Fire of a Demon's Heart, Shawnta Christensen [android pdf ebook reader txt] 📗

- Author: Shawnta Christensen
Book online «Fire of a Demon's Heart, Shawnta Christensen [android pdf ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Shawnta Christensen
as he stood up.
She nodded and tears formed in her eyes. He sighed and wiped them away as he kneeled in front of her.
AShe=s dead,A she whispered as she cried.
The angel picked her up and walked through the cave as she saw pictures on the wall. The angel held the flame to her hand and she looked at it as he smiled.
AYou might be the girl in this prophecy, if you are you=ll touch this and it won=t hurt,A he told her.
Selene held out her hand and her hand went through the flame. She gasped and held the flame in her hand.
AYou=re the girl the demons are after. That=s why they came here,A the man said.
Selene put the flame back on the touch and the man set her down. She walked away and he pulled out a sword. Selene turned around and gasped in fright. The man was a demon and she backed up.
AFinally the girl we=ve been searching for is here. Gail will be happy,A the demon said as he raised his sword.
The demon struck his sword down as Selene closed her eyes and held up her hands. The demon growled and Selene opened her eyes, she gasped as a barrier was in front of her.
AWhat the-!@ The demon said, as a sword hit his arm.
Selene spun around and saw Kotare. He smiled at Selene and walked toward her, sword out
AThat was a bad mistake for hurting my friend,A he said angrily.
He was thirteen years old and he killed the demon in three strikes, and then turned toward Selene. He put his sword away and two angels entered, one was his father and the other was his mother.
AYou okay Selene?@ Kotare asked, holding out his hand as he smiled.
She took his hand and cried on his chest, he blushed and embraced her to him.
@We have to get going kotare,A his father said sternly.
Kotare nodded and picked her up, running out of the cave with his family. Two years passed and Kotare=s family adopted Selene into their family. Kotare had a older brother who was sixteen, Gail.
AThis is my brother Gail, he=ll be training you,A Kotare said, giving her a tour of the house and training grounds.
She scoffed and walked off as Gail chuckled. Kotare sighed and was getting annoyed with Selene.
AI don=t need training,A she said.
Gail took out his stick sword and rushed at her. She opened her eyes and disappeared as he spun around, blocking her attack. She smirked and swept her foot under his feet. He landed on his back and she held her sword at his throat as she smirked.
ASee?@ She mocked.
Kotare=s father and mother clapped as they both smiled. Selene smiled and walked toward them.
AWell done Selene A her foster mother, Sae said.
Sae took Selene upstairs and her father. Serest waked toward Gail and Kotare.
ALooks like she surpassed both of you, I=m shocked,A he said, chuckling a little.
Gail got up angrily as Kotare pouted and Serest looked at them.
AShe=s not our real sister. She=s the girl the prophecy told about, that=s why she=s stronger!@ Gail shouted angrily.
Serest slapped him and he stepped back, touching his cheek in shock.
ADon=t you dare talk about her like that, the reason she=s so strong is not because of a prophecy! It=s because she trained, unlike you two, especially you Gail!@ Serest shouted and left.
Kotare glared at Gail and left too, getting ready for a dance. Selene was dressed up and was being taken their by now. They were at the dance and two hours later were getting tired, Selene was at the balcony when five windows burst in. Everyone screamed and ran for the exits as fifteen demons came through the windows.
Five charged at Selene, she gasped and pulled out a sword. Kotare came in front of her and two other angels held four of them off as one went came at Selene from behind.
She spun around and cut it in half, blood sprayed and twenty more came at her. She growled and another wave of angels came in front of her. One hour passed and the demons were dead. Selene’s dress was torn up as she panted tiredly.
ASelene!@ Kotare screamed as he rushed toward her.
She looked at him and fainted and he caught her.
AThe demons are after me and Pandora=s box,A she said as she panted still.
He healed the wound in her stomach and she sighed, and then stood up.
@We are guarding Pandora=s box at our house, our parents are there!@Kotare said in worry.
They both rushed home as fast as they could in an hour. They saw their house and gasped when they saw blood on the door and walls. They ran inside and their eyes widened, on the ground was Sae, covered in blood a little.
AMother!@ Kotare shouted, running to her as Selene did too.
Kotare shook her as Selene heard swords clash and rushed downstairs. Kotare followed after her after he closed his mother’s eyes. Selene gasped as she saw Gail stab Serest, blood covering him as a smirk appeared on his face.
"Gail... why?" Serest said as he went to his knees coughing.
Gail yanked his sword out and then turned toward Selene.
AI need Pandora=s box to lead the demons,A he said.
Selene clenched her sword and teeth tightly. Kotare came down and gasped at the sight.
