» Fiction » Haunted, Zoe Love [popular novels TXT] 📗

Book online «Haunted, Zoe Love [popular novels TXT] 📗». Author Zoe Love

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present where Emily and Jake were looking at him with confused eyes. So he continued to answer Emily.

“I used to have a girlfriend but it ended a few weeks ago.”

Technically that wasn’t a lie. Sara had passed away three weeks ago. Emily didn’t ask any more questions after he said that but he could tell she was wanting to ask what happened between the two of them and the truth was he would lie about it. He thought his mom had sent him here to punish him but the truth was his mom had sent him here to try and get over the death of Sara.

“Aww, is little scared boy thinking about me? You think about how I died? Well keep thinking. I’m not going away until you pay Dimitri. Think about that.”

Just like that she disappeared in to thin air. Dimitri did what Sara said and thought about that night. How they were madly in love. How the night was perfect. How they were holding hands and walking with a full moon out. How her blonde hair blew about in the breeze and fell perfectly back in place. Dimitri had thought about this over and over again. He would have thought about it more if it wasn’t for a loud roaring sound coming from outside. Emily was still sitting on his bed staring at him but Jake was gone. The roar started up again, making Dimitri curious. He got up from his bed and made his way to the window, were he saw a motorbike pulling up outside the house. A few people were already outside cheeking out the bike and to deep down Dimitri really wanted to go out and check it out too.

“You want to check the motorcycle out, don’t you?”

Emily was smiling at him and just by that smile he knew he would be fine at his new school. Em took his hand and ran down stairs with him. Not that many people had arrived yet, but Dimitri thought to himself that everyone who had arrived was outside. The only person he couldn’t see was Jake. He wondered where he had gone. He stopped wondering when the driver got off their motorbike and started to take off their helmet. Dimitri was more shocked than anybody because it was a girl! He thought for sure that the bike belonged to a guy. That might have sounded sexist but that was Dimitri’s first thought was.

“Hey Clare.” Emily ran straight over to her.

Dimitri didn’t know what to do so he just followed Emily. When he arrived to the girl with the bike she didn’t smile or say hi. She never did anything. Even her eyes looked empty. Apart from that she was really pretty. She had jet black hair. Clare was tall and thin but not too thin. Her lips sat in a pout and she had very rosy cheeks. She was also very tanned. Dimitri couldn’t keep his eyes away from her chest area though, not because her breasts were there, but because the necklace he got handmade for Sara, Clare was wearing.

“So how are you, Clare?” Every time Emily spoke to Clare she wouldn’t answer back. The only thing Clare done was shrug her shoulders to Emily. Dimitri thought it was strange but Emily seemed to have known she wasn’t going to answer even though she kept asking questions.

“Yeah I know how you feel. Anyway I found out me and you are sharing a room this year. That’ll be great, huh?” Again Clare just nodded her head while Emily kept talking. It was a nervous thing she done Dimitri noticed. “So? Is your brother coming by later to pick up your motorcycle?” Again it was a nod from Clare’s head.

“Clare! Inside now!” A shorter girl that looked a lot like Clare but with shorter and lighter hair walked over to us. Unlike Clare she talked, but Dimitri preferred the one that didn’t talk. He soon found out it was Clare’s younger sister. It made sense to him considering they looked identical except for the hair. They could have passed as twins but Clare’s sister did look younger.

“Jess, I’m talking. She’ll go inside when she wants to.” Emily looked like she wanted to hit Jess. Dimitri didn’t know where to look. He was feeling very uncomfortable, Clare looked even more uncomfortable.

“I don’t give a monkeys ass! Inside. Now. Clare!!” The girl Jess was very annoying with a squeaky high pitched voice. Dimitri just wished she would just shut the fuck up. What shocked him the most was that Clare went to her sister. She pasted Dimitri and locked eyes with him. In that moment Dimitri had never been more hypnotised as her two eyes were different colors and beautiful. Her left eye was bright green and her right eye was a smoky grey. They were the most beautiful eyes Dimitri had even seen. Her eyes quickly disappeared as her sister grabbed her arm and shoved her in the dorm.

“Stay the hell away from her! You understand?” She may be little but Clare’s younger sister sure made Dimitri a little scared of her. Her eyes showed she was protective but also threatening at the same time.

Even though Jess had warned Dimitri away from Clare, he knew that he had to see those beautiful eyes again even if that meant him getting kicked in the balls off of the protective sister. That was a price he was willing to pay.

