» Fiction » Ninety-Seven Windows, Serena Axel [interesting novels to read .TXT] 📗

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door, and hurriedly cleaned up my not-so-tidy desk. I would have gotten scolded if Mrs. Pye had been there. I could hear her.                                                                                                                                                    

“You need to go out into the fresh air! Get away from your work so you can enjoy your lunch. You don’t want people to think you can’t take a short break, and besides it’s more professional.”

To my surprise, when I looked up I saw Ryan standing in front of me.                                                                                          

I let out a half-laugh. I was embarrassed. I didn’t even have time to comb my hair!                

“I just talked to you,” I giggled. 

“Yeah. I was in my truck running errands in the neighborhood, and couldn’t wait to see the pictures. You know me, and how I get with older homes.”                                            

“Do I ever. I remember when Marty had repairs to do you were the first one he called. Now I’m the one calling. I always loved older homes, and I must admit at times they can be a challenge, but the two of you were fearless when it came to a project. My home is the proof.”                                                                                                                     

Then I realized I had eaten those big onions and I’m sure my breath was witness to that. I opened my emergency drawer where I kept a toothbrush, lip-gloss, band-aids, and breath spray.  Ryan turned to say hi to Butch, and I managed a few quick squirts. Then suddenly I could feel his eyes on me.                                                                                                                                                 

“Is that the new style?”                                                                                                                       


  He pointed to the paperclip in my hair. “One hundred and one ways to use paper clips.”

  I felt the heat on the back of my neck, and I knew my face must have been beet-red. 


“Sorry I didn’t mean to make you blush,” he said with the grin he was famous for.                                                                                                     

My cell phone rang just then. I was saved.                                                                                                       

”Excuse me for a minute.” I glanced at the caller ID. Of all the times for Michael to call. I made my way to the back door and answered the phone.                                                                                                     

“Hello. This is a surprise. I am trying to get things set up for a new client that I’ll see in the morning.”                                                                                                                        

Michael was stammering. “I have some bad news. The case I’ve been working requires that I go out of town late tomorrow morning.”                                                                                        

I was furious. “You can’t! You promised Suzie.”                                                                                             

“It can’t be helped. I’ll have the tickets for the concert delivered to your shop before you leave. I’m really sorry.”                                                                                                                                         

“Fine. Just forget it, I don’t think I want to see you anymore Michael. I mean really, when was the last time we were together?” “You knew this was a big client, Sarah. Why are you acting like this? I said I was sorry.”                                                                                                                                                  

“This is important to Suzie and you promised, and she is looking forward to it. Your work always comes first. So you go and take care of that big client, but I think we need time apart. Oh wait, we haven’t even been together in such along time , lets leave it that way.”                                                                                                                                  

I hung up the phone. I was so infuriated. I wanted to hit or kick something. I had mixed feelings about Ryan showing up so unexpectedly. I had to calm down before I went back in the shop, though. I closed my eyes, imagined a river, and the cool water as I took in several deep breaths. I’d used this method so many times before when things were so stressful with Marty and his illness.  It had always worked. I was determined not to let Ryan see how upset I was. I breathed in deeply one more time just for good measure, grabbed hold of the screen, and left my anger at the door. Walking in, I smiled and thought of the job ahead of us. 

 As I approached Ryan I asked,  “Okay, are you on board?”                                                                    

I think I must have caught him off guard he didn’t answer right away.                                                                       

“You meet with the woman tomorrow at nine, you said? Shall I come too?” 

I was so excited I didn’t even take time to think, and threw my arms around him, and gave him a big hug.   

Ryan was one of the good guys. I never understood how his wife let him go. And he never really talked about his divorce. I couldn’t believe he was still single. He had a good business, owned a couple of homes, and he wasn’t bad on the eyes. A girl would be lucky to have a guy like him.                                                                                                  

I nervously cleared my throat, and took a step back. Looking around everywhere in the room but at his face.                                                                                                                   

“What do you say, Ryan? I’ll even bring the coffee. What do you drink?”                                                                      

“I take mine black,” he said with a big grin.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

The bell at the door chimed right at that second, and I looked up to see a young guy in a baseball cap with bright orange shaggy hair underneath.                                   

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