» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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ago to see the Queen they found no real reason of having to go again. So my parents decided that he would be the one to watch us while they were gone and when Uncle Robbie and my parents were gone it’s our cook Marco and maid Melinda who would usually watch us.

“Why me? What about Thomas?” I said, pointing to my little brother.

He shrugged. “All she said was to make sure Thomas doesn’t eat any sweets. Apparently he tends to go over the roof when he gets too much sugar.”

“When I was six.” He said, in annoyance.

I rolled my eyes. “So, back to me?”

“Well first, you aren’t allowed to leave the house without any guards except for school. You have Benjamin apparently.” I nodded my head at that; it seemed pretty rationale. “Next, you have to take care of Thomas make sure he stays out of trouble and third the guards’ families kids are coming over they aren’t many kids so you are in charge of seeing over them.”


“Your mom forgot to tell you when you left this morning with your friends. She was actually the one who was going to see over these kids but since they had to fly over to England for some meeting with the Queen it was too late to cancel.” He said, looking over at the paper where it had all the instructions my mom must have left for him.

I sighed, resting my head on the counter. It was such a late notice, and call me a freak but I liked things planned ahead of time. I didn’t really like when people sprung things on me. “Okay what time will they be here?” I asked, Uncle Robbie.


It was three thirty now, so it gave me half an hour before all the kids started arriving. “Why did my mom even plan this to begin with?”

“The guards’ work hard and are not always around to take care of their spouses and kids so she wanted to help them out a little.”

“But it really makes no sense to why-"

Uncle Robbie’s phone ringing cut me off. He pulled out his phone from his trousers holding his finger out to me, meaning one minute. “I better take this.” He said, looking at his phone. “It’s the wife.” He said, pressing the answer button.

“The wife is upstairs.” Spoke Thomas, for the first time in a while. For a second I actually forgot he was here. Uncle Robbie in return ignored him getting up from his stool he was previously sitting on walking out of the kitchen to probably go and talk to the 'wife.'

“I hope you know that you’re helping me take care of these kids.” I said, turning to Thomas.

“No I am not.” He replied, standing up and walking out of the kitchen.

“Yes you are or else I’ll tell Holly about your little crush on her.” I said, proudly following him.

Thomas stopped his body stiffening as he turned around to face me. “Who said I like Holly?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

I rolled my eyes. “It is so obvious! You were practically gawking at her during breakfast this morning.”

“Doesn’t mean I like her.” He muttered.

“Whatever. But I think it is kind of gross liking your own cousin.” I said, shivering at the thought.

“I don’t like her!” He said, trhough his clenched teeth. 

“Yeah, and I am an alien.” I said sarcastically. “Look, help me take care of the kids and I promise I won’t tell her.”

“Fine.” He replied, sticking out his hand for me to shake, which I shook.

“To be honest I don’t even know why you like her. She’s seven years older than you anyways.” I muttered, as he turned around and kept walking.

“Whatever.” He grumbled, turning the corner and towards the stairs.


“Jenna you’re not allowed to leave this room, I promised your daddy.” I told the five year old, slowly barricading the door with my body.

“But I am bored and you’re mean.” The little girl said pouting.

I sighed; it was like this for the last hour. The guards who were fathers for these kids dropped them off an hour ago and since then it has been nothing but hectic. We weren’t allowed to let the kids out of this room being the private sitting room, so it was pretty much empty with minimal furniture which we moved to the side of the walls to let the kids run freely.

“Well I am sorry Jenna but rules are rules. Why don’t you go play with the other kids?” I asked, hopefully.

For the last fifteen minutes Jenna has been trying to leave. Where? I have no idea, all I know is that she wasn’t allowed and I didn’t want to be the cause of her interrupting whatever the parents of these kids were doing.

“Can I have something to eat then?” She asked, her green eyes perking up.

I nodded my head reluctantly grabbing the little girls’ hand. “Okay, let’s go.” She grabbed my hand as I quickly made my way to Thomas who was under a dog pile of kids.

“Thomas?” I said squatting.

“What?” He asked, harshly.

“I am going to take little Jenna to get a snack, your in charge for the time being.”

“What? Who’s Jenna?” He said, his head poking out from all the bodies on top of him. “You can’t just leave me here with these monsters!”

“It’ll only be five minutes I promise, and then I will come get you out.” I said, patting his head and tightening my grip on Jenna’s hand. I didn’t want to lose her like how Gavin lost Garrett.