 She sat on the wall watching her ex-boyfriend and the girl that had her necklace stare into each other’s eyes which made her sad and angry at the same time. How dare he? It had only been 3 weeks since she died! How could he think of another girl in that way? Why couldn’t she still be alive and have her boyfriend? Life wasn’t fair! She wanted her necklace back and she wanted Dimitri to pay no matter what the cost.

Chapter 2

Clare couldn’t believe how her sister had treated her in front of everyone. It had just been over 2 years that she hadn’t spoken but that didn’t give Jess the right to speak to her like that.


“Dad! Dad! DAD!!!!!!!!” Clare had walked in on her father lying on the ground with a bottle of vodka in one hand and a bottle of pills in the other. Clare ran over to him and tried to wake him up. She even stuck her fingers down his throat to make him throw up the pills but it was too late. Arthur Cunningham had been dead for 5 hours. Clare then grabbed her phone out of her pocket and dialled ‘911.’

10 hours later…

“Clare?” Jess had tried to speak to her older sister but it was no use, Clare was there but there was no one home. It was like trying to talk to a brick wall. Clare looked at her sister and whispered “I’m so sorry.” And began to cry all over again. No one knew why Arthur had committed suicide, he hadn’t left a note to say why or even a simple goodbye to his 3 children.

1 week later…

“Clare you need to eat!” Again no one answered. James Cunningham the oldest of the 3 children had finished boarding school early after he heard the news about his father and the way his sister was acting. She wouldn’t even look at him in the eye, nor would she eat, sleep or talk. She was scaring him and James was not one to be scared easily.

A few moments had passed and the doorbell had rang, James walked away from her broken sister and answered the door. It was Clare’s so called boyfriend. He didn’t really like the guy but maybe Clare needed him and James would do anything to help her.

“Clare? It’s Dylan for you.” She didn’t say anything she just stood up from the couch and walked out the door. In that moment she walked out the door James had a bad feeling that he couldn’t shift.

4 hours later…


Who the hell phones at 3 in the morning James thought to himself. He reached for the phone as he thought it might have been his mother. She hadn’t been in contact for 3 weeks as she worked away and was useless with technology. She still didn’t know about her ex-husband killing himself or that her daughter had found him and now was taking a nervous breakdown.

“Hello?” James only made the words car accident, bodies, Clare.

There had been a car accident with Clare, her boyfriend, and her two best friends. James had to go and identify the bodies. He was so scared. He didn’t want to look at his sister dead. What about if her body was unrecognisable? What about his mom? She wouldn’t be able to cope. All she lived for were her children. Even though they didn’t see their mom that much she gave them the world that’s why she worked away so much. Ava Trent was a good, kind hearted woman that loved her family to death. If one of her children was to pass away before she did she would walk around the earth with a broken heart until the day she died.

2 hours later…

None of the bodies were his sister. He had to identify Dylan, Megan and Lila. Another 3 people out of Clare’s life. How on earth is she going to cope James thought. Even though Clare wasn’t dead she wasn’t out of the woods yet. She had been in theatre for over 2 hours fighting for her life.

“James!? What on earth has happened? Jess said you were at the hospital and you would explain everything? What’s wrong are you hurt?” James looked at his mother and for the first time in that week he started to cry.

Clare was floating; she was able to breathe again. She was free of all her worries. All of a sudden she was being dragged away from her safe haven and back into real life. She opened her eyes and looked at her big brother James who looked tired, he must have sensed her eyes on him, when he saw her awake he smiled.

“You should have let me die.” With that Clare turned her head and never spoke another word again.

Present Day

“Really Clare? Are you seriously ignoring me?” Clare wasn’t ignoring her sister she just couldn’t help when the flashbacks came. She just shook her head at Jess and walked out of the building. The only thing Clare knew what to do in a time like this was to run. Run to a place she felt safe.

Dimitri had only been at Sara’s grave for 5 seconds when she showed up. Dimitri tried to ignore her but it was no use. He had missed her; he wanted to talk to her to hold her again. But she had changed. Losing her life when it wasn’t her time made Sara spiteful and full of hate. She wanted everyone to suffer the way that she had suffered. Like that her energy drained making herself unnoticeable to Dimitri. Even though Dimitri couldn’t see Sara he still wanted to talk to her.

“Hey Sara. I’ve missed you so much. I think about you every minute of every day. I wish I could have saved you.

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