» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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understood?” She asked, Gavin.

He waved his head dismal, looking at the blonde girl next to him.

Mrs. Moore nodded, walking back towards the front of the class, “As I was saying we will be doing a dance, I will be pairing you up. So no complaints, am I understood?”

The class let out a yes, as Mrs. Moore then began to read out the list of names, “Jenna and Michael, Elizabeth and Jessie, Donald and Victoria, Hailey and Adrianna…” I tuned her out after that, patiently waiting for her to call my name.

“And lastly, Sarah and Ali,” She said, smiling at me.

I silently thanked her I wasn’t going to end up being with Gavin for this project; I didn’t even think I heard his name being called out.

“Excuse me?” Gavin called out, “You didn’t announce my name…” He said.

“Oh, yeah I am sorry.” Mrs. Moore said chuckling. “Since you’re new I guess I forgot to put you in a group.” She said looking at the list, by now everyone was already with there partner.

Since Sarah wasn’t here today, I just stayed in my seat. “I guess I will put you with Ali, considering her partner is absent for today. You guys will be in a group of three.” She said looking at me.

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, I am with Gavin for this project? I looked at Gavin who had a shocked expression on his face, I made no movement to go and sit next to him considering there was only five minutes left of class.

I glanced at Gavin from the corner of my eye, he seemed to have a smug look on his face. I shrugged, waiting in my seat for the bell to dismiss us from class.

When it finally did, I got up from my seat like everyone else, walking towards the theaters door. “I guess we are partners…” Someone spoke next to me.

I turned my head, looking up to see Gavin, “What do you want?” I asked, groaning.

Ever since, the whole getting lost thing and him calling me mom. Which I still hadn’t questioned him about, I was trying to stay clear of him. It was pretty embarrassing seeing myself so weak and pathetic in a situation like that. Considering, my dad made me take self-defence classes if something like that were to ever happen to me.

“Nothing, I just want to know when you’re free.” He said, walking with me towards my locker.

“I am not going out with you,” I muttered, grabbing my chemistry books, and shutting my locker.

“Relax, I wasn’t asking you out on a date, but if you want to just let me know.” He said winking at me, “I wanted to know when you’re free to work on the dance.” He explained, following me.

I shrugged, “I don’t know. We will talk about it when Sarah comes tomorrow, okay?”

“Who?” He asked, confused.

“Sarah, the red head who is in our group…”

“There’s another person in our group?” Gavin asked, shocked by the news.

I mentally groaned, I had enough of Gavin for one day. “Let’s just talk about this tomorrow,” I said to him, not giving him a chance to respond and quickly walking away.

I passed by students as the bustled past me, as we all tried to get to our second period class. I felt someone’s presence next to me as I turned my head, and noticed Gavin beside me.

I stopped causing him to run into me, “Why are you following me?” I asked, annoyed.

“I am not following you,” He said, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Yes, you are.” I stated.

“No, I am not.” He protested.






“No-“He began but I cut him off with a glare.

“Could you just go, to like class or something?” I asked, in a pleading tone.

“I am going to class, we have chemistry together.” He said.

“We do?” I said, shocked by the news, as I tried to remember if I ever saw him in that class. My eyes widened as I recalled, seeing Gavin in that class. He was a pain in the arse, in that class. Even more so than usual, how could I forget?

I continued walking as I just ignored him, as he tried to make conversation. The science hall was in a whole different wing of the school, so it took a few minutes to get there, but with Gavin it felt like a life time.

When we finally entered the classroom, I went over and took a seat next to Holly while Gavin went towards the back of the class where all the delinquents-as I call them, were.

As I walked towards Holly, but Gavin grabbed my sleeve pulling me back and whispering something into my ear, “I can’t wait for third period, partner.” He said, smirking at me as I pulled away.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, we now have all classes together, nerd. And I plan to make lots of new memories together.” He said giving me a smug smile as he sauntered to the back of the class.

I groaned making my way towards Holly who was giving me a weird look, kind of like the rest of the class was. I now have Gavin in all my classes?

“Well there goes my good mood…” I muttered, taking a seat next to Holly as Mr. Kelly began to speak starting today’s lesson. Chapter Twenty-One: No Artistic Vision

“So whose house are we going to?” Gavin asked, taking a seat on the yoga mat that was placed on the floor.

“Why would we need to go to anyone’s house? All we have to do is get it done here, and then we wouldn’t need to go to anyone’s house.” I said, taking a seat across from him on the floor.

“Fine, whatever floats your boat.” Gavin said, laying back on the floor causing his shirt to ride up a little showing his tanned muscular stomach.

Why must all jerks be so toned and muscular?

