» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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Monte and I am very excited to be here in front of you all!”

Once again the audience burst into claps. I heard Gavin mutter something but I couldn't quite catch it.

“Anyways, I am sure you all didn't come here to hear me go on and on, you came here to watch our amazing talents! So without further adieu I give you Electric!”

A dance group consisting of four boys made their way onto stage, they were all quite handsome. But, I've never seen them before in my life. They were doing tricks in the air, and were all in sync with one another, they were really good. A few minutes later the audience burst to claps standing up giving them a standing ovation myself included.

Once I sat down, I looked back at Gavin who had his eyes shut. He honestly couldn't be sleeping with all this noise. Can he?

I poked Gavin on the cheek, when he didn't move I poked him again this time getting some sort of reaction out of him.  His eyes quickly opening in alarm, shooting up from his seat grabbing my arm and twisting it, in some sort of way that it kind of hurt.

I let out a yelp. When Gavin finally noticed where he was and how he was holding me and the pain in my eyes. He quickly let go of my arm sitting down. “Sorry,” He said looking a little bit worried.

I looked at Gavin my eyes widened in shock, why the hell did he do that? I searched Gavin’s eyes for any answers but he just looked away turning the other way. I wanted to ask him why did he do that, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to take the chance of him trying to break my finger again.

I turned back to the stage, Andy was up on stage a bright smile on his face. “Well come on, let's give them another round of claps for Electric!” He said, his hand gesturing to the four boys with bright smiles on their face waving to the crowd.

“Up next we have Sarah Rose singing an original song she wrote.” Andy said, motioning us to clap which we did.

A smile appeared on my face as I watched Sarah make her way to the microphone that was set up on the middle of the stage. Her nude colored heels clacking against the floor, a smile on her face.

“Hey, everyone!” Sarah spoke into the mic, “This is a song I wrote, it’s called Popular Song. Enjoy”

The song started up, Sarah hit her hand on the mic in a beat, waving her head in the beat of the music. “La, la, la, la. You were the popular one, the popular chick. It is what it is, now I’m the popular-ish.” Sarah sang into the microphone her hips moving to the beat of the song.

“My problem, I never was a model, I never was a scholar, but you were always popular. You were singing all the songs I don’t know, now you’re in the front row, cause my song is popular.” As Sarah sang more and more into the song I began to realize what this song was about.

Sarah was telling her life story in a form of her song, it was the day that she confessed to me about everything that happened with Ashley. The day I was helping her prep for her first song she was singing, everything that she went through she was telling her feelings through the form of a song. And you would realize if you paid close attention to the lyrics.

“Popular, I know about popular. It’s not about who you are or your fancy car, you’re only ever who you were, Popular, I know about popular, And all that you have to do, is be true to you. That's all you ever need to know, all you ever need to know.” Sarah sang the last verse of the song.

The audience was quiet for a few seconds, I looked around and saw a few of them gawking at Sarah their jaws hanging open in shock. Another second later we heard a clap and slowly everyone in the theater was clapping a few of them were up on their feet and soon everyone else was too.

“Go Sarah!” She smiled brightly, giving the audience a few kisses and waves not before running off stage. I sat back down on my seat turning to Gavin who was also on his feet.

“That friend of yours was pretty good.” He said, sitting back down.

“She was? Wasn't she?”

I smiled, that song Sarah sang was really good. Who knew that she write or own songs let alone sing? All I know for now is that Sarah will be a big hit in the upcoming years, if she is actually serious about singing.

Andy appeared back on stage, clapping his hands. “That was good!” He said, enthusiastically. “Who knew someone could write a song that good! Let alone sing as well!” Andy said, he was beaming.

“Next up we have our third act she was our winner for the last three years in the row. And is also a crowd pleaser, especially for the males. Give it up for Ashley Rome!” He said, clapping and then disappearing off stage.

Ashley came up on stage wearing tight black leather pants and a leather jacket under the jacket was a white tube top. Her blonde hair was pulled into a tight high ponytail at the top of her head.

She walked over and grabbed the microphone from the stand. “Hello, fellow classmates! And today I’ve decided to sing a song called by Alicia Keys it’s called No one, enjoy!”

My eyes widened, that song was mostly high notes. And with Ashley’s screeching abilities I doubt she would be able to pull that off.

“I just want you close, so you can stay forever…” She sang, but it sounded a little pitchy.

I winced as she kept singing, she had her signature red lips as she smiled brightly showing off her pearly white teeth. I looked over at Gavin who had his hands covering his ears.

I copied him as she got to the chorus, “No one, No one will ever get what I am feeling for you…”

I looked around the room, if she wasn’t wearing such inappropriate clothes I doubted anyone would want to hear her sing.

