» Fiction » Ninety-Seven Windows, Serena Axel [interesting novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Ninety-Seven Windows, Serena Axel [interesting novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Serena Axel

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of me, and heard a deep hiss and a growl. Seems that we had a feline intruder. I knew I had to get rid of the cat before I rescued Butch, and so I ran to the front door and opened it. The cat thanked me by flying out as though the last of his nine lives depended on it. After the cat got away I returned to poor Butch, grabbed his leash, and proceeded to rescue him.                                                                               

“Hold still if you want me to help you, and quit wiggling.”

He wasn’t getting anywhere, only exhausting himself trying to get free.   I hooked the leash to his collar, and with a soothing motion worked the table off him. He was worn out, and went directly to his bed next to my desk. I fell back in my chair and laughed at all of the excitement we’d just had.  I looked over at his big brown eyes as he dug his head in embarrassment into his comfy bed.                                                                                                                            

 “Time to get to work. You stay there, and behave, you big vicious dog you. Our intruder has left.”

I spun my chair around and saw our lunch and my coffee resting on the counter, so I got up and retrieved them, placing the lunches in the fridge. I had never regretted the impulse to buy the small refrigerator, even though it only housed treats for Butch most of the time. With my hands wrapped firmly around the best cup of coffee in town I took a big sip and got back to my business.                                                                     

I slipped the fax’s out of the tray. The first of the group was the picture Mrs. Baxter had promised to send. The detail work on the house was amazing, what a beauty. I couldn’t see the addition that well though, and so I would have to send Ryan out to the house. Tricky since I hadn’t asked him yet.  There were close ups of the windows that needed to be replaced, but they were grainy. I could hardly wait to start, but first… well, I had to see if Ryan was available.  I grabbed my cell phone and tried to remember his number. Luckily Suzie had put all the important numbers in my phone.  I scrolled down till I saw Ryan Hardy. How long has it been since I’ve talked to him?  I’m nervous.   Heanswered the phone seconds after I keyed in the number. 

“Hi Ryan. It’s been too long.”                                                                                                                         

“Who is this?”                                                                                                                                   

“It’s me. Sarah.”                                                                                                                                                      

I heard him laughing.  I realized at that moment how much I’d missed him.                                                                                                                                          

“I’m just foolin’ with you Sarah. I’d know you voice anywhere.” 

  “How’ve you been?” I started to feel uneasy and began tapping my pencil on the desk, something I do when I’m nervous. Why haven’t I kept in touch?  Then I remembered that Michael had asked me why I counted on Ryan so much. He thought maybe I had feelings for Ryan, and felt uncomfortable. He asked if I might use someone else for the projects that came up. I was so gaga over Michael I would have done anything. Still I can’t believe I’ve ignored a friend I’d known since junior high, and he was Marty’s best friend, too.                                                                                                                             

“I’ve been so busy with work. I‘ve been able to see some progress on that old house I bought so long ago that I was beginning to think was a money pit. The neighborhood is improving, and there are a lot of new people moving in. The houses are getting some well-deserved attention, so I’ve kept busy. How are you? Still seeing what’s-his-name?” he asked.

 “You mean Michael? Yea and I am really happy. He’s a great guy.” I was lying through my teeth, but I didn’t want to explain why, to Ryan. 

 “Yea. He’s the lawyer?”                                                                                                                      

“Yes,” I paused. I should have known he would hear about Michael, there are no secrets in a small town.Then I nervously tried to change the subject, after what seemed like forever, I knew he still wanted to hear more.

 “Well, he’s been on a really big case and hasn’t been in town much. You know, the kids have really enjoyed being with him. When he’s in town.  By the way, tomorrow Suzie will be sixteen! I wish Marty could see what a lovely girl she is.  I only hope someday I won’t be her enemy.”    

“I can’t believe it. I remember how excited Marty was when he found out he was going to be a dad. She was a beautiful baby.”   

 “Yes. She’s a sophomore in high school… did you know that? And she wants to think she knows everything. She even told me she didn’t know what Michael saw in me. Can you believe it?”   

 “She probably has a crush on the handsome lawyer, and you’re her mom. The only man she can see you with is her dad.”

“Yea that’s probably true.” I switched gears. “Hey, what are my chances of you squeezing in a side job? I don’t want to kill you, but I know you’d love this one. The client needs windows changed out, but she wants windows like the original ones. The house was built in the mid eighteen- hundreds. It’s beautiful! She sent me a picture. Someone put on an addition, but the windows in it aren’t the same. I’m due to meet her tomorrow at the shop at nine. Do you think you can come? Please.”    

“I’ll drop everything,” he said with a laugh. “My remodel can wait, and I can have my crew handle the job we’re on now.”                                                                                                                                           

“Ryan, I can’t wait. This job sounds like fun. I’ll be hunting for some windows. See you tomorrow. Thanks so much.”                                                                                                                                               

I immediately started calling the dealers with the restoration companies. I was so excited.  I didn’t know if it was because of the new job, or because I was going to see Ryan.

 The day was sailing by when Butch popped his head up and started to cry to go outside. He led the way. Out back I had a small fenced yard where Butch could relieve himself , and on the warm days he would spread out and sunbathe if it wasn’t too hot. If it got too unbearable, he would scamper back into the air -conditioned space inside, something Marty was unaware of when he bought him.  I heard the all-too- familiar scratching on the screen door, and walked over to see the dog’s nose glued against it.                                                                                                                                        

“Come in.” He was so happy; his little stub of a tail was in constant motion.  

One-thirty had passed, and we hadn’t even thought about lunch. I guess I can’t speak for Butch since I’m sure he dreams about food. Then I remembered our treats from Maggie. I ran and retrieved our lunch, and spread a napkin on my desk.  I felt Butch’s eyes on me and decided he should eat first since he’d had such a strenuous morning. I opened his bag and put his lunch in his dish, and he was one happy dog. My bag consisted of a big tuna sandwich with red onions , tomatoes, and pickles on homemade bread, there was also a cup of fresh fruit and a little piece of dark chocolate. Maggie loved hearing the declaration from her doctor that a little dark chocolate was good for her. When lunch orders went out from Maggie’s Café, so did the little dark chocolates.                                                                                                                                            

As I started to eat, I heard the bell on the front

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