» Fiction » The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The President's Daughter, David Dower [popular ebook readers TXT] 📗». Author David Dower

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party getting stranded in the middle of nowhere.” I barked at him.

Gavin had his car hood open. He was trying to get his engine for his old rusty car to start up again. “Well, you came willingly.” He said, grunting.

“Yeah, came willingly that I pushed myself into your car and drove myself to the middle of nowhere.” I exclaimed.

“Look, arguing isn’t going to get the car to start up again, so if you would just shut up and start walking we can try to get home. Okay?” Gavin said, pulling down the trunk of his car.

I let out a sigh, picking myself up from the floor. “Do you even know which was is home?” I asked, him suspiciously.

Gavin shrugged, “We will just go the way we came.”

“You don’t even know which way we came!”

He shrugged pulling on his hood and started walking, I ran after him so I wouldn’t fall behind or get myself lost. We had no cell service and Gavin didn’t own a map so we really had no way of getting back to the city.

I looked at Gavin, studying him. His black eye was now gone, but he did have oil all over his face from trying to get the car to work again. “Gavin?” I asked him softly.

His head turned to look at me, “If you are going to start complaining or be even more annoying than you already are nerd. I don’t want to hear it.”

“No, it’s not that. I just wanted to know why you looked so panicked when you woke up.” I blurted out, before I could even process what I was saying. Chapter Eighteen: Panics & Softies

Gavin suddenly stopped causing me to run into his muscular back. “Ow?” I muttered, rubbing my nose. He turned around to face me rolling his eyes at what is probably my clumsiness.

“Man up, or in your case nerd up.” He muttered, turning around and continued walking.

“Rude, much?” I muttered, and jogged up after him so I wouldn’t fall behind. “You didn’t answer my question,” I told him, my eyebrows rose in curiosity.

“What question?”

I rolled my eyes, “Why did you look so panicked when I poked you in the theatre? And why did you almost break of my finger?” I asked, questioningly.

“That’s two questions, I believed you said one.” Gavin stated, a smirk on his face.

I let out a groan, “God dammit answer the question you nimrod!” I said, exasperated.

“Fine,” He grunted out. I heard him mumble something under his breath but I didn’t quite catch it. “I didn’t look panicked, I don’t know what you saw but it was definitely not panicking. I don’t get panicked.”

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, the nimrod wasn’t making any sense. Everyone panics, it’s called being human. “Um, yeah you did.”

“Well even if I did it doesn’t concern you.” He spat, picking up his pace.

I let out a sigh, “Why are you like this?” I asked him, jogging up to him.

“Like what?”

“Like this; you can be an annoying nimrod and manwhore at one point then at another point you could be this conceited jerk that is like the devil spawn himself.” I told him truthfully.

Gavin then stopped, whirling around to face me his eyes filled with fury. “Well I am sorry that I am not perfect, I am sorry that the only person I actually love is my little brother, I am sorry that when I wake up I feel tense and panicked, I am fucking sorry Ali that I can never do anything right.” He spat.

It looks like I hit a sore spot…

My brown eye bored into Gavin’s. “I am not asking for your life story Gavin, all I wanted was some answers.” I said, jokingly trying to ease the awkward atmosphere.

His stiff shoulders, suddenly began to relax. “Not funny.” He said, turning back around to continue walking.

I sighed dropping the subject as I followed him to wherever he was going, I didn’t want the risk of him going crazy on my ass again. I wrapped my sweater around me tighter, the wind was beginning to pick up and I was really starting to regret not bringing an extra coat or any coat for that matter. But how was I supposed to know that he was going to bring me to the middle of nowhere?

It was quiet for a few minutes the only sounds of our feet as it hit the pavement, “You cold?” Gavin suddenly asked, all thoughts of him yelling at me a few minutes ago disappearing. He lifted his hood from his face so I could see his eyes clearer.

I nodded my head slightly, “Um, y-yeah.” I said stammering slightly.

“Well there’s a gas station up ahead, we should be there in about twenty minutes so make the most of it until we get there.” He said his head turning around to face straight ahead.

My jaw dropped, I actually thought he was going to give me his coat like a good gentleman. But, no the boy says just hang tight we will be there soon.

Well it is Gavin, what do you expect?

I expected actually a kind gentlemen but that was all thrown out the window the day Gavin opened up his mouth. Like honestly if you are going to ask a girl if you are cold, she expects you to give you her your sweater or even try to warm her up in anyway. It honestly makes me wonder what girls see in him. Yes, he is a bad boy. Yes, he is good looking but that is basically it.