AGail!@ Kotare shouted as he rushed at Gail.
Gail smirked and blocked Kotare=s sword angrily. Selene saw Pandora=s box and ran toward it, grabbing it in her arms.
ANO!@ Gail shouted.
He pushed Kotare away and rushed at Selene. She blocked his sword, grunting as his eyes glowed.
AYou=re a demon angel now!A she shouted angrily.
Gail smirked and forced her back into a wall. She put both of her hands on Pandora=s box and made it disappear. Gail charged at her angrily as his sword appeared in his hand. Selene ducked and slashed, cutting Gail=s chest, as he growled. He grabbed and held her by her neck as she gasped.
ADie!@ He growled as his eyes glowed brighter.
Kotare got up slowly, gripping his wound as he rushed toward Selene. Selene=s wings came out and they both gasped. She only had two wings and the other angels had six. She gripped Gail=s arm and he screamed as his arm broke.
She pulled out a dagger and charged at Gail. Gail swiped at her as she smirked and stabbed him in the chest.
Kotare fainted from his wound as Gail disappeared and Selene went to her knees. Two angel appeared three hours later and healed them both. They trained at the academy for angels for the next two years and Selene was sent on her first mission.
The memory faded and Demetri opened his eyes, looking at Selene sadly.
ASelene how horrible, you lost your foster mother and Gail killed his family,A he thought.
It was dark in the room and he just laid there, looking at Selene in the sparkling green liquid.
ASelene I hope you don=t turn evil again, please don=t my love,A he thought sadly as he touched the glass.
Chapter 13
An hour passed and Selene did not wake up. Shin and Sol were working on her, trying to figure out what was wrong. Demetri was in the human world where he had seen Selene get bitten. He growled angrily at the memory.
ASelene please be alright,A he thought in worry.
The tank Selene was in bubbled and her fingers twitched. Sol gasped and Shin smiled. Selene=s eyes slowly opened and Sol gasped in shock and fear as Shin pulled out his sword. Selene=s eyes were black with golden orbs in the middle. She looked around the room and saw Sol and Shin.
Sol went to get Demetri and Shin opened the tank as Selene got out soaking wet.
ASelene, you=re a...@ Shin couldn’t finish.
Selene sighed and looked into the mirror as her hand clenched.
AI knowYI=m a half Feras,A she said, standing up and walking toward a closet.
Demetri came back with Sol and stopped dead in his tracks. Selene had a black kimono on and her eyes different.
ASe... SeleneA he said in shock.
His eyes shook and his breath turned shaky as he saw what she had become, the tubes were still in her. She stood up and walked toward him, putting her hand on his cheek as she smiled sadly.
ADemetri I have to go,A she said and walked passed him, head down as her bangs went over her eyes.
He clenched his teeth and spun around, grabbing her wrist. He pulled her toward him and she gasped as she hit his chest. He put his arms around her as her eyes widened.
AYou=re not leaving me, not again!@ He said, pain and sadness in his voice.
He looked into her eyes and they turned back to normal. He put his hand on her cheek and smiled.
AI love you Selene, I=m never letting you go ever again,A he whispered as he leaned down.
She smiled and closed her eyes as his lips on hers in a gentle kiss. She moaned a little as his lips brushed against hers, gentle and passionate. He parted from her and they looked at each other. She smiled, then looked away as her grip on his chest tightened.
ADemetri, but I=m a Feras,A she said as tears formed.
He put his hand under her chin and made her look at him.
ADo you think I care?@ He asked.
She tried to look away, but he kissed her and then he parted from her. Sol went to Shin and he held her as they looked at Demetri and Selene.
AI wouldn’t care if you were a demon angel, human, angel or this Feras. I love you and will never give you up,A he told her.
She leaned toward him and cried on his chest as he embraced her tightly. She stopped and opened her eyes, her hands on his chest.
AI=m a Feras Demetri. I could kill you or turn you if I lose control. I should leave,A she whispered as she tightening her grip.
He disappeared with her in his arms to the human world. Sol and Shin went to bed, wondering where he had disappeared to. Demetri laid Selene against some flowers and stroked her hair, wiping away her tears.
"Demetri I can't be with you. I could kill you if the whim struck me, leave!" She shouted as tears flew.
ADo you want me to show you again how much I love you? Trust you? How I=ll never leave you as long as I=m still breathing?@ He asked, pain in his eyes as he put his hand on her cheek.
He kissed her passionately as she gasped and kissed back. He took off her shirt and she took off his. His arms holding him up above her as he deepened the kiss.
AI love you Selene and always will,A he whispered in her ear.