A few minutes later this was over and I was thankful as I clapped for her, I was only doing it to be polite. I looked over at Gavin his face was blank. “That sure was something…” I said, he looked at me his brown eyes blank.

“I am just glad that it’s over.” Gavin replied, looking back towards the stage.

Ashley was standing and bowing to the audience, I doubt she was doing it for cause she had too more like cause she wanted to show off her boobs, she gave the audience a few kisses before Andy appeared on stage.

He quickly introduced another act which was a girl doing some weird traditional dance, it was pretty good but she was pretty young. Most probably a freshmen. Once she was done, a boy probably in his sophomore year strummed the guitar, singing I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. The two acts were pretty decent but, I knew they had no chance of winning- no offense.

“Well that was all the final acts for this year, and let me say they were all outstanding I have no idea how the judges will choose this year’s winner.” He said, chuckling, “Well let’s get all our performers up on stage please.”

The boy group Electric, the freshmen girl, the boy with the guitar and Sarah all appeared on stage; following Ashley who walked out first, Sarah took a spot next to Ashely with her being in the middle.

“Well I have the results of this year’s winner in my hand.” Andy said waving the card that a girl just gave him a few minutes ago. “Now before we announce this year’s winner let’s hear it for the acts.” He said motioning for us to clap which we did.

I watched as Ashley whispered something to Sarah her face paling. Her jaw soon began clenching which made me wonder why Ashley had such a smug smile on her face and what did she whisper to Sarah.

“Well, I don’t want to leave you waiting for so long. So in third place we have….”Andy said looking down at his card. “Electric!” The boys huddled together hugging one another giving each other slaps on the back.

The audience began to clap for the boys- they were very talented dancers and I knew they were going to go far. “Now I have this year’s winner.” He said, looking down at the card, “Wow.” Andy whispered, “This girl surprised everyone, no wonder…” He muttered into the microphone. He then looked back to the audience, “Our 2014 winner, for this year’s talent show is… drum roll please…. Sarah Rose!” He spoke enthusiastically into the mic. 

Ashley stepped forward waving her hands in the air, once she realized that her name wasn’t called but Sarah’s her head snapped to Andy. “What? I didn’t win?” She screeched, storming over to Andy.

I chuckled, as she grabbed the card that held the winners name. “This has to be some sort of joke or even prank. There is no way that loser could beat me.” She said, stomping her foot.

“Well she did now get over it.” Andy said, grabbing the card from Ashley’s hand and walking over to Sarah, he grabbed her hand entwining it with his own and pulling her into the middle of the stage. He whispered something in her ear which caused Sarah to go red which made me curious to what he said.

“Let’s give it up for Sarah Rose!” He said, holding up her hand in the air.

The crowd began clapping as Sarah accepted the trophy that the girl was presenting to her, “Thank you, so much! It means the absolute world.” Sarah spoke into the microphone, she took from Andy.

“Go Sarah!” I yelled clapping for her, it was honestly amazing that she won. Who knew that a girl who always had her head buried in a book could win something as big as this? Even if it was just an ordinary high school talent show.

Sarah then waved to the audience one last time before disappearing off stage.


“Congratulations Sarah!” I said, giving her a hug, “I am so proud of you!”

“Thanks, Ali. It’s all thanks to you.” She said, tears forming in her brown eyes.

“So want to go celebrate?” I asked, as we walked outside together, Sarah holding her trophy in hand.

She shook her head, “I would but I can’t I have to go babysit the twins.”

“Well maybe next time,” I suggested, walking over to where her car was parked.

“Do you need a ride?” She asked, opening the passenger’s car and placing her stuff inside.

I shook my head, “I am good I’ll probably get Ben to take me home or something.”

“Okay, I’ll see you Monday.” She said getting into her car and taking off. I waved as she exited the schools parking lot. Holly had to get home as soon as the talent show was over, so she couldn’t take me home. So my only option was Ben, but I hadn’t seen him all morning.

“Lost?” Someone spoke up from behind me.

I turned around to come face to face with Gavin, “Nah, I am looking for Ben. Have you seen him?” I questioned, he shook his head. “Well he’s my ride home.”

Gavin’s jaw clenched, “I can take you if you want?” He asked.

I rose my eyebrows, “Nah, I am good.”

“Come on nerd,” He said, grabbing my arm and hauling me over to his car. “It’ll be fun!” He said, opening up the car door and pushing me in.

And that was all it took for us to get stranded in the middle of Washington.

*Present time

“It’ll be fun you said. Come on nerd.” I said, mimicking Gavin, “Yeah it is a real
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