“You were home schooled right?” Gavin asked, startling me from my thoughts.


“I said ‘you were home schooled right?” He repeated once more, this time more slowly.

I nodded my head, “Yeah…”

“Why did you decide to come to school all of a sudden? Like there’s nothing really great about it, all there is drama, teachers yelling at you when you didn’t do your homework, friends who aren’t really your friends. If I was you, I would’ve chose to continue homeschooling.” He rambled.

I looked at Gavin in confusion, he’d rather become home schooled? Maybe I would too if I actually had a good teacher instead of one who is always on your tail for late assignments. “Well, I’ve always wanted to see how the high school life is, is it really the way they portray in movies and books? Can the nerd actually find her true love? Can the jock actually be the nice guy? Can the bad boy be all soft inside?” I said speaking my thoughts.

He let out a low whistle, “Either you have a very active imagination or you read way too much.”

I let out a chuckle, “Shut up, because it can really happen. One of them already came true.”

Gavin’s eyebrows knitted in confusion, “What do you mean?”

“Well, the bad boy he is a real softie inside.”

“Who’s this bad boy?” He asked, looking very confused.

“You.” I stated.

That caused Gavin to let out a bark of laughter, “Me? That’s a real good one nerd.”

“Well I am not lying, you are a huge softy with Garrett.” I said, smiling, remembering the day in the build a bear workshop when Gavin finally found him, he was hugging him to his chest like a kid and his teddy bear.

“Well excuse me for being afraid of my mother. If she found out I lost Garrett again, I don’t know what she would do to me.” Gavin said looking slightly scared as he recalled the memory.

“Your afraid of you mom?” I said, chuckling.

“Hey!” He whined, “Don’t judge you would be too, if you met my mother!”

I rolled my eyes, who knew the big bad boy was afraid of his own mother. It was quite hilarious if you think about it, especially since almost everyone at school is afraid of him.

“Hey look!” Gavin spoke pointing. I followed his finger to where he was pointing and noticed the gas station, the same one Gavin was talking about earlier. “We are finally here.” He said, breaking out in a jog towards the station.

I quickly began to follow his actions as I caught up to him, I wasn’t really the running type but I didn’t want Gavin to start barking at me or making fun of me because I couldn’t run or something. Gavin finally stopped at the entrance of the station, looking behind him like he was waiting for me.

It looked like a pretty old station, there were no cars beside the old beat up red one parked near the back of the station. “Do you think this is safe?” I asked warily, the lights were flickering. 

“This is our only choice, nerd. So man up, stay close and follow me.” Gavin spoke, pulling the door open of the gross station and walking inside.

Not wanting to be left alone where a kidnapper could come up behind me and easily take me, I followed Gavin. I swear, he just kept leaving me behind.

“Excuse me?” Gavin asked, walking up to the old man who was smoking a cigarette and flipping a magazine looking bored out of his mind. “Do you have a phone book laying around here?” He asked, the old man who looked at us warily.

The man turned around grabbing the old phone book from behind him placing it on the counter handing it to Gavin. The old man then looked at me, finally realizing my presence. “She your girlfriend?” The old man said, in a raspy voice.

Gavin looked at were the old man was pointing looking up from the phone book and looking at me. “Sure.” Gavin answered simply, looking back at the phone book.

I stared at the old man ignoring the fact the Gavin just basically implied to a random man that I was his girlfriend. He was probably in his fifties his black hair starting to go grey. He seemed to be a Spanish decedent, tanned skin and dark eyes kind of like Gavin.

The old man continued to stare at me, and I only did the same and continued to stare back. He was kind of creepy looking. I then focused my attention back at Gavin who now fished out his phone and was typing something.

“Do you have a phone I could use?” Gavin asked.

The old man nodded his head once more pointing to the phone near the back. Gavin nodded his head and turned around walking towards the back of the station. “Is it just me or do you think the guy looked really creepy too?” I asked.

Gavin shrugged in return, “I’ll be a right back, I need to go take a piss.” Gavin said, walking towards the doors that were most probably the bathroom.

My eyes widened as grabbed his arm, before he could leave. “You are leaving me alone with an intoxicated man?” I said, my eyes wandering over to the old man who was behind the counter staring at me and Gavin.

“Well if you want to join me in that piss or something more…” He trailed off.

I felt my face get hot at the thought of me joining Gavin in something as perverted as that, I slapped his arm, “Just go take your piss.” I said, in an annoyed tone.

Gavin let out a chuckle, probably at my red face. “Don’t miss me too much!” Gavin called out before

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