Once we were outside the door I made sure to close it, hoping that no kids saw us go out. There were no guards inside the room besides Thomas and I. As well as no guards outside the door, once in a while one of them would come and check on their kids but other than that, it would be pretty much it.

Once I got into the kitchen, I picked up Jenna placing her on one of the high chairs. “So what do you want to eat?” I asked her standing on the other side of the counter.

Marco and Melinda were both with the other guards and there families. So I had no one to make for Jenna food but me. I knew the basics of cooking like eggs and pancakes, but ask me to make you some sort of pasta dish I’m clueless.

“Can I have some cookies?” She asked, giggling.

I nodded walking into the pantry were we held all the perishable foods that didn’t need to be frozen or refrigerated. I grabbed a packet of chocolate chip cookies. “Do you want milk…?” I asked, Jenna walking out of the pantry who was trying to get of the high chair but was too short to reach the floor.

“Jenna!” I exclaimed, rushing over to her to make sure she wouldn’t fall. I grabbed her small little body in my arms, placing her onto the floor. “You could’ve fallen!” I scolded. I sounded like a mother scolding her child for doing something wrong.

“I am sorry.” She said, I nodded my head noticing her two front teeth seemed to be missing as she smiled.

“It’s okay.” I said, ruffling her blonde curls.

“Let’s just get going back before someone catches us wandering around, okay?”

She nodded her head vigorously reaching for my hand. I grasped her small hand into mine as we walked back into the private room where all the kids were. They were around ten to fifteen kids in there; three of them being Ricky’s kids.

I pushed the door opening as I heard squeals and screams from the other kids as they ran around. Jenna grabbed the cookie packet from my hand as she entered the room.

A smile made its way onto my face as I watched her munch on the chocolate chip cookies. My eyes wandered over to a pile of kids jumping on someone.

I noticed a mop of brown hair as the boy was continually getting abused by the other kids jumping on top of him. “Thomas?” I said, finally realizing I left him with a pile of kids on top of him now they were just jumping on him.

I shut the door behind me making sure they were no kids around to escape then rushing over to a beat up Thomas. “Are you okay?” I said, trying to hold in my laughs as I pulled him upright.

He ripped his arm from my grasp, glaring up at me. His hand went over to his brown hair trying to fix it due to it sticking up in all directions kind of like Gavin’s.

“Okay?” He asked, hissing at me.

“I was continually harassed by these demons you call kids.” He said pointing to the kids who were all looking at us with wide eyes.

“Oh, come on Thomas. You always wanted a younger sibling!”

“Yeah, one not fifty of them!” He yelled, throwing his hand up in the air in frustration.

I shrugged, his shirt was crooked half of it being tucked the other not. He was also missing his left shoe and sock.

“So, there is no chance of you helping me ever again?” I questioned.

“Again? I am not helping you now.” He said, letting out a sarcastic laugh. “Good luck Alice; I am leaving and you’re on your own for this one.”

“Thomas.” I whined, following him to the door. He didn’t respond he just opened the door walking out not before shutting it behind him.

I huffed turning around as I watched how all the kids of eyes were on me. “What are we doing now?” I heard, one of them ask.

I let out a sigh. They were about fifteen kids the oldest probably being the same age of Thomas. They looked at me with curiosity in there eyes.

I have absolutely no idea… Chapter Seventeen: Lost Winners

“I am wet, cold, hungry and I am pretty sure there is something in my shoe.” I complained, wrapping my arms around myself in order to keep myself warm.

I heard Gavin grunt, “Could you please shut up? I am trying to concentrate.”

I sighed, falling onto the floor beside his beside his truck. Confused? Well let me start from the beginning.

*Thirteen hours ago.

“Oh, would you look at that Medusa has finally woken.” Thomas said, looking at me in amusement.

I ignored him, taking a seat down across from him. “Shut up.”

“Well excuse me for speaking the truth.” He grumbled, taking a bite from his cereal.

“Well I wouldn't have looked like this if someone hadn't left me with fifteen kids yesterday,” I muttered.

“There was a reason why I did. And anyways, it wasn't so bad.”

“Wasn't so bad?” I asked, letting out a humorous laugh. “It was terrible, you didn't see what I went through! Those kids, there animals!” I exclaimed, pounding my fist on the table.

“I think you mean demons.” Thomas corrected.

I rolled my eyes, keeping quiet. I had a headache and if I kept arguing with Thomas I knew it was just going to get worse.

“You’re a terrible brother,” I murmured, under my breath.

After Thomas had left me with those kids yesterday I swear to God they just got more hyper. They were running around, fighting with one another and some even tried to leave. But, thank God I got to them

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