He started kissing her neck, his lips ran down her arm, and then captured her lips again as his hands ran down her body to her hips slowly. It drove him crazy to taste her like this. Her scent, her body against his, to just be with her was suffocating him.
She nodded and tears formed in her eyes. He sighed and wiped them away as he kneeled in front of her.
AShe=s dead,A she whispered as she cried.
The angel picked her up and walked through the cave as she saw pictures on the wall. The angel held the flame to her hand and she looked at it as he smiled.
AYou might be the girl in this prophecy, if you are you=ll touch this and it won=t hurt,A he told her.
Selene held out her hand and her hand went through the flame. She gasped and held the flame in her hand.
AYou=re the girl the demons are after. That=s why they came here,A the man said.
Selene put the flame back on the touch and the man set her down. She walked away and he pulled out a sword. Selene turned around and gasped in fright. The man was a demon and she backed up.
AFinally the girl we=ve been searching for is here. Gail will be happy,A the demon said as he raised his sword.
The demon struck his sword down as Selene closed her eyes and held up her hands. The demon growled and Selene opened her eyes, she gasped as a barrier was in front of her.
AWhat the-!@ The demon said, as a sword hit his arm.
Selene spun around and saw Kotare. He smiled at Selene and walked toward her, sword out
AThat was a bad mistake for hurting my friend,A he said angrily.
He was thirteen years old and he killed the demon in three strikes, and then turned toward Selene. He put his sword away and two angels entered, one was his father and the other was his mother.
AYou okay Selene?@ Kotare asked, holding out his hand as he smiled.
She took his hand and cried on his chest, he blushed and embraced her to him.
@We have to get going kotare,A his father said sternly.
Kotare nodded and picked her up, running out of the cave with his family. Two years passed and Kotare=s family adopted Selene into their family. Kotare had a older brother who was sixteen, Gail.
AThis is my brother Gail, he=ll be training you,A Kotare said, giving her a tour of the house and training grounds.
She scoffed and walked off as Gail chuckled. Kotare sighed and was getting annoyed with Selene.
AI don=t need training,A she said.
Gail took out his stick sword and rushed at her. She opened her eyes and disappeared as he spun around, blocking her attack. She smirked and swept her foot under his feet. He landed on his back and she held her sword at his throat as she smirked.
ASee?@ She mocked.
Kotare=s father and mother clapped as they both smiled. Selene smiled and walked toward them.
AWell done Selene A her foster mother, Sae said.
Sae took Selene upstairs and her father. Serest waked toward Gail and Kotare.
ALooks like she surpassed both of you, I=m shocked,A he said, chuckling a little.
Gail got up angrily as Kotare pouted and Serest looked at them.
AShe=s not our real sister. She=s the girl the prophecy told about, that=s why she=s stronger!@ Gail shouted angrily.
Serest slapped him and he stepped back, touching his cheek in shock.
ADon=t you dare talk about her like that, the reason she=s so strong is not because of a prophecy! It=s because she trained, unlike you two, especially you Gail!@ Serest shouted and left.
Kotare glared at Gail and left too, getting ready for a dance. Selene was dressed up and was being taken their by now. They were at the dance and two hours later were getting tired, Selene was at the balcony when five windows burst in. Everyone screamed and ran for the exits as fifteen demons came through the windows.
Five charged at Selene, she gasped and pulled out a sword. Kotare came in front of her and two other angels held four of them off as one went came at Selene from behind.
She spun around and cut it in half, blood sprayed and twenty more came at her. She growled and another wave of angels came in front of her. One hour passed and the demons were dead. Selene’s dress was torn up as she panted tiredly.
ASelene!@ Kotare screamed as he rushed toward her.
She looked at him and fainted and he caught her.
AThe demons are after me and Pandora=s box,A she said as she panted still.
He healed the wound in her stomach and she sighed, and then stood up.
@We are guarding Pandora=s box at our house, our parents are there!@Kotare said in worry.
They both rushed home as fast as they could in an hour. They saw their house and gasped when they saw blood on the door and walls. They ran inside and their eyes widened, on the ground was Sae, covered in blood a little.
AMother!@ Kotare shouted, running to her as Selene did too.
Kotare shook her as Selene heard swords clash and rushed downstairs. Kotare followed after her after he closed his mother’s eyes. Selene gasped as she saw Gail stab Serest, blood covering him as a smirk appeared on his face.
"Gail... why?" Serest said as he went to his knees coughing.
Gail yanked his sword out and then turned toward Selene.
AI need Pandora=s box to lead the demons,A he said.
Selene clenched her sword and teeth tightly. Kotare came down and gasped at the sight.
AGail!@ Kotare shouted as he rushed at Gail.
