.

I let out a sigh, as I leaned against the door. It seemed lately, I was picking a fight with everyone, Ben, Holly, Sarah, Gavin and now my own father.

I made my way down the hallway as I picked up the bag I threw on the floor when I arrived home. I made my way towards the stairs in search of Thomas. Once I arrived at his room door, I knocked waiting for his reply.

“Come in.”

I pushed the door open, walking in. Normally,  I wouldn't knock on his door but I wanted to stop acting like a bitch to everyone and this was a start.

“Do you need something?” Thomas asked, looking up from his book.

I cocked an eyebrow at him. “You’re reading?”

He nodded his head slowly. “Yeah, what does it look like I am doing building a moose?”

“Well, then.” I replied. “It’s just that kids your age would be playing video games or running around in mud.” I told him truthfully, taking a seat on his bed.

He moved over and came and sat next to me. “I think we both established that we are not normal kids.” He replied.

I rolled my eyes. “At least I am trying to be normal, I am going to school.”

Thomas chucked, groaning into his pillow. “Shut up.” He muttered.

“Anyways I came here for a purpose, get dressed we are going to the park then for some ice cream.” I said patting his knee and getting up from his bed.

“What’s wrong with the clothes I have on now?” He asked.

“You are wearing dress pants and shoes, as well as a tie. What isn't wrong with it? Ten year old's these days, don't really consider that as things they would wear to the park. A funeral, maybe?" Thomas glared, at me in return. "Just change into some jeans or something and a hoodie and meet me downstairs in two.” I told him, walking out of his room.

I quickly went into my room and changed into something more appropriate to going to the park. I changed into a pair of blue dark washed jeans, a T-Shirt that said J’adore, on top of that I wore a black zip up sweater and paired the whole outfit together with my favorite black converse.

I then quickly braided the front section of my hair, until it reached my ear pinning it off with a bobby pin. My hair still wasn't long enough to pull in a pony tail, so braids would just have to do for now.

By the time I got down the stairs I saw Thomas and Ricky waiting by the door for me. Thomas took my suggestion and put on a pair of light blue jeans and a green hoodie, he was wearing a light jacket on top, due to being almost the end of February it was getting warmer but it was still a little chilly outside.

“Ready?” Ricky asked, us.

“What are you doing here?” I questioned, him as he opened the door for us, ushering us outside.

“I heard something about going to the park, and wanted to come along. Besides I need a little fresh air.” He said, getting into the driver’s seat of a small black car.

“It seems to me you hear about a lot of things.” I muttered, to no one in general.

Thomas and I took a seat at the back. It was a quiet ride to the park, with the only sounds coming from Ricky as he tried speaking in different accents. Don’t ask, because I don’t even know myself.

“We are here your majesties!” Ricky said, his version of a British accent.

Thomas and I both got out of the car as we made our way towards the playground with a bunch of kids running around.

“I’ll be over there.” Ricky said, pointing to one of the benches were parents sit to watch there child play and interact. “I’ll leave you two to bond.” He said, walking away.

I turned to Thomas. “So what do you want to do?” I asked.

He shrugged. “I don’t know, because If I remember correctly. You are the one who dragged me out of the house.”

“You were reading a book! You should be thankful.” I said, looking around the park for something to do.

I was scanning the playground for something we both could do. “Hey, how about some soccer?” I asked him pointing to a couple of kids playing on what looked to be a soccer field.

“We can’t just go up to them and ask if we could join!” Thomas argued.

I shrugged ignoring my little brother as I started to make my way to the boys. “Excuse me?” I called trying to get there attention.

Two boys turned around to face me, they looked to be eleven or twelve years old. “Do you mind if we join you?”

The two boys turned to each other and shrugged. “Sure. The more the merrier.” One of the boys said. “Oh by the way, the name’s Sam.” He said, pointing to himself. “And that’s Mark.” He said, pointing to the blonde kid who was now talking to the other kids pointing at me and Thomas. He was probably telling them about us.

“I am Ali and this is my brother Thomas. I said to the brunette kid, pointing at Thomas who was standing a few feet away from me.

“Cool.” Sam replied, smiling at us.

At that moment Mark came up from behind him with a soccer ball in hand. “Ready?” He asked, looking at Thomas and I.

I nodded my head,  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” I replied, following the boys while dragging an unwilling Thomas behind me. Chapter Fifteen: Lost Children & Trips

"You have exactly five seconds to get you lazy ass out of bed before I get the jug."

There could only be one person in the entire world who would say something like that to me. Holly. I groaned turning around and burying my head into my pillow.


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