“So where is little red?” Gavin asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I shrugged, pulling out my phone to check the time. “She said she is running a bit late but she should be here soon.” I said, scrolling through my messages looking over what Sarah texted me ten minutes ago.

We were currently in our school’s dance room. Mrs. Moore separated all groups, into different rooms so we could go ahead and get started on our dance, it was due after Spring Break. Which was two weeks away and we haven’t even started yet.

“What kind of dance do you want to do?” Gavin asked, interrupting my thoughts, “There’s lyrical, contemporary, hip hop, jazz-“

I waved my hand cutting him off, “How do you know the types of dances?” I questioned, curiously.

“Lucky guess?”

“The genres of dance isn’t something someone would guess, so either you did dance when you were younger or you are so smart about the dance world.” I said, giving him some suggestions of what I thought, “However, considering you are you I am going to go ahead and guess that the big bad Gavin did dance when he was younger.”

 “No I didn’t.” He said, lying.

“Yes you did!” I said grinning, “And considering you cheeks are flushed red, I know you are lying.”

“Fine I did dance,” He said, through his gritted teeth, “Happy?”

I nodded my head grinning at him, “Very.”

It was quiet for a few minutes, as I thought about Gavin’s little confession. I never knew someone like him would do such a thing. It didn’t seem like something he would do, but considering from my knowledge; Gavin did no extracurricular’s or sports, and he was in pretty good shape for someone who does nothing. So he probably does dance, but is embarrassed to admit it.

“The elf finally got her pot of gold,” I heard Gavin mutter.

“Elf’s work for Santa, I am pretty sure you mean leprechauns.” I said, correcting  him.

Gavin sat up from the yoga mat, directing a glare towards me, “Whatever.” He said, getting up.

I smiled at him, showing him my white teeth. “What are you doing?” I asked, as I watched him get up and stretch.

“Little Red is still not here, we have to start or else we would need to someone’s house to practice, and my house is definitely not an option.” He said stretching.

“Why?” I asked, getting up from the floor and copying his actions.

“It doesn’t matter, let’s just get this done with.” Gavin said, not pushing the topic any further.

I shrugged, dropping the topic. It seemed that he didn’t want to talk about it, and I just had to learn how to respect that. “Well, my house isn’t an option either.”


“It just isn’t okay?” I said, snapping at him.

Gavin let out a low whistle, “Someone is on their period.”

I ignored him and continued to stretch out my limbs. I wouldn’t want to pull a muscle. I continued to stretch in silence for the next few minutes, the awkwardness and silence thick in the air.

“Okay, you all stretched out?” Gavin asked me, I nodded my head in confirmation. “Okay, well we will start of basic. Follow me.” He said, and I nodded my head once again.

Gavin started of doing a shuffle, something that looked easy. But as he added more moves it began to look more and more difficult. As I tried to watch him trying to keep up with him as I began to copy the moves.

“Got it?” He asked, wiping his forehead.

“No.” I said, honestly.

“No?” He asked, confused.


“Yes?” He said, repeating what I said.

“No!” I said.

Gavin began to wave his hands in the air. “What are you saying? Do you get the moves, yes or no?” He asked.

“No, I do not get the moves.” I said tired, even though I barely did anything.

“Then why did you say yes?”

“I didn’t say yes.” I told him, confused.

“Yes, you did.”

“No, I didn’t.” I protested.

“Yes you-" He began but then cut himself off, “You know what, forget it. We will just start working tomorrow so I can teach both of you instead of teaching someone who is incapable.”

“I am not incapable.” I said, huffing and crossing my arms over my chest, sending Gavin a glare.

“You kind of are,” He said walking over to his bag that he dumped in the corner earlier and taking out a water bottle.

“Fine whatever, I am incapable of dancing. At least I don’t get kicked out of class.” I pointed out.

“It’s not my fault that the art teacher had no artistic vision!” Gavin protested.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that Mr. Whatever-His-Name-Is should not be an art teacher! I was basically teaching myself in that class.” Gavin said, frustrated.

“What did you do?” I asked, getting right to the point.

“I did not do anything.” Gavin said, honestly. But, I knew he was lying.

“Yes you are.”

“No, I am not.” He said, lying once more. “Why do you think that anyways?”

“Because, you said you were teaching yourself in that class.” I said, repeating what he said earlier. “You never teach anyone, let alone yourself! You rely on your looks and your threats to pass high school.”

Gavin let out a sigh, “Fine, you’re right. But, you don’t know what I did to get kicked out of that class anyways.” He said, running a hand through his brown hair causing it to stick out even more.

“Yeah, what did you do?”

“I drew a picture of a penis.” He said, proudly.

I began

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