Gail smirked and blocked Kotare=s sword angrily. Selene saw Pandora=s box and ran toward it, grabbing it in her arms.
ANO!@ Gail shouted.
He pushed Kotare away and rushed at Selene. She blocked his sword, grunting as his eyes glowed.
AYou=re a demon angel now!A she shouted angrily.
Gail smirked and forced her back into a wall. She put both of her hands on Pandora=s box and made it disappear. Gail charged at her angrily as his sword appeared in his hand. Selene ducked and slashed, cutting Gail=s chest, as he growled. He grabbed and held her by her neck as she gasped.
ADie!@ He growled as his eyes glowed brighter.
Kotare got up slowly, gripping his wound as he rushed toward Selene. Selene=s wings came out and they both gasped. She only had two wings and the other angels had six. She gripped Gail=s arm and he screamed as his arm broke.
She pulled out a dagger and charged at Gail. Gail swiped at her as she smirked and stabbed him in the chest.
Kotare fainted from his wound as Gail disappeared and Selene went to her knees. Two angel appeared three hours later and healed them both. They trained at the academy for angels for the next two years and Selene was sent on her first mission.
The memory faded and Demetri opened his eyes, looking at Selene sadly.
ASelene how horrible, you lost your foster mother and Gail killed his family,A he thought.
It was dark in the room and he just laid there, looking at Selene in the sparkling green liquid.
ASelene I hope you don=t turn evil again, please don=t my love,A he thought sadly as he touched the glass.
Chapter 13
An hour passed and Selene did not wake up. Shin and Sol were working on her, trying to figure out what was wrong. Demetri was in the human world where he had seen Selene get bitten. He growled angrily at the memory.
ASelene please be alright,A he thought in worry.
The tank Selene was in bubbled and her fingers twitched. Sol gasped and Shin smiled. Selene=s eyes slowly opened and Sol gasped in shock and fear as Shin pulled out his sword. Selene=s eyes were black with golden orbs in the middle. She looked around the room and saw Sol and Shin.
Sol went to get Demetri and Shin opened the tank as Selene got out soaking wet.
ASelene, you=re a...@ Shin couldn’t finish.
Selene sighed and looked into the mirror as her hand clenched.
AI knowYI=m a half Feras,A she said, standing up and walking toward a closet.
Demetri came back with Sol and stopped dead in his tracks. Selene had a black kimono on and her eyes different.
ASe... SeleneA he said in shock.
His eyes shook and his breath turned shaky as he saw what she had become, the tubes were still in her. She stood up and walked toward him, putting her hand on his cheek as she smiled sadly.
ADemetri I have to go,A she said and walked passed him, head down as her bangs went over her eyes.
He clenched his teeth and spun around, grabbing her wrist. He pulled her toward him and she gasped as she hit his chest. He put his arms around her as her eyes widened.
AYou=re not leaving me, not again!@ He said, pain and sadness in his voice.
He looked into her eyes and they turned back to normal. He put his hand on her cheek and smiled.
AI love you Selene, I=m never letting you go ever again,A he whispered as he leaned down.
She smiled and closed her eyes as his lips on hers in a gentle kiss. She moaned a little as his lips brushed against hers, gentle and passionate. He parted from her and they looked at each other. She smiled, then looked away as her grip on his chest tightened.
ADemetri, but I=m a Feras,A she said as tears formed.
He put his hand under her chin and made her look at him.
ADo you think I care?@ He asked.
She tried to look away, but he kissed her and then he parted from her. Sol went to Shin and he held her as they looked at Demetri and Selene.
AI wouldn’t care if you were a demon angel, human, angel or this Feras. I love you and will never give you up,A he told her.
She leaned toward him and cried on his chest as he embraced her tightly. She stopped and opened her eyes, her hands on his chest.
AI=m a Feras Demetri. I could kill you or turn you if I lose control. I should leave,A she whispered as she tightening her grip.
He disappeared with her in his arms to the human world. Sol and Shin went to bed, wondering where he had disappeared to. Demetri laid Selene against some flowers and stroked her hair, wiping away her tears.
"Demetri I can't be with you. I could kill you if the whim struck me, leave!" She shouted as tears flew.
ADo you want me to show you again how much I love you? Trust you? How I=ll never leave you as long as I=m still breathing?@ He asked, pain in his eyes as he put his hand on her cheek.
He kissed her passionately as she gasped and kissed back. He took off her shirt and she took off his. His arms holding him up above her as he deepened the kiss.
AI love you Selene and always will,A he whispered in her ear.
He started kissing her neck, his lips ran down her arm, and then captured her lips again as his hands ran down her body to her hips slowly. It drove him crazy to taste her like this. Her scent, her body against his, to just be with her was suffocating him.
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